
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根agri 田地,引申为“农业” + cult 耕种, …………
联想记忆a(一个) + gri(=grow) + culture文化 → 一个生长的文化,就是农业 → agricu …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
agriculture / culture / cultivate
lecture /  …………
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
agri, agro, agr=field, land, 表示”田地,农业”等
agronomy农学(agro+nomy学科=农科) …………
a bad harvest in agriculture 农业收成不好
to promote the development of organic agriculture 促进有机农业发展
"Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer" Issues “三农”问题
agriculture science 农业科学
British agriculture 英国农业
organic agriculture 有机农业
agriculture fair 农业展览会
issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers 三农问题
Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer issues 农业、农村和农民问题
sustainable agriculture 可持续农业
environment-friendly agriculture 环境友好型农业
rainfed agriculture 旱作农业
subsistence agriculture 自给农业
intensive agriculture 集约农业
extensive agriculture 粗放型农业
agriculture , rural areas and farmers 农业、农村和农民
conservation agriculture 保护性农业
invigorate agriculture by relying on science and education 科教兴农
nuisanceless agriculture 无公害农业
sustainable intensification of rained agriculture 雨水农业的可持续集约化
agriculture, rural areas and farmers 农业、农村和农民
the UN Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食及农业组织
genetic resources for food and agriculture 粮食和农业遗传资源
tillless agriculture 免耕农业
gross output value of industry and agriculture 工农业总产值
soilless agriculture 无土农业
modern agriculture with distinctive local features 具有鲜明地方特色的现代农业
Ministry of Agriculture 农业部
agriculture expansion 农业扩张
Food and Agriculture Organization 粮食及农业组织
policies to support and benefit agriculture, rural areas and farmers 支持和惠及农业、农村和农民的政策
the Agriculture Exhibition Hall 农业展览馆
Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.
That erea is famous for its agriculture.
Agriculture offers something for everyone.
Agriculture is as important as industry.
Agriculture is the backbone of many developing countries' economies.
The farmer carefully tended to his crops, ensuring their healthy growth.
Modern agriculture relies heavily on technology for increased efficiency.
She has a deep knowledge of sustainable agriculture practices.
Farmers are facing challenges such as climate change and water scarcity in their agricultural endeavors.
Agricultural subsidies play a crucial role in supporting small-scale farmers.
The harvest season is a time of both joy and hard work for farmers.
Organic agriculture focuses on minimizing chemical inputs and promoting biodiversity.
Research in precision agriculture aims to optimize crop yield with minimal environmental impact.
Agroforestry combines trees with crops and livestock, creating a more resilient farming system.
It is widely used in industries including automotive, footwear, agriculture, sports and leisure, healthcare, and industrial manufacturing.
TPU is widely used in automotive, footwear, agriculture, sports and leisure, healthcare, and industrial manufacturing industries.
Junlian Ecological Agriculture Technology Co Ltd, a local firm focusing on cultivating edible mushrooms, is one of the company's clients.
Over the past few years, the State Grid of China has strived to provide stable power supply amid the extreme weather and other natural disasters, bringing benefits to China's agriculture, farmers and rural areas, as well as safeguarding the country's food security.
When there is extreme weather or disasters, timely measures must be taken to reduce the damage to agriculture.
In 2022, Yunnan's total coffee bean output was 113,600 metric tons, more than eight times higher than that of Hainan province, the second-largest beans producing area in China, said the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
The top three consumers are the European Union, the United States and Brazil, according to the US Department of Agriculture.
The nation will push forward rural industries with unique features in the future, according to Tang Renjian, minister of agriculture and rural affairs.
"At the University of Queensland in Australia, Robert Henry, professor of innovation in agriculture, and his team are using gene sequencing technology from BGI Group to conduct species cultivation research on macadamia nuts, also known as "Australian nuts", to shorten crop growth time and increase yield.
“在澳大利亚昆士兰大学,农业创新教授Robert Henry和他的团队正在利用华大基因集团的基因测序技术,对澳大利亚坚果(也称为“澳大利亚坚果”)进行物种培育研究,以缩短作物生长时间,提高产量。
According to an estimate by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the global market demand for macadamia nuts is over 400,000 metric tons a year, while the current supply is less than 12.5 percent, or about 50,000 tons.
Henry, who is also director of the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, said: "When we plant the macadamia trees, it takes as long as eight years to produce crops, and many more years to produce an economic yield of nuts.
"Studying macadamias is going to teach us a lot, to have a much wider application in agriculture.
So far, BGI Group has collaborated with institutions from more than 100 countries and regions on modern agriculture, human health and biological diversity, offering them expert and affordable clinical molecular diagnostic solutions, as well as high-throughput sequencing research services.
