
对比记忆mine n .矿;采矿(泛指地底下的一些东西)
miner n .矿工
mineral n  …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
miner / liner / paper / taper / caper
候机室内看paper(报纸) …………
miner character 矿工特征
coal miner 采煤机
China Energy Investment Corp, the world's largest coal miner, achieved a record in installed renewable energy projects last year, as the company accelerated its green energy transition while ensuring domestic energy security.
Global miners are motivated to collaborate with Chinese partners to help develop technologies for carbon reduction in their production, said Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at the Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute.
Fortescue, one of the world's largest iron ore miners, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China Baowu Steel Group Corporation to work together on reducing emissions associated with iron and steel making.
Rio Tinto, the world's largest iron ore miner, said it anticipates more growth, investment and local partnership opportunities in China, as signs have been indicating that the Chinese economy has been gradually recovering, a top company official said.
China accounted for a record 57 percent of the 2021 global revenue of London-based Anglo Australian metals and mining giant Rio Tinto Group Plc, the world's biggest iron ore miner.
According to Huawei, Harmony-OS for Mining is already being used to offer miners' safety assistance, support robot inspection, and other areas in several mines of China Energy Investment Corp. HarmonyOS for Mining signifies Huawei's efforts to leverage its prowess in areas like 5G, artificial intelligence and cloud computing to help traditional sectors accelerate their digital transformation.
The Belt and Road Initiative has been facilitating Chinese gold miners' overseas expansion for gold assets to meet demand from home.
A prominent mining and metals company, Rio Tinto is also one of the world's largest iron ore miners.
In January, Baosteel purchased about 330 million yuan worth of iron ore from Brazilian iron ore miner Vale in Chinese currency.
Another deal worth nearly 100 million yuan was reached between Baosteel and Australian miner BHP Group in April.
In the past few years, major iron ore miners have been steadily expanding their output, but the global demand driven by China has been stabilizing.
Zijin steps up overseas shopping for mineral resources to boost production, profitZijin Mining Group Co Ltd, a Fujian province-based miner of metal ores and the country's largest gold producer, has been stepping up efforts in recent years to make acquisitions overseas to meet surging demand in the global market.
On Jan 1 last year, it disclosed a plan to offer additional shares to public to raise no more than 8 billion yuan ($1.15 billion), which will go toward the 9.53 billion yuan needed to acquire the outstanding shares of Canada-based miner Nevsun Resources Ltd. By Jan 8 last year, shareholders holding 92.4 percent of Nevsun's total issued equity had accepted Zijin Mining's offer, indicating that the latter's offer was successful.
Miner opens foreign office in Toronto, looks for sustainable and long-lasting resource reserveAfter a multiyear survival mode, gold companies are finally enjoying a growth cycle in the market.
So, its subsidiary, the Hong Kong-headquartered Cosco Shipping Ports Ltd, reached an investment agreement with Volcan Compania Minera SAA, a Peruvian polymetallic miner, in January.
Volcan is a Peruvian polymetallic miner engaged in the exploration and production of zinc, copper, gold, silver, and lead in Peru's Sierra Central region.
COSCO Shipping Ports Ltd has reached an investment agreement with Volcan Compañía Minera SAA, a Peruvian polymetallic miner, to acquire 60 percent of its stake in Terminales Portuarios Chancay SA for $225 million.
Australia's iron ore company Fortescue Metals Group Chief Executive Elizabeth Gaines has confirmed the Aussie miner will begin producing a new higher grade iron ore product in response to demand from China.
"The Belt and Road Initiative has facilitated Chinese gold miners' overseas forays for gold assets, to meet domestic demand.
"The company could leverage the expertise of Rio Tinto, the world's second-largest iron ore miner, in iron ore, to explore Minmetals abundant iron ore resources in China.
The proposed port is located in Chancay, a town 58 km north of the Peruvian capital Lima, and is owned by Peruvian miner Volcan Minera.
China's efforts to reduce pollution are expected to boost demand for Vale's high-quality iron ore, while the Brazilian miner will continuously diversify its business, said Fabio Schvartsman, Vale's chief executive officer.
The Brazilian miner has developed a brand-new iron ore mine in Carajas, Brazil, that will bring more high-quality ore to the market.
It is designed for Brazilian miner Vale SA to conduct tasks on the route between China and Brazil, the company said in a statement.
"China's top coal miner Shenhua Group Corp Ltd merged with State-owned power generator China Guodian Corp last year, creating the world's largest energy conglomerate, China Energy Investment Corp, with total assets of 1.8 trillion yuan.
Commodities trader and miner Glencore replaced China's Sinopec as the buyer of Chevron's South African and Botswana assets in October, including a 100,000 barrel-per-day oil refinery in Cape Town, a lubricants plant in Durban as well as 820 petrol stations and other oil storage facilities.
