
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根advis(简写自advise;建议)+or …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
senior advisor 高级顾问
academic advisor 学术顾问
student advisor 学生顾问
financial advisor 财务顾问
investment advisor 投资顾问
career advisor 职业顾问
foreign student advisor 外国学生顾问
media advisor 媒体顾问
Eric works as a senior advisor in a university.
Tom's the company's chief advisor.
My advisor suggested I take courses that would broaden my knowledge in different fields.
The financial advisor recommended a diversified portfolio to minimize risks.
She scheduled a meeting with her academic advisor to discuss her course selections for the upcoming semester.
The career advisor helped him identify his strengths and interests, guiding him towards a suitable profession.
As a language learning advisor, she often suggests using authentic materials for practice.
The legal advisor cautioned against signing the contract without thoroughly reviewing its terms.
The fashion advisor suggested pairing the dress with simple accessories to make a statement.
After analyzing market trends, the investment advisor advised investing more in renewable energy stocks.
The study abroad advisor provided valuable insights into cultural differences and preparation tips.
The health advisor emphasized the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise for maintaining good health.
As the country keeps accelerating the development of rental housing with diversified investment and multiple supply channels, many organizations are increasing their efforts to solve the middle-aged and younger generations' living problems, said Sheng Xiuxiu, residential sector research director at JLL China, a global real estate advisor.
The competition is another step to cultivate a generation of skilled digital talent that are important for developing an inclusive, high quality, and sustainable digital ecosystem in Thailand," said Montree Munkong, advisor to the minister, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society of Thailand.
泰国数字经济与社会部部长顾问Montree Munkong表示:“此次比赛是培养一代熟练数字人才的又一步,这些人才对泰国发展包容性、高质量和可持续的数字生态系统至关重要。”。
"We always feel obliged to leverage advanced technologies in the upgrade of the hyaluronic acid industry and ensure the products' service safety," said Jung Im-no, expert advisor of LG Chem Life Sciences' aesthetic division, adding that the company has been investing constantly in research and applications.
LG化学生命科学美容部门的专家顾问Jung Im-no说:“我们总是觉得有义务利用先进技术升级透明质酸行业,确保产品的服务安全。”他补充说,该公司一直在不断投资于研究和应用。
Zhang Shu, director of the arrhythmia branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and a national political advisor, said that although pacemakers have been widely used in the world for more than half a century, its use in China is still significantly lower than in Western nations.
The new round was led by Trustbridge Partners and Lighthouse Capital continued to be the financial advisor.
这一轮的新投资由Trustbridge Partners领投,Lighthouse Capital继续担任财务顾问。
Taihecap continues to serve as its exclusive financial advisor.
Taihecap 继续担任其唯一的财务顾问。
As digitalization, uncertainties in supply chains, government stimulus policies and changes in consumer behaviors are brewing new business opportunities, the CSR sector has a greater chance of becoming a major business sector in the future, Jan Noterdaeme, co-founder and senior advisor of CSR Europe, said during the forum.
Led by CDH Investments, the latest round also includes GGV Capital, INCE Capital and CMBC Capital Holdings Ltd. Cygnus Equity serves as the financial advisor.
China TH Capital continues to serve as its exclusive financial advisor.
China TH Capital assists as its exclusive financial advisor.
Chinese investors have had a significant presence, with Shunwei Capital and Morningside Venture Capital participating in this round and China TH Capital assisting ShareChat as its exclusive financial advisor.
There are three trends in the retail industry: more technology-driven innovation, faster business model changes, and more internationalization in retail, said Michael Mao, a partner and advisor for digital and consumer industry with KPMG.
"Companies listed in Hong Kong show a higher quality in the standard of their reports, partly due to the requirement of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange," said Yin Gefei, chief advisor of China WTO Tribune and chief expert of GoldenBee CSR Consulting.
"Besides strengthening core capabilities from an advisor's standpoint, Deloitte is also focusing on and making big investments in orchestrating the ecosystems around artificial intelligence, big data, smart cities and other high-tech areas," Punit Renjen, the first Asian global CEO of Deloitte, told China Daily during an interview in Shenzhen on Wednesday.