Data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shows that the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation in China has reached 72 percent, with over 20 million tractors in the country and a strong growth in medium and large tractors.
Given that the economic growth of Central Asian countries is significantly dependent on energy and commodity trade, it is pragmatic for them to collaborate with Chinese companies to strengthen the trade framework and enhance cooperation in infrastructure development, public services, green economy, modern agriculture and manufacturing, said Zhao Fujun, a researcher specializing in international economic cooperation at the Beijing-based Development Research Center of the State Council.
The novel model integrates green agriculture and green energy, leading to improved farming efficiency and higher-quality aquaculture products, local media reported recently.
To promote regenerative agriculture in Pu'er, Yunnan province, Nestle plans to plant and nurture 200,000 shade trees this year.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China has become one of the world's largest importers of agricultural products, and the country continues to play a key role in promoting global trade growth amid climatic and geopolitical challenges disrupting international trade.
At its booth, PepsiCo is using science and technology to showcase its latest practices and innovations in sustainable agriculture, the green value chain and positive products, demonstrating the company's strong commitment to sustainable development.
Syngenta Group, Adisseo, Elkem and KraussMaffei – four of Sinochem Holdings'overseas subsidiaries - also showcased their new products, technologies and services in sustainable agriculture, animal nutrition, chemical materials and intelligent equipment during the CIIE.
He said the group's 2025 sustainability goals, focusing on climate action, water stewardship, circular packaging and smart agriculture, will attract more partners across the value chain in the years ahead.
At the 5th CIIE, Nestle and (German pharmaceutical giant) Bayer signed a cooperation deal on the rice regenerative agriculture project, which was the first global cooperation project landed in China between the two parties," he said.
The Power of Love Supermarket is a key project under the framework of the State Grid Empowering Rural Areas and Culture and Agriculture Cultivation Action public welfare brand.
Reignwood Park Thailand in Bangkok, which started construction in 2020, combines ecological tourism, international education, cultural exchanges, wellness and healthcare, sports and leisure activities, and technological agriculture.
Funded, built and operated by the company, it is the only power grid project in the realm of energy cooperation under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and since going into operation three years ago, it has significantly slashed power transmission costs, improved the life quality of local residents and supported the growth of green agriculture and the high-tech industry.
Apart from its regional headquarters and three trading companies in Shanghai, United States agriculture and food company Cargill has built an innovation center, a shared service center, an oil seed crushing plant, three feed mills and a food technology company in the Yangtze River Delta region.
However, it has favorable sunlight conditions, and under the stewardship of Shandong Liaocheng Power Supply Company of State Grid, Chiping Xinjiayuan Photovoltaic Agriculture invested 180 million yuan ($24.6 million) to build a photovoltaic power station with a designed capacity of 40 megawatt-hours.
Eyeing an innovation uptrend, Bayer Crop Science (BCS), one of the three divisions of Germany-headquartered life science enterprise Bayer AG, will bring more innovative solutions in regenerative agriculture to farmers in China, said its top executive.
Regenerative agriculture — farming that focuses on pollution reduction and ecological restoration — has emerged as a leading frontier in the industry globally, which improves soil health, enhances productivity and increases farmers' incomes with customized solutions.
They adopt digital technology, a critical element in farming, as it brings together a variety of solutions in a systematic approach to realize regenerative agriculture.
"We have just opened an innovation hub in Danyang, Jiangsu province, one of our 17 global innovation hubs, to boost our pipeline and solutions, and practice Bayer's regenerative agriculture commitment," Santos said.
Jack Ma, founder of Chinese tech heavyweight Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said rural education should pay more attention to children's imaginations and unique thinking while sharing his experiences exploring agriculture technology.
During a video speech to a group of headmasters from rural schools posted by the Jack Ma Foundation on Wednesday, Ma said, "I have found that a place where agriculture developed well but is not necessarily a place with good resources, rather it was a place with unique thinking and people with imagination.
