
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根infect 传染;感化 + ious …的 → 传 …………
词根记忆infect感染 + ous形容词后缀 → infectious adj.传染的,传染性的,有感染力的 …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
infectious a 传染性的(infect+ious)
facile a 容易做的(fac+ile能…的)
facilitate v 使容易(fac+ilitale能够= …………
infectious disease 传染病
infectious agent 传染性病原体
incidence of infectious diseases 传染病发病率
segregate people with infectious diseases 隔离传染病患者
an infectious disease 传染病
Her humor is highly infectious.
What an infectious laugh he has!
Her writing style is concise and infectious.
The infectious disease spread rapidly through the community, causing panic among the residents.
After coming into contact with the infected patient, she隔离了自己 to avoid spreading the virus further.
The doctor diagnosed her with a bacterial infection and prescribed antibiotics accordingly.
The school had to close due to an outbreak of measles, making it an infectious environment for now.
The researchers are closely monitoring the new strain of influenza, as it appears highly infectious.
Travelers returning from疫区 are required to undergo a quarantine period to ensure they don't bring any infectious diseases back home.
Hand hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, especially in public places.
The vaccine has been proven effective against the infectious meningitis, providing immunity to those who receive it.
The government launched a massive campaign to educate people about the symptoms and prevention of the infectious disease.
Infectious laughter can be just as contagious as the common cold, spreading joy and positivity among friends.
GSK will showcase its key advances and innovative capabilities in research and development in core therapeutic areas: infectious diseases, immunology and respiratory diseases, oncology, and HIV.
"Surveys at home and abroad have shown that taking pills regularly everyday makes it difficult for people living with HIV to hide the infection from others," said Ma Ping, a chief physician of infectious diseases at Tianjin Second People's Hospital.
Although the overall epidemic level remains low, AIDS is still the infectious disease with the largest number of reported deaths in the country.
The project will improve access to quality, affordable life-saving medicines across West Africa, contributing to better health outcomes in a region that contends with heavy loads of infectious and other diseases, Fosun Pharma said.
In addition, the company said it is exploring the potential of mRNA technology and will develop new preventive and therapeutic vaccines for infectious diseases and tumors.
"The emerging mRNA technology has rapidly advanced the science of vaccine and drug development for infectious diseases like COVID-19," said Wu Tian, corporatexa0vice-president of Baidu.
There is soaring demand for risk assessment and early intervention for infectious and genetic diseases, cancer, and mental health issues," said Shen, noting digitalization has provided much better remote access and faster speed, and has become an increasingly important tool to reduce healthcare costs.
Clover Biopharmaceuticals, a Chinese clinical-stage biopharma company developing vaccines and oncology drugs, announced on Wednesday that its protein-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate was found to be 67 percent effective against COVID-19 of any degree of severity and 79 percent against the highly infectious Delta variant in a large late-stage trial.
And there is something infectious about this belief, about this optimistic outlook into the future and all this dynamic change and ambition.
Data from the National Health Commission showed viral hepatitis accounts for the largest infectious disease patient population in China, among which hepatitis B and C are most common.
The results of the company's phase I/II clinical trial on healthy adults aged 18-59 years old were published in Lancet Infectious Diseases on Nov 17.
Altogether the company has more than 36 diagnostic products for various infectious diseases, including more than 10 for different types of respiratory infections, and four star products for HPV (human papilloma virus) testing.
Hui Aimin, chief medical officer of Fosun Pharma, said that the COVID-19 pandemic proves once again that global cooperation is needed to control infectious diseases.
"People's awareness to prevent acute respiratory infectious diseases, including flu, is of particular importance in this autumn and winter amid the COVID-19 pandemic," Chen said.
Between January 2018 and September 2020, the company secured 25 medicine approvals in China in some disease areas with great patient need, including immunology, mental health, oncology, diabetes, infectious diseases, and rare diseases.
For instance, Zhuyuan Kindergarten of Suzhou Foreign Language School has configured Walklake health-screening robots to help test abnormalities in children and prevent the spread of various infectious diseases, not just COVID-19.
Zhang Wenhong, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital under Fudan University, said that as the pandemic goes on, we need to stay alert and get accustomed to normal epidemic prevention and control in the coming one to two years.
Doctors from countries including the United States, Canada, Nepal, India, Singapore, Iraq, United Kingdom, Malawi, and South Africa sought answers for problems they'd encountered during their treatment of the disease, mostly first-line doctors in fields such as respiratory medicine, ICU and infectious diseases.