"Global mergers and acquisitions advisor SI Partners helped secure on the link-up which SI's Alyssiah Tsui described as a "significant cross-border deal.
TH Capital acted as the sole financial advisor.
cn and Clipper Advisor are Pintec's adversaries.
A group of education companies hope to advance education through technology and strengthen communication with foreign enterprises and institutions," said Chen Dinghong, chief advisor of TAL overseas.
The 11-day course is part of a commitment by Jack Ma, Alibaba Group's founder and executive chairman and UNCTAD special advisor, to empower 1,000 entrepreneurs from developing countries in five years, the company said on Monday.
"We are excited about the opportunities to be created in China's development in a 'new era,'" said Li, who just started his second five-year term as a national political advisor.
"As more and more areas are liberalized to foreign investment, businesses from almost every industry can find their own growth points," Yang Decai, a national political advisor and professor of economics from Nanjing University, said when discussing the report.
"Our business strategy must fit into the development of host countries and address their problems," said Zou Lei, national political advisor and chairman of Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC).
As a national political advisor, Zhang Yuyan plans to propose accelerating the revision of the foreign trade law.
The group has hired an advisor to work on a bid, according to two sources.
Existing investors, including Joy Capital, Morningside Ventures and Capital Today, also participated in the funding with TH Capital being the exclusive financial advisor.
"We see that digital ecosystems provide enterprises with new and better ways to pursue collaborative innovation," said the entrepreneur, who also serves as an advisor on economic development to the Guangdong provincial government.
When I have a few free hours, I play golf with friends.2014 onwards: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Thales Group, France2013-2014: Senior Executive Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Performance Officer, Thales Group2000-2013: Various roles and positions within Thales Group2000-2002: Technical Advisor, the cabinet office of the French Minister1998-2000: Human Resources, Conseil General des Mines, France1995-1998: Special Adviser to the Prefect of the Franche-Comte region and head of the Industrial Development and Energy Division, DRIRE, FranceEcole Polytechnique and the Ecole des Mines de Paris, holds the rank of Ingenieur en Chef of the Corps des Mines
Morgan Stanley serves as the deal's sole financial advisor.
Development of sustainable, world class specialized, export-driven and competitive industrial parks is the major target of Ethiopia's vision towards economic development, according to Arkebe Oqubay, Special Advisor to the Ethiopian Prime Minister.
Dreams' owner-London-based Sun European Partners, the European advisor to US-based private equity firm Sun Capital Partners-put the mattress company up for sale earlier this year and appointed investment bank Rothschild to run the auction.
CPEC has achieved fruitful results, noted Hassan Daud Butt, senior advisor at the China Study Center of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, an Islamabad-based think tank.
Several US officials, including National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, have emphasized that "de-risking" in economic and trade relations with China means that the US possesses a resilient and efficient supply chain while also ensuring that it does not become susceptible to coercion from any foreign power.
A white paper was released on Tuesday by global real estate advisor JLL in a bid to understand the needs of industrial park tenants, study the sector's short-term supply pressure and long-term industrial development, and discuss the trends and opportunities of the industrial park market in the future.
"I was surprised to see what China achieved in the past 10 years," said Chan Young Bang, founder and president of KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan and former economic advisor to the Kazakhstan president, who delivered a speech at the Think Tank Parallel Session of the forum, and spoke highly of China's economic achievements in the New Era.
The China-proposed BRI is closely linked to Egypt's Vision 2030 development strategy, as the two countries have conducted full-fledged cooperation in the fields of industry, energy, communications and infrastructure, said Abu Bakr al-Deeb, an advisor to the Cairo-based Arab Center for Research and Studies.
Marko Selakovic, advisor to the mayor of Kragujevac, Serbia, believes "the sky is the limit" for China-CEEC green cooperation.
"The expo is testimony to China's openness to the world and its desire to increase trade and investment exchanges with the countries of the world," Abu Bakr al-Deeb, advisor to the Cairo-based Arab Center for Research and Studies and an Egyptian researcher in political economy, told Xinhua in a recent interview.
