
谐音记忆ex[往外]+panse[音:盘死] → 把土地往外盘,往死里盘 → 越盘越大 → 广阔,辽阔 → expa …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
The Expanse is a sprawling, multi-layered science fiction series that explores the vastness of space and human interconnectedness.
Each season of The Expanse delves into new expanses of the galaxy, introducing us to diverse alien species and civilizations.
The Expanse's intricate plot spans across multiple planets and star systems, creating a rich and immersive universe for viewers.
The characters in The Expanse are well-developed, expanding our understanding of the complex dynamics within humanity's interstellar community.
With stunning visuals and a gripping storyline, The Expanse has captured the hearts of fans across the globe, becoming an expansive phenomenon in its own right.
The Expanse's exploration of themes like politics, war, and environmental issues adds a layer of realism to the otherwise expansive sci-fi narrative.
In the Expanse, the characters' determination to expand their knowledge and push the boundaries of what's possible is a testament to human ingenuity.
As the story unfolds, The Expanse keeps its audience on the edge of their seats, with unexpected twists and expansive revelations at every turn.
The Expanse's fan base is an expansive community, with die-hard followers eagerly discussing theories and debating the show's intricate plotlines.
Despite its epic scope, The Expanse manages to maintain a sense of intimacy, allowing viewers to connect with the characters as they navigate the vast expanses of space.
"Due to the importance, vast geographical expanse, and characteristics of regional economic growth, we are looking into expanding our partner community in China to better serve our end customers in various industries," said Joe Signorelli, SolarWinds' country manager for China.
SolarWinds中国区经理Joe Signorelli表示:“由于区域经济增长的重要性、广阔的地理区域和特点,我们正在考虑扩大我们在中国的合作伙伴群体,以更好地服务于各个行业的最终客户。”。
The 358,000-square-km expanse, about the same size as Germany, encompasses Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces and Shanghai municipality.
When designated a new area in 1990, Pudong was still a vast expanse of desolate farmland, said Shao Yudong, then head of Pudong's development office.
The regional authorities have rolled out a guideline to encourage investment in large wind and solar power bases in Xinjiang's vast expanse of deserts.
The project features a double-open park concept, a wide expanse of open green space and lanes across the ground level and rooftop, connected by an 80-meter-long scenic bridge overlooking the Huangpu River.
Covering a 358,000-square kilometer expanse, the Yangtze River Delta, consisting of Shanghai and the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, is one of the most populated and urbanized city clusters in China, according to Xinhua News Agency.
Nestled within the country's HSR network, Nanjing North Railway Station will play a pivotal role in interlinking the vast expanse of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
Their large expanse of barren land rich in wind and solar resources makes it ideal for developing huge solar and wind power parks that can transform the desolate area into a bustling hub for renewable energy.
Hard work pays off as seawater grain produced from salt-affected soilA large expanse of fragrant seawater rice plants was harvested on Nov 1 at the Yuwang Wetland in Weifang, a coastal city in Shandong province.
Xue Lina, who runs an agricultural cooperative in the town, walked through a large expanse of land used to grow wheat, viewing green seedlings swaying in the breeze.
Vineyards in China's winemaking hub set sights on latest global opportunitiesOn a hilly expanse of farmland near the coast of East China's Shandong province, Wan Qiuhua has earned enough from her crops to buy her only son an apartment and car, giving him the opportunity to get married and live a comfortable life.
In the past few years, a large expanse of Gobi desert in Northwest China has gained an international reputation due to its vineyards.
In the early 2000s, the eastern foothill of Helan Mountain in Northwest China was nothing but a vast expanse of Gobi Desert.
Noting that the country's vast expanse of rural areas currently fall short in terms of charging infrastructure, the guideline said the country will accelerate its pace to ensure the full coverage of charging stations at the county level and the full coverage of charging points at the township level.
The national park, also known as Sanjiangyuan, received official designation as one of the first five in China in October 2021, becoming the world's highest and largest national park with an expanse of 190,700 square kilometers.
This wheat field is not an ordinary one, as only a few years ago the field was no more than a vast expanse of barren land, with a layer of white salt appearing on the soil surface in autumn.