
对比记忆admin 路由器管理密码
MBA(Master of Business Administer)工商 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
school administrator 学校管理员
Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园
administrator account 管理员帐户
The administrator has granted access to the server for all users in the 'Administrators' group.
She is the system administrator, responsible for maintaining the computer network.
Please contact the server administrator if you encounter any issues with logging in.
As an administrator, he can modify and delete files on the company's database.
The administrator is currently performing a system update, please try again later.
She was promoted to the role of administrator after demonstrating exceptional leadership skills.
In the school, the principal is both the academic and administrative head.
To reset your password, you need to contact the system administrator.
The IT department is run by a team of dedicated administrators who ensure smooth operations."
As an administrator, it's important to maintain a balance between security and user convenience.
Megan Muriuki, an administrator at COSCO Shipping Lines, said her firm participated in the job fair as it was looking to recruit additional local personnel to support its operations in Kenya.
中远海运公司(COSCO Shipping Lines)的管理人员梅根·穆里乌基(Megan Muriuki)表示,她的公司参加招聘会是为了招聘更多的当地人员来支持其在肯尼亚的业务。
Zacharia Mulwa, a road administrator of the patrol unit that ensures the smooth flow of traffic for all motorists at the expressway, said modern technologies used along the way could monitor the traffic flow and help his unit realize a rapid response in case of any emergencies.
巡逻队的道路管理员Zacharia Mulwa确保高速公路上所有驾车者的交通畅通,他说,沿途使用的现代技术可以监测交通流量,并帮助他的部队在任何紧急情况下实现快速反应。
"At a hearing before DeFazio's committee, FAA Administrator Steve Dickson, a former US Air Force and commercial pilot, testified, "I'm not going to sign off on this plane until I fly it myself. "
The flights are a variation on a theme struck by Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Stephen Dickson.
Economic and commercial counselor of the Chinese Embassy Jiang Jianjun, Undersecretary of the Philippine Department of Energy (DOE) Benito Ranque, and administrator of Philippine National Electrification Administration (NEA) Edgardo Masongsong, among other guests, witnessed the handover of the stations during the ceremony held in New Baliwet, a remote village in San Marcelino, Zambales province.
Testifying were Daniel Elwell, acting FAA administrator; Robert Sumwalt, chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board; and Calvin Scovel III, Transportation Department inspector general.
com in 2016:“After four months of private deprivation, a university administrator sent an emissary to my door with a small, friendly Christmas present: a neatly wrapped bottle of instant Nescafé.
They did a good job for the district, said Miguel Aldaba, local administrator for the project.
He is also a labor administrator, who pays attention to the situation of every worker and provides timely psychological assistance if they have personal problems.
On the recent banking stress seen in the United States and Europe, and the fragility of the global financial system, Lu Lei, deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said there are still plenty of tools to deal with such financial issues.
During his time in the district as its first chief administrator in the 1990s, Zhao Qizheng earned the nickname "Mr Pudong".
Xu Haoliang, undersecretary-general and associate administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, made the remarks in his address via a pre-recorded video to the 2023 China International Digital Economy Expo that opened in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, on Wednesday.
"The Humble Administrator's Garden — a traditional Chinese garden and World Culture Heritage Site in Suzhou, Jiangsu province — received about 22,800 visits on Saturday.
China and Latin American countries should jointly promote the large-scale development of renewable energy, including exploring renewable energy development roadmaps suitable for each country's national conditions, deputy administrator of the National Energy Administration Ren Jingdong said during the China-Latin America Renewable Energy Cooperation Forum held by the NEA on Tuesday.
Adriano Zambrano, administrator of the airport, believes Ecuador has two factors it should take advantage of: its ties with China and its geographic location.
Wang Zhiqing, deputy administrator of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, estimated the number of outbound Chinese tourists will exceed 700 million in the next few years.
Su Quanli, deputy administrator of the National Railway Administration, said the government would build an efficient communication platform with related parties to reach these deals and help negotiate the prices for international block train services in foreign markets for Chinese companies, as well as improve the efficiency of customs clearance and enhance transport security.
Dario Gomez, associate administrator at the Office of International Trade for the US Small Business Administration, said direct exports ensure "long-term growth and success".
But the retired kindergarten administrator, who lives with her daughter, son-and grandson-in-law in the northeastern city, soon found herself bound by new shackles.
A total of 87 Chinese enterprises have received over $200 million in loans through a cross-border, pilot blockchain financing platform since the Lunar New Year holiday (Jan 24-Feb 2), said Xuan Changneng, deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
SAFE said in a statement on Friday that Zhu has succeeded Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China and administrator of SAFE, as Party chief of the administration.
Pan, who is also the administrator of State Administration of Foreign Exchange, made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2023.
During the same meeting, Lu Lei, deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said data and information processing will face a new era, which will bring about generative artificial intelligence.
Lu Lei, deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said China's international industrial and investment cooperation has realized high-quality development and entered a new phase of high-level opening-up since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
Achim Steiner, administrator of the New York-based United Nations Development Program, said that fintech can address the difficulties faced by companies due to the epidemic.
Wei Benhua, former deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and former executive director for China at the IMF, said the country is in a good position to use fiscal and monetary policy to counter coronavirus shocks.
Xuan Changneng, deputy administrator of SAFE, said 87 Chinese enterprises have received over $200 million in loans through a pilot cross-border blockchain financing platform since the Jan 24-Feb 2 Lunar New Year holiday.
Pan Gongsheng, vice-governor of the People's Bank of China, the central bank, and the administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), said the regulator would enhance the monitoring and assessment of the foreign exchange market and enact policies for controlling potential risks.
"The People's Bank of China is carrying out a considerable reform for the unification of regulatory requirements for the opened (cross-border) investment channels," said Pan Gongsheng, vice-governor of PBOC and the administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
The People's Bank of China, the central bank, will deal with risks in key areas in a steady and orderly manner and will proceed with structural deleveraging, Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the central bank and administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said during an interview with China Central Television on Tuesday.
Sector's development boosts credit and spending growth while heading off risksWang Qianqian earns 6,000 yuan ($890) a month as a high school administrator in Shanghai.
Chinese lenders bought $172.6 billion worth of foreign currency and sold $153.2 billion worth last month, according to the nation's top forex administrator.
It will also eliminate any sense of inconvenience during the transaction process, by removing the need to enter a verification code for certain transactions," said Zuo Juexi, a risk management administrator at BOC.
Vice-Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhao Chenxin, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Zhao Yingmin, Deputy Director of the National Energy Administration Ren Jingdong, Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Energy David Turk, and Assistant Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency Radhika Fox, attended the meeting as heads of the working group's subcommittees and delivered speeches.

六级Secretary Anthony Foxx, to talk about smart cities, and Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Michael Huerta, to talk about drones.

国务卿安东尼·福克斯(Anthony Foxx)将讨论智能城市,联邦航空管理局局长迈克尔·休尔塔(Michael Huerta)将讨论无人机。


四级Andrew Heidrich, an education network administrator from Sacramento, plays World of Warcraft for about two to four hours every other night, but that's nothing compared with the 40 to 60 hours a week he spent playing online games when he was in college.

来自萨克拉门托的教育网络管理员安德鲁·海德里希(Andrew Heidrich)每隔一个晚上就要玩两到四个小时的《魔兽世界》,但与他在大学时每周花40到60个小时玩网络游戏相比,这算不了什么。


考研The generalist — and especially the administrator — deals with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving.



考研Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator.