China's exports are expected to keep growing to make contributions to overall economic growth this year, according to a senior political advisor.
"China's super-size market has allowed us to tap the domestic potential when external uncertainties arise," said national political advisor Zhou Li'an, an economics professor at Peking University.
Resilience, vitality and stability have made the Chinese economy both a safe haven and a growth driver for foreign investors, and this is why they will increase investment in China, said Gu, also a national political advisor.
China's private sector is expected to see prosperous growth this year on the back of supportive policies and improvement of the overall business environment, a political advisor said.
More jobs likely alongside expanding consumption, real estate recoveryThe Chinese economy is expected to rebound and return to steady growth this year, with more jobs created on the back of expanding consumption and a recovering real estate sector, a senior political advisor said.
Ning Jizhe, vice-chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and also a political advisor, made the remarks right before the first session of the 14th National People's Congress on Sunday, when the Chinese government set a modest target of "around 5 percent" for 2023 economic growth.
In the late 1990s, he led the drafting of China's first version of the Securities Law and was a major advisor for its subsequent revisions.
On top of geopolitical tensions and unpredictable markets, decarbonization is also a "grand challenge" that compounds the maritime industry's transformation path, which requires collaboration across the value chain to find solutions, said Knut Orbeck-Nilssen, chief executive officer of DNV Maritime — a Norway-headquartered classification society and advisor to the shipping industry.
Advisor confident country's global 'preeminence' in trade is intactThe Asian Development Bank said on Wednesday it expects China's economy to remain resilient and sustainable over the medium to long term.
"There is a combination of issues that many countries in developing Asia are facing but we do see the Chinese government responding quite strongly to some of these headwinds through a combination of fiscal and monetary policy measures," said Safdar Parvez, advisor at the East Asia Department of the ADB, during a virtual media briefing.
"Klaus Luft, former vice-chairman and international advisor of Goldman Sachs Europe, told Xinhua globalization has hit a rough patch.
The country has been under fairly high imported inflation pressure recently due to the influence of geopolitical factors against a backdrop of global inflation, although its price level still remains relatively low, said Ye Yanfei, senior advisor of the Policy Research Bureau of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.
The role of macroeconomic policies must be brought into full play to keep the economy on a steady course, with efforts to boost smaller businesses and shore up weak links to improve the quality of growth, a political advisor said.
Sachs, who is also a senior United Nations advisor, lauded China's role in safeguarding multilateralism.
According to Zhu Guangyao, former vice-minister of finance and an advisor to CCG, China has taken the lead in controlling COVID-19 to realize economic recovery, making a great contribution to stabilizing global supply chain.
WASHINGTONxa0 -- US businesses will not exit the Chinese market though a White House official warned of the end of engagement with China, said Kenneth Jarrett, a senior advisor to the Albright Stonebridge Group in an interview, according to a Forbes article published Sunday.
Liu Wei, a national political advisor and chairman of Guangzhou-based artificial intelligence provider PCI Tech, said that, while the country already enjoys a competitive edge globally in fields such as AI-powered transport and medical services, the application scenarios for the technology are still limited.
China's advancement in technology will not only be crucial for its own growth but be beneficial to the wider world, breaking the technology oligopoly of many developed countries and lowering the prices of key technologies, said Li Daokui, an economist with Tsinghua University and a national political advisor.
Liu Shangxi, head of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences and a national political advisor, said that both demand-side and supply-side reforms are needed to unleash the country's consumption potential.
Facing a tight timetable and arduous tasks, China should focus on the promotion of renewable energy, advance the research and development of energy conservation technologies and cut carbon emissions, said Ding, who is also a national political advisor.
The central bank will give full play to financing for green development in resource allocation, risk management and market pricing, said Chen Yulu, vice-governor of the PBOC and a national political advisor.
Facing a tight timetable and arduous tasks, China should focus on the promotion of renewable energy, advance the research and development of energy conservation technologies and cut carbon emissions, said Ding, also a national political advisor, adding that the country's current energy consumption and carbon emissions remain huge as it is still in a stage of industrialization.
