
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根adolesce 进入青春期 + escent 开始 …………
谐音记忆爱豆来深的 → 当爱豆来深圳的时候,“青春期”的少女都去看了
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
young / youthful / juvenile / adolescent
young → 强调年龄小,处于生长的前期。
youthful → 褒义或贬义均可用。指具有青年人的外貌或 …………
adolescent gang 青少年帮派
Man is still only adolescent.
Her remarks seemed a bit adolescent.
A gawky adolescent boy.
In the past few years, myopia has frequently occurred among children and adolescents in an early age in China, and visual health issues have a certain impact on their school attendance, employment and life.
The two sides will compile a report, focusing on the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in China in 2023.
These organizations include the Aixing Zhumeng Public Welfare Service Center in Tianjin, which supports children with autism, and the Bright and Beautiful, which focuses on the physical and mental health and growth of adolescent girls.
The health authorities of the Hong Kong special administrative region have made the decision based on clinical trials and studies of vaccination for local children and adolescents, the company said.
Guo Yifeng, deputy director of the dermatological department of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, said that a key negative impact brought by the disease to adolescent sufferers is that it affects their appearance and makes them less confident in socializing.
Statistics from the National Health Commission showed that 52.7 percent of children and adolescents in the country suffered from myopia last year.
The adolescent (ages 12-18) subgroup in Spectra also has initiated enrollment and will complete enrollment in the third quarter of the year.
France-based ophthalmic optics company Essilor teamed up with Tencent and launched online consultation services on the latter's medical platform Tencent Medipedia, in a bid to better serve China's adolescents suffering from myopia.
"According to a report released by the China Health Development Research Center at Peking University, in 2021, myopia rate among children and adolescents in China will exceed 50 percent.
The serious situation is closely related to the changes of eye-use behaviors and environment of Chinese children and adolescents, such as increased use of electronic products, more exposure to the internet at an early age, increased time spent on short-video apps and lack of sleep, said the report.
"Myopia not only hinders the personal development of our children and adolescents, but also brings significant harm to our social and economic development and even national defense security," said Li Ling, director of the China Health Development Research Center.
"Lim said: "With our mission of 'Improving Lives by Improving Sight', Essilor remains committed to innovating our products and services, and pushing towards an ecosystem containing 'government, research, medicine, business and media', so as to better support the implementation of myopia prevention and control policies for children and adolescents in the digital age. "
Founded in 2014 in Beijing, Meishubao Education focuses on arts education for children and adolescents from 3 to 18 years of age in China.
Meanwhile, Germany-headquartered Zeiss announced that it would jointly launch a multi-center research program on adolescents' and children's eye health standards with the National Clinical Medicine Research Center of Eye Diseases to promote the realization of China's strategic goal for myopia prevention and control.
Because TikTok's users are mostly adolescents, the platform would help Walmart appeal to a new and younger demographic, while also supporting customer engagement and loyalty, according to Oliver Chen, a senior equity research analyst at Cowen and Co.
"What's partly driving the reaction of the Trump administration, Rieschel said, is the fact that it's the first time a foreign company is becoming so successful and wildly popular among adolescents.
According to a 2019 report by the World Health Organization, about 67 percent of Chinese adolescents living in cities suffer from myopia, up from 53.6 percent in 2018.
Lanxum was the first Chinese learning organization to teach literary history to adolescents.
"PepsiCo cares about and is committed to promoting the improvement of the nutrition and health of adolescents as we believe that poverty and malnutrition should not be barriers to the development of children," he said.
We took the children to the soccer pitch, inspiring the adolescents, as well as enriching the experience for soccer players and fans.
In "Victoria's Dirty Secret", a research article published by Canada's Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, its authors asserted, "Victoria's Secret sends a message to these adolescent girls and women that their models are the standard of beauty.
Zheng Haoran, program lead of adolescents and youth at the United Nations Population Fund ChinaThe United Nations believes that youth not only benefit from sustainable development but can also assist in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and drive future reforms in the sector.
Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE last month asked US health regulators to allow their Covid-19 vaccine to be given to adolescents to extend their shot's use to children 12 years and older.
Medical aesthetics, cosmetics featuring Chinese elements, and skincare products targeting adolescents are likely to gain steam in China's beauty industry in the years to come, a study by consultancy Ries said.
The China Children and Teenagers Foundation and Kotex, a leading feminine care product brand under Kimberly-Clark, recently launched the "She Can" adolescent health education public welfare project in Guangzhou, Guangdong province before full introduction of the project across the country.
This project aims to teach adolescent girls about adolescent physical and mental health, improve their scientific understanding of adolescence, and prevent physical and mental problems caused by changes in adolescence.
The project will take adolescent health education as the starting point, build online and offline platforms and provide public welfare support for adolescent girls and families.
Online and offline health consultation and other adolescent health popularization services will also be provided.
Promoting the popularization of education on adolescent health, he added, requires attention from the whole society.
"We will fully integrate social resources to help girls to learn about adolescent health, to have better self-awareness and effectively prevent physical and psychological problems brought about by adolescent changes," Zhu said.
"With a considerable number of English-language education businesses for children and adolescents emerging in recent years, some critics have said this market is now shrinking.
Li said the outline consists of three development stages in 2020, 2035 and 2050, with six dimensions covering public sports, adolescent participation, athletics, industry, culture and international sports exchanges.
Ever since his adolescent years, Jiang had been a diligent learner and seeker of truth enlightened by patriotism and the ideas of the democratic revolution.

