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n /v 注意;留意
Take heed w …………
hee黑 + d的:外面天是黑的,出门多注意,留心脚下。 …………
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take heed 留意
Heed my warning, the path ahead is treacherous.
She didn't heed her doctor's advice to quit smoking.
The teacher urged her students to heed the importance of time management.
Heed the call of nature and take a quick break.
Parents should heed their children's emotional needs as well as their physical ones.
The conductor heeded the conductor's signal to stop the train.
Don't heed the rumors; they are usually baseless.
Drivers must heed traffic signs for their own safety.
In times of crisis, it's crucial to heed the guidance of experts.
I implore you, heed my advice and reconsider your decision.
Only two months ago, Tesla promised to "strictly abide by Chinese laws and regulations and always respect consumer rights "after the State Administration for Market Regulation urged it to heed consumer complaints.
""By relying on a monetary fine to deter Facebook, the FTC has failed to heed history's lessons.
Its regional CEO expects to generate greater returns in the coming years by paying heed to the Chinese government's call for high-quality development.
Its three-year bonds to the global market in late December for 410 million euros ($500.7 million) are part of a major move by GHATG to heed the country's call and participate in the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.
As one of the representatives who attended the 19th CPC National Congress in October, Pan said enterprises can achieve sustained and vigorous growth only if they pay heed to quality, and needs of consumers.
The commission will continue holding symposiums with private entrepreneurs on a regular basis to help them solve problems and heed their suggestions, Li said.
The US side should take heed of US public opinion on the matter, respect the ruling of the World Trade Organization's dispute settlement panel that Section 301 tariffs had violated the WTO rules, and cancel in full all additional tariffs imposed on Chinese goods as early as possible, she said.
This forecast is in line with the latest monetary policy report from the People's Bank of China, which on Friday vowed to ensure stable, sustainable support for the real economy, maintain effective credit growth, and heed changes in inflation.
In the future, the PBOC said it would heed the price changes at home and abroad and adhere to a prudent approach in its monetary policy.
Residential consumption of electricity and gas will be fully guaranteed, while local governments will be asked to heed fundamental residential energy demand," he said.
The SAFE, nevertheless, will still pay heed to potential risks brought by any changes in Fed's policy and will stay well-prepared, Wang said.
"We should pay heed to the rising pressure facing downstream sectors and take effective measures to strengthen adjustments of the raw material market," he said.
Apart from common offenses including false promotion, unlawful pricing and intellectual property infringement, the platform has paid heed to potential monopoly cases such as firms using big data to target different consumer groups with different prices for the same products.
Enterprises will pay more heed to regions with abundant renewable hydrogen resources when selecting sites for hydrogen-based steelmaking projects, Li said.
Nonetheless, hotels looking to drive sales by upgrading their coffee offerings are advised to heed the risks involved.
Local govts heed financial regulator's call to rein in speculative investmentsThe local governments of Shanghai and Hangzhou in Zhejiang province have introduced new curbs to cool the property market.
Despite the fact that younger Chinese diners increasingly pay heed to healthy diets and environmental consciousness, Li said the majority of Chinese consumers have often been confused or question why plant-based meats are pricier than real meat products.
The post came after the State Administration for Market Regulation revealed on Monday that five Chinese ministries met with Tesla representatives recently and urged it to heed consumer complaints.
My wife complained bitterly the other day that if only I had paid heed to her back in 2017, our life situation would have been different today.
Tesla Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk said late on Friday he would heed shareholder concerns and no longer pursue a $72 billion deal to take the luxury electric carmaker private, abandoning an idea that stunned investors and drew regulatory scrutiny.
Despite overwhelming opposition to the auto duties, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the administration was not obliged to heed such views.
Third, the nation now pays more heed to integrating with international rules and exporting solutions with Chinese characteristics.
During the news conference, Zou said the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in the United States has highlighted the need for paying heed to risks related to interest rates, adding that China has refrained from making drastic changes to interest rates and thus created favorable conditions for financial institutions to manage interest rate risks.
Inflation still underwayWhat other factors should be paid heed?
Paying heed to market opinions on this topic, the commission has organized studies to clarify the duty of independent directors and improve the independent director system so different market participants can better perform their duty, Wang said.
China may have fine-tuned its policy stance and now pays more heed to downside economic risks.
Most New York City residents heed the directive.
He suggested that Chinese e-commerce firms and importers should heed turbulence in the international trade environment and improve their global competitiveness.
[Photo/Agencies]New system set to pay more heed to market supply and demandThe renminbi exchange rate will be more flexible, basically determined by the market's supply and demand situation, a senior official with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said on Wednesday.