
对比记忆mission → n.任务,使命
sub+mission → submission → n.提交,屈 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
open admission 开放式入场
apply for admission to ... 申请进入...
admission letter 录取通知书
rate of admission into higher schools 高等学校入学率
admission fees 入场费
lowest mark for admission 最低录取分数
free admission 入场免费
charge admission fees 收取入场费
admission office 招生办公室
admission ticket 入场券
apply for admission into 申请入学
admission card 准考证
pay for admission 入场费
admission fee 入场费
admission examination 入学考试
admission qualification 入学资格
admission committee 招生委员会
admission charge 入场费
admissions committee 招生委员会
admission standard 准入标准
an admission letter 录取通知书
information for admission 入院信息
national examination for admissions to the civil service 国家公务员考试
Graduate Management Admission Test 研究生管理入学考试
Admission to the concert costs $2.
China's admission to the United Nations.
There is no admission charge.
I applied for admission to Harvard University last year, but unfortunately, I wasn't accepted.
The college has a strict admission policy, considering both academic achievements and extracurricular activities.
Applicants must submit their transcripts, test scores, and a personal statement for university admission.
She was granted early admission to the medical school due to her outstanding academic record.
Many universities offer conditional admission for students who need to improve their English proficiency first.
The university has an open door policy for mature students seeking admission to a degree program.
The admission fee for the concert is $20, which includes a free CD of the performance.
High school seniors eagerly await their college admission decisions in April.
Some universities have rolling admissions, allowing candidates to apply at any time throughout the year.
After submitting her application, she nervously awaited the university's admission decision, hoping for good news.
"According to Xie, during the past year, thanks to the program, 35 students from three academies in the school were either recommended for admission or admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, two of the top Chinese higher education institutions.
Between Friday and June 10, the park will offer free admission, with a cap of 5,000 visitors daily.
Visitors staying at the two hotels can enjoy early park admission to a selected area or attractions inside Universal Studios Beijing on the day of park visitation before the theme park opens to the public (with valid theme park admission) via an exclusive access entrance.
AirAsia has metamorphosed from a Malaysian budget carrier into an all-in-one online travel agency providing flight tickets, hotel bookings, admission tickets, food delivery services, e-commerce and financial services not only in Malaysia but also globally, including in China.
The proposed issuance and admission of CDRs is subject to market conditions, shareholders' approval and the necessary approvals of relevant stock exchanges and regulatory authorities, it added.
Buoyed by the large population of children, parents' higher disposable income and increasing focus on children's education as well as the fierce competition for admission into top schools, the total revenue of the complementary childhood education market has grown rapidly from 420.6 billion yuan in 2015 to 780.2 billion yuan in 2019, according to the Frostxa0& Sullivan Report.
Effective Aug 24, Annual Pass holders and General Admission Ticket holders of Shanghai Disneyland will be able to visit the park on any eligible day based on the condition of their pass or ticket.
The intelligent tool will analyze enrollment plans, admission scores and the universities same-level students have applied for over the past few years, in accordance with the provincial recruitment policies and candidates' personal scores, to provide references for the selection of universities and majors.
This is down from the current 575 yuan under similar admission conditions.
The regular admission price remains unchanged at 399 yuan, covering the majority of winter and autumn.
Based on the current pricing, its admission fees remain the lowest across six Disney global resorts.
To get in, visitors must buy either an all-access pass for $49.99 or general access admission for $39.99, under 2's go free.
The nominal value of the newly issued A shares represented by GDRs will be 1 yuan ($ 0.14) each as underlying securities and apply for the admission of the same to listing on the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Children under the age of three or are 1 meter and below in height on the day of their visit will receive free park admission, the resort said in a press release.
Chinese online education platform VIPKid announced on Monday it has inked a strategic partnership with the Secondary School Admission Test, a standardized admissions test widely used by private schools in North America, becoming the exclusive online partner of the SSAT on the Chinese mainland.
The settlement did not require an admission of liability, Attorney General Lori Swanson said.
Puxin Education is a private education company providing tutorial programs for K-12 education, overseas test prep and college admission counseling services in more than 30 cities in China.
Hard-won admission into Peking UniversityWhen he was living in Hong Kong, Gal Or said he little understood the Chinese language and culture.
MIIT also pledged more efforts to launch pilot projects for the admission and on-road use of intelligent connected vehicles, and promote the large-scale application of Beidou Navigation Satellite System and the development of satellite internet.
Amid recent fluctuations in international dynamics, the admission of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran reflects a common desire among energy-exporting economies in the Middle East to engage in new cooperation patterns and shared interests through multilateral platforms.
On Aug 21, all 15 RCEP economies convened for the second ministerial meeting after the pact was implemented, where they continued discussions on the admission of new members and resolved to reach consensus faster, said Shu Jueting, spokeswoman for the ministry.
In July, China's national trade promotion system issued 748 Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission (ATA) Carnets, up 205.28 percent year on year, reflecting Chinese firms' unabated interests in overseas exhibitions, CCPIT spokesperson Sun Xiao told a press conference.
中国贸促会新闻发言人孙晓在新闻发布会上表示,7月份,我国的全国贸易促进体系共签发了748份临时入境通关单(Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission,简称ATA Carnets),同比增长205.28%,这反映出中国企业在海外参展的热情持续不减。
In February this year, China's national trade promotion system issued a total of 578 Admission Temporaire -- Temporary Admission (ATA) Carnets, an increase of 260.76 percent year-on-year, involving about 157 million yuan ($22.83 million) of cargos in value, up 195.53 percent year-on-year.
In the first six months, admission ticket sales to nighttime sightseeing and tourist spots and other entertainment venues surged 469 percent year-on-year, with female visitors making up for 53 percent of the total.
The theme park said nighttime admission tickets, which are cheaper than daytime options, have helped it significantly increase sales revenue.
According to the Chilean government, the vaccine from Sinovac has an efficacy of 67 percent in preventing symptomatic disease, and is up to 85 percent effective in preventing hospitalization, 89 percent effective in preventing admission to an intensive care unit, and 80 percent effective in preventing death caused by the virus.
- China expects to see around 250 million domestic trips during the upcoming Labor Day holiday, with bookings of air tickets, admission tickets and hotel rooms significantly surpassing that of the same period in 2019.
They were also encouraged to adopt reservation-only or staggered admission policies.
Since November, sales of admission tickets to indoor skiing resorts in Guangzhou, Chongqing and Kunming, Yunnan province, have jumped more than 1.5 times compared to the same period in 2019, according to Qunar, a Beijing-based online travel agency.
Meanwhile, the booking volumes of admission tickets to skiing resorts nationwide have surged nearly 150 percent over the same period of 2019, or before the pandemic, Qunar found.
Between July 1 and Aug 13, sales of indoor skiing and ice skating admission tickets nationwide surged 187 percent over the previous month.
