
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根as 加强 + sault〔= sult〕跳 → 跳 …………
串记记忆assault(攻击、袭击) 和 insult(侮辱) 都是不好的行为,但是assa 前缀更长、程度更深。 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
assorted / assault
aggression / invasion / assault / attack / offensive
aggressio …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
accen …………
Sexual assault 性骚扰
assault on sb. 袭击某人
assault on 攻击
sexual assault 性侵犯
aggravated assault 严重攻击
ground assault 地面进攻
take a town by assault 袭击一个城镇
make a surprise assault on 突袭
Assaults often happen on school campuses.
Assault craft would be lowered.
The consul's consultant hauled out the assaulter from the vault.领事的顾问把袭击者从地窖中拖了出来.
The suspect was charged with assault after an altercation at the bar last night.
He raised his fist to defend himself, but didn't actually assault anyone.
She filed a police report for domestic violence, alleging that her partner had assaulted her.
The football player apologized publicly for his off-field assault incident.
The judge handed down a harsh sentence for the repeat offender who had assaulted several people.
The victim sustained serious injuries during the unprovoked assault.
The witness recounted the harrowing details of the assault to the police.
The assailant fled the scene before the police arrived, leaving no trace behind.
The school administration took swift action against the student accused of cyber-assault on another student.
The self-defense course taught participants how to avoid and respond appropriately to an assault.
A sex assault accusation by a female employee of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has engulfed China's top e-commerce company, sending it scurrying to contain potential damage to its businesses that have been already bruised by recent antitrust penalties, even as industry observers called for better corporate governance in an industry marked by fierce competition, speed and scale.
The swift departure of employees who were allegedly involved directly or indirectly in the reported sexual assault incident raises the likelihood that Alibaba's burgeoning workforce, which more than doubled in the year to March 31, will need to abide by stricter codes of ethics, Lim and Tam said in a recent research note.
The person who alleged the assault and the suspect, her supervisor, belonged to Alibaba's local services division, which has been facing mounting competition from on-demand service providers such as Meituan.
Police are investigating whether the male employee committed rape or indecent assault.
Didi Chuxing, the Beijing-based Chinese online ride-hailing platform, has filed lawsuits against a couple using its name to film "sexual assault videos" and the live-streaming platform that broadcasts pornography, it said on Monday.
On Tuesday, a civil lawsuit filed by a female University of Minnesota student accused Liu and JD of six counts of false imprisonment, civil assault and battery, as well as sexual assault or battery.
In December, authorities in Hennepin County, Minnesota, said they would not file sexual assault charges against Liu because of "profound evidentiary problems" that would have made it tough to build a criminal case.
"As is the case in many sexual assault incidents, it was a complicated situation," Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said in December.
"It is also similar to other sexual assault cases with the suspect maintaining the sex was consensual.
The lawsuit accused Liu and JD on six counts of false imprisonment, civil assault and battery, as well as sexual assault or battery, seeking damages in excess of $50,000, according to a report from Reuters.
The court filing said JD is "vicariously liable" for Liu's behavior as his alleged actions happened while he was "seemingly" at work-related activities, and the assault and battery began in the presence of two other JD employees.
In December, Hennepin County Attorney's Office, the prosecutorial office handling the case announced that no sexual assault charges would be brought against Liu as prosecutors could not prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Liu Qiangdong, the billionaire founder and CEO of Chinese e-commerce giant JD, will not face sexual assault charges in the United States, as prosecutors said they could not prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
The Hennepin County Attorney's Office, the prosecutorial office handling the case, determined after an investigation by the Minneapolis Police Department's sex crimes unit and a review by four senior sexual assault prosecutors that evidentiary problems would have made it highly unlikely that criminal charges against Liu could be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
The student went to a hospital for a sexual assault forensic test in the afternoon on the same day and wrote she would keep her bed sheets as evidence in a WeChat message, the report said.
Shares of Chinese e-commerce giant JD slumped 7.47 percent to $24.51 on the Nasdaq Stock Market on Tuesday, after Reuters reported more details about sexual assault allegations against the company's founder and CEO Liu Qiangdong.
According a report from Associated Press, Minnesota law defines five degrees of criminal sexual misconduct, ranging from gross misdemeanors to felonies and covering a broad array of conduct ranging from nonconsensual touching to violent assault with injury.
We aim to protect children from potential risks such as sexual assault," said Hou Jianbin, founder and CEO of Zuoyebang.
Fast forward nearly five years, and Weinstein's company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, collapsing under the weight of lurid claims of sexual assault and harassment against him.
In the dialogue, Mahbubani said the US, for the first time, is beginning to realize it needs to reconsider whether its "all-out assault on China "works or not, as China is making very strong efforts to partner with countries around the world.
Kishore Mahbubani, distinguished fellow of Asia Research Institute at National University of Singapore, said in a program shown by Chinese media Caixin on Tuesday that Washington, for the first time, is beginning to realize that they need to re-consider whether its "all-out assault on China" works out, as China is making very strong efforts to partner with countries around the world.
In his opening remarks, Ong Tee Keat, founding chairman of the Center for New Inclusive Asia, a think tank based in Kuala Lumpur, said the BRI offered hope for the continuity of multilateralism and free trade which had been under assault in recent years.
"It is capable of fulfilling a wide range of missions that other Chinese helicopters have difficulties executing, including anti-submarine and anti-ship combat, signal relay for ship-launched missile and special assault," Cui said.
So far in 2023, the foundations of China's economic recovery are not yet solid, with a triple-front assault from supply fluctuation, demand contraction and weakening expectations still evident.
Those who have a criminal record or history of abuse, sexual assault, violence, drug use, alcoholism, gambling, mental disease and epidemic disease cannot work as kindergarten teachers, the draft added.
The interpretation has made the clarification, "because we've found some criminals cheat juveniles online and sexually assault them in person, or even spread their naked or assaulted videos or pictures through the internet", He Li, chief judge of the top court's No 1 Criminal Adjudication Tribunal, told a news conference on Thursday.
On Thursday, the SPC and SPP also issued a guideline together with the Ministry of Public Security to streamline procedures of dealing with sexual assault cases involving juveniles.
She revealed that a total of 5,358 cases involving harm to children have been detected and handled since the system was set up in 2020, adding that most reports focused on sexual assault.
In terms of minor protection, 290,000 suspects were prosecuted in the past five years for crimes against minors including sexual assault, maltreatment and violence, said the top procuratorate.
"We adhere to a 'zero-tolerance' policy toward crimes that harm minors, and suggest strict punishment for people who commit crimes such as sexual assault, abuse and violence against minors, as well as those who infringe on minors' rights and interests via the internet," Zhang said.
From 2018 to 2022, prosecutors nationwide visited about 110,000 primary and middle schools, supervised the rectification of about 15,000 risky situations on campuses and improved mechanisms for preventing sexual assault, harassment and bullying on campuses as well as punishing offenders.
As a result, more than 6,800 people with criminal records, including sexual assault, abuse and trafficking, were dismissed.

六级On the flip side, companies like Virgin Galactic are plotting a bottom-up assault on the space dream by making it a reality to the public.

另一方面,维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)等公司正在策划一场自下而上的太空之梦,让它成为现实。


六级On the flip side, companies like Virgin Galactic are plotting a bottom-up assault on the space dream by making it a reality to the public

另一方面,维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)等公司正在策划一场自下而上的攻击,通过将太空梦想变成现实来实现

