
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根prob 证明 + e → 为了证明 → 查明 →  …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
probe v 探索,刺探
prob, prov= test, 表示”测试,证明”
approbate v 许可,批准(ap一再+prob+ate=一再证明[可行]=批准)
approbation n 称赞,认可(approbate+ion)
probe into 调查
lunar probe 月球探测器
anti-monopoly probe 反垄断调查
space probe 空间探测器
a space probe 太空探测器
Eric didn't like the media probing into his past.
Mary probed the mud gingerly with a stick.
Tom fails to adequately probe social and biological factors.
The spacecraft sent back a probe to study the planet's atmosphere.
Scientists are planning to launch a probe to explore the depths of the ocean.
The doctor used a thin, flexible probe to examine my stomach.
The police used a hidden camera as a probe to gather evidence.
The satellite probe transmitted valuable data on solar activity.
The company conducted a market probe to understand consumer preferences.
The dentist inserted a dental probe to check for cavities.
Researchers are using genetic probes to identify specific DNA sequences.
The space probe landed successfully on the surface of Mars.
The environmental agency deployed water quality probes in several rivers.
It will not create wealth," he said, referring to the anti-subsidy probe.
Analysts cautioned against extrapolation from the stock price surge, citing the probe into the suspected illegal activities of Evergrande's founder Xu Jiayin, also known as Hui Ka Yan, and the uncertain prospect of the developer's offshore debt restructuring process as factors that will continue to affect investor sentiment.
NDPT-100, China's first non-destructive probe electrical measurement platform, was developed by Origin Quantum in December.
NDPT-100是中国首个无损探针电测量平台,由Origin Quantum于12月开发。
Shortly after the IPO, China's Cyberspace Security Review Office said it had launched a probe into the company to protect national security and public interest in accordance with the nation's laws.
Shortly after Didi's $4.4 billion IPO on the New York Stock Exchange in late June, China's Cyberspace Security Review Office said it had launched a cybersecurity probe into the company to protect national security and public interest in accordance with the nation's laws.
Shortly after Didi's $4.4 billion IPO in late June, China's Cyberspace Security Review Office said it had launched a cybersecurity probe into the company to protect national security and public interest in accordance with the nation's laws.
Shortly after its US IPO, which raised $4.4 billion, China's Cyberspace Security Review Office said it had launched a cybersecurity probe into Didi to protect national security and public interest in accordance with the nation's laws.
The Didi probe in China signaled the country's efforts to align itself with international practices in tightening tech industry regulations in the wake of the trend of tech giants increasingly resorting to data monetization for revenue growth, and thus posing bigger risks to data management.
It was uncertain when the probe would end.
The probe showed that Tencent owned more than 80 percent of exclusive music library resources following its acquisition of CMC.
The on-site probe also involves regulators including the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Transport, the State Taxation Administration, and the State Administration of Market Regulation.
"The Didi probe is the first time China's internet regulator has publicly cited national security as a reason for launching an inquiry into a big tech company," said Song Haixin, a senior lawyer at law firm Jincheng Tongda &Neal (Shanghai).
Three more applications were placed under a cybersecurity investigation on Monday after Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Global faced the same probe last week.
The Cyberspace Administration of China, the country's top internet watchdog, announced on Monday that it has launched a cybersecurity probe into Boss Zhipin, a mobile recruitment app, and truck-hailing apps Yunmanman and Huochebang in accordance with laws and regulations to prevent data security risks, safeguard State security and protect public interests.
Full Truck Alliance Co, which runs Yunmanman and Huochebang, gave a similar response to the probe on Monday, saying it will conduct a thorough security review and further improve its cybersecurity system and technical capabilities during the investigation period to protect national security and public interests.
Later on Friday, Didi pledged to actively cooperate with the security probe and fully address network security risks.
The comments came after the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission said it has launched a probe into Didi to protect national security and public interest in accordance with the nation's laws.
这些评论是在中央网络安全和信息化委员会办公室表示,根据国家法律,已对滴滴发起调查以保护国家安全和公共利益之后发表的。这些评论是在中央网信办宣布根据国家法律,为了保护国家安全和公共利益,已经启动对滴滴出行的调查后作出的。请注意,我将"Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission"翻译为“中央网信办”,这是该机构在中国互联网行业监管中的常用简称。同时,我将 "Didi" 翻译为“滴滴出行”,这是该公司在中国市场上的常用名称。在新闻报道中,公司名经常使用其更广为人知的名称或简称。此外,“probe”在这里被翻译为“调查”,这表明这是一个正式的、可能涉及法律程序的调查。最后,“in accordance with the nation's laws”被翻译为“根据国家法律”,强调了调查的合法性和正当性。这种表述常见于官方声明中,旨在向公众传达行动的合法性。希望这个解释能帮助你更好地理解原句的含义。如果你还有其他问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时告诉我!如果有任何其他翻译需求或想要了解更多背景信息,也欢迎继续提问。
The probe came shortly after Didi raised $4.4 billion in its IPO on the New York Stock Exchange earlier this week.