At the end of the same month, China's major power generator China Guodian Corporation and largest coal miner Shenhua Group merged their coal power assets, creating an energy behemoth with combined assets in the range of 1.73 trillion yuan to more than 1.8 trillion yuanThese reforms follow a clear trend.
[Photo/Xinhua]Link up to create world's largest utility provider by capacityThe State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has approved the merger between China's largest coal miner Shenhua Group and top five State power producer China Guodian Corp on Monday, an attempt believed to form the world's largest utility provider by capacity.
JIA CHENGLONG / FOR CHINA DAILYChina's largest coal miner Shenhua Group and energy producer China Guodian Corp, which are mulling a merger, have extended suspension of trading in their shares for the fifth time.
Earlier media reported their parent firms China's largest coal miner Shenhua Group and energy producer China Guodian Corp are in merger discussions which are expected to result in the creation of an energy giant with a combined asset of 1.73 trillion yuan ($254 billion).
[Photo/Xinhua]Goldwind's big localization and training brighten US state WyomingThe wind energy industry is one of the fastest-growing in the United States, and a Chinese company hopes to get ahead of the curve by creating a workforce: It will be launching a training program in Wyoming for coal miners to teach them to be wind farmers.
The program will target coal miners who the company strongly believes can take their transferable skills to the wind energy sector.
"And as to whether it's coal miners or oil and gas workers, these types of industries are where people generally have skills that are transferable to the wind industry-they've already been safety-trained, they have electrical skills, they have mechanical skills, they're used to working perhaps in hazardous situations.
[Photo/Xinhua]The listed units of Shenhua, Guodian halt trading in sharesChina's largest coal miner and a coal-fired power giant are reported to be in merger discussions, as their listed units halted share trading on Monday.
China Shenhua Energy Co said in a filing on Sunday to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it was informed by parent company-China's largest coal miner Shenhua Group Corporation-of "significant matter containing substantial uncertainty which is subject to the approval of the relevant authorities".
Wu Qi, an analyst from the commercial bank research center at the research institute of Hengfeng Bank, said that the merger of a power generator and a coal miner is a win-win solution that takes advantage of both sides.
Additionally, a nearby building where miners changed shifts is now used as an exhibition hall to tell the story of its mining history.
Jakob Stausholm, CEO of Rio Tinto, the Australian iron ore miner, said he has an optimistic short-term outlook for iron ore.
As Chinese steel mills source more than 70 percent of their iron ore needs from overseas suppliers, including Vale, collaboration with miners could enable them to take into consideration the iron ore supply when designing their path to reduced carbon emissions, she said.
These included Miners' Tears, the world's first necklace based on environmentally friendly synthetic materials, beer made using energy-saving process that also cut its carbon footprint, coffee cups made with carbon capture technology, pure plant-based cosmetics and biodegradable pens.
BHP Group, the world's biggest miner expressed a positive outlook on China's efforts to reboot the country's growth and stabilize its property sector, according to a Bloomberg article on Tuesday.
Miners in the country churned out 4.24 billion tons of coal during the first 11 months, up 2.9 percent year-on-year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).
In May, Mines and Mining Development Minister Winston Chitando said lithium miners must go beyond the production of concentrates and develop production capacity for battery-grade lithium.
Miners in the country churned out 390 million tons of coal in June, up 2.5 percent year-on-year.
XI'AN — Riding a driverless, rubber-tired vehicle to a 150-meter deep mine has become a daily routine for miners of Shangwan coal mine in the city of Ordos, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.
Thanks to the digitalization of the coal industry, miners no longer need to enter the deep mineshafts via walking or riding on a small, outdated train.
"The full deployment of the 5G network makes instant messaging possible for underground miners," Shen said.
Machines have replaced people in a total of 36 posts, which reduces the miners' heavy physical work.
XI'AN - Riding on a driverless, rubber-tired vehicle to the coalface at a depth of 150 meters has become part of the daily routine for miners in Shangwan Coal Mine in the city of Ordos, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.
Thanks to the digitization of the coal industry, miners no longer need to enter the deep mineshafts via walking or riding an outdated small train.
"The full deployment of 5G network makes instant messaging possible for underground miners," Shen added.
Machines have replaced people in a total of 36 posts, which reduce the amount of heavy physical work performed by miners.
Meanwhile, in the nearby Sanshandao Gold Mine, many young miners are remotely crushing ore.
"Overseas miners are motivated to collaborate with Chinese mills to help develop technologies for carbon reduction in their production, as more than 70 percent of the total iron ore demand is met by overseas suppliers," said Zhu Yi, a senior analyst with metals and mining at Bloomberg Intelligence, a market monitor.
