
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根aesthet 感觉 + ic …的 → 对美有感觉 …………
串记记忆要想好看(aesthetic)就得节制(ascetic),不能吃太多 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
aesthetics n 美学(aesthet感觉+ics)
-ics表名词 ,”学科,学术”
pediatrics n 小儿科(pediatr儿童+ics医学科)
metaphysics n 形而上学(meta上面+phys形体+ics)
di …………
aesthetic fatigue 审美疲劳
aesthetic perception 审美知觉
aesthetic appeal 艺术感染力
aesthetic taste 审美情趣
modernist aesthetics 现代主义美学
aesthetic experience 审美体验
appreciate aesthetics 欣赏美学
aesthetic value of works of art 艺术作品的审美价值
morals, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, work 道德、智力、体能、审美、工作
The play is an aesthetic success.
The students debated the aesthetic of the poems.
This paiting is aesthetic.
这幅画很美观。The field of aesthetics presents an especially difficult problem to the historian.
Morality and aesthetics are intertwined within the fabric of the novel.
He was indefatigable in his lectures on the aesthetics of love.
The aesthetic appeal of the minimalist design lies in its simplicity and clean lines.
She has an excellent sense of aesthetics, always dressing herself in tasteful combinations of colors and patterns.
The garden's aesthetic was carefully planned to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.
Aesthetic principles guide the composition of art pieces, ensuring visual appeal and emotional resonance.
The restaurant's interior design is an example of modern aesthetics, featuring sleek, minimalistic furniture.
Artists often experiment with different aesthetics to challenge conventional norms and express their unique perspectives.
Her photography captures the aesthetic beauty of everyday moments, turning mundane scenes into extraordinary works of art.
The film's cinematography is praised for its aesthetic excellence, creating a visually stunning viewing experience.
The fashion industry heavily relies on aesthetics to set trends and influence consumer preferences.
Aesthetics plays a significant role in architecture, as it influences how people perceive and interact with built spaces.
The artwork has an aesthetic value. 这件艺术品具有美学价值。
The interior decor gives an aesthetic appeal. 室内装潢具有美学吸引力。
Aesthetic considerations often influence artistic creation. 美学因素经常影响艺术创作。
The new solution was also intended to further elevate the quality of medical aesthetics service and contribute to the high-quality development of the country's medical cosmetology market, said the company.
HIT was developed by Galderma in collaboration with aesthetic injection experts from across the globe, with a comprehensive assessment of the individuals seeking medical aesthetics treatment as the core, paying special attention to their physical and psychological needs, according to the company.
They can be needs to please themselves, or find more confidence in relationships or work, especially in fields that have requirements for appearance, such as those need to face the cameras often," said Li Qin, chairman of the branch of facial rejuvenation at the Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics.
In the realm of healthcare innovation, AbbVie showcased a versatile array of pioneering products across five key focuses of areas, including immunology, oncology, eye care, neuroscience, and aesthetics.
At this year's expo, Amorepacific has created an aesthetic space that integrates natural inspiration with modern technology.
Covering 504 square meters, the open exhibition area incorporates unique aesthetic values under the concept of "Journey of Beauty", retracing and savoring the company's original intentions, accomplishments and vision of creating a more beautiful world for more than 70 years.
The ABC structure cells can fully meet the needs of middle and high-end users in terms of aesthetics, structural safety, convenient installation, utilization rate and more power generation.
For a lighting company, localization is specifically important, as aesthetic standards and brightness requirements vary from region to region.
"The mission of Chinese coffee brands is not only to make coffee that is more in line with the tastes of Chinese people, but also to be able to lead the aesthetics and trend of coffee consumption and form unique Chinese coffee culture," he added.
Its aesthetic evaluation system is based on machine learning.
Meitu is now eyeing new growth points from SaaS with the launch of MeituEve, which provides AI-powered skin analysis and related SaaS solutions for skincare brands, aesthetic medical clinics and beauty salons.
Wang attributed the company's success in the outdoor equipment industry to his own passion for camping and outdoor lifestyles, as well as his persistence in aesthetics.
Speaking at a media roundtable during the Appliance & Electronics World Expo (2023) held in Shanghai in late April, the Dutch executive noted that Chinese Consumers are more likely to purchase built-in household appliances because they tend to have higher aesthetic requirements and demand perfect functionality from the products.
