
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ar 表加强 + rest 休息 → 强制休息 →  …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
arrest / capture / catch / seize / trap
arrest → 指根据法律或命令进行逮捕并予以监禁或拘留。
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
arrest 阻止,逮捕
rest=stay (停留)
arrest 阻止,逮捕
redtless 不安的,得不到休息的(和restive 是同一意思)
ab-, …………
arrest sb. for sth.因某事而逮捕某人
be under arrest被捕
be under house arrest被软禁(在家)
arrest warrant 逮捕令
under arrest 被逮捕
cardiac arrest 心脏骤停
be under arrest 被逮捕
arrest sb. for sth. 因某事逮捕某人
warrant of arrest 逮捕令
wanted for arrest 通缉
to make an arrest 逮捕
make an arrest 逮捕
The criminal was arrested.
Poor food arrests the natural growth of children.
I'm interested in why he is arrested.
The police have arrested the suspect in connection with the robbery.
They were arrested for drug possession during a routine traffic stop.
The mayor was arrested for corruption charges last week.
The demonstrators were peacefully arrested and taken into custody.
After a high-speed chase, the fugitive was finally arrested by the police.
The arrested hacker is facing multiple cybercrime charges.
The police arrested the wanted criminal at his hideout.
She was arrested for public intoxication after a night out on the town.
The arrested suspect has been remanded in custody until their trial.
The arrested gang members will face serious charges in court.
"The recent arrest deeply concerns us.
Canadian police detained Meng at Vancouver International Airport on Dec 1, 2018, following an arrest warrant issued by the US government concerning fraud allegations.
Meng's defense team also said that past comments US President Donald Trump made about China prove Meng's arrest was politically motivated.
She was arrested at Vancouver International Airport by Canadian authorities at the request of the US on Dec 1, 2018, and has been held under house arrest since then.
Liu's arrest in the United States on suspicion of criminal sexual conduct in August 2018 raised concerns that he held too much power under JD's concentrated ownership and decision-making structure.
Meng, Huawei chief financial officer and daughter of the Shenzhen-based telecommunications company's founder, Ren Zhengfei, is living under house arrest in Vancouver.
"Nonetheless, the arrest of Meng took China by surprise and has generated great public anger in China.
Meanwhile, the arrest of two Michaels (businessman Michael Spavor and former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig on espionage charges) has generated anger in Canada.
Meng's arrest has exacerbated ongoing diplomatic tension between Canada and China and drawn worldwide attention to Canada's extradition laws and precedents.
When US President Donald Trump said on social media that Meng's arrest and the trade war were linked "the Canadian government and the public were really astonished and shocked", he said.
"Nonetheless, the arrest of Meng took China by surprise and has generated great popular anger in China.
"Therefore, when President Trump issued that tweet linking the Meng arrest to the trade war, the Canadian government and the public were really astonished and shocked," he said.
Both sides are keen to put relations back to where they were before Meng's arrest and subsequent court appearances, with China saying Canada was doing the bidding of the US in the case, while Canada has said it was adhering to the law.
More than a year after Meng Wanzhou's arrest at Vancouver International Airport, the first formal phase of the Huawei executive's extradition hearing begins today in B. C. Supreme Court.
The arrest of Meng in 2018 fractured relations between Canada and China.
On Tuesday, Tokyo prosecutors issued a warrant for the arrest of Carole Ghosn, the wife of Carlos Ghosn, on suspicion of perjury, according to Japanese media.
The Financial Times newspaper said the arrest warrant for his wife could be designed to target Carole Ghosn as a US passport holder.
On Oct 24, Li asked the Shenzhen Longgang district people's procuratorate to remove the influence, rehabilitate the reputation, and make an apology, as well as pay compensation of 78,985 yuan in personal liberty damages and 50,000 yuan in emotional damages, based on the grounds of "insufficient evidence for arrest, and then stopping the investigation for criminal responsibility".
It might also have been used to escape police arrest.
"Although Meng's freedom of movement was limited to "only a few inches" during her house arrest in Vancouver, the color and scope of her heart had never been so rich and broad, Meng said in the letter.
But he said the arrest of a senior executive on US charges is "not common and rare", and he could not comment whether the charges against Meng were "politically driven".