Popular parks include Shanghai Disney Resort, Universal Beijing Resort, Zhuhai Chimelong International Ocean Resort in Guangdong province and the Atlantis Sanya resort water park in Hainan province, according to online travel agency Tuniu Corp. Shanghai Disney Resort said that since June 23, it began to raise its admission ticket prices in response to rising costs such as new product development.
The price of a regular-day admission ticket has increased from 435 yuan ($60) to 475 yuan, and the price of a peak-day ticket has risen from 769 yuan to 799 yuan.
In response, the tourism industry is introducing special offers for fresh graduates, including fun activities, discounts and even free admission, as reported by local media.
The continuous release of policy effects has also played a role, as cities across the country have made tourism a main focus for expanding domestic demand and boosting consumption, by issuing cultural and tourism consumption coupons, reducing admission fees for scenic spots, and improving of travel services.
com Group, China's largest online travel agency, nearly half of the skiers who booked admission tickets at ski resorts or related ski packages have booked hotels that cost higher than 1,000 yuan ($146) per night.
Admission tickets sales of domestic scenic spots have hit a record high within the past three years.
These regions shall formulate the admission standards for local enterprises, standardize the selection procedures, and support companies with access to second-hand cars for sale, overseas marketing channels, and after-sales service to carry out the export business, it said.
On July 1, the first day Luhuitou Resort began offering free admission to tourists, the daily visitor numbers surpassed 2,000.
Huashan announced in May that it would offer free admission from June 1 to 30 and the daily visitor numbers would be capped at 15,000.
Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, which offered free admission for some time last year, announced that it would continue to do so from May 11 to Dec 31.
However, free admission has limited appeal for interprovincial tourists, Cao Yong, a senior specialist in resort operations, told New Lvjie.
Although free admission can promote intraprovincial travel, the offer appears less attractive to long-distance and interprovincial tourists because they have to consider the costs of transportation, accommodation, food and time, Cao explained.
Sales of admission tickets to parks that allow camping surged more than 50 percent year-on-year.
"On Qunar, travelers can book products such as admission tickets to camping sites, camping with simple tents, camping coupled with picnics, and camping with overnight accommodations.
Some facilities in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, and Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, have seen booming sales of admission tickets during the festival," Lan said.
Last year, Happy Valley reduced its admission prices and launched a series of promotions.
In comparison, Universal Studios Beijing offers different types of tickets-priced from 418 yuan to 748 yuan, according to the date of admission.
This winter, a few ski resorts in Northeast China have worked with nearby hot springs to bring in a high number of bookings through packages that include hotel rooms, hot springs and ski slope admission tickets, Tuniu said.
Besides booking hotels in advance to redeem at a later time, Chinese travelers also booked admission tickets and restaurants vouchers ahead of time.
Specifically, the number of admission ticket orders surged 116 percent year-on-year.
The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission announced in March it will reform senior middle school admission rules.
This year, Tibet continues to offer free admission to some of the region's popular tourist attractions to spur the winter tourism season which ends on March 15.
The discounts will cover hotels, admission tickets and packaged tours.
In early December, admission ticket sales to Daocheng Yading in Garze and some other sightseeing spots jumped more than 50 percent year-on-year.
It plans to provide bookings for travel products such as hotels and admission tickets to sightseeing spots, as well as online shopping and food delivery services.
Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park, Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, as well as Happy Valley in Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan have seen red-hot sales of their nighttime admission tickets of late.
"Haichang Ocean Park in Shanghai, Chongqing, Shandong province's Qingdao and Hainan province's Sanya have launched nighttime admission tickets.
Medical workers around the country who came to aid the province's fight against the contagion can bring three family members to the province and enjoy free admission to any tourist attraction for the rest of their life, it added.
On March 21 and 22, the first weekend after the lifting of restrictions in some cities in Hubei, the admission ticket reservation volume of some sightseeing spots surged 25 times over the level of the previous weekend, Qunar said.
"I've been studying here for the postgraduate admission test since last September.
Enhanced viewing experiences may unspool big box-office gains, energize a sluggish market of more than 60,000 screensFor someone who has been waiting for an owl carrying an admission letter to a magic school, here's a chance to experience the wizard idea of the Harry Potter world at a cinema in China.
To gain more profits, Mr Zoo has found new growth points besides traditional admission fees.
Group visits, admission tickets, other excursions up 60% on monthly basisNighttime tours and performances are becoming increasingly popular in China, as rising daytime temperatures are cooling the fervor for visiting popular tourist spots and other attractions, a new report said.
Group tours, admission tickets and other excursions during the nighttime in July surged by 60 percent over June.
That's when the fate of school and junior high school admission applications in major Chinese cities is decided.
But, as Xu Yan, an education researcher with Beijing Normal University, stated, the fundamental reason for the fierce competition for admission into high-quality schools is the insufficient good-quality educational resources.
Dai herself bought a home so her daughter could secure admission into a well-known public school in her LA neighborhood.
A local resident, be it a homeowner or tenant, is eligible to apply for his or her children's admission into a US public school in the local district, but private schools are generally considered to be better.
It comprises admission tickets, hotels, training, snow museum visits and delicacy savoring," said Song Yawen, director of themed tours at Qunar.
"I will do what I must do while still at the helm at Nissan and hand over the job as early as possible," Saikawa told a press briefing on the matter, with his remarks coming on the heels of his admission of being massively overpaid just days earlier.
"The 'easy admission' does not mean 'easy graduation', because the products will need to go through testing and approval by the industry and information technology ministry before going to the market," said Zeng.
The new EU-wide test procedure is one front of authorities' reaction to Volkswagen's 2015 admission to mass cheating on diesel vehicles, with suspicions since spreading to other manufacturers.
The park had upgraded its system to use facial recognition for admission.
It generates most of its sales from the booking of transport and hotels rooms, but also sells admission tickets to tourism spots and leisure cruises.
As vice president, he is responsible for the bank's relations with its members, the board of governors, the board of directors and other aspects of governance, including the admission of new members.
Those who stole others' identity to attend the university or used illegal means to obtain the admission letter and graduation certificate also cannot be granted academic degrees, the draft said.
"Universities have increased admission quotas to liberal arts students while companies show higher preferences for hiring science students, which may cause employment imbalances," he said.
"I was refused by many normal schools and whenever I got the chance for conditional admission, I kept staring at the teacher's mouth during class to imitate their pronunciation.
Efforts will be made to optimize the country's work permit, visa and residence policies for foreign talent and improve policies relating to issues such as tax, the purchase of foreign currencies, medical insurance and services as well as the admission of foreigners' children to school, he said.

