
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ap 表加强 + preci 价值 + ate 使… …………
谐音记忆阿婆若是爱他 → 阿婆一定很欣赏他才会爱他 → v.欣赏,赏识 → appreciate vt.欣赏,赏识 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
appreciate / enjoy
appreciate → 多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。
enjoy → 普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate,多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。
understand …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
appreciate v 评价,欣赏(ap+prec+iate=给以价值=评价,欣赏)
prais, preci= value, 表示”价值”
appraise v 评估(ap加强动作+praise=给以价值=评估)
appraisal n 评估,评 …………
appreciate the world 欣赏世界
appreciate sb. doing sth. 感激某人做某事
appreciate the flower in snow 欣赏雪中的花朵
appreciate music 欣赏音乐
appreciate art of construction 欣赏建筑艺术
appreciate their works 欣赏他们的作品
appreciate different photos 欣赏不同的照片
never appreciate 从不欣赏
appreciate aesthetics 欣赏美学
appreciate your concession 感谢你的让步
to appreciate the special genius 欣赏特殊的天才
appreciate the special genius 欣赏特殊的天才
I really appreciate your help.
Do you appreciate good wine?
This land has appreciated in value.
She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.
I really appreciate your help with this project; it made a huge difference.
She expressed her appreciation for the wonderful meal they had prepared.
The students appreciated the teacher's patience and understanding.
I appreciate the fact that you took the time to listen to my concerns.
The manager appreciated his employees' hard work and dedication.
It's heartwarming to see people appreciate the beauty of nature.
The audience gave the artist a standing ovation, showing their appreciation.
Parents appreciate the school's efforts in providing a safe and nurturing environment for their children.
I appreciate your honesty, it's a rare quality these days.
After finishing the marathon, she felt immense appreciation for her own physical strength.
I appreciate it, and I never expect that you would appreciate me so much.
Peet's Coffee, the US-based coffee chain, has partnered with the Dunhuang Museum, unveiling its Lunar New Year coffee series, reflecting a broader trend within coffee chains, seeking to connect consumers who appreciate the incorporation of intangible cultural elements.
总部位于美国的咖啡连锁店Peet’s Coffee与敦煌博物馆合作,推出了农历新年系列咖啡,这反映了咖啡连锁店内部的一个更广泛的趋势,即寻求将欣赏非物质文化元素融入其中的消费者联系起来。
"We really appreciate the thoughtful service, which has helped guide us in using power more efficiently and has improved the operation and profitability of our business," said the general manager of the grain processing company.
"I highly appreciate Bayer for its long-standing support over the past decade on talents and scientific research of life sciences and medicine from Tsinghua University and Peking University.
"We appreciate that a solution has been found in objective and constructive talks with the federal government," said Angela Titzrath, chairwoman of HHLA's executive board.
HHLA执行委员会主席Angela Titzrath表示:“我们很感激在与联邦政府的客观和建设性会谈中找到了解决方案。”。
"We appreciate that a solution has been found through objective and constructive talks with the federal government," Angela Titzrath, chairwoman of HHLA's executive board, said in a press release on Wednesday.
HHLA执行委员会主席Angela Titzrath在周三的新闻稿中表示:“我们很感激通过与联邦政府进行客观和建设性的谈判找到了解决方案。”。
"We appreciate very much all the great support the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) has provided to us in helping our company grow and develop in China," she said.
Zheng Yexin, general manager of the branding department at the sports brand 361 Degrees, said Chinese people, especially the younger generation, have changed their views about domestic products and are now starting to appreciate them rather than regarding them as a joke.
"We appreciate the response from the audience at the CIIE as an early indicator for how brands and products resonate in the market," Freda told China Daily in a written interview.
This has created social buzz among younger shoppers, who love to buy designer toys, appreciate Chinese cultural elements, and value a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
I very much appreciate the joint efforts mentioned by Premier Li to promote world economic recovery, address global challenges and improve social wellbeing of Chinese and British people," Narasimhan said.
“我高度赞赏李总理提到的为促进世界经济复苏、应对全球性挑战、增进中英两国人民福祉所作出的共同努力,” 纳拉西姆汉说道。
Exhibitors from various countries can appreciate the continued opening-up of the Chinese market and its huge potential.
"I appreciate this grand gesture of solidarity and support from the Sinovac company, understanding that football is a fundamental activity for the economy, culture, and physical and mental health of South Americans.
He admitted that Jaguar is less known in the country compared with Land Rover, whose products "Chinese customers appreciate very much".
他承认,与深受中国消费者喜爱的路虎(Land Rover)相比,捷豹(Jaguar)在中国的认知度较低。
Scientific exploration requires commitment, persistence, tolerance and patience, said Xi Dan, senior vice-president of Tencent, adding scientists often work alone, and people should appreciate the scientists' loneliness.
"We appreciate the continuous opening up of the China market and have seen an improvement in the business environment here.
"We appreciate the government's opening-up policy that has created a friendly environment for multinational corporations.
"We appreciate China for its excellent supply chain management and good economic recovery during the pandemic, which has provided strong support for us to conduct regular business in the Chinese market and ensure the supply of products and services," he said.
"The rollout rides the Guochao boom, or the current fashion in products for Chinese culture, and is increasingly embraced by a more confident Generation Z, who appreciate the vitality of traditional culture.
"We appreciate the contribution of every member of the Milk New Zealand Dairy team and will not be reducing any salaries or making any positions redundant.
"On behalf of the state government, I appreciate Fuyao's contribution in bringing investments and job opportunities to Ohio and sincerely wish their business greater success here," Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said.
""We appreciate the efforts that the Chinese government has made these years in building a healthy drug ecology," Luo added.
She said a company needs to be consumer-obsessed, and appreciate that there is no one-size-fits-all for the entire China market.