"Ma said he has studied agriculture in different countries during the past several yearsxa0and hopes that rural schools will cultivate people who are full of creativity and unique thinking, and who dare to create the future.
Ma, who officially stepped down as Alibaba chairman in 2019, has turned his focus to agriculture and education.
A large number of professionals have been trained at the farm, boosting the development of regional agriculture and animal husbandry.
It is estimated that nearly 3 million rural families have benefited from the platform since its launch on Jan 1, 2020 under the guidance of government organs, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.
Syngenta Group China, a business unit of seed and crop protection as well as nutrition product manufacturer Syngenta Group, plans to build more Modern Agriculture Platform (MAP) -themed farmland in China to help cut water usage and improve soil quality in the coming years, said an executive.
Planted with maize, oats and other crops, the MAP beSide farm has become a demonstration base for high-efficiency water-saving agriculture and comprehensive utilization and improvement of saline-alkali land in the city, said Qin Lilong, general manager of grain crops business unit of Syngenta Group China.
先正达集团中国粮食作物事业部总经理秦立龙表示,MAP beSide农场种植玉米、燕麦等作物,已成为该市高效节水农业和盐碱地综合利用与改良的示范基地。
In the first half, more than 650 new business entities were established in Rongjiang, including 91 in the catering sector, 188 in the retail sector, and 195 in agriculture and agricultural food processing, according to the local government.
According to the China Agriculture Outlook 2023-32 published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in May, the country's dairy sector has maintained a strong momentum of growth.
"Biotechnology has become a crucial driving force for promoting the green transformation of industries such as production of energy, chemicals, materials, agriculture and manufacturing," Fano said.
Its business covers a broad sphere from chemicals, logistics and agriculture to life science.
Liu Xingguo, a researcher at the China Enterprise Confederation in Beijing, said since the economic growth of Central Asian countries relies heavily on trade in commodities and other agricultural products, it is practical for them to work with Chinese companies to further bolster the structure of trade and deepen cooperation in public service, low-carbon economy, modern agriculture and manufacturing.
The products will be used in many high-end industries including aerospace, railway and maritime transportation, agriculture, medical treatment, construction, electronics and electrical appliances.
In its pursuit of promoting regenerative agriculture, Budweiser APAC plans to procure 80,000 metric tons of malting barley from Sheyang farmers in 2024.
"We will focus more on low-carbon practices in smart agriculture, leading the industry's green and eco-friendly transformation, and jointly promoting the high-quality development of Chinese malting barley," he added.
Budweiser APAC has also established the 2025 Budweiser Sustainability Goals focusing on four key pillars - smart agriculture, water stewardship, circular packaging and climate action - to reach its net-zero ambition across the value chain by 2040.
Swiss Re prioritizes business in areas like aging and health, agriculture, natural disasters and decarbonization, in line with Chinese economic trends and the government's agenda.
McDonald's China announced the launch of the McDonald's China Regenerative Agriculture Plan on March 24 in Shanghai.
The McDonald's China Regenerative Agriculture Plan will focus on five key areas: nature, soil, water, livestock, and farmers.
The plan will also promote the achievement of McDonald's global 2050 carbon-neutral goal and help accelerate the development of green and low-carbon agriculture.
Four major actions will be taken during the first phase from 2023 to 2028, including promoting regenerative agriculture ideas and practices, accelerating regenerative agriculture test farms development and upgrades, ensuring the implementation is in line with the local agricultural situation, and growing collaboration partnerships to scale up regenerative agriculture coverage.
The company promises that about 2,000 core farmers will benefit from the plan empowerment, over 20,000 farmers in their communities will embark on the Regenerative Agriculture journey, and 10 test farms will be established by 2028.
To provide consumers with a better understanding of the McDonald's China Regenerative Agriculture Plan, the company will launch a series of consumer communication and experience activities, including illustrated introductions and videos on its official app.
"We not only hope to promote renewable agriculture through the supply chain with farmer partners, but also hope to provide customers with a green experience, lead a green and low-carbon lifestyle, and achieve greener development through McDonald's restaurants throughout the country," said Gu Lei, chief impact officer of McDonald's China.
