
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根qualit(质量) + ative (表形 …………
谐音记忆框里他踢舞 → 舞蹈范围被定在框里,定性的 → qualitative adj.质的,性质上的;定性的 …………
quantitative / qualitative
本文将采用定量( quantitative)和定性(qualitative)相结合的研究方法。
qualitative changes 质变
qualitative analysis 定性分析
qualitative method 定性方法
qualitative research 定性研究
qualitative leap 质的飞跃
qualitative analysis 定性分析
Your hardwork will bring qualitative changes.
There are qualitative differences between the two concepts.
The qualitative research revealed deep-seated emotions and experiences of the participants, which quantitative data could not capture.
In the focus group discussion, participants provided rich qualitative insights into their purchasing behaviors.
Her qualitative analysis of the art piece delved into the symbolism and emotional depth rather than its technical aspects.
The teacher evaluated the students' understanding qualitatively, considering their critical thinking and creativity, not just their test scores.
The qualitative study of social media trends helped marketers understand user preferences and interactions in a more nuanced way.
The qualitative feedback from customers highlighted areas for product improvement that were not evident in sales figures.
The ethnographic research provided qualitative data on the daily lives and cultural practices of the indigenous community.
The qualitative evaluation of the teaching method emphasized its impact on student engagement and motivation.
The researcher conducted a series of in-depth interviews to gather qualitative data on people's perceptions of climate change.
Qualitative research in psychology often involves observing and interpreting nonverbal cues to understand human behavior.
He believes that China will continue to grow at a stable rate in the future even after its ongoing economic transformation is complete from quantitative growth to qualitative growth.
In the past few years, small and medium-sized enterprises have achieved quantitative and qualitative growth in China, making an important contribution to social and economic development.
More importantly, our manufacturing standard was raised, and product quality took a qualitative leap.
Quantitative changes in China's economic growth have become qualitative nowadays.
Driven by the younger generations' demand for quality and their easy acceptance of new things, consumption is also making qualitative changes, leading to the rise of a large number of Chinese brands.
In the next decade, eight key technologies in the field of artificial intelligence will undergo a "quantitative to qualitative transformation" and thus profoundly change society, said Robin Li, co-founder and CEO of internet search giant Baidu Inc.
As stated in the product description, the company's antibody test is for rapid, qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM antibody in a human whole blood, serum or plasma sample.
We want to have a more qualitative partnership with them, to avoid offering promotions when our brand can offer much more than that.
It will also be fueled by qualitative measures, such as urbanization, healthcare and the environment.
Instead of double-digit growth rates, the focus is now on qualitative growth, with the "new normal" as the measure.
To ensure product safety, Mengniu has been working with Germany's Siemens AG to build an internet-based system that is able to generate over 400,000 pieces of qualitative data a day.
"This is a huge achievement of the Cambodian government in developing a stable, qualitative electricity sector," the EAC said in a Facebook post.
It emphasized enhancing the favorable trend of economic recovery, continuously promoting qualitative and efficient improvements as well as reasonable growth in the economy.
The meeting emphasized the need to consolidate and enhance the momentum of economic recovery, and strive to promote overall improvement in economic operations to achieve both qualitative and quantitative growth.
Chen Jining, Party chief of Shanghai, said that after years of efforts, the city is making a qualitative leap in its building of an international science and technology innovation center.
The evolvement of the WIC from a conference to an international organization signifies a qualitative leap," Ren said.
In the past few years, small and medium-sized enterprises have achieved quantitative and qualitative development in China, making an important contribution to the growth of the economy and society.
According to the meeting, stronger coordination should also be achieved between qualitative and quantitative growth, between supply-side structural reform and domestic demand expansion, as well as between economic policies and other policies.
Imports, exports resilient in first 10 months despite domestic and global headwindsDespite greater complexity and uncertainties in both domestic and global markets, the steady and qualitative improvement trend of China's foreign trade will remain unchanged in the coming months, said the country's top foreign trade and investment promotion agency on Tuesday.
Li, who is also a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said these eight key technologies will undergo a transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change in the next 10 years.
"Once a qualitative change occurs, these technologies will have a profound impact on the digital economy and even broader social and cultural fields," Li said.
Xie Shaofeng, director of the information technology development department at the MIIT, said the five-year plan put forward both quantitative and qualitative objectives.
It aims to promote coordination in the reduction of pollution and carbon emissions, and to provide Inner Mongolia with wisdom and solutions for the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development and the improvement of the environment from quantitative change to qualitative change.
"The development of cross-border e-commerce in Southeast Asia has made a qualitative leap during this period.
