
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根acu 尖,锐利 + te → 尖锐的,敏锐的 →  …………
联想记忆字母“a”灵敏的把“e”切了(cut),(字母表缺字母)这是一个严重的问题。 → acute adj.严重 …………
critical / acute / urgent
critical → 指极为危急或缺乏的状况,而这种状况标志一种转折点。
acute → 通常指需要和缺乏的紧急程度。也指病情的严重。
urgent → 指情况紧急,急需解决问题。
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
acid, acri, acrid, acu=sour, sharp, 表示”尖,酸,锐利”
acute angle 锐角
acute respiratory infection symptom 急性呼吸道感染症状
acute diseases 急性疾病
acute crisis 严重危机
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸综合征
acute triangle 锐角三角形
acute disease 急性疾病
acute sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉
acute respiratory disease 急性呼吸道疾病
acute exposure 急性暴露
acute shortage of ... 严重缺乏...
acute sense 敏锐的感觉
acute tonsilitis 急性扁桃体炎
in acute pain 急性疼痛
Severe Acute Respiratary Syndrome 严重急性呼吸综合征
He is an acute observer.
A bad tooth can cause acute pain.
The patient's condition is acute, and he needs immediate medical attention.
The chef prepared an acute-tasting sauce for the dish.
She reacted with acute embarrassment when her mistake was pointed out.
The photographer captured an acute moment in time, freezing a laugh between friends.
He has an acute sense of smell, which helps him identify various spices.
The child developed an acute understanding of the subject matter after just a few lessons.
The company faced an acute shortage of skilled workers during the pandemic.
The pain in her ankle is acute, indicating a possible fracture.
His analysis of the situation was acute, revealing key issues that others had overlooked.
Her observation skills are acute, allowing her to notice even the smallest details.
The problem is acute in California.
Patients in neurosurgical ICUs suffering from acute and critical head conditions face a high risk of sudden health status deterioration.
The shortage of air cargo capacity and specialized air cargo enterprises, along with rising transportation costs, has become very acute amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Yang added.
The FDA has authorized the temporary importation of cisplatin from China in an effort to ease an acute shortage of cancer drugs in the US, according to an update posted to the agency's website.
"The shortage of air cargo capacity and specialized air cargo enterprises, along with rising transportation costs, became very acute amid the COVID-19 pandemic," Yang added.
"The shortage of air cargo capacity, specialized air cargo enterprises and hikes in transportation costs have become acute amid the COVID-19 pandemic," Yang said, adding the permit to operate an air cargo fleet will help JD enhance delivery efficiency, especially in the cross-provincial and cross-border logistics segment, boost its long-haul freight capacity and ensure smooth operation of supply chains.
A total of 20 star products, including Sarclisa, for treatment of relapsed multiple myeloma, and Coplavix, for the prevention of atherosclerotic thrombosis in adult patients with acute coronary syndrome who have taken clopidogrel and aspirin, and three other consumer health products will be displayed for the first time.
Lydia Cai, managing director at TPG Capital Asia, said: "The public demand for digitalization and healthcare has become increasingly acute under the new normal due to COVID-19 pandemic.
TPG Capital Asia的管理董事总经理Lydia Cai表示:“由于COVID-19大流行带来的新常态,公众对数字化和医疗保健的需求日益迫切。”
The drug is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients who have relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with a FLT3 mutation.
The study showed that there were no deaths in any of the groups treated with the cooling agent in the acute and subacute inhalation studies, with no remarkable changes occurring in body weight, organ weight, hematology and serum biochemistry, and no toxic effects in histopathologic analysis.
"People's awareness to prevent acute respiratory infectious diseases, including flu, is of particular importance in this autumn and winter amid the COVID-19 pandemic," Chen said.
I-Mab is also planning to launch Phase 1/2 trials in China among patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia, or myelodysplastic syndrome.
This is in accordance with a McKinsey study last year that uncovered the huge potential of China in leading the digitalization of the industry because of its policy tail winds, acute need for new solutions, and strong digital ecosystem.
The latest batch will be delivered to eight Italian hospitals suffering acute shortages of necessities.
The latest supplies will be delivered to the eight Italian hospitals in acute shortage of necessities.
"Compared with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003, COVID-19 is less fatal but more widespread, and has far greater economic impacts as China's economic integration stands at a much higher level today, a report by the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies said.
Severe patients would appear as having acute respiratory distress syndrome," said Li Xin, director of the respiration department with China Resource & WISCO General Hospital.
While there are no antiviral data for remdesivir that show activity against the new coronavirus infection, the drug has demonstrated activity in animals with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which are caused by coronaviruses that are structurally similar to the new virus, according to the statement.