The restaurant company launched its Regenerative Agriculture Plan, joining hands with nine key suppliers, including Bimbo QSR, Cargill, GSF and Tyson.
这家餐饮公司推出了再生农业计划,与包括Bimbo QSR、Cargill、GSF和Tyson在内的九家关键供应商联手。
All 10 entities have pledged to promote and scale up the ideas and best practices of regenerative agriculture, in order to protect and restore the agricultural environment and ecosystem.
Within five years, the main food ingredient categories of McDonald's China will be covered by the Regenerative Agriculture Plan, the company said.
China Mobile's broadband network has covered 98 percent of administrative villages and 400 5G smart agriculture projects have been landed to empower agricultural and rural modernization with intelligence.
"The country's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) includes measures to accelerate the application of biotech in healthcare, agriculture, energy and environmental protection, providing policy support for the development of the industry.
In addition, she noted that Chinese enterprises have been actively investing overseas and the country's ODI structure has been constantly optimizing, covering 18 main categories of the national economy, including agriculture, forestry, energy, manufacturing and services.
In an effort to assist domestic growers to gain the premium and boost the development of modern agriculture in China, the Beijing-headquartered Sinochem created Panda Guide, the first ever of its kind, in China in 2018.
Having extremely economical features, relatively long service duration and reliable flight performance capability, the S-300C can also be used in mission personnel training, agriculture and forestry spraying, aerial photography, as well as police and aviation patrol.
Formed by companies from agricultural, beverage and foodstuff sectors, such as Beidahuang Agricultural Service Group, Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd, Nestle SA and Budweiser Brewing Co APAC, the alliance will promote carbon sequestration and emission reduction measures in agricultural and food sectors, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial chain, as well as enhance the strength of agriculture and food industries to cope with climate change.
In addition to advancing regenerative agricultural practices to support sustainable development of agriculture and food industries, the alliance will offer assistance to member companies' green and sustainable transformation and help them reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the life cycle of agricultural products.
Launched on Jan 1, 2020, the platform is under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Rural Revitalization Administration, and the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.
Guilin company's unmanned aerial vehicles are assisting in fields ranging from agriculture to surveying and mappingEditor's Note: This series of stories looks at local enterprises in specialized sectors that have a share in global markets.
Lu Minfang, president of Mengniu GroupThe food industry, especially the dairy sector, is one of the key industries for building agriculture and manufacturing power, as well as realizing Chinese modernization.
"According to a report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, post-harvest losses can be as high as 20 percent for cereals, 30 percent for dairy and fish, and 40 percent for fruits and vegetables.
He also said the company has witnessed a lot of innovations in China, and is confident that it will make a meaningful contribution to the high-value food production in the nation as well as China's delivery on its carbon goals, as the company is accelerating its sustainable agriculture program with local grower suppliers.
Echoing this positive sentiment, Wang noted that demand for "green jobs" will continue to move from oil and gas sectors to auto, agriculture, logistics and financial businesses in China, after the country put forth its goals of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.
I have had an inseparable bond with agriculture for 35 years.
As China's agriculture industry enters a new stage of high-quality development, we will continue to pool global innovation resources, provide China with innovative products and programs, and develop innovative business models based on China's agricultural development.
Alfonso Alba, Spanish, has been engaged in agriculture for more than 35 years, and has rich experience in fields including strategic development, crop protection, marketing, and mergers and acquisitions.
阿方索·阿尔巴(Alfonso Alba),西班牙语,从事农业工作超过35年,在战略发展、作物保护、营销和并购等领域拥有丰富的经验。
"Looking ahead, we will stay dedicated to investing in areas such as agriculture and R&D to better serve our consumers.
The company's products, such as whole-genome sequencers, are used for applications in the life sciences, oncology, reproductive health, agriculture and other emerging segments.
To address climate change and facilitate the development of the green economy, products such as index insurance policies should be provided to support the development of new energy companies and ecological agriculture.