"We call on the US side to immediately withdraw the arrest warrant for Meng Wanzhou as well as the official extradition request," Geng said at a daily news conference.
The Chinese telecommunications giant said in a statement on Tuesday that it tried to discuss the investigation with US prosecutors following the arrest of Meng in Vancouver, but that request was rejected.
China urged the United States to withdraw its arrest order of Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou and not to file formal an extradition request with Canada.
Hua told a daily news conference anyone with normal judgement could see Canada made a serious mistake in the beginning, and Meng's arrest is not an ordinary judicial case.
China urges Canada to release Meng immediately and protect her legitimate rights, she said, adding China also demands the US to correct its mistake, cancel its arrest warrant and drop the formal extradition request.
The arrest has drawn lots of media attention as it came a month after Huawei's chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, was detained in Canada at the US government's request on charges related to violating sanctions against Iran.
Some experts said the apparel company's stocks have been impacted by the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co.
"The development of the case is very likely to be influenced by political pressure, and the arrest and possible trial may raise China-US tensions in trade negotiations," said Huang Feng, an international criminal law professor at Beijing Normal University and an expert on extradition law, on Wednesday.
Meng, 46, the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, was detained on Dec 1 at Vancouver International Airport following an arrest warrant issued by the US government concerning fraud allegations.
Lengthy process may followThe US has 60 days from the arrest date to turn over its full extradition case with supporting evidence.
Huang, the Chinese professor, said the US government will take full advantage of the 60 days and try to extract evidence from Meng's personal belongings obtained during her arrest to build its case, which is "pretty shaky at the moment, based on the information on the arrest warrant".
"Jeffrey Sachs, a professor of health policy and management at Columbia University, said in an opinion website Project Syndicate on Tuesday that Meng's arrest may have commercial motives.
Observers suggest 5G tech race may be factor; Trump talks of intervening to help trade dealThe arrest of Huawei's chief financial officer in Canada at the behest of the United States on a charge of violating US sanctions on Iran has stirred speculation about whether the target is the Chinese high-tech company itself.
Jeffrey D. Sachs, a professor at Columbia University, in a piece Tuesday for opinion site Project Syndicate, argues that Meng's arrest could have been done for commercial reasons.
The US has 60 days from the arrest date to turn over its full extradition case with supporting evidence.
"Meng's arrest is a shocking break with practice," Sachs wrote.
"The arrest also has stressed financial markets over concerns it will raise US-China tensions in trade negotiations that must be concluded by March 1.
"Joe Nocera, writing for Bloomberg Opinion, said of the arrest: "What I didn't expect was the absence of any outcry in the US.
Commentators have focused on the arrest's effect on tech stocks, and on its potential to further damage US-China relations.
A Canadian provincial court on Monday adjourned without deciding the fate of a top executive of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd after she appeared in a Vancouver court in relation to an extradition case following her arrest at the request of the United States.
Le said that the arrest violates the rights and interests of a Chinese citizen.
Meng appeared in a court in Vancouver following her arrest in Canada at the request of US authorities.
"At the request of the US side, the Canadian side arrested a Chinese citizen not violating any American or Canadian law," read a statement by the Chinese embassy in Canada hours after Canada's Department of Justice announced the arrest of Meng on Dec 5.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said China has made solemn representations to Canada and the United States, demanding they clarify the reason for the arrest and immediately release Meng in order to effectively protect her rights and interests.
The arrest sent shares of Huawei's suppliers sharply lower on Thursday, and triggered concerns about slowing the global development of fifth-generation technology, given Huawei's leading position in the mobile communication network.
Nicole Peng, senior director of market research company Canalys, said, "The arrest will increase uncertainty and stoke concerns among foreign telecom carriers. "
During his first investor conference call since his arrest in the United States on Tuesday, Liu said he would shift his focus to concentrate on strategy, team and culture and new businesses, letting his subordinates handle mature businesses.
During the call, Liu did not comment on his arrest or the rape allegations in the US more than two months ago.
The arrest and release in the United States of Liu Qiangdong, the founder and CEO of Chinese e-commerce giant JD, will have an impact on his company and raise concerns among Chinese firms listed in the US, according to industry insiders.