According to the collaboration framework, three vaccines, including one to treat pneumococcus, and at least seven new medicines, including for treating acute myeloid leukemia and non-small-cell long cancer, which have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency for market launch, will be available in the pilot zone soon.
Heavy metal contamination in soils and critical shortages of silicon are acute and widespread challenges for many countries in the world, including China.
"We have been actively cooperating with the Chinese government's work priorities over the past few years, such as 'patients with acute myocardial infarctions should receive timely treatment in local hospital', and we are also striving to expand the coverage of our advanced technologies.
"The low-cost housing agenda seeks to address the acute shortage by cutting construction costs through use of innovative technologies, reducing mortgage cost, and raising low-cost funds from private and public sectors for investment in large-scale housing construction," he explained.
Chinese health information technology company Meehealth joined hands with US-based company Ambient Clinical Analytics to launch a medical platform in Beijing on Wednesday, which can be used for the early recognition and treatment of acute illness and injury.
中国健康信息技术公司Meehealth于本周三与美国公司Ambient Clinical Analytics联手在北京推出了一款医疗平台,该平台可用于对急性病和伤害进行早期识别和治疗。
The medical platform, namely meeCERTAIN, can assist doctors with diagnosis and offer a medical graph for acute illness and injury.
"Specifically, meeCERTAIN standardizes the diagnosis process for acute illness and injury, in order to decrease the death rates and complications for acute diseases.
And the system really needs to be supplemented with more private investment in order to handle the heavy load — not only in acute healthcare, but also senior living, rehabilitation medicine and hospitals," Lipson said.
Extra paid services are of acute importance for the low-cost carrier well-being, in particular, the airline's right to set a baggage rate, as the ticket cost reduction by the low-coster is achieved due to:• High loading of the aircraft• Buying tickets online• No service fees to tourist agencies• Use of secondary airports• No connecting flights• Economy class seats only• Short ground turn-around time• Excluding all the extra services (baggage, meals on board or seat selection etc. )
Online doctor-patient communication is often conducted through tools such as cameras, instant messaging and photos, instead of face-to-face interaction, making it risky when treating acute and complicated diseases, Yang said.
According to the China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Medicines & Health Products, Guilin Pharma overtook Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd last year to grab the No 2 spot on the list, with the No 1 being Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd. WHO data showed that at the beginning of the 21st century, there were at least 300 million cases of acute malaria annually.
The other thing is the amazing national unity people have exhibited during major incidents like the battle against severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003 and the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008.
He is optimist that the work done inside the port will help Greece recover from a seven year acute debt crisis, in particular after COSCO SHIPPING also purchased the majority stake in Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) last year.
As for financial risk prevention and resolution, the commission said forceful and effective efforts are needed to strengthen risk control in key areas, urging strong measures to cure existing problems and early rectification of any emerging problems before they become acute.
As China transitions from an economy marked by acute capital scarcity to one with improved technological prowess, the role of foreign investment has also undergone a transformative shift.
After years of rapid development, China no longer faces acute scarcity of capital.
According to the order, the sensitive technologies and products in these sectors can pose an acute threat to US national security, and investments from the US will help China accelerate its development of these sectors.
Meanwhile, experts said the low inflation readings indicate the acute problem of ongoing weak demand, putting pressure on policymakers to take more steps to shore up growth.
Second, domestic traders aren't fully capitalizing on the export advantages of high-end equipment and high-tech products, and the urgency of boosting brand building for these two kinds of goods remains acute.
The policy push, including the removal of administrative restrictions in the housing and automobile markets, is among China's priorities in order to revive the vibrancy of its consumer market because the central leadership has identified insufficient domestic demand as an acute challenge facing the nation's economic and social development, especially after three years of COVID-19 disruptions.
Lian Ping, chief economist at Zhixin Investment, said that China's economic recovery still faces acute challenges and uncertainties given lingering COVID-19 impacts.
This has created vast employment opportunities in a country facing acute employment challenges.
Global growth is forecast to slow from 6 percent in 2021 to 3.2 percent in 2022 and 2.7 percent in 2023, which is the weakest growth profile since 2001, except for the global financial crisis in 2008 and the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the report said.
He said the entire COVID-19 situation since early 2020 has not only hampered growth but has also brought structural changes to the economy, with consumption falling behind expectations and smaller businesses facing acute challenges for survival.
Xu added that the ministry is accelerating the issuance of local government special bonds to drive up investment and strengthen efforts to assist businesses facing acute difficulties, like alleviating pressure related to social insurance contributions.
Wen Bin, chief researcher at China Minsheng Bank, said the latest RRR cut is of great necessity to buffer growing economic headwinds, as it will help alleviate financial burdens for market players, especially those facing the most acute difficulties.
