
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ration 定量 + al …的→ 通过计算来定量 …………
联想记忆ratio比率 + n拿 + al(l)所有 → 这个人拿出所有的比率研究,说明他是理性的 → ration …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
原形:rational复数:rationals比较级:more rational最高级:most rational
rational / ration
rational / reasonable / sensible
rational → 指有理性的,有思维推理能力,而不是凭感觉冲动从事。
reasonable → 一般不十分着重推理的能力,而往往用来表示合乎情理、公正或务实。
sensible …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
rational a 合理的(通过计算的=合理的)
ration n 定量(计算出来的量)
rational a 合理的(通过计算的=合理的)
ratify v 证实(通过计算证实)
rational expectations theory 理性期望理论
rational patriotism 理性爱国
a fair and rational new international political and economic order 公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序
rational sense 理性的感觉
rational analysis 理性分析
rational thinking 理性思维
a new international political and economic order that is fair and rational 公平合理的国际政治经济新秩序
a rational and green development approach 一种合理的绿色发展方式
provide a rational basis for 为
The Mechanism Rational Expected Returns 理性预期收益机制
The Mechanism of Rational Controlled Risks 合理控制风险的机制
rational income distribution system 合理的收入分配制度
Anxiety destroys rational thought.
This was a rational plan and bound to succeed.
Human is a rational being.
She made a rational decision based on the available information.
It's irrational to fear spiders when they're harmless; you need to be rational about it.
His argument was well-structured and entirely rational.
In a crisis, it's important to remain calm and act in a rational manner.
The company's rationalization of its production process led to significant cost savings.
His behavior became increasingly irrational as his mental health deteriorated.
The decision to invest in renewable energy is not only ethical but also rational.
Rational thinking helps us distinguish between facts and opinions.
His rational approach to problem-solving impressed everyone in the team.
We need to make rational choices, not ones based on emotions or whims.
"This year, Chinese consumers have become more rational.
The professional team also extensively inquired about the electricity needs of the enterprise, providing guidance on more rational and economical electricity usage.
According to the government's latest plan for the overall layout of the country's digital development introduced in February, China will open up the main arteries of digital infrastructure, systematically optimize the layout of computing power infrastructure, promote efficient complementarity and collaborative link between eastern and western computing power, guide the rational echelon layout of data centers, and improve overall infrastructure application levels.
Chinese consumers are becoming more rational and carefully reviewing their needs, with a focus on quality and value.
""While value-based shopping is nothing new, consumers are more prudent and knowledgeable about potential purchases than ever before as they seek maximum value with every purchase," he said, adding that rational consumption drives the search for quality rather than flashy promotion.
Zhou Jianfeng, president and board chairman of Pigeon China, said that the maternal and infant care market in China is showing a notable consumption upgrade in recent years where Chinese parents are more rational when choosing products.
"The State Council, the nation's Cabinet, issued a 24-measure guideline earlier this month to attract more global capital and further optimize the country's business environment for multinational corporations, with measures including ensuring equal treatment of foreign and domestic companies and supporting the rational and progressive movement of production between regions.
However, there has been a shift towards more rational consumption, with consumers now seeking healthier snack options, said Guo Xin, a marketing professor at Beijing Technology and Business University.
"Although consumers are more rational about their brand choices when it comes to consumption, they are still willing to pay premium for innovative products with unique benefits," Yu said.
We hope relevant parties will view China-Germany practical cooperation in a rational light and stop groundless hype," he told a daily briefing in Beijing in response to a question about the potential deal.
Market experts suggested the public should take a rational attitude toward such deals, and Chinese enterprises may get inspiration from this when dealing with multinational mergers and acquisitions.
"The competition of the domestic cosmetics market has been fierce, and Chinese consumers have shown a high requirement on the quality, rational price and diversification of makeup.
"Chinese shoppers have become more rational, and they are not blindly following the crowd to imitate others," said Chen Hongchao, CEO of Zhejiang province-based Peacebird.
They now need to move from rational to emotional appeal, driven by marketing and branding.
Companies should adopt a more rational attitude while deploying capital globally, as money should be used to connect only with the right type of overseas resources.
"Consumers will be more rational after the pandemic.
Such a focus on domestic demand is rational due to the serious fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has dampened domestic economic activities and reduced international demand for Chinese goods and services, said Li Yiping, a professor at the School of Economics of the Renmin University of China in Beijing.
The campaign aims at conveying to medical aesthetics consumers the concept of "going to formal institutions, finding qualified doctors and using standard products", as well as raising their safety awareness and establishing a rational and scientific aesthetic value.
"Following the government's guidance, we will fulfill our corporate responsibility to help increase the treatment level of the industry, and help consumers raise safety awareness and pursue beauty in a rational way," said Winston Wu, head of Corporate Affairs of Allergan Aesthetics China.
Through strategic cooperation with Microsoft, Allergan will offer professional services combining online and offline, using digital technology to connect the industry upstream and downstream and help beauty seekers make scientific and rational choices.
Lin Youxun, Qiaodan's senior branding director, said Chinese consumers have become more rational, and they are not blindly following the crowd to imitate others.
Internet giantxa0Tencentxa0Holdings Ltd pledged to jointly build a rational public welfare ecosystem and focus on long-term connections between donors, charitable organizations and recipients, so as to establish long-term trust and enhance the efficiency of charity programs.
This type of behavior should not be encouraged, nor should it be considered rational justification for a criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice.
This type of behavior should not be encouraged, nor should it be considered rational justification for a criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice," Huawei said.
"Chinese shoppers have become more rational, and they are not blindly following the crowd to imitate others.
Consumption experts reminded consumers to be rational during this shopping spree and purchase products from authorized channels to protect their personal interests.
"However, from a long-term perspective, the business could be profitable for Meituan if it takes a rational approach," he added.
