词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
**Learning the ABCs is the first step in learning to read and write.**
**She's teaching her toddler the ABCs using colorful flashcards.**
**The ABC song is a fun way for children to learn the alphabet.**
**Every journalist should know the ABCs of good reporting.**
**The book provides an ABC of computer programming for beginners.**
**I've known him since the ABCs; we've been friends since kindergarten.**
**The ABCs of nutrition are important for everyone, not just athletes.**
**He's trying to teach his dog the ABCs of obedience training.**
**The ABCs of emergency response were drilled into us during the safety course.**
**Understanding the ABCs of financial management can save you a lot of trouble later on.**
One of the highlights of its exhibits was the ultra-efficient ABC (All Back Contact) structure cells and component products, which were independently developed by Aiko.
其展品的亮点之一是由Aiko独立开发的超高效ABC(All Back Contact)结构电池和组件产品。
The company's ABC double glass solar component utilizes dual-glass encapsulation technology and is superior in terms of moisture resistance and fire retardance.
The ABC structure cells can fully meet the needs of middle and high-end users in terms of aesthetics, structural safety, convenient installation, utilization rate and more power generation.
As of the end of June, the balance of ABC's nonperforming loans reached 264.46 billion yuan ($38.09 billion), up 18.67 billion yuan from the beginning of this year.
"ABC will keep strengthening risk prevention and control by optimizing the credit structure and allocating more credit resources to promote rural revitalization, inclusive lending to micro and small businesses, infrastructure construction and green finance.
The eight technologies are autonomous driving, digital city operations, machine translation, biological computing, deep learning frameworks, knowledge management, AI chips and personal intelligent assistants, Li said at the 2021 ABC (AI, Big data, Cloud computing) Summit held on Thursday in Beijing.
Saturnbird has worked with ABC Camping, an outdoor facility provider, to offer coffee consuming appliances that integrate coffee drinking seamlessly with outdoor activities.
Saturnbird 与 ABC Camping 合作,为户外活动提供咖啡饮用设备,使享受咖啡与户外活动完美融合。
At the 2020 Annual ABC Summit, an AI industry event organized by Baidu, the company announced its plan to begin mass production of the Kunlun II AI chip later this year, for use in online search, industrial AI and smart transportation.
At the 2020 Annual ABC Summit, Baidu announced its plan to begin mass production of Kunlun II AI chip later this year, for use in search, industrial AI and smart transportation.
在2020年的ABC年度峰会上,百度宣布计划今年晚些时候开始大规模生产用于搜索、工业AI和智能交通的昆仑II AI芯片。
Zhang Keqiu, executive vice-president at ABC, attributed the growth in part to an increase in net fee and commission income by 16.6 percent year-on-year to 50.9 billion yuan.
Zhan Dongsheng, executive vice-president at ABC, said the bank promoted the implementation of a risk warning system, which strengthened offsite monitoring of risks using big data analytics.
For instance, a recently announced trial with ABC Communications will see the implementation of its rural broadband technology (Massive MIMO) in Lac La Hache, British Columbia.
The rest of the top 10 include the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), Ping An Insurance Group, China Construction Bank (CCB), SAIC Motor, Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) and China Life Insurance Group.
China's Big Four State-owned banks - ICBC, CCB, ABC and BOC - are ranked among the top 10 most profitable companies this year.
“For Baidu, the most important thing lies not only in product and technology, but also in partners in the ecosystem,” Zhang Yaqin, president of Baidu, said at the ABC Summit 2018 Inspire, held by Baidu Cloud in Shenzhen on Thursday.
The three companies, Bank of Communications Life Insurance, ABC Life Insurance and Greatwall Life Insurance, have violated certain regulatory provisions, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) said on its website.
An agreement was signed here Monday between the BRAC University and the commercial alliance of China's Beijing Urban Construction Group (BUCG) and Bangladesh's Associated Builders Corporation Ltd (ABC).
The orders came from China Nuclear E&C Group, Huabao Leasing, AVIC International Leasing Co Ltd, and ABC Financial Leasing Co Ltd.
"The purchase of the C919 will help us to promote the brand image of the company and support our operation of a large-scale fleet," said Wang Yigang, CEO of ABC Financial Leasing.
"In 2012, ABC Financial Leasing signed an agreement with COMAC to purchase 45 C919 aircraft, and it became the first company to make additional orders after the maiden flight of the jet.
According to a statement issued by COMAC, the deal made a wholly-owned subsidiary of Agricultural Bank of China, or ABC Financial Leasing, the first to place a second order of 30 jets based on the 45 jets it ordered in 2012.
Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), one of the country's biggest lenders, reported higher earnings growth Wednesday thanks to steady increase of net interest income.
ABC shares in Hong Kong rose 0.81 percent on Wednesday while its shares in Shanghai fell 1.28 percent.
"This will never happen again on United Airlines," CEO of United Airlines Oscar Munoz told ABC news in an interview.
China's economy for the October-December quarter grew at a quicker rate, allowing the Chinese government to hit its target of about 5 percent annual growth, ABC News said on Tuesday.
, said the ABC News, citing China's official data.
ABC news cited Zhu Chaoping of JP Morgan Asset Management as saying "China is shifting focus from quantity to quality of economic growth, and may allocate resources to environmental protection and other initiatives to boost China's long-term growth potential ".
"We're in a really strong position in China, in terms of the continuing trade's appreciation for what Australian wine has to offer across all our price points, so we have a really solid platform of what we're taking to market there," Andreas Clark, chief executive officer of Wine Australia, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Tuesday night.
Back in 1959, ABC Mickey Mouse Sweets-which later morphed to become the famous White Rabbit Creamy Candy and whose history can be traced back to Shanghai in the 1940s-accounted for so high percent of the monthly salary of an average worker during that period that it was considered luxurious.
The above-mentioned ABC Mickey Mouse Sweets, which had already changed its name to White Rabbit Creamy Candy, seized the opportunity and forged its prime place in the pantheon of the national snacks industry.
AI is seen as one of the three pillars of SAIC's ABC strategy, with the other two letters standing for big data and cloud computing.
Agricultural Bank of China or ABC is working on formulating action plans to propel the development of "technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance" as emphasized by the Central Financial Work Conference held in late October, its top executive said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency published on Tuesday.
"As of the end of September, ABC's outstanding loans for strategic emerging industries exceeded 1.9 trillion yuan ($270 billion), up 54 percent from the start of the year.
ABC will focus more on its key responsibilities and main businesses, and continue to increase financial resource allocations for key fields like food security, rural industrial development and farmers' income growth, Gu said.
Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) announced on Monday that it completed the issuance of 20 billion yuan ($2.81 billion) in special bonds last Friday for the Sannong sector, which refers to agriculture, rural areas and farmers, in China's interbank bond market.
The raised funds will be used to ensure food security and promote integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, ABC said.
ABC said it will make persistent efforts to play a major role in providing financial services for Sannong.
Through increasing relevant financial support, ABC aims to guide and stimulate more "financial vitality" to serve rural revitalization, adding impetus to the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.
Among the loans, the growth of ABC's lending to the manufacturing, strategic emerging and green industries was 11.7 percent, 20.7 percent and 15.5 percent, respectively.
At the same time, ABC will improve the proactive credit risk prevention and control mechanism, increase risk inspections in key areas and continuously conduct stress tests.
ABC, a large State-owned commercial lender in China, will further improve and optimize financial supply, continue to enhance the quality and effectiveness of its services to agriculture, rural areas, farmers and the real economy, Zhang said at a news conference announcing the bank's 2022 annual results on Friday.
ABC will reasonably control the pace of credit issuance, appropriately granting loans early on to support the development of the real economy, and actively meet the effective financing needs of the real economy, he said.
In February, ABC's corporate lending projects that have been approved but the loans have not yet been granted increased by more than 6 percentage points from the previous month.
Due to strong demand, ABC's loan issuance in the first two months of this year reached a new historical high.
At the end of 2022, ABC's outstanding loan balance reached 19.8 trillion yuan.
An earlier report by the Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) alleged Perth Mint selling diluted bullion to China.
The JV established by BNP Paribas and ABC Wealth Management will leverage the respective advantages and features of both shareholders to better satisfy the increasingly diversified investment and wealth management needs of various types of customers, said Agricultural Bank of China.
ABC's branch in Qinghai province offered a loan of 200 million yuan to Qinghai University on Oct 7 at a lending rate of 2.5 percent to support equipment upgrade.
New domestic yuan loans of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China's biggest commercial lender, reached 1.61 trillion yuan during the first six months, while that of the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), Bank of China (BOC) and China Construction Bank (CCB) stood at 1.6 trillion yuan, 1.02 trillion yuan and 1.54 trillion yuan, respectively.
New loans issued by the ABC to fund the building of major projects in H1 totaled 404.2 billion yuan, an increase of 67.1 billion yuan year-on-year.