"As an upscale international hotel brand designed for Chinese business elites and Chinese culture fans around the globe, Hualuxe embeds Chinese culture into every aspect of the guest's stay experience and strives to bring to life Chinese aesthetics and heritage.
Via the gathering, Hualuxe invited artists and scholars to conduct cultural exchanges and held exhibitions, bringing guests an in-depth experience of Chinese aesthetics.
To deliver an immersive cultural experience, Hualuxe staff wear uniforms inspired by traditional Chinese aesthetics.
"We weave the Chinese aesthetic lifestyle into refined details, allowing guests to experience the beauty of elegance and comfort as inspired by nature.
How we are advancing and evolving Hualuxe for the modern Chinese consumer is the best proof of our dedication to preserving Chinese aesthetics and sharing our local insights. "
In 2022, Hangzhou-based cosmetics company Proya invested in Shenzhen, Guangdong province-based Siyomicro Bio-Tech Co Ltd. Later on, it signed a strategic partnership with Zhejiang Peptites Biotech Co Ltd, working on innovative peptide research and development, peptide green synthesis, and raw material production and supply, demonstrating its latest efforts in using synthetic biology to reconstruct the upstream raw materials of the medical aesthetics industry.
"More and more cosmetics giants are entering the biotech industry as venture capitalists, gradually shaping the application of biotech in the medical aesthetics industry.
In January 2022, the National Medical Products Administration issued an industrial standard for recombinant collagen, a subcategory of collagen that is widely used in the medical aesthetics sector, specifying its quality control requirements, test indicators, test methods and biological evaluation.
In December, the NMPA launched a set of standards, further clarifying the evaluation process of recombinant collagen for medical aesthetics use.
For residents, surfers and tourists, the significance of Corona living bin is not just about providing people with places to dump garbage, but, more importantly, about rebuilding the close ties between people, plastic waste and community from a unique aesthetic perspective, said Matt Che, chief marketing officer of Hong Kong-listed Budweiser Brewing Co APAC Ltd, a part of AB InBev.
百威英博旗下香港百威啤酒亚太区有限公司首席营销官Matt Che表示,对于居民、冲浪者和游客来说,Corona生活垃圾桶的意义不仅在于为人们提供倾倒垃圾的地方,更重要的是,从独特的美学角度重建人与塑料垃圾和社区之间的紧密联系。
Wu said the company is eyeing new growth points from the SaaS business by launching MeituEve, which provides artificial intelligence-powered skin analysis and related SaaS solutions for skincare brands, aesthetic medical clinics and beauty salons.
Liu said, "I wanted to create a toy brick that could be taken apart and reassembled, and which demonstrates traditional Chinese culture and Oriental aesthetics.
LG Chem Ltd, the South Korean company, plans to introduce more medical aesthetics products into China as consumers have a growing demand in pursuing the speed and efficacy in skincare regimens, said its executives.
In addition to focusing on the sales and production of hyaluronic acid products in the country, LG Chem will rely on science and technology to improve product quality and reinforce their brand image to increase its competitiveness in this market, said Kim Hye-ja, vice-president of LG Chem Life Sciences Co's aesthetic division and CEO of LG Jiansheng Life Sciences(Beijing) Co Ltd.
LG化学生命科学公司美学部门副总裁兼LG健生生命科学(北京)有限公司首席执行官Kim Hye-ja表示,除了专注于透明质酸产品在中国的销售和生产外,LG化学还将依靠科学技术来提高产品质量,强化品牌形象,以提高其在该市场的竞争力。
"We always feel obliged to leverage advanced technologies in the upgrade of the hyaluronic acid industry and ensure the products' service safety," said Jung Im-no, expert advisor of LG Chem Life Sciences' aesthetic division, adding that the company has been investing constantly in research and applications.
LG化学生命科学美容部门的专家顾问Jung Im-no说:“我们总是觉得有义务利用先进技术升级透明质酸行业,确保产品的服务安全。”他补充说,该公司一直在不断投资于研究和应用。
Already one of the world's largest, China's aesthetic medicine market value stood at 143.6 billion yuan ($20.5 billion) in 2020, and is expected to hit 318.5 billion yuan in 2024, with the compound annual growth rate reaching 17.3 percent, according to a study released by consultancy Frost&Sullivan.