The experts also answered questions on choices of anti-virus drugs, cancer patient treatment, use of hormone drugs and anticoagulants, and whether human secretions such as sweat and semen are infectious.
The Chinese doctors who specialize in such areas as infectious disease prevention, pulmonary and critical care medicine, will also share their practical medical experiences with others in Nigeria.
The Chinese doctors, who specialize in such areas as infectious disease prevention, pulmonary and critical care medicine, also will share their practical medical experiences in Nigeria, which demanded its citizens remain indoors in Lagos, Abuja and Ogun state for 14 days, starting from last Monday.
According to the United Nations Children's Fund, pneumonia kills more children than any other infectious disease, claiming the lives of over 800,000 children under five every year, including over 153,000 newborns.
Attached to Capital University of Medical Science, the hospital is one of China's best for treating infectious disease, and many of its medical professionals are on the front line fighting against the COVID-19.
Representing an investment of 863 million yuan ($122 million), the innovation center focuses on research and early development of innovative drugs for immunology, inflammation and infectious diseases, and will further bring China's R&D to the world stage by developing innovative drugs to meet patients' unmet needs.
The cooperation with the institute will produce an AI-powered system to elevate the diagnosis and treatment levels of infectious diseases and promote the reasonable use of antibacterial agents, he explained.
"Xu Xiaoyuan, director of the infectious disease department of Peking University First Hospital, said the new non-invasive technology allows doctors to easily and accurately detect liver fibrosis and cirrhosis while traditional invasive methods are not always applicable, which is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of liver disease in China.
She and her colleagues have been using their expertise to bring transformative medicines to cancer, autoimmune and infectious disease patients in China.
The company focuses on discovering, licensing, developing and commercializing proprietary therapeutics for large unmet medical needs in China in areas such as oncology, autoimmune and infectious diseases.
The company is in talks with some of the leading hospitals on better managing infectious diseases.
The infectious smile on Pa Sekibo's face reflected a great feeling of joy as he walked past the high-tech facilities built inside the airport terminal.
Yue Wei, deputy director of the infectious disease department of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, said online hospitals not only help patients, but also doctors.
In 2014, when she was already 50, Du decided to set up another company, Zai Lab (Shanghai) Co Ltd, to focus on the research and development of transformative medicines for cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases which were uncommon in China.
With internet tools and big data technology used to analyze activity on DXY's medical academic and patient education platforms, the center aims to make surveillance of influenza more timely, comprehensive and accurate as a complement to the national infectious disease surveillance system, said Li Tiantian, founder of DXY.
∙ Hangzhou JUST Biotherapeutics Co Ltd, for developing antibody and antibody-like biotherapeutics for the treatment of infectious disease.
Playing up their respective R&D and academic strengths, the lab, focusing on infectious diseases prevention and control technologies, will carry out long-term projects in technological innovation regarding public health and real-world research in key disease areas.
Their enthusiasm was infectious and their stories painted a picture of collaboration, mutual respect and shared aspirations.
It also digitalized the health management of the primary and middle school students in the city, which will be applied for monitoring and prevention of infectious diseases, Tatsuo said.
Given the development of the epidemic, the increase in vaccination levels, and extensive epidemic prevention experience, China's health authorities announced they would downgrade the management of COVID-19 and remove it from infectious disease management requiring quarantine as of Sunday.
To mitigate the impact of the highly infectious Omicron strain of the novel coronavirus, which has spread to multiple cities, including the country's biggest business hub Shanghai, the government will address specific difficulties faced by foreign-funded companies in resuming work and accessing production materials, said Gao Feng, the ministry's spokesman.
Since the start of the winter, China has seen a rise in acute infectious respiratory diseases, with the prevalence of multiple pathogens amid the ebbs and flows of infection spikes.
"In addition, people's ability to fight off infectious respiratory diseases may decline following repeated infections.
Going forward, greater efforts will be made to build a sound health cooperation platform between China and Arab nations, to facilitate the transfer of talents and share experience in the prevention and control of infectious illnesses, Yang added.
"Milling around the stand of Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Company Limited, a manufacturer of rapid tests for infectious diseases like malaria and HIV/AIDS, local visitors engaged Young Xu, the company's international sales representative, with palpable zeal.
Hou singled out Chinese manufacturers of rapid diagnostic tests as well-placed to gain a competitive edge on the continent as it seeks effective ways to deal with a high burden of infectious diseases like malaria.