Startups could avoid the dilemma that Ofo faced through rational management. "
"Such moves are all out of a rational response to the overall economic situation, and will have positive impact on increasing market vitality.
Yu added the role of data should not be overemphasized, given that people's decisions are not necessarily rational when they choose daily necessity products.
That experience equipped him to make rational judgments when it comes to technology in the tourism landscape, such as what platforms are appropriate, whether it is just a gimmick or of real value to customers.
In an exclusive interview with Xinhua on Tuesday, Ma said his commitment-made last January following a meeting with Donald Trump, who was US president-elect at the time-was based on "friendly cooperation between the two sides and a rational and objective premise of bilateral trade".
He said he was not surprised by the eagerness of the investors, as rational investors in the US tend to look at the bigger picture.
"With strong demand and tight supply, we have been staying rational and trying to solve the difference between supply and demand, to help the market to maintain its balance.
Geczy pointed out it is healthy these steps have been taken, because China's overseas direct investment will be more rational.
It would be rational to accept the offer and get delisted now, said He Xiaopeng, research director at Morning Whistle Group, a Shanghai-based research firm on cross-border acquisitions.
He always tries to downsize the factories to maintain as many jobs as possible, but, if needed, he would have to make rational decisions to cut jobs and close down factories.
He said rational thinking, a trait often boasted by men, can be easily challenged and replaced in the age of artificial intelligence, but women's attention to detail and experience can outperform robotics and machine learning.
Shares of Kweichow Moutai Co, the best-known high-end Chinese liquor, have experienced consecutive losses for six trading days, as a result of an excessive surge earlier, with industry analysts regarding it as rational declines.
"After red-hot competition last year, the burgeoning live streaming sector is becoming more rational.
Under the well-known backdrop of the US attempt to contain China's rise with export curbs on chips and investment restrictions in high-tech areas, China has no choice but to take some countermeasures, which are rational and in line with international practice, said Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.
However, a rational look at the situation shows there is plenty of potential amid the current difficulties.
This surge in consumer activity marks an improvement in spending patterns, which have become more rational and individualized.
For instance, implementation plans for fiscal system reforms have been issued in some provinces, contributing to the establishment of a more rational allocation of powers and responsibilities in fiscal systems below the provincial level.
The local government said insisting on "eco-friendly and rational utilization", it provides strong policy support for the restoration of the abandoned industrial and mining sites, which helps the village collectives increase their incomes by more than 280,000 yuan ($39,291).
The clear and rational aspect is that young people's employment attitude, their definitions of good jobs, and the conditions they value when looking for jobs all exhibit strong intergenerational differences compared to their predecessors.
Of course, in order to give full play to the advantages of the above-mentioned systems, policymakers must adhere to a realistic attitude and a rational and scientific spirit, so as to ensure that optimal solutions that are better than those of a traditional market economy system can be found at a higher strategic level.
With a rational understanding of China's development stage, policymakers should devise foreign investment policies that align with the country's current stage of development and implement structural guidance to, for example, provide more support for research and development in the manufacturing and services sectors that align with the country's high-quality development agenda.
China has become a major producer and seller of new energy vehicles in just over two decades, achieving rapid growth in this sector," said Chen, adding the market explosion and the release of production capacity at this moment reflect the effective improvement of China's export quality and the rational growth in quantity, highlighting the forward-looking nature of China's economic development.
However, chasing high GMV is no longer the focus, industry observers said, noting that Chinese shoppers are becoming more rational and carefully reviewing their needs, with an emphasis on quality and value.
Russell also emphasized that "rational consumption drives the search for quality rather than flashy promotion".
The survey, with a sample size of over 2,000 consumers across different age groups and regions in China, found that rational consumption drove a search for quality over flashy promotion.
Echoing the rational consumption trend, consumers are increasingly looking for cost-effective local alternatives as Chinese brands' product quality and safety improve, the report said.
Jason Yu, general manager of Kantar Worldpanel China, a market research provider, said Chinese consumers are more rational now, carefully reviewing their needs, with a focus on quality and value.
First, it needs to stay rational and understand relevant rules from a practical perspective.
With reforms in relevant regulations and procedural improvements, the use of the funds will become more convenient and rational, and will probably create trillions of yuan in income for people involved in the next three to five years.
Early repayments are rational adjustments made by households in accordance with the current environment.
So seeing things from a rational perspective, people naturally will act accordingly.
From the perspective of wealth management, owning more than two real estate properties as investment may not be rational.
While being optimistic about the prospects of China's economic recovery, we also recommend maintaining rational optimism and paying attention to employment and prices.
"If we fail to be more rational, then people everywhere would be worse off.
To boost consumption and rational investment, the central bank will continue to precisely implement a prudent monetary policy, provide sound financial services for residents and strong financial support for the development of the real economy, Liu said.
Lu Ting, chief China economist at Nomura, said, "The GDP growth target of around 5 percent is a reasonable and rational choice, as China's economy is still set to face multiple headwinds over the course of the year.
Lu Ting, chief China economist at Nomura, said that China's GDP growth target for 2023 is reasonable and rational, as the country's economy is still expected to face multiple headwinds over the course of the year.
During the pandemic, consumers' purchasing power declined, and their consumption behavior became more conservative and rational.
Meanwhile, the pricing of M&As has been returning to a rational range as companies' valuations declined last year.
"Chinese consumers have also become more rational, and are carefully reviewing their needs, with a key focus on the quality and value of the products they buy, as well as the feelings that services bring to them, Wang said.