这一审查行动紧随滴滴本周早些时候在纽约证券交易所44亿美元的首次公开募股(IPO)之后。但需要指出的是,中文官方通报中并没有“Shortly after”这样的表述,这是英文报道中为了强调而添加的信息。中文原文为:“经报网络安全审查办公室按程序对‘滴滴出行’实施网络安全审查”。
Ant Group, which offered mobile payment and consumer credit services, will apply to set up a financial holding company to ensure its financial-related businesses are fully regulated following an antitrust probe.
The comments came after the State Administration for Market Regulation, which started a probe into the e-commerce giant in December, fined the company 18.23 billion yuan ($2.78 billion) on Saturday for monopolistic behaviors.
The State Administration for Market Regulation, which launched the probe into the e-commerce giant in December, charged Alibaba with abusing its market dominance.
For instance, a relevant probe into e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd commenced in December.
360 Security Tech said in an announcement that it is actively cooperating with the authorities concerned on the issue and has set up an investigation group to probe the third-party advertising agencies and related accounts involved.
360 安全科技在一份声明中表示,公司正在积极与相关部门合作处理此事,并已设立调查小组对涉及的第三方广告代理商和相关账号进行调查。
Given the fact that Lai committed three crimes, the bribery amounts were substantial and his behavior caused a huge loss to the country and the people, he should be severely punished even though he later cooperated with the probe, the top court said in a release.
Authorities aim to better regulate online economy, guide its healthy developmentChinese authorities have officially opened an anti-monopoly probe into e-commerce giant Alibaba Group and will summon its affiliate Ant Group for a meeting about financial regulations, the latest moves to strengthen antitrust practices and prevention of the "disorderly expansion of capital".
Chinese coffee chain Luckin Coffee agrees to pay $180 million to end Securities and Exchange Commission's probe, according to a report by Bloomberg on Thursday.
Thursday's show also discussed other business misconduct including sea cucumber farming, inferior towels and rip-off beauty products, which local market regulatory authorities have begun to probe in special investigations.
The company, a so-called rival to Starbucks Corp in China, said on April 2 the internal probe revealed the aggregate sales amount associated with the fabricated transactions from the second quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2019 amounted to around 2.2 billion yuan.
European aircraft producer Airbus has agreed to pay penalties of 3.6 billion euros ($3.96 billion) in a move that it hopes will bring to an end a probe into corruption around the awarding of contracts that has been hanging over the multinational for the past four years.
The Chinese retailer on Friday said it was cleared from an antitrust probe by the State Administration for Market Regulation in August.
US search giant Google LLC is facing a new multi-state anti-trust probe by 50 attorneys general (AG), Texas AG Ken Paxton's office said Monday.
The bipartisan investigation will probe the "anticompetitive practices of Google that harm consumers," Paxton tweeted.
The probe will mainly focus on Google's advertising and search businesses as Paxton accused Google of dominating all aspects of advertising on the Internet and searching on the Internet.
It is an investigation to determine the facts," Paxton told a press conference, suggesting the probe may be expanded to other areas, according to a video clip posted online by Paxton's office.
The probe includes AGs from 48 US states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, with California and Alabama the only two states whose AGs are not involved.
Facebook Inc will pay a record-breaking $5 billion fine to resolve a government probe into its privacy practices and the social media giant will restructure its approach to privacy, the US Federal Trade Commission said on Wednesday.
The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approved a settlement involving about $5 billion with Facebook over its probe into the tech giant's privacy violations, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
But Facebook said in April that it expected to pay up to $5 billion to settle the probe.
The US Justice Department is pursuing a criminal probe into whether Johnson & Johnson lied about potential cancer risks of its talcum powder and has convened a grand jury in Washington, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing people with knowledge of the matter.
Facebook is currently under federal investigation over its privacy practices, and along with other technology giants also faces a new antitrust probe in Congress.
•Air conditioner giant Gree charged long-time rival Aux of producing defective products on Monday afternoon•Aux denied Gree's allegation and sued Gree on the same day•The State Administration for Market Regulation, China's top market regulator, announced a probe on Tuesday•Aux on Wednesday said all its products randomly checked passed the tests 100 percent in the past three years, and asked the market regulator to verify its products to clarify the matterIn response to long-term rival Gree's claim of Aux producing defective products, the company on Wednesday posted a statement on its official Sina Weibo account, saying that all the samples adhered to relevant standards in random checks carried out by market regulators from 2016-2019.