The park showcases various innovative medicines developed by domestic drug manufacturers, targeting cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, depression and more.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced on Thursday a renewed collaboration with the Beijing municipal government and Tsinghua University to support the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute in its efforts to improve health outcomes worldwide through lifesaving therapies for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria, which disproportionately affect the world's poorest.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said in a statement low- and middle-income countries bear 90 percent of the global burden of infectious diseases, but only 10 percent of global spending on drug research and development goes toward diseases that disproportionately affect these populations, underscoring a clear case of global health inequality.
China will manage COVID-19 with measures against Class B infectious diseases, instead of Class A infectious diseases, according to a statement released by the National Health Commission on Monday.
CanSino Biologics Inc, another major COVID-19 vaccine producer in China, said it has developed pipelines of 17 vaccine candidates for 12 infectious diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, COVID-19 and Ebola.
Zai Lab, a biopharma company focused on medicines for cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases, is looking forward to the meeting next month.
生物医药公司Zai Lab专注于研发治疗癌症、自身免疫疾病及传染病的药物,正期待着下月的会议。
The combination of Chinese and Western medicine will also be the path for the prevention and treatment of clinical infectious diseases in the future, just as how it plays its role in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic," Chen said.
陈教授表示:“中西医结合未来也将是临床传染病预防与治疗的道路,正如其在抗击 COVID-19 疫情中所发挥的作用一样。”
Gu said the pilot zone, with more than 10 hospitals in operation, has introduced more than 100 innovative drugs and 120 medical devices from overseas, covering mainly cardiovascular medicines, ophthalmology, dermatology, plastic surgery, oncology and infectious diseases, thus giving timely treatment to nearly 1,000 patients.
"Zhang Wenhong, director of Huashan Hospital's department of infectious diseases, called for a speedier concentration of public health data currently scattered across all medical institutions.
Representing an investment of 863 million yuan ($123.7 million), the innovation center focuses on research and early development of innovative drugs in areas of immunology and the treatment of inflammation and infectious diseases.
Hainan province will launch comprehensive tourism insurance products and will provide compensation to tourists who are infected, injured or even lose their lives due to infectious diseases like the novel coronavirus or natural calamities when visiting the island this year, according to a provincial government plan.
"No one can stand alone in the face of a severe infectious disease.
Consequently, the accuracy of infectious disease and chronic disease prediction models has reached 90 percent, fully reflecting the practical value of multidimensional data sources.
The prevention and control of major infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and AIDS remains challenging, it said.
Travelers visiting Brazil frequently reported street violence and infectious diseases.
In Burkina Faso, the BDS helped reduce by half the time required to survey and map for a new hospital, which later played an important role in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
Both sides will focus on research and development and industrial transformation of technologies and products related to respiratory infectious diseases and cross-infection prevention and control in medical institutions, homes, public transportation vehicles and public gathering places, according to the agreement.
The Italian-American carmaker has stepped up measures across its facilities, including intensive cleaning of all work and rest areas, to support the government's directives to curb the spread of the infectious disease.
The government has been encouraging people to dine at home during the pandemic, in a bid to stem the infectious disease.
Top medical experts and scientists from around the world shared with the public the latest cutting-edge research results in medical field such as the coronavirus, infectious diseases, cancer, depression, and reproductive medicine during the 2020 Tencent Medical Enlightenment Summit.
Eric Rubin, an infectious disease expert and editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, a leading global medical journal, said although there are promising advancements in utilizing DNA and adenovirus to develop a vaccine, further clinical trials are required to better assess if they are effective and safe for human consumption.
"The epidemic control in China relies on traditional wisdom and good urban management, while artificial intelligence (AI) is bound to play a role in the future public health system, realizing real-time online and offline integration," Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Disease at Huashan Hospital of Fudan University said at the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai on July 9.
Zhang Wenhong, director of Huashan Hospital's department of infectious diseases, called for speedier concentration of public health data currently scattered across all medical institutions.
Nipsea Group, Asia's largest paints and coatings manufacturer by sales revenue, announced it has developed an anti-virus coil coating product to assist both China and the world's fight against infectious diseases.
On WeDoctor's videoconferencing platform, Zhao Lei, a senior doctor from the infectious disease department at Wuhan Union Hospital, recently shared his experiences with about 60 US and Canadian healthcare professionals about treating COVID-19 patients.
Qiao said medical AI has even greater potential in epidemic prevention and control, as the technology, combined with big data, can also be used to survey, analyze and predict the spread of infectious diseases.
Luo Xiaodan, deputy director of the infectious disease department of the hospital, said that the robots, donated by a technology company, were handed over to the hospital on Jan 28 and pressed into service after two days of test runs.