六级piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work, their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

六级And although anxious parents may not welcome the notion, educators could turn adolescent recklessness to academic ends.


2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级Twenge and her colleagues also found that across the key years of 2013-16, well-being was indeed lowest in years where adolescents spent more time online, on social media, and reading news online, and when more youth in the United States had smartphones.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级In a 2011 study, Steinberg and his colleagues turned to functional MRI to investigate how the presence of peers affects the activity in the adolescent brain.


2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级The researchers conclude that electronic communication was the only adolescent activity that increased at the same time psychological well-being declined.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级There is another explanation that Twenge and her colleagues wanted to address: the impact of the great recession of 2007-2009, which hit a great number of American families and might be affecting adolescents.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级Contrary to some stereotypes, most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals ( ' , though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish ( ' , 拉帮结派的) environment of high school).

与一些刻板印象相反,大多数青少年认为他们必须容忍个体之间的差异(’,尽管他们并不总是觉得在小圈子里这样容易(’),拉帮结派的) 高中环境)。


六级While most parents, teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk, they may easily overlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous behaviors.



六级Many industries are going out of infancy and becoming adolescents, Shapiro said.



六级But a new study finds that there's another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger of experiencing the same psychiatric symptoms: teens who use tons of media, don't get enough sleep and have a sedentary ( ' , 不爱活动的 ) lifestyle.

但是一项新的研究发现,还有另外一组青少年也有同样的精神症状:他们使用大量的媒体,睡眠不足,久坐不动,不爱活动的 ) 生活方式。


六级They are creating a major shift in the social experiences of both children and adolescents.



六级Now a new study has provided another contribution to the debate, uncovering strong evidence that adolescent well-being in the United States really is experiencing a decline and arguing that the most likely cause is the electronic riches we have given them


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

六级Such wariness is well founded: statistics show, for example, that a teenage driver with a same-age passenger in the car is at higher risk of a fatal crash than an adolescent driving alone or with an adult.


2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级The 28 existence of such ideals, without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession, rapidly leads adolescents to become 29 intolerant of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

六级They worry that the adolescent peer group has the power to push its members into behavior that is foolish and even dangerous.


2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

考研Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal.


2010年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级In a 2005 study, psychologist Laurence Steinberg of Temple University and his co-author, psychologist Margo Gardner, then at Temple, divided 6 people into three age groups: young adolescents, with a mean age of 14; older adolescents, with a mean age of 19

在2005年的一项研究中,坦普尔大学的心理学家劳伦斯·斯坦伯格(Laurence Steinberg)和他的合著者、当时在坦普尔大学的心理学家玛戈·加德纳(Margo Gardner)将6人分为三个年龄组:青少年,平均年龄14岁;年龄较大的青少年,平均年龄19岁

2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级Contrary to some stereotypes, most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish (拉帮结派的) environment of high school.

与一些刻板印象相反,大多数青少年认为他们必须容忍个体之间的差异,尽管他们并不总是觉得这样容易(拉帮结派的) 高中环境。

2016年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级They found that adolescents who spent a very small amount of time on digital devices—a couple of hours a week—had the highest well-being.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级Older adolescents scored about 50 percent higher on an index of risky driving when their peers were in the room — and the driving of early adolescents was fully twice as reckless when other young teens were around.


2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级As careers and vocations become less available during times of recession, adolescents may be especially hard hit.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

高考Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents, scoring the least liked, the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys.


2019年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

六级The results: Teens who played the Iowa Gambling Task under the eyes of fellow adolescents engaged in more exploratory behavior, learned faster from both positive and negative outcomes, and achieved better performance on the task than those who played in s


2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级For this reason, community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically beneficial but also help to stimulate the adolescent's sense of worth.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

高考Adolescents enter high school with great excitement but are soon looking forward to graduation.


2014年高考英语全国卷1 完形填空 原文

六级And this finding could have important implications for how we think about educating adolescents.


2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

六级Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents confused about their roles in society.


2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

六级"While most parents, teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk, they may easily overlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous behaviors. "



六级“The adolescent becomes an adult when he 26 a real job.



六级Piaget said: “True adaptation to society comes 30 when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.



六级The researchers also note that the recession hit some years before we see the beginning of the wellbeing drop, and before the steepest wellbeing decline, which occurred in 20 The researchers conclude that electronic communication was the only adolescent activity that increased at the same time psychological wellbeing declined.



六级Social change also brings not simply different positions for women and girls, but different relations to life stages, and adolescent girls are participating in new subcultural forms.



六级Thus what may, to an older speaker, seem like “masculine” speech may seem to an adolescent like “liberated” or “hip” speech.



考研Furthermore, the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may change in a given society as social and economic conditions change.



考研At the age of sixteen the adolescent is granted certain adult rights which increase his social status by providing him with more freedom and choices.



考研But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height.