"Food security can only be guaranteed by sufficient arable land and modern agricultural technologies," said Zhao Jiuran, director of the Corn Research Center, which is part of the Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forest.
Syngenta Group China, the global seed, crop protection and nutrition product manufacturer, launched a digital-themed agricultural contest earlier this week to bolster modern agriculture and digital economy in rural areas across China.
By partnering with the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, a branch of the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and Nanjing Agricultural University, the competition – named 2022 MAP (Modern Agriculture Platform) digital and intelligent agriculture contest - takes companies' demand as the focus to drive the growth of modern agriculture.
通过与位于北京的中国农业科学院、中国气象科学院和南京农业大学的农业资源与区域规划研究所合作,该竞赛被命名为2022 MAP(现代农业平台)数字与智能农业竞赛——以企业需求为焦点,推动现代农业发展。
China's digital agriculture is still in the initial stage of exploration in technology, equipment, system, platform and other aspects, and there is still a way to go to reach finally realized digital transformation in the industry, said Wu Wenbin, deputy director of Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning.
"We achieved outstanding sales and earnings growth, with particularly substantial gains for our agriculture business," said Werner Baumann, chairman of the Board of Management, on Tuesday as he presented a quarterly statement for the first quarter of 2022.
In the meantime, revenues generated from the Modern Agriculture Platform business more than doubled to $650 million.
Construction and operation of the oil field will bring new development opportunities to Uganda, a country that relies on traditional agriculture and livestock as its main economic source, and will make it an important crude oil producer in East Africa, he added.
In addition to energy, synthetic biology researchers and companies around the world are also harnessing the power of nature to solve problems in medicine, manufacturing and agriculture.
SynBio technologies can add value to pharmaceuticals, chemicals, biofuels, agriculture, textiles and food, all of which have large downstream market potential.
Revenues generated from the Modern Agriculture Platform more than doubled to $1.8 billion, with an expansion to 492 centers across China last year, equipping farmers with solutions that cut greenhouse gas emissions.
According to the 2022 "No 1 central document," China will develop 6.67 million hectares of high-standard farmland, promote national projects on black soil protection, and launch the third nationwide soil condition census, as per the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
To facilitate its moves, Syngenta Group China has developed the Modern Agriculture Platform to provide customized solutions, from sowing to harvesting.
With China striving to achieve peak carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, Qin Hengde, president of Syngenta Group China, said the company will continue to take MAP service and digitization as the key measure to upgrade and transform the development of traditional agriculture.
Apart from pharmaceuticals, other areas such as automobiles and agriculture are also benefiting from the trade dividends of the RCEP.
This project will benefit the people in China and the world by adopting dryland water-saving technology, innovating business models, developing agricultural service industries, said Jin Wencheng, director-general of the Research Center for Rural Economy under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
"We are leveraging the potential of gene editing in the fields of both healthcare and agriculture.
And in agriculture, we can give crops the traits they need to better withstand extreme weather conditions.
Strong demand for navigation chips came from sectors such as unmanned aerial vehicles, intelligent agriculture, surveying and mapping, and the Internet of Things, buoying the brisk expansion of the company's chip business, according to the statement.
Since its inauguration in 2015, the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park has gathered 155 Israel-owned and Sino-Israeli cooperative enterprises, and promoted 40 Sino-Israeli scientific and technological cooperation projects involved in life sciences, modern agriculture, intelligent manufacturing, new materials and other emerging industries.
Cai added the two sides have seen active two-way investment in fields such as science and technology, agriculture, and medicine and healthcare.
"If the first phase of agricultural e-commerce is to try to maximize the free flow of agriculture produce in lower-tier cities, the second phase, which Huitongda is currently at, will feature revolutionizing existing convenience stores and mom-and-pop shops through digitalization revamps," Cao said.
COFCO has forged a complete agriculture and food industry chain encompassing agricultural resources, brands, ports and wharves, processing equipment, storage and logistics facilities.

