
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根afford(支付)+a …………
Tom's affordability remains a distinct advantage.
Nor did Eric call for stricter checks on affordability before making loans.
The government is introducing new measures to improve housing affordability for first-time buyers.
The rising cost of living has made healthcare affordability a major concern for many families.
In urban areas, the lack of affordability in rental markets is pushing low-income families further away from their workplaces.
The program aims to enhance the affordability and accessibility of education for underprivileged children.
With the introduction of generic drugs, the affordability of essential medications has significantly improved.
Affordable housing projects are crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability and affordability of our cities.
The government subsidy has made internet services more affordable for households in rural areas.
The report highlights the need for policies that promote energy affordability without compromising environmental standards.
Improving public transportation affordability can lead to reduced traffic congestion and lower carbon emissions.
The company's latest smartphone model offers advanced features at an affordable price point, broadening its customer base.
"The younger generations have completely different concepts of consumption, affordability, living habits and preferences in value.
For example, Medi Cover introduced a patient welfare program to greatly reduce patients' financial burdens and improve the accessibility and affordability of innovative drugs through commercial insurance.
例如,Medi Cover推出了一项患者福利计划,通过商业保险大大减轻患者的经济负担,提高创新药物的可及性和可负担性。
Other pillars for the company, which has a complete portfolio covering prevention to treatment and will preside over the CIIE Pharma Committee this year, include improving accessibility and affordability for patients and consumers, sustaining long-term partnerships with customers and strengthening capabilities in data analysis, digitalization, and lifecycle management of products at different stages so they have greater value for patients, Van Acker said.
该公司的其他支柱包括提高患者和消费者的可及性和可负担性,与客户保持长期合作伙伴关系,以及加强数据分析、数字化、,以及不同阶段产品的生命周期管理,因此它们对患者有更大的价值,Van Acker说。
Van Acker said that in order to continue riding the wave of China's medical care development, MSD will make further moves to improve accessibility and affordability by pursuing innovative access solutions and pan-industry partnerships along the patient journey of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and keep long-term partnerships with customers to improve the quality of academic engagement and create solutions with stakeholders.
Van Acker表示,为了继续搭乘中国医疗保健发展的浪潮,默沙东将在预防、诊断和治疗的患者旅程中,通过寻求创新的获取解决方案和泛行业合作伙伴关系,进一步提高可及性和可负担性,与客户保持长期合作伙伴关系,以提高学术参与的质量,并与利益相关者一起创建解决方案。
By localizing production through technology transfer and cooperation, Sinovac aims to achieve win-win results with foreign partners, including improving vaccine affordability and accessibility in host countries and spurring the development of the local vaccine and pharmaceutical sectors, the company said.
Localized production of Chinese vaccines not only improves the affordability and accessibility of vaccines for partner countries but also helps to cultivate talent and enhance medicine regulation, including clinical results review and product registration, she added.
Since 2006, IFC has repeatedly provided financial and advisory support to Fosun Pharma, which is committed to ensuring the accessibility and affordability of pharmaceutical products and improving the healthcare supply chain resilience in the region, he said.
Abbott said that it will continue to improve the accessibility and affordability of its competitive diagnostic solutions in the country and work closely with local partners to support early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Meanwhile, the report said the group is keen to make the most cost-effective choices by their affordability while making purchases.
"Abbott's 2030 sustainable plan is to focus on designing access and affordability into innovation so that our products can reach more people in more places than ever before. "

六级The novelist Edward St Aubyn has a narrator remark of the very rich that, "not having to consider affordability, their desires rambled on like unstoppable bores, relentless (持续不断的) and whimsical(反复无常的)at the same time

小说家爱德华·圣奥比恩讲述了一位非常富有的人所说的话:“不必考虑负担能力,他们的欲望像不可阻挡的孔一样漫无边际地流淌,无情地流淌着。持续不断的) 异想天开(反复无常的)同时