Gu Shu, chairman of the ABC, attributed such steady performance partly to the effective implementation of China's macro-economic policies designed to ensure the smooth operation of market entities.
Gu Shu, chairman of Agricultural Bank of China, said ABC is highly likely to see its credit growth between September and December exceed that of the same period last year.
In July, RMB loans of ABC increased 168.1 billion yuan, 37.8 billion yuan more than the increase in July 2021.
It is estimated that the ABC's credit issuance in August will be higher than that over the same period last year, and the trend will continue through the last four months of this year, said Gu at a news conference announcing the bank's 2022 interim results.
As of the end of last week, corporate loans that had been approved by the ABC but had not yet been issued amounted to 2.47 trillion yuan.
In the next step, the ABC will keep optimizing its credit structure and further allocate credit resources to key areas such as rural revitalization, major infrastructure projects, green finance and inclusive loans to micro and small businesses, said its executive vice-president Zhang Xuguang.
Last year, ABC stepped up credit support for the construction of affordable housing, rental housing and ordinary commercial housing, satisfied the reasonable financing needs of the real estate market, and maintained a basically stable concentration rate of real estate loans, said Cui Yong, executive vice-president of the bank.
ABC granted 673.8 billion yuan of new loans in 2021 to major projects under the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25).
The money accounted for 60 percent of 18.95 billion yuan in loans issued by ABC to support 263 clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection projects, including the 800-MW Zhangbei National Wind and Solar Energy Storage and Transmission Demonstration Project in Hebei province.
In recent years, ABC pushed for a transition toward green management, adopted the green development concept through the whole process of operation and management, built a comprehensive system of green finance governance, continuously ramped up the issuance of green loans and promoted innovation in diversified financial products.
Agricultural Bank of China will ramp up financial support for clean energy, green transportation, green building and energy-saving transformation of traditional industries, said Zhang Qingsong, president of ABC.
ABC will bring its advantage in comprehensive operations into full play, further strengthen efforts for product innovation and continuously improve its multi-layered and integrated business system, which covers green credit, direct green financing, green consumer finance and carbon finance.
Among them, Postal Savings Bank of China Co recorded the largest growth in net profit, which was 22.48 percent year-on-year, followed by Bank of Communications Co (15.1 percent), ABC (12.5 percent), BOC(11.79 percent), CCB (10.92 percent) and ICBC (9.8 percent).
Zhang Qingsong, vice-chairman and president of ABC, said the bank's nonperforming loans in the western, Bohai-rim and central regions accounted for 76.2 percent of its total NPLs in the Chinese mainland.
"We expect that ABC will achieve stable performance and improvement in terms of full-year asset quality.
"ABC will keep strengthening control of asset quality, continuously optimize credit asset structure, ramp up the disposal, settlement and collection of nonperforming loans, and consolidate the foundation of asset quality," he added.
By the end of September, the outstanding balance of ABC's loans was 1.26 trillion yuan ($187.28 billion) in 832 key counties of national poverty alleviation and development efforts, up by 172.3 billion yuan from the beginning of this year.
Guangxi Yangpu Nanhua Sugar Industry Group Co Ltd is one of ABC's beneficiaries.
Since 2015 when the world's second-largest economy announced a war on poverty, ABC's branch in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region has issued 8.75 billion yuan of loans to 11 sugar plants of the Yangpu Nanhua group in seven State-level poverty-stricken counties.
"The customized financial services ABC provided to our group strengthened our support to poor sugarcane farmers.
ABC also offered unsecured loans, which are issued and supported only by the borrowers' creditworthiness, to qualified rural households after verifying the list of sugarcane planters provided by the Yangpu Nanhua group.
Baise-based farmer Ruan Zhongge, the sole breadwinner of his family of seven, had been under severe financial stress until he received an unsecured loan of 12,000 yuan from ABC at a favorable lending rate.
To help the farmers with walnut processing, marketing and sales, ABC's branch in East China's Zhejiang province introduced 11 companies in Zhejiang to conduct an onsite investigation in Liangshan.
It is estimated that the project, through partnerships between eastern and western China, will increase the income of more than 200,000 people in 11 poverty-stricken counties, said Min Yunzhong, 59, leader of the poverty alleviation working group in Liangshan and also an employee of ABC's Zhejiang branch.
And ABC focuses on leading industries, basic industries and those having distinctive local features and advantages.
