
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音饿付到饱,所以支付得起 → affordab …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
economically affordable housing 经济适用住房
affordable housing 经济适用住房
affordable restaurant 经济实惠的餐厅
affordable housing project 经济适用房项目
affordable car 经济适用的汽车
have access to affordable essential health services 获得负担得起的基本保健服务
We found an affordable apartment.
You buy the affordable things.
The store offers a wide range of affordable clothing for the whole family.
We're looking for an affordable apartment in a good neighborhood.
The government aims to provide affordable healthcare to all citizens.
This new restaurant serves delicious food at affordable prices.
Affordable education should be a basic right for every child.
The company launched a line of affordable smartphones targeting budget-conscious consumers.
With the rise of e-commerce, it's easier to find affordable products online.
The charity organization provides affordable housing solutions for low-income families.
The city plans to introduce more affordable public transportation options to reduce traffic congestion.
Her fashion blog features stylish outfits that are both trendy and affordable.
The brothers invested in a supply chain to secure their own ingredients, thereby exercising quality control and adopting a strategy that made their products affordable.
Kenny Tang, chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators, said that given Mixue's high brand recognition and its affordable beverages, its biggest advantage, its IPO application is expected to be approved by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, which operates the local stock exchange.
香港金融分析师和专业评论员协会主席Kenny Tang表示,鉴于Mixue的品牌知名度高,其最大优势是价格实惠的饮料,其首次公开募股申请预计将获得香港交易及结算所有限公司的批准,该公司经营着当地的证券交易所。
Yin Ye, CEO and executive chairman of BGI Group, said: "We must keep cutting-edge technologies affordable, accessible, and equitable.
So far, BGI Group has collaborated with institutions from more than 100 countries and regions on modern agriculture, human health and biological diversity, offering them expert and affordable clinical molecular diagnostic solutions, as well as high-throughput sequencing research services.
Waidzunas said that while the overall consumer demand might weaken, there is an opportunity to offer affordable products that resonate with consumers.
Compared with the current nickel manganese cobalt batteries, LFP batteries are cheaper to produce and more affordable.
This is evidenced in the company's performance — Coty's makeup brand Max Factor and Adidas body care products, both brands that offer affordable products, are seeing good results in China.
该公司的业绩证明了这一点——科蒂的化妆品牌Max Factor和阿迪达斯的身体护理产品,这两个品牌都提供价格合理的产品,在中国取得了良好的效果。
Chinese consumers have shown an increasingly high demand for high-quality, sustainable and affordable home care products, Unilever said, and it would like to cooperate with more Chinese suppliers to lead the transformation of the home care industry.
They are quieter and more affordable than helicopters, and are expected to be widely used for travel within cities and between them.
The collaboration with the nation's top liquor brand has pushed up a surge in new customers and revenues in the third quarter for Luckin Coffee, which has plans to continue its affordable price strategy and store expansions.
与该国顶级白酒品牌的合作推动了Luckin Coffee第三季度的新客户和收入激增,该公司计划继续其平价战略和门店扩张。
Guo said in the fourth quarter, the company will focus on affordable pricing and expansion strategy to serve more customers and expand its global footprint.
"We hope that through the cloud, it will become easier and more affordable for everyone to develop and use AI, so we can help, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to turn AI into huge productivity," he added.
Alan Yang, Caterpillar senior vice-president, said SEM, located in Qingzhou, Shandong province, boasts a 65-year history during which it worked to deliver more affordable and accessible products.
卡特彼勒高级副总裁Alan Yang表示,位于山东青州的SEM拥有65年的历史,在此期间,它致力于提供更实惠、更方便的产品。
She added that Alibaba's value-for-money battle will be an area of major investment, and the company aims to convey to customers that products on Taobao and Tmall are affordable.
"It is the lipstick effect -- consumer's spending money on affordable luxury -- that works," said Yu.
The Hilton Garden Inn brand, under one of the world's leading hospitality companies, is embracing a new development strategy in cities along high-speed railway lines, offering affordable accommodation and modern amenities for business and leisure guests.
Marc Miller, CEO of Sparc Group, said the partnership reflects its shared vision of providing customers with unparalleled access to fashion at affordable prices, and enables the company to offer even more innovative and trendsetting products to fashion enthusiasts around the world.
Sparc集团首席执行官Marc Miller表示,这一合作关系反映了其共同愿景,即以实惠的价格为客户提供无与伦比的时尚体验,并使公司能够向世界各地的时尚爱好者提供更具创新性和引领潮流的产品。
The service aims to provide students with a simple, convenient and affordable means to ship and receive goods more quickly.
In a recent message to the company, a student said that the service is affordable and suitable for students studying abroad like her.
Al Qahtani said while there is growing use of renewable energy, demand for reliable and affordable conventional energy remains strong.