考研The scores were then used in conjunction with an applicant's score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, a standardised exam which is marked out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her.


2013年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

六级Since there were few museums anywhere in Europe before the close of the eighteenth century, Grand Tourists often saw paintings and sculptures by gaining admission to private collections, and many were eager to acquire examples of Greco-Roman and Italian art for their own collections.



六级since there were few museums anywhere in Europe before the close of the eighteenth century, Grand Tourists often saw paintings and sculptures by gaining admission to private collections, and many were eager to acquire examples of Greco- Roman and Italian


2017年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

高考Admission is at normal charges and you don't need to book.


2015年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

高考Family/children's programs are free with admission.


2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

六级L) The college admission essay contains the grandest American themes―status anxiety, parental piety (孝顺), intellectual standards—and so it is only a matter of time before it becomes infected by the country's culture of excessive concern with self-esteem.

五十) 大学入学论文包含了美国最宏大的主题——地位焦虑、父母的虔诚(孝顺), 因此,它被过度关注自尊的国家文化所感染只是时间问题。


六级The college admission essay contains the grandest American themes — status anxiety, parental piety(孝顺)intellectual standards — and so it is only a matter of time before it becomes infected by the country’s culture of excessive concern with self-esteem.



六级With the admission expansion of colleges, a great many graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market.



四级In the wake of September 11,changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to U. S. Universities, and a corresponding surge in enrollments in Australia, Singapore and the U .



四级” By her own admission, green just isn’t yet on her mind.



四级“As we look to the future, we see a more pressing need to invest in need-based aid,” says Monica Inzer, dean of admission and financial aid at Hamilton, which has offered merit scholarships for 10 years.



考研Even before Alan Greenspan’s admission that America’s red-hot economy is cooling, lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves.