The bank will give full play to financing for green development in resource allocation, risk management and market pricing, said Chen Yulu, vice governor of the PBOC and a national political advisor.
After job-hunting for months since 2020, she finally survived the fierce competition and now works as a financial advisor at one of the top banks in China.
"China needs to continue its opening to the world, including important programs like the Belt and Road Initiative, while also promoting domestic-based growth to improve people's livelihoods and living conditions," said Sachs, who is also a senior United Nations advisor.
In Shanghai, for example, retail leasing in the city continued to improve over the third quarter," said Yao Yao, head of research for JLL China, a global real estate advisor.
Huang Jinjie, senior advisor of electric vehicle battery maker Sunwoda Electronic, said the company has relied on digital transformation to deal with external uncertainties.
Indeed, Shanghai saw total retail sales recover over the third quarter as subway passenger traffic and shopping mall foot falls returned to normal, said experts at JLL, a global real estate advisor.
This was particularly true in decentralized areas, stated a report from JLL, a global real estate advisor.
The volume of commercial real estate investments in the Chinese mainland reached $7.3 billion in the third quarter of 2021, and the full-year amount is expected to surpass that of 2020, a report released by global real estate advisor JLL said.
"Authorities in China have a track record of being highly cautious and conservative when it comes to nuclear safety, even though in some cases this might have slowed down approvals or construction of new units," said Joseph Jacobelli, an independent energy analyst and Asia Senior Advisor at Cenfura, a smart energy services company.
“中国当局在核安全方面一直非常谨慎和保守,即使在某些情况下这可能会减慢新单位的批准或建设速度,”独立能源分析师和亚洲高级顾问Joseph Jacobelli说Cenfura是一家智能能源服务公司。
The promotion of the housing rental market is key to the steady development of China's real estate industry, top political advisor Wang Yang said on Thursday.
Backed by both 5G coverage and a broadband gigabit network, customers stand to enjoy smart services including facial recognition and a virtual, holographic financial advisor in a pilot service hall at China Mobile's Shanghai unit.
As the semiconductor industry becomes increasingly relevant to national security, a national political advisor called for quickened efforts to draft a chip law to promote the long-term development of the strategically important sector.
Guan Zhen, chief technical advisor of Microsoft China, cited launching Microsoft Research Asia (MSR Asia) in China as an example of the company's robust cooperation with China.
"Hackett, who has led Ford since 2017, will continue as a special advisor to the company until March 2021.
Cui's words were echoed by Du Fangci, an advisor to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, who said that as China's NEV industry faces new opportunities and challenges, revising regulations on new energy vehicle companies and NEV products market access is of great significance to promote the sound development of the NEV industry.
China's leading boutique investment bank, TH Capital, was the exclusive financial advisor on the deal.
"Although it is first driven by its own domestic needs for better air quality and fewer oil imports, China's sheer scale and global aspirations make it a tremendously formidable player on the international scene," said Raufer, a former advisor to the UN Division for Sustainable Development in New York.
"We need to strengthen sci-tech innovation in key areas related to the country's long-term competitiveness," said Hao Yue, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is also a national political advisor.
Zhou Yumei, a national political advisor and a researcher at the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, called for more support for the IC industry.
"The actions against TikTok and WeChat are to weaken China's role in the global digital economy generally, mainly for geopolitical reasons," Jeffrey Sachs, an economics professor at Columbia University and a senior United Nations advisor, told Xinhua earlier.
Chen Chong, a political advisor with the Zhigong Party, said legal and ethical issues related to AI will be considered when developing the new industry.
Yu, who served as an advisor to the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, in the past, stressed it is "necessary" for China to reduce its US Treasury holdings in an orderly manner, given the deteriorating quality of US debt held by others, the lower coupon rates on US Treasurys and the likelihood of an economic downturn in the US.
China should gradually reduce the holdings of the United States Treasury debt and optimize the structure of its foreign assets to avoid risks, said a former advisor to the country's central bank.