"If the US law firms verify that JD failed to disclose information pertinent to Liu's arrest, the online retailer will be punished by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
"Liu's arrest set off alarm bells among Chinese companies listed in the US," said Shen, adding that senior management staff should speak and act cautiously.
A Minneapolis police report said Liu's arrest was over a felony rape accusation, but gave no details.
However, a Minneapolis police report said the arrest of Chinese billionaire Liu Qiangdong was over a felony rape accusation.
Chinese e-commerce giant JD's shares plunged on Tuesday, the first trading day on the Nasdaq stock market after the exposure of company founder and CEO Liu Qiangdong's arrest in the US, according to a report by wallstreetcn.
As his arrest in the US has elicited an outpouring of discussions on China's social media, Liu appeared at the company's headquarters in Beijing and attended a signing ceremony with its business partner, textiles group Shandong Ruyi, on Tuesday morning.
Chinese social media was abuzz over Liu's arrest in the US, which was the most discussed topic on micro blogs on Monday.
Chinese e-commerce giant JD said on Monday its founder and CEO, Liu Qiangdong, has returned to China and resumed work after his arrest in Minneapolis in the United States on suspicion of criminal sexual conduct.
The Foreign Ministry said on Monday it is looking into the arrest of a Chinese citizen in the US.
Chinese social media was abuzz over Liu's arrest in the US, which was the most discussed topic on micro blogs on Monday morning.
Starbucks announced Tuesday that it will close all its company-owned stores in the United States for the afternoon on May 29 to train employees how to prevent racial discrimination in their stores in the wake of outrage over the arrest of two African-American men at one of its coffee shops last week.
In 2016, Alibaba submitted 1,184 leads to law enforcement agencies; helped public security bureaus arrest 880 suspects; assisted in the closure of 1,419 counterfeit manufacturing locations; and helped seize merchandise worth more than 3 billion yuan ($455 million).
The Foreign Ministry also asked the United States to withdraw its arrest warrant for Meng and its extradition request to Canada, which detained the Huawei executive in December 2018 at Vancouver International Airport.
Aimed at creating a more orderly and enabling business environment, the mechanism is expected to allow eligible companies and related personnel suspected of certain crimes to avoid arrest, prosecution or severe punishment should they commit themselves to compliance and remedy their wrongdoings in accordance with the authority's guidance, said Pang Zheng, deputy chief prosecutor of the Shanghai Pudong New District's People's Procuratorate, at a media briefing on Thursday.
In carrying out the reform, local procuratorial organs, when handling criminal cases involving enterprises, can choose not to approve arrest or prosecute, or put forward lenient sentencing proposals in accordance with laws and regulations, said a work plan issued by the SPP.
The US also has pressured Chinese companies such as telecom giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd with sanctions and ordered the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou in Canada in 2018.
Efforts were spurred by a recent notice from the National Health Commission, which urges operators of some public places to conduct scientific planning on AED allocation based on factors such as the incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the number and density of the population, and the area of the jurisdiction.
It shows that the various policies have been effective and will arrest the growth in property prices," said Yan.
Luca de Meo, the Italian industry veteran brought in after the arrest and ousting of ex-chief Carlos Ghosn, promised to streamline operations and focus on more profitable segments as he laid out his strategy blueprint for the next five years.
He was forced out in 2019 following his arrest in Tokyo on financial misconduct charges while head of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance.
The appointments, to take effect by Jan 1, come after months of turmoil for the automaker in the wake of the arrest of former chief Ghosn on allegations of financial misconduct.
It was the latest in a series of blows for the firm, which has seen sales plunge and was forced to slash jobs since Ghosn's shock arrest.
The two firms have made a show of holding the marriage together in the wake of Ghosn's arrest, but tensions have bubbled to the surface.
The latest revelation of financial indiscretions at Nissan come as the Yokohama-headquartered Japanese automaker is already struggling to deal with slumping earnings and the high-profile arrest of its former chairman, Carlos Ghosn, in November last year, on allegations of a string of financial improprieties.
It could also have profound repercussions for Renault's 20-year-old alliance with Nissan, already weakened by the crisis surrounding the arrest and ousting of former chairman Carlos Ghosn late last year.