This is a shared value that we appreciate in our daily work with Chinese companies.
""We really appreciate the interest and high regard that PepsiCo has shown for Natural Food, and we are grateful for the significant effort that has been devoted by both parties in facilitating this partnership. "
"It's natural to merge these two events together, it gives people a chance to appreciate it all," Hei said.
Hei has found many younger collectors seek art which they can keep and appreciate, rather than just buy as an investment and then resell.
Our clients are a mixture of local and multinational corporations and they appreciate our ability to combine creativity with technology in our offerings.
"What is clear is that the Chinese authorities appreciate the challenges we face as a brand, and that they are increasingly willing to assist where possible to support the protection of our IP," he said.
I have learned to appreciate different cultures and how to work with different cultures, and I found it stimulating.
"There is a clear focus on the right rules that we have to have, and we appreciate the progress with the law," he said, adding that it is what international companies really appreciate, since it gives them structure and predictability in the operating environment in China.
Su Shuqi, training and certification manager for Huawei's enterprise business department, said establishing a knowledge transfer hub is an effort to reward and appreciate the achievements the university has attained.
Naghian highlighted the growing trend of consumer demand for high-quality products, saying the company will particularly target those who are quality-conscious, and appreciate reliability and sustainability.
We appreciate the efforts and commitment the Chinese government has made to improve the business environment.
“I think they all appreciate the personalized service that we are offering in an unobtrusive way.
"Many people really appreciate that, especially students and elderly people.
I think that Chinese customers will greatly appreciate the information we are gathering related to performance and safety, as data on aspects such as grip and tire wear will help to prevent accidents and increase driving safety.
"I really appreciate the confidence this great city has placed in me," he said.
The brand targets female consumers aged between 25 and 35 who appreciate wild, passionate and intimate clothing.
"The Chinese suppliers appreciate American people coming to them and understanding their culture.
"Selling baijiu and beer has something in common, and I appreciate the management philosophy in foreign companies that emphasizes heavily on results.
Rapisarda hopes to build a major men's brand in China by aiming for professional customers, who appreciate the good things in life, such as classically designed cufflinks.
Consequently, the value of properties in countries and regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative will appreciate, he said.
It's a convenience that many Indochino customers, especially those in the 20-30 age-group, appreciate, she said.
For example, people from Shanghai tend to appreciate fruitier wine because their cuisine tends to be sweeter.
We understand the Belt and Road Initiative's significance in promoting economic growth and regional cooperation, and we appreciate the tremendous efforts China has put into this gigantic project.
We also appreciate the support provided by the FTZ.
They have a strong sense of responsibility, and I appreciate them very much and thank them very much.
To fully understand and appreciate the scale of the China International Import Expo, physical attendance, even though it may be tiring, is essential.
Highlighting the long history of Chinese art, Russo said Chinese consumers appreciate cameo jewelry and are eager buyers, which "pushes us to make an important investment in this market.
As more young women begin to appreciate cameos and wear them for both formal and casual occasions, Russo said they are trying to "mix the tradition of the art of cameos with the innovation of new models. "
We have a firm belief in the potential and resilience of the Chinese market and appreciate the continuous improvement of the business environment.
We appreciate the actions the Chinese government has been taking to further encourage and support meaningful innovations to come in a safe and sound environment and in line with international standards.
The development of the Southeast Asian tourism industry afterward has further allowed more and more consumers to know and appreciate the food better," said Zhu Danpeng, an F&B analyst based in Guangzhou.
"They are also very good signals that we really appreciate.
"We appreciate the Chinese technology and the Chinese industries.
"We truly appreciate the advanced service philosophy of the Xuhui district government, which is characterized by 'being proactive without intrusion and responding promptly when needed'.
"We really want the Chinese people to discover the brand and appreciate it .
European businesses in China appreciate the resumption of high-level bilateral visits, said Joerg Wuttke, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.
We really appreciate this because Zoom online simply doesn't have the same quality," Wuttke said.
The 5,000-year-old civilization of the Chinese nation advocated that all countries in the world "have their own beauty and appreciate the beauty of others and achieve the unity of the world".
We highly appreciate and actively support China's relevant policies and measures in the fields of opening-up, common prosperity, innovation and green transformation.
The growing middle class in China has an appreciation of the safety and quality of American food, just as Americans appreciate the quality and the affordability of the Chinese products in the US, noted the former ambassador.
GUO: We appreciate China's efforts in constantly deepening its reform and opening-up and improving the business environment.
ZHANG: We appreciate the government's efforts to prevent and control the pandemic, and its measures to ease the burden for businesses, which help ensure business continuity.
HAMAGUCHI: We highly appreciate China's firm determination in furthering reform and opening-up that fosters a favorable business climate for multinational companies like Astellas.