In order to better promote the development of the real economy, the government should face up to this phenomenon, take measures to guide rational expectations for improvement of household incomes, and increase people's willingness and capacity to consume and invest, Dong said.
In my role as a consumer, I was rational this time and thought twice before placing orders for modern essentials like skincare and cosmetics products.
Despite focus on customer loyalty and rational buying, 11-11 rocksIn its 14th year, the Singles Day shopping extravaganza, initiated by Alibaba Group on Nov 11, 2009, remains the world's biggest online shopping event.
Although Singles Day remains a top priority for China's retailers, this year's festival has confirmed that consumers have become more rational and are carefully reviewing their needs, with focus on purchasing daily necessities and high-quality products, experts said.
Home prices in China's 70 large and medium-sized cities remained largely flat month-on-month in June, with more cities reporting growth than declines, indicating the sector is well on track to stability as supportive measures introduced earlier to encourage rational demand are taking effect, industrial experts said.
He suggested the process may be gradual for the tourism sector to gain more experience in striking a balance between supporting rational travel while containing the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We observed that Chinese consumers have become more rational during the midyear promotion gala, and they are inclined to choose higher-quality and new products, rather than commodities with lower prices," Liu said.
Principle of 'establishing new before abolishing old' is crucial, says officialBuilding an inclusive, green and low-carbon economy is crucial to promoting China's quality development, but the country should promote the low-carbon transition in a rational and orderly manner in order to ensure energy security, Vice-Premier Han Zheng said on Thursday.
The country also aims to promote the building of a fair and rational global climate governance system for win-win results.
"We observed that Chinese consumers have become more rational during the midyear promotion gala, and are inclined to choose higher-quality and new commodities," said Liu Hui, director of JD's Consumption and Industry Development Research Institute.
In addition, as rational plans for the future trend of returns on investment are made partly based on the existing age structure of the population, we expect capital dividends will dwindle as aging accelerates.
Chinese consumers have become more rational and are carefully reviewing their needs, tending to scrutinize their consumer spending amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report by global consultancy Accenture.
Online and offline experiences that complement each other are a key way to impress rational consumers.
By building a unified domestic market including all elements of production and resources-capital, technology and energy-China will further remove barriers to the rational flow of production factors, said Bai Ming, deputy director of international market research at the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.
Experts attributed the overall improved performance to adjustments to regulations and fresh measures like better credit supply to satisfy reasonable financing and rational homebuying.
China has urged the United States to adopt rational and pragmatic economic and trade policies to meet it halfway to support the healthy and stable growth of bilateral economic and trade relations, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
Shu urged the United States to adopt rational and pragmatic economic and trade policies towards China, and push for the sound and steady development of bilateral economic and trade relations based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.
China has urged the United States to adopt rational and pragmatic economic and trade policies to meet China halfway to support the healthy and stable growth of bilateral economic and trade ties, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
"I believe that Israel must develop a rational, wise and close relationship with China, which is a great friend and a leading country with growing influence," said Yoav Kisch, a member of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.
Under the premise of scientific planning, rational layout and emphasis on efficiency, infrastructure investment is promising.
China hopes the US will adopt rational and pragmatic economic and trade policies to meet China halfway, and bring China-US relations back to the healthy and stable track based on the principles of mutual respect, mutual benefit and the win-win approach, he said, adding it is not only in line with the fundamental interests of the two nations and their people to do so, but also is the common expectation of the international community.
The media and think tanks are critical for enabling communication between member countries in delivering the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement because they help generate rational public opinions, and mechanisms for media and think tank cooperation should be diversified, experts said.
This would also help frame rational public opinion on issues regarding ties between member countries.
Under the plan, China will take key measures to promote the more efficient allocation of land, encourage the rational and smooth flow of labor and support the pilot digital currency program for the use in retail transactions, daily life and in payment for government services.
"More importantly, regulation of the sector is also fostering customers to shop in a more informed and rational manner, "thus squeezing unnecessary intermediary costs and enhancing the efficiency of business circulation", he added.
There is a conscious effort to encourage rational shopping in this year's event, and China e-commerce platforms are leading the way as they look to build a more sustainable e-commerce environment.
Although the primary distribution is mainly aimed at pursuing efficiency, the nation could still make more efforts to raise the minimum wage and establish rational institutions to bring about salary increases.
I tried to stay rational, but some presale commodities with steep discounts recommended by Viva stimulated my desire to shop.
Instead, companies pointed to inclusive growth and eco-friendliness while taking the Nov 11 shopping extravaganza into its 12th year, and some consumers opted for more rational shopping.
"Meanwhile, some customers called for rational shopping.
They said government measures will help to gradually bring the coal market back to rational operations and ensure stable coal supplies and prices this heating season.
The regulator has also been working on a mechanism to stabilize coal prices over the long run and bring the coal market back to rational operations and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the coal and power sectors.
Highlighting that relations between the two countries should be based on mutual respect and benefits, Wang called on the Canadian side to take a rational approach to building a pragmatic dialogue policy, resist protectionism and create a better environment for Chinese companies, including Huawei.