According to reports, De Beers diamond experts hand-pick the world's most magnificent natural diamonds one by one, and then interpret the aesthetics and dauntless ideas of De Beers' high-grade jewelry with rich diamond shapes, diamond cutting and artistic ideals where beauty comes first.
According to a study conducted by Kantar Worldpanel China last September, Chinese women aged between 15 and 39 have relatively higher preferences for hair salons and beauty devices, compared with lower interest in beauty salons and medical aesthetic procedures.
根据Kantar Worldpanel China去年9月进行的一项研究,年龄在15岁至39岁之间的中国女性对发廊和美容设备的偏好相对较高,而对美容院和医疗美容程序的兴趣较低。
According to CBNData, 91.3 percent of those aged between 22 and 32 years old who were interviewed for a survey in 2020 chose aesthetic medicine as the primary way to fight against aging, followed by skincare and workout.
"With excellent product quality and aesthetic designs, China's domestic brands are paying more attention to brand building now," said Zhong Bo, chairman of Chengdu XGIMI Technology Co Ltd.
"We clearly see the rapidly rising trend of Chinese consumers wanting more high-quality constructions and caring about comfort, aesthetics, acoustics, insulation, and indoor air quality.
Inspired by the classic totem "cloth tiger" in folklore, the mechanical technology aesthetics rejuvenates and transforms the tradition into the armored version of 'Ageless Tiger' art installations," said Bi.
Aimed at tapping young consumers, Nestle's new ice cream product Yue Xin Yi, which plays up traditional Chinese aesthetics in its branding, flavor and packaging, is one of the company's efforts embracing guochao to reach more consumers.
Foreign enterprises bank on trade fair for business growth in Chinese marketForeign medical aesthetics players have been flocking to the China International Import Expo in light of the ferocious appetite of Chinese consumers banking on their solutions for better outer appearance.
Known for its hyaluronic acid fillers and botulinum neuromodulator, Galderma had also announced that its QM-1114, a ready-to-use liquid formulation of botulinum neuromodulator specifically developed for aesthetics use, is currently undergoing Phase 3 trials.
In light of the rising demand for medical aesthetics in the Chinese market, Galderma is planning to launch nine new products by 2024, he added.
According to a report released in March by Beijing-based medical aesthetics platform SoYoung Technology, the number of Chinese consumers who spent on medical aesthetics amounted to 15.2 million at the end of 2020, up 35.7 percent year-on-year.
Another medical aesthetics company present is Sisram Medical Ltd.
出席会议的另一家医学美容公司是Sisram medical有限公司。
In 2009, Hengdian Group founded Wedu Medical, a medical device company that specializes in biodegradable polymer materials and aesthetics.
The decision to participate in the fourth CIIE, which will be held in Shanghai in November, is in line with the company's strategy to accelerate its introduction of high-quality products to the country at a time when the domestic medical aesthetics market is undergoing rapid development, said Lainey Lei, general manager of Galderma China, during an interview with China Daily on Wednesday.
China had over 15 million individuals seeking beauty treatments by the end of 2020, according to a report published by domestic medical aesthetics platform So-Young International.
One example comes from the booming aesthetic medicine industry.
Already one of the world's largest, China's aesthetic medicine market value stood at 143.6 billion yuan in 2020, and is expected to hit 318.5 billion yuan in 2024, with the compound annual growth rate reaching 17.3 percent, according to Frost& Sullivan.
The aesthetic medicine industry consumes the largest share of pharmaceutical-grade hyaluronic acid in China, accounting for 55 percent in 2019, followed by treatment for orthoptics and ophthalmology, according to Orient Securities.
"Cheng said the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic has compounded a malaise in the cinema industry, which typically features a lack of certainty concerning financial returns or overall aesthetic quality.
Metallic horizontal lines and streamlined architectural details show a sense of the future that can be better meet the aesthetics of the new generation.
"We aim to continue to expand the vitality of IP through new content, new aesthetics, and new scenes, in a bid that the IP can grow in a sustainably way," Li said at Ali's 15th anniversary party in Beijing.
Only products with innovative capabilities and with aesthetics appealing to young people can quickly stand out in the market," he said.
Allergan Aesthetics, a unit of United States-based pharmaceutical company AbbVie, will introduce new products in the Chinese market every year to further expand its product portfolio in the country, a company official said.