"What I appreciate is the willingness of the Chinese government to listen to our ideas and thoughts, and incorporate them in the formulation of new policies.
When the Fed announced an interest rate rise in March, the US dollar quickly began to appreciate and rose nearly 5 percent year-on-year in April, the biggest increase since 2012.
"We appreciate this initiative by the Chinese authorities.
""We appreciate that Beijing is taking action to offset the impact of the pandemic by substantially cutting taxes and building up fiscal support to individuals and businesses," he said.
In addition, the renminbi exchange rate is likely to continue to appreciate moderately this year, which is also not conducive to exports.
We have observed that Chinese consumers are evolving to appreciate whiskey for its heritage and craft, rather than drinking it for status," Fischer said.
"Last year we continued our exhibition at the CIIE, and a lot of people came to appreciate our goods.
Hongbao campaigns can spur cultural consumption if participants appreciate the cultural relevance of the process, said Hu.
The speed of change in the China market is unparalleled and hard for many in Australia to fully appreciate.
We still need to appreciate the uncertainty of the pandemic, the instability of the international environment and hazards regarding internal strategic transformation and structural adjustments.
"We very much appreciate this hybrid model that's been adopted by the CIIE," he said.
He added the chamber's members "would appreciate that the European market could remain open, competitive and fair.
The renminbi will not continue to appreciate in the short term, with the exchange rate of the yuan against the US dollar expected to be between 6.4 and 6.6 in the second half of this year, Ding said,Supported by China's economic fundamentals, the renminbi will remain a relatively strong currency for a long period of time, Ding added.
Economists said the right way to look at the growth target is not in terms of whether it is high or low, but to appreciate the fact that it is there at all, which should give confidence to people and markets alike, helping shape positive expectations.
"The Chinese consumers appreciate the safety, quality and authenticity of European agri-food," said the mission.
"I appreciate the direction of 'dual circulation', which is to leverage internal demand and take advantage of external demand," he said.
"We highly appreciate all the supports given by the Chinese government to foreign companies' development.
"Our group of 12 comprised expatriates from the US, Guatemala, Argentina, Ukraine, Germany, India, Singapore and Canada, and it was wonderful for all of us to be able to appreciate spectacular natural beauty, experience local hospitality and savor Mongolian cuisine, including its fresh dairy products. "
According to the ministry, a total of 149 rural travel routes highlighting creative fairs, harvest celebrations and art exhibitions will be launched, enabling tourists to better appreciate what the villages have to offer.
Chinese liquor company Jiangxiaobai, located in Chongqing municipality's Baisha township — which has a distilling heritage spanning over 500 years thanks to its climate and topography — is reaching out to consumers around the globe with accommodative flavors, hoping to cultivate consumption among groups seeking to appreciate aspects of Chinese culture.
James Kamau, a middle-aged nurse working for a private clinic in Nairobi, said spending quality time at the EcoMed stand made him appreciate China's advances in medical technology.
"Despite different dietary habits, people overseas are amazed and impressed by the brewing process of mature vinegar, making it a window for them to understand and appreciate Chinese culture," said Liu Bin, vice-general manager of Shanxi Mature Vinegar Group Co Ltd.
"As more and more overseas Chinese and foreigners appreciate hanfu, we are developing cross-border e-commerce platforms to expand our overseas markets," said Li.
It could mean certain countries are unable to appreciate China's achievements in solving problems that are of concern to people around the world, he said.
"In recent years, there has been a boom in rural cultural tourism, with an increasing number of visitors coming to appreciate the unique Qing Miao culture and purchase the exquisite ethnic costumes.
Wang Wei, president of Shanghai Spring International Travel Service (Group) Co Ltd, said the company launched products to attract more overseas tourists to deeply appreciate Chinese culture and experience the life of Chinese people.
"In addition to participating in winter sports, we can also visit nearby scenic spots to further appreciate local customs and culture," Qiao said.
"Chinese filmmakers need to go global and tell more stories of humanity to let moviegoers around the world appreciate and enjoy China-made movies," Li Daoxin said.
Qu Guang, a senior civil aviation industry observer, said these sales may not come to the rescue of the industry during the pandemic, but they could be an opportunity for airlines to appreciate the "business model in the internet age "and further diversify their operations.
It gives visitors a chance to appreciate views of the Chinese capital and neighboring Hebei province from the waterway.
There are four pancakes in the box, and the recommended sequence of enjoying their taste is first regular cheese, then cherry mousse, earl grey cheese and cinnamon mousse, given that it is better for palate to gradually appreciate a lighter to heavier taste.
Since 2020, with the rise of guochao-wherein consumers increasingly appreciate local elements-afternoon tea drinking became more closely aligned with traditional Chinese culture, and more snacks, such as braised foods and fried chicken, were integrated into the category.
"We believe people will appreciate more choices of quality protein for their balanced diets as we continue to customize protein solutions for our Chinese consumers," said Jackson Chan, managing director of Cargill Protein China.
“我们相信,随着我们不断为中国消费者定制蛋白质解决方案,人们将更欣赏有更多优质蛋白质选项以供其均衡膳食之选,”嘉吉蛋白中国区董事总经理Jackson Chan如是说。
Art enthusiasts in China now stand to appreciate more international masterpieces at home with lower costs, thanks to a pilot policy to smooth the introduction of overseas artworks and cultural relics.
For many young Chinese consumers, they tend to stick to the sparkling taste and texture which they highly appreciate.

