
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
谐音用(四肢)顺着(枝条)爬山“累吗” → li …………
[lame]谐音“累me”,所以是“瘸 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
branch / limb / bough / shoot
branch → 普通用词,泛指树木比bough小一些的大枝或小枝,也可用于引申意义。
limb → 多指主枝或大枝。
bough → 指主枝或粗大强壮的枝 …………
out on a limb 处于危险境地
strain imposed by oversize limbs 超大支腿施加的应变
go out on a limb 伸出四肢
tree limb 树枝,树枝
Mary sat on a limb of the tree and looked down.
We risk life and limb to get here.
The internet health insight report on varicose veins in 2021 launched by Servier and Ali-Health said China is home to an estimated 120 million people suffering from lower limb venous disease, including more than 80 million women, with data showing a growing trend in younger patients.
Many choose not to resort to an artificial limb.
Ni said the company established in Shanghai's Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park in 2015 had already reached strategic collaboration partnerships with a major component provider of artificial limbs in Turkey and a rehabilitation center for the disabled with artificial limbs in Egypt.
There are more than 10 million people in China suffering from upper limb disabilities, data from the China Disabled Persons' Federation showed.
During the company's pitch, a man who had previously been rendered immobile due to a spinal injury demonstrated the company's lower limb exoskeleton device, which allowed him to walk again.
In the same period, sales of jianzi, or Chinese shuttlecocks that are kicked around for exercise of limbs and hips, and athleisure apparel rose 56.4 percent and 48.5 percent year-on-year, respectively.
China aims to build an innovation system for humanoid robots by 2025, with breakthroughs made in several key technologies such as "brain, cerebellum, and limbs" to ensure the safe and effective supply of core components, the country’s top industry regulator said in a guideline on Thursday.
The upper limb rehabilitation training system, developed by Estun Medical, showed how the robots equipped with an intelligent arm and screen can assist patients in recovery from neurological or orthopedic conditions.
"The system can improve upper limb strength and help the recovery of nerve pathways.
The upper limb rehabilitation training system, developed by Estun Medical, showed how the robots equipped with an intelligent arm and screen, can provide assistance to patients in recovery from neurological or orthopedic conditions.
"The system can improve the upper limb strength and help the recovery of nerve pathways.
The robotics-guided orthopedic surgical system is applied in trauma surgery on the cervical spine, thorax, lumbar area, sacrum, pelvis and limbs.
A 43-year-old patient had complained of progressive numbness in the limbs on his right side for 14 months.
Diseases caused by pneumococcus may leave serious sequela-an outcome or condition that follows from an illness or disease-such as hearing loss, discordance of limbs and abnormal behavior, said Gao Junhong, an official at the Malianwa health service center.
Compared with ordinary shooting, it can reflect the smear effect generated when limbs move.
The rate of birth defects that can cause disabilities, such as neural tube defects and limb reduction, also saw a marked decrease over the period, the commission said.

六级It was, in my grandfather's own words, like having a limb cut off.


2015年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级She says:”I believe that the day is not far off when we will be able to profescribe drugs that cause severes spinal cords to heal,hearts to regenerate and lost limbs to regrow.



六级”She predict that within 5 to 10 years fingers and toes will be regrown and limbs will start to be regrown a few years later.



四级I often went to work with swollen limbs and fevers.



考研Afterwards he found a sunspot group which lived long enough to disappear from view on the western limb (边缘) of the sun, to re-appear on its eastern limb, and finally to regain its old position.

之后,他发现了一个太阳黑子群,它的寿命足以从西翼的视野中消失(边缘) 太阳,重新出现在它的东翼,并最终恢复其原来的位置。


考研Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs.