In its latest move, the country downgraded its management of COVID-19 from Jan 8 to treat it as a Class B infectious disease rather than a more severe Class A, enabling quarantine-free global travel and easing other curbs.
The SSE said the 50 companies best exemplify the STAR Market's role as an incubator of "hard technologies", as they cover cancer, tumors, immune system diseases, infectious diseases and other therapeutic areas.
Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy, in which Zhong is the biggest shareholder, is one of the leading manufacturers of infectious disease diagnostics and has been traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange since early this year.
On Sunday, Anthony Fauci, the head of the infectious diseases unit at the US National Institutes of Health, said on NBC's Meet the Press that after initial missteps distributing tests, there were to be 400,000 more tests available by Monday and 4 million by the end of the week.
Wu Jinzi, founder and CEO of Ascletis, a biotech company focusing on treatments for cancer and infectious diseases, said in an interview with China Securities Journal that the company would prefer to list in the A-share market if allowed.
Besides BeiGene, several other Chinese biotech companies are also favored in global capital markets, such as cancer therapeutics biotech Beyond-Spring and Zai Lab, a Shanghai-based biopharmaceutical company that focuses on transformative medicines for cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases.
The draft states that in border areas, intensified efforts should be made to carry out regular patrols, manage traffic and personnel so as to rein in the risk of infectious diseases spreading through illegal immigration channels.
In October, a draft revision for the infectious disease prevention and control law aimed at improving the country's epidemic surveillance, early warning and reporting systems for infectious diseases was submitted to the top legislature for first review.
The commission will continue to improve the country's strategies to prevent and control major infectious diseases and innovate disease prevention and control technologies to further reduce the threat of major infectious diseases, Wang said.
Chinese lawmakers are mulling over a draft revision for the infectious disease prevention and control law that would improve the country's epidemic surveillance, early warning and reporting system, including forbidding interventions in and providing incentives for early reporting.
Organizations or individuals who report mysterious infectious illnesses of unknown origin or emerging contagious diseases should be given rewards.
It stressed that infectious disease cases should be reported through the country's online direct reporting system, and that channels for testing facilities and the public to make reports should be streamlined.
China's law on infectious disease prevention and control was first published and took effect in 1989, drawing from experiences in handling the hepatitis A epidemic in Shanghai.
In addition to strengthening surveillance, early warning and reporting systems for infectious diseases, Wang said that draft revisions also propose stepping up medical treatment systems, financial support, and supply of emergency materials and drugs amid health emergencies.
On Friday, draft amendments to the Marine Environment Protection Law, the State Council Organic Law, the Charity Law and the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, along with draft laws on patriotic education and food security, were also submitted to the NPC Standing Committee for review.
Chinese lawmakers are mulling over a draft revision for the infectious disease prevention and control law that would improve the country's epidemic reporting system, including forbidding interventions in reporting.
Among key tasks are stepping up early reporting and warning systems for infectious outbreaks.
Lawmakers will also review bills on draft revisions to the State Council Organic Law, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and the Cultural Relics Protection Law.
The Standing Committee session is expected to review bills on draft revisions to the organic law of the State Council and the infectious disease prevention and control law, a bill on a draft tariff law, and a bill on a treaty on the transfer of sentenced persons between China and Colombia.
It added the risk of COVID-19 disease remains, and seasonal infectious diseases continue to emerge.
Since China reduced COVID-19 to a Class-B infectious disease in January, the country has adjusted policies to facilitate cross-border people-to-people exchange, Wu said.
In the next five years, the party will focus on topics including the aging population, elderly care, childbirth support policies and major infectious diseases, he said.
Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens need to conduct daily health checks and report infectious diseases, and keep a record of any absences, Sun said.
The envoys echoed infectious disease experts from around the world who have voiced opposition to Western governments' restrictive policies for travelers from China, saying such measures are unscientific, unnecessary and political displays.
Starting on Sunday, the country downgraded management of COVID-19 in accordance with the law on the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, a major shift in epidemic response policies.
Before the detailed policy for inbound and outbound travelers was released on Tuesday morning, the National Health Commission announced on Monday night that starting on Jan 8, the country will downgrade management of COVID-19 from category A to category B, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Disease.

四级Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars, terrorism, economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases? The answer is yes, according to a new book The 10 Golden Rules: Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living a Good Life.



高考Welch examined a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious disease mainly affecting children.


2016年高考英语北京卷 完形填空 原文

六级It in an uncommon infectious disease.



四级Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars, terrorism, economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases?


2016年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