Ethan Qiu, general manager of Allergan Aesthetics China, said that the parent company is extremely confident about growth of the Chinese market and will increase investment in the country over the next few years.
In December 2019, Allergan Aesthetics introduced its medical aesthetics product Volux in the pilot zone, marking the product's debut in China.
On Sept 22, another product of Allergan Aesthetics, namely Volift, was officially launched to the Chinese market at Boao Lecheng.
Hu Shanshan, deputy head of the policy management bureau of the Hainan provincial health commission, said: "The healthcare sector is an important sector for development of the Hainan Free Trade Port, and the medical aesthetics industry, as part of the healthcare sector, is a pillar industry.
Qiu from Allergan Aesthetics said that this year, due to the epidemic influence, many multinational corporations are axing a large number of jobs.
The internet hospital's nominal capital was 100 million yuan ($14.80 million), and its departments include plastic surgery, dermatology, medical aesthetics, stomatology, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecology, and traditional Chinese medicine, which are all highly marketized medical sectors in China.
According to research institute Frost & Sullivan, China's medical aesthetics market will hit 150 billion yuan in 2020; the ophthalmology market was 170 billion yuan in 2019 and will grow by 13 percent to 15 percent per year within the next five years.
Allergan Aesthetics, a company owned by United States-based AbbVie, together with the Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics, launched an Authentic Alliance campaign in China, in an effort to help the country's beauty seekers get the treatment in a safer way.
The campaign aims at conveying to medical aesthetics consumers the concept of "going to formal institutions, finding qualified doctors and using standard products", as well as raising their safety awareness and establishing a rational and scientific aesthetic value.
According to the report from consulting firm iResearch, China's medical aesthetic market reached 176.9 billion yuan ($25.4 billion) in 2019, growing 22.2 percent year-on-year.
Only one out of three medical aesthetics injection products is authentic, said the report.
Li Qin, director of the facial rejuvenation branch of the Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics, said: "There is huge demand gap of qualified medical aesthetics doctors, as the training period for a doctor is long.
"Cao Dequan, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics, said that the campaign will deliver lectures to formal medical aesthetics institutions, teaching them how to distinguish the true products from fake, and how to train doctors.
It will also tell consumers how to choose formal medical aesthetics institutions and standard products.
Currently, through the association's WeChat official account, consumers can check out the detailed list of standard medical aesthetics institutions, practitioners and products, he said.
According to Allergan Aesthetics, it will tour 15 cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Shijiazhuang this year, and offer the authenticity license to the formal medical aesthetics institutions that use their products.
"Following the government's guidance, we will fulfill our corporate responsibility to help increase the treatment level of the industry, and help consumers raise safety awareness and pursue beauty in a rational way," said Winston Wu, head of Corporate Affairs of Allergan Aesthetics China.
Allergan Aesthetics announced on Thursday it would establish a long-term strategic partnership with Microsoft China, using digital innovative technologies to boost healthy and sustainable development of the medical aesthetics industry in China.
White Wang, area vice-president for Japan and Asia-Pacific at Allergan Aesthetics, said: "We have always been actively promoting the application of innovative technologies in the medical aesthetics industry.
""The strategic cooperation will give full play to Microsoft Research Asia's more than 20 years of technology accumulation in artificial intelligence, and explore the application potential of AI in the medical aesthetics industry.
As a member of the Innovation Partnership, Allergan Aesthetics will work with leading enterprises in finance, logistics, healthcare, education and manufacturing to jointly explore AI-enabled business modes.
According to Allergan Aesthetics, it will work with Microsoft in various fields to increase the satisfaction and safety level of beauty seekers, and promote the leapfrog development of the medical aesthetics industry.
The 470-square-meter flagship store incorporates both Chinese and Louisiana design aesthetics and aims to create a premium, unique dining experience for Chinese gourmets.
So-Young International Inc, the largest online social community in China for consumers, professionals and service providers in the medical aesthetics industry, announced on Monday its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended Dec 31, 2019.
Aggregate value of medical aesthetic treatment transactions facilitated by So-Young's platform was about 1.8 billion yuan, an increase of 66.6 percent from a year earlier.