高考If you liked Wallace and Gromit's previous adventures and you appreciate the British sense of humour, you'll love this film.


2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考When choosing everyday products such as toothpaste, we appreciate a cool-looking device that allows us to easily squeeze the toothpaste onto our brush.


2016年高考英语上海卷 选词填空 原文

考研Remember in dealing with any coworker what they appreciate from an interaction.


2020年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考However, the 1995 pop song 'common people' puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may 'want to live like common people' they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.


2015年高考英语广东卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考In the store, I asked each of my kids to pick something they thought our "friend" there would appreciate.


2015年高考英语全国卷1 完形填空 原文

高考Like me, this woman was here to stop, sigh and appreciate the view.


2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考Now, I appreciate the silence and the new way of communication it opens.


2017年高考英语全国卷1 完形填空 原文

高考Perhaps this is what photos are for: to remind us that we all appreciate beauty, that we all share a common desire for pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than us.


2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考Several passengers seemed to appreciate what I did.


2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.


2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读A 选项

高考Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to judge everything so harshly.


2015年高考英语福建卷 完形填空 原文

高考When you look people in the eye, they feel you appreciate what they are saying.


2015年高考英语安徽卷 任务型读写 原文

四级Let your sparring partners ( ' , 拳击陪练 ) know how much you appreciate their contribution.

让你的拳击搭档(',拳击陪练 ) 知道你有多感激他们的贡献。


四级Dawson, I really appreciate what you've been through today.



四级We write to preserve our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and appreciate their heritage (传统)



四级"It's great for the community,because now everybody can appreciate it," he added.


2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

四级Let your sparring partners know how much you appreciate their contribution.


2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级He cannot appreciate the Picasso exhibition



六级Many people do not appreciate modern art.



六级I think this is a very legitimate concern, and I appreciate their drawing our attention to it," David hill, a father of five, says.


2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

考研As such, it needed to appreciate the economic realities, the social contexts and power relations in which each epoch stood.


2012年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研You can be easily caught up by life problems that you forget to pause and appreciate the things you have.


2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级“Broadband is available for as little as £15 a month, but many businesses fail to appreciate the hidden costs of such a service,” says Neil Stephenson, sales and marketing director at Onyx Internet, an internet service provider based in the northeast of England.

“宽带的价格低至£总部位于英格兰东北部的互联网服务提供商Onyx Internet的销售和营销总监Neil Stephenson表示:“每月15英镑,但许多企业没有意识到这种服务的隐藏成本。


四级Just as we began to appreciate petroleum more after the 1970s oil crises, today we must start looking at water from a fresh economic perspective.



四级Let your sparring partners (拳击陪练) know how much you appreciate their contribution.

让你的陪练(拳击陪练) 知道你多么感激他们的贡献。