Furthermore, Medlinker's telemedicine service network will be able to leverage MedGPT to provide more convenient, efficient and accessible medical services to a significantly larger pool of patients while remaining affordable," Wang said.
In China, the premiumization trend continued its positive trajectory across the market, showing that beer remains a very resilient category and an affordable luxury, said Craps.
He said the Zhengzhou plant's benefits package is attractive, as he can enjoy daily living subsidies, affordable meals in the employees' canteen and accommodation for just 150 yuan each month.
Compared with helicopters, they are quieter, more environmentally friendly and affordable.
The ICT ecosystem of Bangladesh has grown tremendously with rising internet connectivity, availability of affordable smartphones and a large section of digitally savvy consumers, said Huawei.
The project will improve access to quality, affordable life-saving medicines across West Africa, contributing to better health outcomes in a region that contends with heavy loads of infectious and other diseases, Fosun Pharma said.
"IFC's partnership with Fosun will increase Africa's ability to manufacture essential drugs locally, helping patients more easily access high-quality, affordable medicines," he said.
Priced from 1,999 yuan ($291) in China, GT Neo 5 SE is designed to popularize affordable gaming smartphones.
GT Neo 5 SE在中国的售价为1999元人民币(291美元),旨在普及价格合理的游戏智能手机。
Compared with helicopters, they are quieter, more environmentally friendly and more affordable, and are expected to be widely used in air travel within cities and intercity travel scenarios in urban areas.
The SSE will explore including more industries and sectors such as new energy and affordable rental housing for REIT issuance this year, exchange officials added.
Priced from 2,799 yuan ($413) in China, the new phones are designed to popularize their affordable flagship handsets, OnePlus said.
They have provided coffee at more affordable prices in the smaller cities to attract more consumers.
"We try to address challenges around energy insecurity and meet clients' demands for reliable, affordable and sustainable energy," he added.
"Nepal has made notable progress under the Digital Nepal Framework, Huawei will continue to leverage its global and regional innovation capabilities to support Nepal with cloud and data center infrastructure in addition to accessible, affordable and inclusive digital connectivity, accelerating the digital transformation for different vertical industry and building local ICT ecosystem in Nepal," Ma said at the event held under the theme of "Unleash Digital.
Financial inclusion means individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs in a responsible and sustainable way, according to the World Bank.
Taking advantage of the expo, we will speed up the process of introducing more high-quality, accessible and affordable medical solutions in the Chinese market," Gu said.
Bruksvara, the new affordable line of furniture by Swedish company Ikea, made its global debut at the fifth China International Import Expo held in Shanghai on Nov 5.
Trina Solar will continue stepping up investment in energy storage to make sure the combination of renewable energy with energy storage is as affordable and stable as that of thermal power by 2030, he added.
The executive reiterated that there are big opportunities from China's east-data-west-computing project, and ABB is committed to providing affordable green solutions to help local telecom operators and internet companies better store data.
Amid this context, Zhou said for SMEs which don’t have the essential funds, talents and technologies in the process of digital transformation, the company hopes to offer affordable solutions to help them solve data security problems.
"With our commitment to oncology, Lilly strives to bring high-quality and affordable innovative drugs to Chinese cancer patients through both independent R&D and local partnerships.
It also acquired affordable luxury brand Bossini, which is listed in Hong Kong, in 2020.
For instance, Starbucks China has focused on improving its digital connection and its third space engagement, Luckin Coffee on its localized recipe innovations, Blue Bottle on designer-style stand-alone stores, and Manner Coffee has focused on affordable but quality drinks.
例如,星巴克中国专注于改善其数字连接和第三空间参与度,Luckin Coffee专注于本地化配方创新,Blue Bottle专注于设计师风格的独立门店,Manner Coffee则专注于价格合理但质量上乘的饮料。
Membership stores that have targeted affluent urban consumers have kept their expansion plans this year as demand is on the surge for affordable and quality merchandise.
Yang told Chinese news portal Jiemian that first of all, TikTok e-commerce in Southeast Asia aims to attract traffic at low prices—engaging with consumers through affordable commodities.
However, advances in battery technology, software and electric grid integration methods are making energy storage more reliable and affordable, Wan said.
By integrating post services with the coffee business, the company would like to provide consumers affordable coffee drinks and better experiences.
While electric skateboards fetch between $200 and $2,000 each in overseas markets, prices for Meepo products are in the $400 to $600 range to make them more affordable.