Jin Xing Jin, co-founder and CEO of So-Young, said the company has made several strategic changes to enrich the growing and vibrant community of users and medical aesthetic professionals, and its goal for this year is to create a more diverse, engaging and high-quality content portfolio that will dominate the mindshare of users.
We find that users' aesthetics are becoming more diversified and personalized.
Wee Siew Kim, CEO of Singapore-headquartered Nipsea Group, said the company hopes to inspire children's imagination with color, as it believes that "aesthetic education" is a practical element to inspire dreams and guide future life.
As aesthetic education is still scarce for remote villages in China, the firm has been adopting art and color to help children grow up.
Ireland-based pharmaceutical giant Allergan announced on Sunday that its medical aesthetics product, Volux, was approved by Boao Super Hospital at the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone as the first medical aesthetics product to enter the pilot zone.
However, this is the first time for the pilot zone to receive approval for a medical aesthetics product.
"The reason why we introduced a medical aesthetics product into the pilot zone is that we see constantly surging needs.
Every year, 600,000 Chinese go abroad to see a doctor, among which 20 percent are seeking medical aesthetics services," said Liu Zhefeng, deputy head of Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Administration "We hope that Chinese residents can enjoy international-standard medical products without the need to go abroad," he said.
"In the future, we will work with Allergan on the clinical research and application of medical aesthetics products, and fulfill the demand of domestic beauty seekers, " Chen said.
According to Allergan, its training center will cooperate with Boao Super Hospital to train local doctors in medical aesthetics operation to benefit more Chinese consumers.
"The introduction of Volux also will contribute to clinical research, and the research results can be applied in the optimization of medical aesthetics solutions.
As a medical aesthetics leader, we hope to bring more innovative products and solutions to China, integrating domestic medical resources to benefit more patients," said Qiu Hanhua, Allergan China's general manager of the medical aesthetics business unit.
Xing Jin, co-founder and CEO of So-Young, said the company believes the medical aesthetic service industry will continue to generate substantial growth opportunities for the company to adjust its strategy to benefit.
The compound annual growth rate of China's medical aesthetics market was 23.6 percent from 2014 to 2018.
During the opening, Firmenich presented a multi-sensorial, fragrance experience called Aesthetics of China.
The experience showcases Firmenich's imagination and creativity through music (sound), movies (sight), food (taste), fragrance (smell) and textures (touch), across four areas combining traditional Chinese aesthetics with modern Chinese beauty.
Ireland-headquartered Allergan Plc is stepping up efforts to make inroads into China's booming medical aesthetics market with the opening of its first consumer experience center-Allergan Beauty Lab in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province.
The Chengdu lab, Allergan's first physical experience center in the world, will enhance consumers' knowledge about qualified products, as well as institutions in the medical aesthetics industry.
"The beauty lab is part of Allergan's strategy to promote sustainable development of the medical aesthetics industry in China, and is expected to become a pioneering education base for the industry as well as the vast group of consumers," said Jason Smith, senior vice-president of Allergan and president of Allergan in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and African region.
The demand for medical aesthetics in China is growing rapidly, and the market is estimated to reach 250 billion yuan ($35 billion) by 2020, according to Askci.
Industry experts said that while the enormous demand has driven the fast growth of this industry, it has also led to a chaotic market with illegal medical aesthetics practices, fake products and smuggled goods, hindering healthy industry development.
"Apart from the offline beauty lab, Allergan is cooperating with Ali Health strategically to build an online flagship store to offer medical aesthetics education and digital consultancy services, helping consumers to understand product information, as well as promoting the sustainable development of the medical aesthetics ecosystem.
The company said it used technologies such as face recognition, 3D simulation and machine learning, and relied on professional aesthetic knowledge and the huge data of app users' photos and cosmetic surgery pictures the company had accumulated, to develop the new system.

四级Instead he was keenly interested in product design and aesthetics (美学), and in making advanced technology simple to use.

相反,他对产品设计和美学非常感兴趣(美学), 使先进技术易于使用。


考研Aesthetic effect came from the landscape, new materials and forthright detailing.


2011年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级The general topic I chose is aesthetics, but that's as far as I've got.


2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section A

四级Instead he was keenly interested in product design and aesthetics (美学), and in making advanced technology simple to use.

相反,他对产品设计和美学非常感兴趣(美学), 以及使先进技术易于使用。