As the world's largest wealth manager, it is our goal to be the leading global wealth manager and the No 1 digital-first wealth advisor for our targeted clients in China," said Edmund Koh, president of UBS Asia Pacific.
Gracie Sun, managing director of the Green Finance Center at the Paulson Institute and senior advisor of the institute, said financial technologies will have greater space for development in terms of biodiversity conservation, carbon accounting, carbon asset management, transition finance, environmental, social and governance (ESG) factor assessment and investment, and sustainable agriculture.
On Jan 31, DBS Bank Ltd, acting as the joint green structure advisor and joint global coordinator, helped Henan Railway Construction & Investment Group Co Ltd (Henan RCIC) price three-year $400 million senior unsecured green bonds, with a final yield rate at 2.2 percent.
The People's Bank of China, China's central bank, will increase its efforts to support the transformation of businesses away from traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels through a new financial framework, a political advisor said.
"The registration-based IPO mechanism has made listings more market-oriented, allowing the capital market to play a better role in supporting the real economy," said Teng Yin, an investment advisor with Everbright Securities.
Li has been appointed as senior advisor to the Board for six months effective Jan 1, HKEX added.
"China's economic momentum will continue this year with domestic consumption leading the way, selectively creating opportunities," said Gordon Orr, a senior advisor to consulting firm McKinsey& Co.
Since July, Asakawa has been serving as a special advisor to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as well as Aso.
"The IMF report makes clear that there has been absolutely no currency manipulation and that China's external balance has been appropriate," Jeffrey Sachs, a senior United Nations advisor and renowned economics professor at Columbia University, told Xinhua via email.
Prior to this, the bank was only allowed to act as an advisor and syndicate member for non-financial corporate panda bonds.
TigerShares, Tiger Brokers' asset management arm, is the fund's advisor.
Nevertheless, "the space on the monetary side is limited as we need to stick to our efforts to contain the leveraging ratio, while the room for fiscal action is larger-more tax cuts, especially in value-added tax, and a reduction in social security contributions can soothe economic concerns," said Ma Jun, an advisor to the People's Bank of China, in an interview with China Daily, adding to signs that the financial regulators do not intend to change course from current deleveraging moves.
”“Right now markets are still trying to reprice,” said Chris Zaccarelli, chief investment officer at the Independent Advisor Alliance.
"The US interest rate increase has little pressure on the renminbi exchange rate," said Sheng Songcheng, an advisor to the PBOC.
Liu Shijin, vice-chairman of China Development Research Foundation and a central bank policy advisor, said efforts to promote opening up can be facilitated a little, because China is capable of cushioning external shocks.
"Entrepreneurs in the US and China should continue to collaborate and cooperate, and look for the opportunities," Franklin Urteaga, former White House tech advisor, told Xinhua.
"At the beginning of the year, authorities made it clear that the risks from shadow banking and cross-industry financial businesses will be included in this year's main subjects for rectification," said Sheng Songcheng, an advisor to the People's Bank of China (PBOC).
Li, who is also a top political advisor, said the fund could be used for employee resettlement, salaries and welfare and would encourage local governments to dismantle inefficient firms.

六级We see the potential for capture and storage to play an integral role in reducing emissions," says Kim Corley, Shell's senior advisor of CO2 and environmental affairs.

壳牌公司二氧化碳和环境事务高级顾问金·科利(Kim Corley)表示:“我们看到了捕获和储存在减少排放方面发挥不可或缺作用的潜力。”。


四级I've experienced roommate conflicts between interracial students that have both broken down stereotypes and reinforced stereotypes," said one Penn resident advisor (RA).



四级My parents want me to get the degree, but my advisor thinks it's time for me to get more work experience.


2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

六级“If systems are set up properly, staff can have access to all the resources they have in the office wherever they have an internet connection,” says Andy Poulton, e-business advisor at Business Link for Berkshire and Wiltshire.

伯克郡和威尔特郡business Link的电子商务顾问Andy Poulton表示:“如果系统设置得当,员工可以访问办公室中的所有资源,无论他们在哪里有互联网连接。”。