The bank has also chosen major infrastructure projects carried out by leading companies in key industries within poverty-stricken areas and relevant small businesses in the upstream and downstream supply chains as key targets for the issuance of poverty alleviation loans, said Zhang Qingsong, vice-chairman and president of ABC.
"In recent years, ABC has emphasized product differentiation, launched a series of lending products and policies that have regional characteristics and focused on niche markets to support key projects and the development of distinctive industries in poverty-stricken areas," Zhang said.
"While motivating client managers with incentives to issue poverty alleviation loans to qualified clients, ABC also strengthened supervision of violations of laws and regulations in this regard.
The Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), one of China's biggest commercial lenders, has stepped up credit support for 832 poverty-stricken counties nationwide.
The total outstanding lending amount reached 1.24 trillion yuan by the end of August, up by 151 billion yuan from the beginning of the year, said the ABC.
The bank is paying special attention to any potential impact on its asset quality from the epidemic, said Zhang Qingsong, president of ABC.
At the same time, we took targeted measures to prevent and defuse risks … Based on our analysis, the impact of the epidemic on the asset quality of ABC is temporary and controllable," Zhang said on Tuesday.
ICBC, CCB and ABC recorded yearly net profit growth of 4.9 percent, 5.32 percent and 5.08 percent, respectively, while BOC posted an increase of 4.91 percent in the same period.
Agricultural Bank of China Ltd (ABC) reported significant improvement in asset quality, as the large State-owned commercial lender recorded a year-on-year decline of nonperforming loan ratio by 19 basis points to 1.4 percent at the end of 2019.
Ever since the novel coronavirus pneumonia broke out in China, ABC has paid high attention to the impact of the epidemic on its asset quality, said Zhang Qingsong, president of the bank.
"Based on our analysis, the impact of the epidemic on the asset quality of ABC is temporary and controllable.
It will further increase the issuance of loans to key fields including transport, energy and healthcare and keep improving inclusive financial services, said Zhang Xuguang, executive vice-president of ABC.
ABC Wealth Management Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Agricultural Bank of China Ltd, officially opened for business in Beijing on Thursday and launched a series of new products.
ABC is the last of the five major commercial banks to set up a wealth management subsidiary.
The establishment of ABC Wealth Management is an important measure taken by the Agricultural Bank of China to carry out supply-side structural reform in the financial sector, further implement new regulations on the asset management industry, push for high-quality development of the real economy, and actively tackle changes in the wealth management industry," said Zhou Mubing, chairman of Agricultural Bank of China, the country's third largest commercial lender by assets.
The establishment of ABC Wealth Management came after similar moves were made by four other large State-owned commercial lenders.
The establishment of ABC Wealth Management is an important measure taken by the Agricultural Bank of China to carry out supply-side structural reform in the financial sector, further implement new regulations for the asset management industry, push for high-quality development of the real economy, and actively tackle changes in the wealth management industry," said Zhou Mubing, chairman of the Agricultural Bank of China, the country's third-largest commercial lender by assets.
To strengthen isolation of the parent bank's risk from that of the subsidiary, ABC Wealth Management formed a special committee to coordinate risk management, in addition to setting up internal audit, internal control and compliance departments.
Ma Shuguang, chairman of ABC Wealth Management, said the company will integrate data resources of the bank and external institutions;xa0fully utilize financial technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to define its core customers and analyze their transaction habits;xa0and give support to product research and development, robo-advisory services and precision marketing.
To promote a transition of wealth management products towardxa0net-asset-value products which will reflect risks on a timely basis, ABC Wealth Management launched four main categories of wealth management products on Thursday, ranging from cash management, fixed incomexa0andxa0equity to mixed products.
The establishment of ABC Wealth Management followed similar moves taken by four other large State-owned commercial banks, while many other commercial lenders are accelerating efforts to set up their own wealth management subsidiaries, amid a transition of China's asset management industry.
The Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) has established a bank specializing in financing the tourist sector, a booming economic pillar in the country.
The Hangzhou Cultural and Tourist Sub-branch of ABC was launched Tuesday in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province.
The bank will provide 100 billion yuan ($14.5 billion) of intentional credit line in the next five years with a priority to lending projects recommended by the provincial tourism department, according to an agreement signed between ABC Zhejiang branch and the Zhejiang provincial department of culture and tourism.
Feng Jianlong, president of ABC Zhejiang branch, said the tourist bank has an online platform boasting a cultural tourism industry database.

高考They were going to take a course at the ABC language school in bournemouth where Harvold works as a teacher.


2017年高考英语浙江卷(11月) 完形填空 原文