The country has also allowed the deferral of pension insurance payments to be implemented during the second quarter of 2022 to address the acute difficulties facing service sectors, while some enterprises can enjoy refunded unemployment insurance premiums and rent reductions.
Third, the labor market is facing pressure from multiple imbalances and mismatches between supply and demand, and this pressure has become more acute this year.
Talking about "special and differential treatment," Wang said that China is the world's largest developing country because it is still faced with acute problems caused by unbalanced and inadequate development, as well as an arduous development agenda.
"We need to respond proactively to the acute difficulties facing MSMEs and help ease their cost-induced pressure.
Noting that the lack of sufficient credit information is an acute issue causing financing woes for smaller firms, the credit-based loan model works on the basis of credit information sharing and utilizing big data to fully harness the value of credit information.
With the COVID-19 pandemic and shifting global dynamics since last year, China's economy faces acute growth challenges.
Apart from planned establishment of five regional headquarters in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Wuxi this year, Astra-Zeneca has ensured that its supply sites in China were among the earliest to return to work after the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During a later interview with National Public Radio in the US,Powell said the "emergency tools" the Fed used during the acute phase of the pandemic crisis will be gradually pulled back.
But the overall stability cannot hide the acute difficulty faced by many individual job-hunters like Hu.
Since the start of the winter, China has seen a rise in acute infectious respiratory diseases, with the prevalence of multiple pathogens amid the ebbs and flows of infection spikes.
The company said it is the first and only biological agent that can significantly reduce the incidence of moderate to severe acute exacerbation.
The therapy can significantly reduce the rate of acute attacks and improve lung function and asthma control rapidly and durably.
The ratio in the first seven months came in at 0.53, which means there are two job openings for each applicant, pointing to an acute talent shortage in the industry.
China's graying demographic will be even more acute by 2035.
Taking vaccine research and development as an example, it took 20 months for the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) vaccine to enter clinical trials after the discovery of the virus in 2003, while it took only 65 days for the COVID-19 vaccine to enter clinical trials.
The country has also allowed the deferral of pension insurance payments to be implemented during the second quarter of 2022 to address the acute difficulties facing the service sector, while some enterprises can enjoy refunded unemployment insurance premiums and rent reductions.
"For big cities, the market is changing rapidly and it is necessary to pay close attention to some signals of fluctuations and maintain acute response to market performance," Yan stressed.
At the same time, with continuing regulations targeting the real estate sector and financing conditions tightening, debt risk for real estate companies is becoming severely acute.
In 2017, the government introduced a policy stating that cities with acute imbalances between supply and demand should increase the supply of land for housing, especially for common residential housing purposes.
The container shortage began in the second half, and became extremely acute at the beginning of 2021, said Zhou Dequan, director of the Shanghai International Shipping Institute's domestic shipping research office.
For Gao, an acute myocardial infarction patient in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan province, the steep cut in the price of a coronary stent from over 7,400 yuan ($1,144) to 590 yuan came as a real blessing.
Noting that the phenomenon of "bubbling and financialization of the real estate sector is still acute", Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, said at a news conference that it's worth noticing that in 2020, growth rate of loans channeled into the real estate sector has dropped to a level lower than the average credit growth rate.
Pharmaceutical companies such as AbbVie Pharmaceutical Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd, whose acute myeloid leukemia medication is covered by the insurance, welcome the new initiative, saying it will bring more treatment methods and products to help relieve pain and improve the quality of life for Chinese patients, said officials with the pilot zone.
Almost 60 percent of respondents cited reductions in employee productivity, while nearly 40 percent of respondents were experiencing cash-flow issues, a particularly acute challenge for smaller organizations.
According to Lu, an online survey conducted by the national clinical research center for mental diseases on more than 50,000 people showed the incidence of depression, anxiety, insomnia and acute stress symptoms in the general population during the epidemic was about 30 percent, and the mental health of frontline workers, patients with chronic diseases and other special groups is even more at risk.
Like the rapid rise of online shopping after the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003, many online sectors will see new opportunities," said Liu Mingdi, head of China strategy at UBS Investment Research.
As a sudden and stressful event, more acute reactions are associated with the pandemic than with general mental health issues, Ho said.
According to WFP projections, unless swift action is taken, the economic impact of COVID-19 could cause the number of people experiencing acute food insecurity to rise from 135 million in 2019 to 265 million in 2020.
With COVID-19 rapidly evolving into a pandemic, there is an acute shortage of detection equipment across the world, with the average daily demand hitting 500,000 to 700,000 kits, according to data from Huaxi Securities.
Like the rapid rise of online shopping after the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003, many online sectors will see new opportunities.
"People used to die of acute disease, trauma, infection by poison, but in the last 50 years, we have medicines able to control the causes of acute diseases, more peace and less trauma, and more antibiotics and less infection.