Leshi said in the announcement that during the probe period, the company and Jia will actively cooperate with the investigation work and strictly comply with the regulator's requirements to fulfill the obligation of information disclosure.
The probe has focused on whether the data sharing of data and other privacy disputes violated a 2011 agreement with the FTC to safeguard users' privacy.
The industrial giant also announced it had reached a settlement with the US Department of Justice regarding its former subprime-mortgage business for $1.5 billion, a figure that matches the amount the company set aside for liability in the probe last April.
However, its international growth has encountered challenges, first in the US in 2012 when a congressional probe raised national security concerns.
Huawei has been effectively banned from the United States since 2012 when a congressional probe raised national security concerns.
Huawei has been effectively barred from the United States since 2012 when a congressional probe raised national security concerns.
"Huawei has been effectively banned from the United States since 2012 when a congressional probe raised national security concerns.
Facebook admits that it is still in the very early stage of its investigations, but it vows to continue the probe and cooperate with outside experts and law enforcement authorities to remove such online threat.
The probe followed a compliant by a group called Fairsearch, which comprised rivals Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle and others.
As early as when the US launched the '232' probe earlier this year, our orders from the US had dropped," Xiao said.
The Ministry of Commerce, after an eight-month probe, determined that Taiwan's trade-restrictive measures against the mainland constitute trade barriers pursuant to relevant regulations, posting negative influence to the mainland's relevant industries and enterprises.
Probe into investmentsOn July 18, the US House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the US and China sent letters to four well-known US venture capital firms — GGV Capital, GSR Ventures, Walden International and Qualcomm Ventures — expressing serious concern about their investments in China's AI, semiconductor and quantum computing sectors.
The EU's probe is an act of trade protectionism, which will affect the green cooperation between the two sides and the stability of the global automotive industrial and supply chains, Wang said, calling on the EU to engage in dialogue and consultations with China.
On Friday, China's Ministry of Commerce decided to initiate the probe on a request from the Jiangsu Chemical Industry Association.
The ministry decided to launch the probe after a request from the Jiangsu Chemical Industry Association.
"Meanwhile, China has made great strides in scientific and technological innovation, featuring Chang'e lunar probes, Tianwen-1 Mars probe, introduction of a self-developed new high-speed maglev transportation system as well as the C919's type certificate for commercial flight.
According to some US media reports, the US may announce soon a rollback of some tariffs on Chinese consumer goods as well as a new probe into industrial subsidies that could lead to more duties in strategic areas like technology.
The US Department of Commerce made a decision to move forward with a probe into the assembly of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells in four Southeast Asian countries based on claims that manufacturers use parts produced in China that otherwise would be subject to a tariff.
Malpractices like abusing monopolistic positions to crowd out new players are now under scrutiny, with the country's antitrust regulators imposing a record fine on Alibaba in April following a months-long probe into its business operations.
The technology of Hualong One, a domestically-designed third-generation nuclear reactor, as well as the lander and ascender of the Chang'e 5 lunar probe will be featured at the exhibition.
He said China's anti-dumping measures against Australian wines are as per established legal procedure, as evidence from the probe has demonstrated that dumping and subsidies occurred in the case of Australian wines.
The ministry said the anti-dumping probe against Australian wine was conducted in accordance with legal procedures and World Trade Organization rules.
The anti-dumping probe looked into imports of wines from Australia in individual containers holding two liters or less in 2019, according to the ministry.
On the heels of the Alibaba investigation, the State Administration for Market Regulation said in January that it has started a probe into e-commerce platform Vipshop's alleged unfair competitive behavior.
China will keep up with the next developments in United States' probe into the semiconductor supply chain and national defense industrial base in the name of reducing national security risks posed by China, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
Meanwhile, the ministry also called on the European Commission, which decided to launch an anti-subsidy probe into Chinese EVs in October, to abandon its trade protectionist act, and deepen trade and investment cooperation between the automobile industries of China and Europe.
Noting that the countervailing duty investigation from Europe lacks sufficient evidence, He stressed that China is strongly opposed to the probe, and that many member states in the European Union have also questioned it, as they believe the protectionist measures will be counterproductive.
China's Ministry of Commerce on Thursday reiterated its strong dissatisfaction over a decision by the European Commission to launch an anti-subsidy probe into Chinese electric passenger vehicles, which lacked sufficient evidence and is a typical trade protectionist act.