Before his November arrest in Japan, Ghosn had revived discussions about a deal to bring FCA into a reinforced Renault-Nissan alliance, sources have told Reuters.
The company will propose to shareholders a new board structure with 11 members, six of whom will be external, as Nissan attempts to improve corporate governance in the wake of former chairman Ghosn's arrest for alleged financial misconduct.
Bollore stood by Ghosn for a long time after his arrest, sparking anger at Nissan, whose internal investigation brought down its former boss.
Keiko Ihara, a former racing driver who headed a group to suggest reforms to Nissan governance after the Ghosn arrest, admitted there had been "inappropriate conduct" and that "the top management should be held responsible.
Tokyo prosecutors said Ghosn's arrest was on suspicion he diverted $5 million from funds that were being relayed from a Nissan subsidiary to an overseas dealership.
"My arrest this morning is outrageous and arbitrary," Ghosn said in the statement.
Ghosn's lawyer Junichiro Hironaka denounced the arrest, stressing that a rearrest during release on bail was unusual.
Nissan Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa expressed surprise about the arrest, although it had been rumored for days.
The ex-auto tycoon was served a fourth arrest warrant by prosecutors over new allegations of aggravated breach of trust.
Sources close to the matter said Ghosn's arrest was related to allegations he used part of Nissan's funds which were transferred to a Nissan dealership in Oman, operated for seven years until last year by an acquaintance of his.
In a written statement released after being served a fourth arrest warrant Ghosn said his arrest was "outrageous" and "arbitrary".
YOKOHAMA, Japan - The chief executives of Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi have announced a new board to oversee the French-Japanese auto alliance, seeking a "new start" for the partnership after the arrest and dismissal of Nissan's former chairman, Carlos Ghosn.
The future of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance has been thrown into doubt with the arrest of Ghosn, who is widely credited with reviving Nissan and fusing together two vastly different corporate cultures.
Renault's board will meet on Thursday to replace Ghosn, in a move that could help ease tensions with alliance partner Nissan following Ghosn's arrest in Japan for alleged financial misconduct.
Thursday's move comes after the arrest in Japan of former chairman Carlos Ghosn, who led a production expansion in Nissan's largest market.
Earlier this week, in his first public appearance since his arrest, Ghosn told a court he was innocent and appealed for his detention to end.
Ghosn remains CEO of Nissan's alliance partner Renault, though he was dismissed as chairman of Nissan and fellow alliance company Mitsubishi Motor Co. Renault has stuck by Ghosn since his arrest but faces pressure to find a successor as his detention drags on and questions mount about executive payment schemes used by the carmaker and related companies.
Renault's board of directors held a special meeting on Thursday night over internal reviews of executive pay prompted by Ghosn's arrest.
Ghosn, who appeared much thinner than before his arrest, caught a fever the day after his court appearance, but has since recovered, Ohtsuru said.
Before his sudden arrest, Ghosn was a respected figure in the global auto industry, having rescued the Japanese automaker from near-bankruptcy, building its sales operations and profits and pioneering ecological vehicles.
Stadler's arrest marked the first time that a member of the management board of a German carmaker was taken into police custody in the diesel emissions scandal.
Speaking to the newspaper "Financial Times" on Tuesday, Volkswagen executive board member Hiltrud Werner warned against abruptly sacking Stadler in response to his arrest.
Audi chief executive officer (CEO) Rupert Stadler wants to testify before judicial authorities following his recent arrest over the German diesel emissions scandal, the Munich II State Prosecution office confirmed on Tuesday.
The prosecution office subsequently informed press that an arrest warrant had been delivered to the CEO because of a danger of collusion posed by the suspect.
The Munich II State Prosecution Office responsible for investigations announced that the arrest warrant for the CEO was due to a danger of collusion posed by the suspect.

考研Just how much does the Constitution protect your digital data? The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.



考研The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.


2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling particularly one that upsets the old assumption that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest.



考研California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling, particularly one that upsets the old assumption that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest.


2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

四级On Dec. 11, 2001, as part of the effort to increase homeland security, federal and local authorities in 14 states staged “Operation Safe Travel”—raids on airports to arrest employees with false identification (身份证明).