"AI is widely believed to be able to greatly improve healthcare efficiency in China, and that is important because we have imbalanced medical resources among different regions and an acute shortage of doctors and nurses," said Qiao Xin, co-founder and CEO of Deepwise.
In addition, international medical assistance teams helped combat a lot of acute diseases using Chinese herbs, acupuncture, tuina (massage), and a combination of Chinese and Western treatments, and saved tens of thousands of lives.
Chinese carriers are exploring ways to recruit and train more talent locally to cope with the acute shortage of pilots and training facilities, amid surging demand for air travel in the country.
It also strives to revive its ailing tourism sector which has been suffering an acute recession over the past few years from political turmoil and relevant security issues.
He said the industry on a global basis is currently facing the most acute professional driver shortage in decades.
Taiji Group's signature product, Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid, an oral liquid medicine to treat symptoms caused by summertime heat and dampness, such as acute headache, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, has been registered and exported to five Southeast Asian countries, including Thailand and Malaysia.
"The rebound of global car markets continues to be hampered by acute supply limitations across the entire value chain," Infineon CEO Reinhard Ploss said.
It was triggered primarily by surging demand for consumer electronics to use at home, and the unexpected rise in car sales to avoid public transport during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The issue will become more acute as the industry is shifting toward electric and autonomous vehicles, experts said.
Analysts said the chip issue will become more acute as the car industry will be more reliant on chips as vehicles become electric, smart and autonomous.
A representative at SAIC Volkswagen, one of the country's leading carmakers, said the company is facing an acute shortage of electronic stability program-related components and electronic control units, mainly from Continental and another German supplier Bosch.
According to data from the Shanghai United Road Traffic Safety Scientific Research Center, 89 percent of side-impact accidents in China take place at intersections, reflecting an acute need for collision avoidance technology and features that contribute to a less stressful driving experience.
Local services platform Meituan has introduced an "emergency helper" function on its app, providing services from group meals, grocery purchases, medicine delivery and errand-running in the most acute cases.
The joint working group has been set up at a crucial juncture, especially as an acute chip shortage is affecting the production of several products such as smartphones, personal computers and automobiles.
China's consumer price index and producer price index — two main gauges of inflation — came within the negative territory on a yearly basis in July, with CPI down 0.3 percent and PPI down 4.4 percent, indicating the acute problem of weak demand.
"Large-scale tax and fee cuts were mostly needed when the economy faced acute downward pressure and businesses were having a particularly hard time because of COVID-19.
Finance Minister Liu Kun said in a statement on the ministry's website that great uncertainty still shrouds fiscal revenue, and there is still an acute imbalance between such revenue and spending.
While the problem of "funds released from these bonds awaiting qualified projects" remains acute, we expect that policies will be issued at regional or provincial levels to enhance the number of projects suitable for special bond funding and support.
Great uncertainty still shrouds fiscal revenue, and the imbalance between fiscal revenue and spending remains acute.
In the Xinhua interview, Finance Minister Liu said that though the imbalance between fiscal revenue and spending remains acute, the government will not hold back expenditures that can improve people's livelihoods.
Compared with other measures, a cash subsidy to low-income groups may work more effectively as it is aimed at those facing the most acute difficulties, said Cai, who is also a member of the central bank's monetary policy committee.
This has particularly been the case since 2018, when the proportion of bond financing by private businesses began a continuous decline, and their difficulties in direct financing have become acute.
The country is also strengthening efforts to assist businesses with acute difficulties, such as alleviating the pressure brought by social insurance contributions and providing subsidies for the expenses of rents and utility bills, Xu added.
Insuring consumers against up to 160 diseases, the product enhances the protection for some major critical illnesses such as stroke and acute myocardial infarction whose incidence rate is increasing year by year due to factors such as diet and lifestyle, Wang Jian, vice-president of Beijing Kitwellcare Co Ltd, said.
However, while visible progress has been made in inclusive finance, financing needs of smaller businesses still remain acute.
Under such circumstances, the imbalance between demand and supply of safe assets will become acute.

四级Because boys generally have more acute vision learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given "hands-on" lessons where they are allowed to walk around.



六级As a poet, Ted Hughes had an acute sensitivity to the way in which constraints on self-expression, like the disciplines of metre and rhyme (韵律), spur creative thought

作为一名诗人,特德·休斯对自我表达的约束方式有着敏锐的敏感性,比如韵律和韵律(韵律), 激发创造性思维


考研As well as those chronic problems, the EU face an acute crisis in its economic core, the 16 countries that use the single currency.


2011年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研Acute foreign observers related American adaptiveness and inventiveness to this educational advantage.