四级They are always polite and rational people.


2017年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

四级Based on what is emerging from some of this research, that might have been as rational a way as any to reach a decision.



四级In contrast," the researchers continue, "many regulations that don't assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol, a substance — like food — of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems.



四级The author thinks her friend made a rational decision in choosing a more hospitable place over an apparently elegant assisted living home.



四级They help people make rational choices



四级Guiding people to make rational choices about food.



六级Perhaps, if we continue to improve information-processing machines, we'll soon have helpful rational assistants.


2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

六级And if we're not going to make rational decisions about the future, others may have to help us to do so.



六级This mission depends on traditions of rational discourse and vigorous defense of the scientific method.



六级Though I have an open mind toward the craze on certificates, I suggest that students should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since they do not necessarily tell their ability.



六级From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one's ability.



四级We need to think about the rational use of health care.



四级"In contrast," the researchers continue, "many regulations that don't assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol, a substance like food--of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems. "



四级“In contrast,” the researchers continue, “many regulations that don’t assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol, a substance — like food — of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems.


2013年 6月大学英语四级考试真题

四级"In contrast," the researchers continue, "many regulations that don't assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol, a substance -- like food -- of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems. "


2013年 6月大学英语四级考试真题

四级“In contrast,” the researchers continue, “ many regulations that don’t assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol, a substance—like food—of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems.



四级Based on what is emerging from some of this research, that might have been as rational a way as any to reach a decision.