Zhuang said JD's synergy with the entire WeChat system has nearly peaked and it is losing out growth potential to rival Pinduoduo, which boasts the largest monthly active users in China's e-commerce territory and banks on strong social ties to make bulk deals at affordable prices.
Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Information Consumption Alliance, a telecom industry association, said foldable smartphones are turning increasingly popular as they become more affordable while foldable display technologies continue to mature.
Active BRI participant delivers affordable housing project, aiding 30,000 Maldivian residentsChina State Construction Engineering Corp has been able to complete a large and much-needed affordable housing project in the Maldives on time despite challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, company officials said.
Saeed moved into one of the affordable units in October, where he said the rent is lower for a larger space that is nearer to his job.
"Male is a city with a high population density, and I had many unpleasant experiences living there," said Suha Sameed, another Male resident who was preparing to move into one of the affordable units.
“马累是一个人口密度很高的城市,我在那里生活过很多不愉快的经历,”另一位马累居民苏哈·萨米德(Suha Sameed)说,她正准备搬进其中一个经济适用房。
"The interior of the affordable apartment I'm about to move into is being finished now.
The foldable smartphone market is likely to see faster growth, as more affordable models are rolled out to attract consumers, and foldable display technologies continue to mature, experts said.
In the longer term, however, prices will start declining as more vendors launch affordable 5G models," he said.
"With smartphone prices remaining relatively high and only expected to increase over the coming following quarters, the affordable prices of feature phones make these devices extremely attractive," IDC said.
As of now, 100,000 physical stores have been connected to JD's "Shop Now", a new business dedicated for JD's on-demand consumer retail section, in order to provide consumers with a more convenient and affordable online shopping experience within an hour and sometimes even minutes.
Most brands such as Corona, Budweiser and its own Helens label brews carry price tags under 10 yuan ($1.55) per bottle, which is quite affordable for students.
"The beauty of our joint venture is to combine local tradition, knowledge, expertise, and deep understanding of the Brazilian market with a worldwide expert, which is TCL, in terms of providing the right products with high-end technology at affordable costs," he said.
The brand will also seek to provide professional home services in the country and provide more sustainable and affordable products and services.
By working together, we can make renewable electricity both more affordable and accessible," said Henrik Elm, global supply manager for Inter IKEA Group.
“通过合作,我们能让可再生电力变得更可负担和更易获取,”宜家全球供应经理Henrik Elm表示。"通过共同努力,我们可以让可再生能源电力变得更加经济实惠且触手可及,”Inter IKEA集团全球供应经理Henrik Elm表示。
Nicole Peng, vice-president of mobility at market research firm Canalys, said the competition has intensified and the affordable 5G segment is just low-hanging fruit for Huawei's competitors.
市场研究机构Canalys的移动业务副总裁妮可·彭(Nicole Peng)表示,竞争已经升温,对华为的竞争对手来说,可负担得起的5G手机市场只是低垂的果实。
"Our LNG commercial strategy is to diversify our client base and target end consumers in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region and the LNG volumes produced from our Arctic LNG 2 project are core to our long-term objective of delivering affordable, secure and sustainable natural gas for many decades," Mikhelson said.
“我们的LNG商业策略是多元化我们的客户基础,瞄准快速增长的亚太地区终端消费者。从我们的北极LNG 2项目中生产的LNG对我们长期目标至关重要,即在未来的几十年里提供负担得起、安全和可持续的天然气,”Mikhelson表示。
Chinese phone maker, Vivo on Tuesday launched the V20 smartphone in the Kenyan market amid rising demand for affordable high-quality mobile devices among the country's middle class.
It is a high-performing, yet considerably more affordable solution and preferred alternative to Microsoft Office.
Pop Mart's affordable price is friendly for collectors and its blind-box model meets consumer demand for social sharing, Yu said.
余表示,Pop Mart的价格对收藏者来说很亲民,而其盲盒模式满足了消费者对于社交分享的需求。
The global catering brand is expected to have more than 4,000 McCafes across the country by 2023, offering high-quality freshly ground coffee at affordable prices, said the company.
该公司表示,到2023年,这家全球餐饮品牌预计将在全国拥有超过4000家 McCafes,提供高品质的现磨咖啡,价格亲民。
"We will continue to promote new beverages to tap into changes of consumption habits and consumption scenarios from the new generation to create the affordable high-end wine," Tao added.
Kunming-based Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd, as one of the donors, vowed to provide affordable two-valent human papillomavirus, or HPV vaccines for cervical cancer, which targets two genotypes of virus, of benefit to 84 million girls from developing countries worldwide.
Li Yunchun, chairman of the board of Walvax, said that the company has always been devoted to offering high-quality, low-cost, and affordable vaccines to low and middle-income countries around the world.
The move is part of Oppo's broader push to stand out amid intense competition among 5G smartphones, which are becoming increasingly popular and affordable in China.
Vanke said it was inconvenient for residents living in its properties to purchase food during the coronavirus outbreak so it decided to set up the new business unit to "provide safe, healthy and affordable food for ordinary families".