Not only is China strongly opposed to this probe, but it has also been questioned by many member states in the European Union who believe that protectionist measures will only be counterproductive, He said.
However, its NEV sector has come under increased regulatory scrutiny recently after the EU launched an anti-subsidy probe into Chinese electric vehicles in October.
China Association of Automobile Manufacturers called the probe "an apparent act of protectionism".
The government is also planning to probe the steel industry's capacity reduction programs.
The State Administration for Market Regulation, which started a probe into Alibaba in December, fined the company 18.23 billion yuan ($2.78 billion) on Saturday for abusing its dominant position over rivals and merchants on its e-commerce platforms.
China's Ministry of Commerce made a preliminary ruling on Thursday about an anti-subsidy probe on wine imports from Australia that such imports received subsidies from the Australian government, which caused substantial damage to the domestic wine-making industries.
The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Monday launched an anti-dumping probe into imports from the United States of certain monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol, or glycol ethers.
周一,商务部对从美国进口的某些乙二醇和丙二醇的单烷基醚,或称 glycol ethers 发起了反倾销调查。
The probe is scheduled to be completed by Aug. 31, 2021, but may extend to Feb. 28, 2022, under special circumstances, the MOC said.
China's Ministry of Commerce on Monday announced its decision to launch an anti-subsidy probe on wine imports from Australia.
The probe on wines in containers holding two liters or less is expected to end before Aug 31, 2021, but may extend to Feb 28, 2022 under special circumstances, according to a statement on the ministry's website.
On Aug 18, China launched an anti-dumping probe on wine imports from Australia.
The probe is expected to be completed in a year, but could be extended by another six months in exceptional cases, said the ministry.
The anti-dumping probe will look into imports of wine from Australia in containers holding two liters or less in 2019, according to a statement of the ministry.
The anti-dumping probe would look at imports of wine from Australia in containers holding two liters or less in 2019, the ministry said in a statement on its website, adding that it would also investigate any damage done to the Chinese wine industry from 2015 to 2019.
The probe is expected to end before Aug 18, 2021, but may extend to Feb 18, 2022 under special circumstances.
The probe was launched following a request by a domestic company, the Nantong Xingchen Synthetic Material Co. Ltd. , on behalf of domestic producers of polyphenylene ether, the Ministry of Commerce said in a statement on its website.
Authorities to probe illegal behavior pertaining to price manipulationIron ore futures fell sharply on Friday, after a top official of the China Iron and Steel Association said authorities will crack down on illegal behavior related to iron ore price manipulation.
China's top antitrust authority said on Friday it has already made "important" progress in its probe into three dominant chipmakers, including Samsung, over possible price fixing.
European Commission investigators are to inspect Chinese automakers in the coming weeks as part of a probe into whether to impose punitive tariffs to protect European electric vehicle makers, three people involved in the process said.
The probe, launched in October and scheduled to last 13 months, seeks to determine whether cheaper, Chinese-made EVs benefit unfairly from State subsidies.
European Commission documents for the probe say it is in the "initiation stage", with verification visits due by April 11.
Earlier this month, China opened an anti-dumping investigation on brandy imported from the European Union, a step that appeared to be targeted at France, which backs the EV probe.
Three engines and 64 models were involved in the scandal, with some of them bearing marques including Toyota and Subaru, according to a third-party committee's probe.
Daihatsu said on Wednesday that the probe found 174 new cases of irregularities in safety tests and other procedures in 25 test categories, on top of problems reported earlier.
The increasing number of corporate ties between China and the Middle East may open a new window for those EV startups and China's automotive industry as whole, as they are facing unfair treatment in Europe, which launched an anti-subsidy probe into China-made EVs.
Speaking of the European Union's ongoing anti-subsidy probe into China-made EVs, Tavares said Stellantis is not part of the initiative and did not demand it, adding that the group prefers competition that would benefit consumers.
Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the CPCA, said the association opposes the European Union's decision last week to start anti-subsidy probe into Chinese-made electric vehicles.
The probe followed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's address in September in which she claimed global markets are being "flooded" with cheaper Chinese electric cars.
The EU probe is a disguised effort to curb or impede the development of China's NEV-related technologies and violates the World Trade Organization's rule of fairness, said Cui.
The Financial Times and Politico, a Washington-based publication, pointed out the EU's probe was primarily the result of pressure from the French government.
The EU, which had announced its probe decision last month, formally launched the investigation on Wednesday.

四级And that's the probe Songdo has become a popular Korean city —more popular as a residential area than a business one.


2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior.



考研In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus.