六级given the moth's ability also to attack crops like pepper and potatoes, Audu Ogbeh, Nigeria's minister of agriculture, has warned that the pest may "create serious problems for food security" in the country.

尼日利亚农业部长奥杜·奥格贝(Audu Ogbeh)警告说,这种害虫可能会给该国的粮食安全带来严重问题,因为这种蛾子也能攻击辣椒和土豆等作物。

2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

六级We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason.



六级Agriculture is a water-intensive business, accounting for nearly 70% of global fresh water consumption.



四级The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry collect sales statistics and keep accurate records



高考But in agriculture, small farmers can get the best of the major players.


2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考China's approach to protecting its environment while feeding its citizens " offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide.


2018年高考英语全国卷2 语法填空 原文

高考The author mentions car industry at the beginning of the passage to introduce a special feature of agriculture.


2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 题设

高考The Chinese ministry of agriculture finds that between 2005—when the government started a soil-testing program that/which gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers—and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.


2018年高考英语全国卷2 语法填空 原文

高考The loss of glaciers there due to global warming represents an enormous threat to agriculture.


2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

四级since African agriculture is still broadly unproductive, food is imported, consuming a portion of revenue.


2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

六级There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers, said Liqa Raschid-Sally, who led the study.

领导这项研究的Liqa Raschid Sally说,废水农业在帮助和伤害大量城市消费者方面有很大的潜力。


六级But there are also many examples of growing wealth by trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of the world alike, whether through unregulated mineral extraction, drastic water use for agriculture, slash-and-burn farming, or fossil-fuel-guzzling ( ' , 大量消耗) transport.

但也有许多例子表明,无论是通过不受管制的矿物开采、农业用水的大量使用、刀耕火种的耕作还是化石燃料的大量消耗,世界上的贫富地区都有通过破坏环境来增加财富的例子,大量消耗) 运输。


六级Whether the biotech industry should take priority over agriculture.



六级About 70% of this is consumed by the global agriculture sector, and the level of use will continue to rise over the coming decades



六级In order to begin tackling the challenge, the Institution recommends that: The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation work with the international engineering community to ensure governments of developed nations put in place programmes that transfer engineering knowledge, design know-how, and suitable technology to newly developing countries



六级The new National Institute of Food and Agriculture won't fund it, the National Institutes of Health won't fund it, and the NASA funded it only briefly, Mironov said.



六级"There is a large potential for waste water agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers," said liqa Raschid-Sally, who led the study.

领导这项研究的liqa Raschid Sally说:“废水农业在帮助和伤害大量城市消费者方面有很大的潜力。”。

2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级But there are also many examples of growing wealth by trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of the world alike, whether through unregulated mineral extraction, drastic water use for agriculture, slash-and-burn farming, or fossil-fuel-guzzling t


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级It's an approach not dictated by the confines of conventional large scale agriculture lead by international corporations.


2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

六级Reading magazines like The Stockman Grass Farmer and Graze, he got hooked on the idea of grass-fed agriculture.


2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

六级While farming is often difficult for both the body and mine, Sanchez says he and many of his fellow young farmers are motivated by desire to set a new standard for agriculture.


2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

六级Young farmers are guided by their love for agriculture and aided by their knowledge of technology to find inexpensive and appropriately sized tools.


2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

六级About 70% of this is consumed by the global agriculture sector, and the level of use will continue to rise over the coming decades.



六级In order to begin tackling the challenge, the Institution recommends that: The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation work with the international engineering community to ensure governments of developed nations put in place programmes that transfer engineering knowledge, design know-how, and suitable technology to newly developing countries.



六级Green Revolution vs Environmentalists Borlaug’s advocacy of intensive high-yield agriculture came under severe criticism from environmentalists in recent years.



六级“We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason.



六级This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives.



六级To start with, it is important to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed markedly throughout history, and will continue to do so .



六级medieval agriculture in northern Europe fed, clothed and sheltered a predominantly rural society with a much lower population density than it is today.



六级What’s more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050. yet the growth of cities and industry is reducing the amount of water available for agriculture in many regions.



六级All this means that agriculture in the 21stcentury will have to be very different from how it was in the 20th.



六级We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be “zero impact”.



六级What is crucial is recognizing that sustainable agriculture is not just about sustainable food production.



四级As supplier of most of the food we eat and of raw materials for many industrial processes, agriculture is clearly an important area of the economy.



四级But the industrial performance of agriculture is even more important than this.



四级This performance in turn, depends on how agriculture is organized and on the economic environment, or market structure, within which it function.



四级In the following pages the performance of American agriculture is examined.



四级But the industrial performance of agriculture (the relative efficiency of agricultural production compared to other areas in the economy) is even more important than this.



四级This performance, in turn, depends on how agriculture is organized and on the economic environment, or market structure, within which it functions.



四级Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works.



四级Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade.



四级The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry collect sales statistics and keep accurate records.



四级One example comes from agriculture.



四级The report qualifies the more optimistic findings of another new paper which suggests that the world will not have to dig up a lot more land for farming in order to feed 9 billion people in 2050, as the Food and Agriculture Organisation has argued.



考研This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.



考研Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.