According to Lau, the guiding rationale for the superfast rollout boils down to the same principles that give the ancient trade a digital makeover: the internet is making insurance a lot easier to access, much more transparent and more affordable.
"Our purpose is to help farmers increase their income and make quality, yet affordable, agricultural produce more accessible to the vast consumer group," said Li Shaohua, vice-president of Alibaba and general manager of its rural business unit Rural Taobao.
It aims to give people round-the-clock access to affordable – and often free - holistic healthcare services.
However, China must rely on innovative and patented drugs independently developed by its own pharmaceutical companies to ensure that its people could have easy access to affordable and high-quality medication, he said.
India's smartphone market saw shipments of over 46.6 million units in the third quarter of this year, up 26.5 percent quarter-over-quarter and 9.3 percent year-over-year, according to data from market research company International Data Corp. Vivo registered strong year-on-year growth of 58.7 percent in the third quarter of this year on the back of its affordable Y series.
Global investment firm The Carlyle Group has acquired a significant minority stake in Anxin Apartment, an affordable corporate housing operator in China, the firm said on Thursday in a statement.
The investment highlighted the firm's interest in China's fast-growing affordable corporate housing market.
"Anxin Apartment is a fast-growing player in the affordable corporate housing segment in China.
The increasing number of workers in the service sectors moving to first-tier and second-tier cities in China has generated strong demand for well-run, affordable housing solutions in these cities.
The affordable price, the quality comparable to luxury brands and the interest among global consumers were the reasons that Orolay won the award together with big industry names such as Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi Corp.
"The extensive expansion in steel output makes steel more and more affordable, and the steel sector is playing an even greater role in the nation's economy and daily life," said Chen.
Li said China's clean energy revolution has generated a decisive influence on the economies participating in the BRI, and the development of PV technology has made clean energy no longer a luxury power source but an affordable commodity.
A State-owned jet fuel provider has earmarked more than 1 billion yuan ($142 million) to subsidize its business in the Tibet autonomous region since 2007, part of efforts to draw more airlines to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by offering affordable fuel.
Maker's Shirt, sometimes branded as Kamakura Shirts, is known for its excellent quality and high degree of tailoring at an affordable price.
The name Kamakura Shirts stems from the historic Japanese city Kamakura located to the south of Tokyo, where the brand's founder Yoshio Sadasue and his wife Tamiko first opened a small shirt store in 1993, with the aim of offering high-quality products at affordable prices.
We are working together with the government to make medicines more affordable and the government is also cofinancing those medicines.
The company is one of the world's leading providers of end-to-end solutions for reliable and affordable green power.
Apple became the latest tech giant to help fund affordable housing for low-income workers and the homeless in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In the Seattle, Washington area, Microsoft announced it would dedicate $500 million to affordable housing.
Apple's initiative, in partnership with Governor Gavin Newsom, the state and community-based organizations, includes $1 billion for an affordable housing investment fund, $1 billion in mortgage assistance for first-time home buyers, $300 million worth of land owned by Apple for new development in San Jose and $200 million for low-income housing in the Bay Area, according to the company.
"Affordable housing means stability and dignity, opportunity and pride," Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a news release.
""This unparalleled financial commitment to affordable housing, and the innovative strategies at the heart of this initiative, are proof that Apple is serious about solving this issue.
"At its core, homelessness is caused by the lack of affordable housing.
In our community, there are only 30 affordable and available apartments for every 100 extremely low-income households," said Jennifer Loving, CEO of Destination: HOME, a non-profit organization in Silicon Valley that partnered with Apple on the initiative.
Loving said her organization will use the $50 million fund from Apple to produce more permanently affordable housing and prevent families from becoming homeless.
Essilor forged a merger with Italian eyewear frame maker Luxottica last year and Vacherot said the combination will accelerate the development of the industry by providing consumers with a total solution at a more affordable price.
去年, Essilor与意大利眼镜框制造商Luxottica完成了合并,Vacherot表示,这种合并将通过以更实惠的价格为消费者提供整体解决方案,从而加快行业的发展。
The glasses were made available through charity or sold at affordable prices.