It will be a more sophisticated economy, with very demanding customers and focused more on qualitative, rather than quantitative growth.
Cheng said the competition considers both qualitative and quantitative factors and the list is a result of a comprehensive evaluation.
When dealing with qualitative data, we do greater research into the management's future direction, sourcing quantifiable evidence as support and leverage on the expertise of our analysts, including our team based in Shanghai.
We believe our analysts with their extensive research experience may be able to evaluate qualitative factors more accurately or identify specific company issues that may have been missed by external resources.
"I mean, (China is) by far the biggest market in the world — the most base stations, the most customers, the most vertical solutions; the innovation that's here has been amazing," Hoffman said.5G is going through a turning point from quantitative growth to qualitative growth, as the nation's 5G users exceeded 561 million last year, said Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co, in a speech at the event.
Chris Lee, founder and CEO of VentureBlick, a Singapore-headquartered venture capital firm, said:"China's healthcare market will top the world, in terms of dollar value as well as qualitative and quantitative basis.
This was the result of the systematic improvement of China's comprehensive national strength and the qualitative leap in innovation capability.
Yu said the industry has made "a significant leap from quantitative change to qualitative change, allowing our century-old buttons to be inherited and developed in a sustainable way, and creating a new model of industrial innovation, transformation and upgrading at home and abroad".
Saeed Al Falasi added, "The Dubai Centre for Artificial Intelligence, which is supervised by the Dubai Future Foundation, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Dubai Media Council and Dubai Digital Authority, will continue to work during the next phase on empowering government employees with AI tools and skills to develop qualitative, practical and applicable solutions on a large scale, as well as support entrepreneurs in this field by providing partnership and financing opportunities.
China's strength in sci-tech innovations has taken a qualitative leap in recent years.
Meng Wanzhou, rotating chairwoman and chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co, said 5G is crossing a turning point from quantitative to qualitative growth, and the world is expected to have 5 billion 5G connections by 2030, from 1.5 billion connections in 2023, with more devices and cars connected to the wireless network.
She said the developmental focus of 5G is shifting from quantitative growth to qualitative growth while China had over 561 million 5G users in 2022.
China's strength in sci-tech innovation has taken a qualitative leap in recent years.
Vasilis Trigkas, a visiting assistant professor at Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University, said: "The automobile sector further attests to China's qualitative transformation.
A very strong marketplace was created, while a lot of qualitative development was also generated. "
"This is a tremendous qualitative change," said Wei Dong, vice-president and chief safety operation officer of Baidu's Intelligent Driving Group, adding that the permits are a key milestone on the path to the turning point when the industry can finally roll out fully autonomous driving services at scale.
"This is a tremendous qualitative change," said Wei Dong, vice-president and chief safety operation officer of Baidu's Intelligent Driving Group, adding that fully driverless cars providing rides on open roads to paying customers mean they have finally come to the moment the industry has been longing for.
Under the premise of qualitative growth, Wuest implemented a rapid model initiative in China together with FAW-Volkswagen, the company said.
Connected vehicles are key to the city's upgrade plans and qualitative development of its automotive sector," said Zhang Jianming, vice-chairman of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization.
"The Society of Automotive Engineers of China's Fu said it is not bad for a 30 million unit market to expand, but it is now going to pursue qualitative growth.
"With qualitative improvements at the top of the agenda, BMW Group aims to continue sustainable growth in China in the next 12 months and beyond," said Olaf Kastner, president and CEO of BMW Group Region China.
China's strength in science and technology innovation has taken a qualitative leap in recent years.
Xu said: "Realme has accumulated a sizable base of fans in the past three years, which brought us to a turning point from making a quantitative change to making a qualitative change.
Xu Qi, vice-president of Realme, said: "Realme has accumulated a sizable base of fans in the past three years, which brought us to a turning point from making a quantitative change to a qualitative change.
The solutions can help doctors rapidly locate the focusxa0of diseases and provide rich qualitative and quantitative analysis, SenseTime said.
The index evaluates global asset management centers via 46 quantitative indicators which are regularly updated, and two qualitative indicators.
The market's qualitative development is expected to attract listings from more companies, its operator Shanghai Stock Exchange said on Wednesday.
"However, the nation is still yet to witness a turning point from quantitative change to qualitative change in terms of air quality," he said.
First of all, their overestimating institutional factors led to a stronger subjectivity with the qualitative analysis accounting for too much, they says.
It is interesting to remember that the nation has long pursued socioeconomic development, human respect and nature-friendly policies to maintain qualitative life.