高考The obvious one is money: eating out once or twice a week may be affordable but doing this most days adds up.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 语法填空 原文

四级As smaller cities copy the model of these 24-hour cities, more affordable versions of these places will be created.



六级While the practice carries serious health risks for many, those dangers are outweighed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food.



六级But more recently, companies have begun to plan more affordable After being dogged by technical delays for years, Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic's founder, had recently suggested that a SpaceShipTwo craft would carry its first paying customers as soon as February 2015.

但最近,维珍银河公司的创始人理查德·布兰森爵士(Sir Richard Branson)最近表示,最早将于2015年2月搭载第一批付费客户的宇宙飞船二号(Spaceship Two)飞船,由于多年来一直受到技术延迟的困扰,各公司已开始计划推出更实惠的产品。


考研It could make extra training and instruction affordable.



四级Their aim was to provide quality, yet affordable wooden furniture.


2018年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

四级What's less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession - financial pressures mean couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable.



考研While the government's commitment to long-term funding may have changed, the very pressing need for more affordable housing is real and is not going away.


2014年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研While these measures would be welcome in the short term, we must face up to the fact that the existing £4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing, set to expire in 2015, is unlikely to be extended beyond then.


2014年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级But more recently, companies have begun to plan more affordable " suborbital " flights — brief ventures just to the edge of space's vast darkness.


2015年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

四级In 2014 City Hall developed a plan to knock down the building and replace it with affordable housing.


2018年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

四级As smaller cities copy the model of these "24-hour cities", more affordable versions of these places will be created.


2017年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级From the lack of secure, affordable housing to growing job insecurity and rising personal debt, the individual is trapped.


2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

四级When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices, At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.



考研Nevertheless, the affordable housing situation is desperate.


2014年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级He has difficulty finding affordable housing.



四级What's less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession – financial pressures mean couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable.



四级At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.



四级A recent study by economists at Wellesley College found that people who lost their jobs in the few years before becoming qualified for Social Security lost up to three years from their life expectancy (预期寿命),largely because they no longer had access to affordable health care.



四级As smaller cities copy the model of these “24-hour cities,’’ tfiore affordable versions of these places will be created.


2017年6月大学英语四级真题 (第3套)

四级One of the Mothering Justice organizers went to the office of a state representative to talk about the lack of affordable childcare—the vestiges(痕迹) of a system that expected mothers to stay home with their children while their husbands worked.

“母亲正义”的一位组织者前往一位州代表的办公室,谈论缺乏负担得起的儿童保育——遗留问题(痕迹) 一种期望母亲在丈夫工作时留在家里照顾孩子的制度。