Zhu said China's commitment to its carbon goals could motivate steel mills to upgrade production lines and invest in green technologies such as hydrogen iron-ore reduction for BF, which encourages cooperation between mills and miners on process optimization.
Chinese lithium miners are expecting to officially report strong financial performances for the first half due to increasing demand and rising raw material prices.
Lin Boqiang, head of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University, said that though lithium production continued to grow, it is still lagging behind the surging market demand spurred by the NEV industry as the metal is a key component in NEV batteries, and Chinese lithium miners are actively expanding their overseas footprint to further tap the growing market.
A recent McKinsey report said China is one of the world's lithium mining hubs, with two other major miners being Australia and Latin America.
Four major gold producers with operations in Russia remained among the world's top 20 gold miners last year, said the report.
XtalPi Inc, a Chinese AI drug miner, received more than $7 million from two rounds of financing last year, bringing its total valuation to approximately $2 billion.
"Many gold miners face declining output as reserves shrink and given the falling ore grade.
Electricity shortages addressed, path taken to greener futureThe past month or so has been hectic at the company for which miner Li Xingguo works in Erdos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, whose business centers on producing, selling and transporting coal.
Sun Qingguo, an official at the National Mine Safety Administration, said at a recent news conference that the current output boost was done in an orderly manner, and the government is taking measures to check conditions of coal mines to guarantee the safety of miners.
Huawei Technologies Co recently applied its IoT operating system HarmonyOS in the mining sector to boost efficiency and better protect miners.
According to the company, HarmonyOS for Mining can connect 20 different sets of equipment and is being used to offer miners safety assistance and to support robot inspection in areas of Shendong Coal Group's four mines and six factories.
Channel Yeung, a China market analyst at FXTM, a United Kingdom-based global trading platform, said the border closure will not take a heavy toll on Chile's metal exports as the Chilean government and the country's leading copper miner have confirmed that sea transport and mining operations will continue.
The event is rather heightening the supply risks, particularly copper, as Chile is the world's top copper miner," said Yao Wenyu, a senior commodities strategist at Dutch bank ING.
Rio Tinto Group Plc, the world's biggest iron ore miner, is anticipating huge growth opportunities in China, after the country, which accounted for more than half of its global revenue last year, reiterated its intent to reduce carbon emissions earlier this month, a top company official said.
They have also collaborated with Chinese metal producers on developing emission reduction production technology, to facilitate green development from upstream miners to downstream processors, to meet China's carbon neutrality goals, she said.
"The supply of iron ore from overseas miners will pick up in 2021, as production and shipments were disrupted by COVID-19 and the global iron ore market was in short supply previously," Zhu said.
"Exports from China could increase this year as overseas demand recovers, thus boosting China's output of metals and imports of raw materials from overseas miners such as Rio Tinto, BHP and Vale," Zhu said.
As one of the world's top iron ore miners, Rio Tinto stepped into China's iron ore port sector for the first time in 2019 in Rizhao, Shandong province and Caofeidian, Hebei province.
"Global metal miners and producers are focusing on reducing emissions along the value chain, and the partnership between Rio Tinto and Chinese companies and institutes could help promote the low-carbon steelmaking process to make steel mills cleaner," Zhu said.
According to Zhu, since China has vowed to peak its carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060 through wide-ranging environmental protection efforts, some small-scale miners may be forced to cease operations, while major miners like Zijin Mining and Shandong Gold will increase the spending on environmental protection.
Zhu said mergers and acquisitions in the global gold industry increased in 2019, following the merger of Barrick Gold and Randgold in 2018 and divestments by several firms, such as Australian miner Evolution Mining acquiring Red Lake gold complex in Canada from Newmont Goldcorp.
"The estimated 32 million tons are driven by higher sequential shipments from BHP, Rio Tinto, Fortescue and Vale, together with some other junior miners, among which Vale makes up 70 percent of the global shipment increase.
Qiu Hanxuan, an analyst at Huatai Securities, predicted in a recent report that imported iron ore prices may go down because shipments from the world's top four iron ore miners including Vale SA and Rio Tinto are likely to increase in the second quarter amid the background of weakened demand in both global and domestic markets.
In 2018, De Beers, the world's largest diamond miner, launched its lab-grown diamond line Lightbox Jewelry.
Shanxi has more than 900 coal mines and produces about 900 million tons of coal annually, with some 300,000 coal miners working long hours underground.
"The use of 5G technology in underground application scenarios will bring effective improvements to safety production and the operating environment of coal miners," Wang added.
"According to the association, China's gold output dropped 9.6 tons to 180.68 tons during the first six months in 2019, down 5.05 percent year-on-year, as a result of miners' production cuts, suspension of production due to environmental and technical issues, and upgrade of production lines in regions, including Henan and Inner Mongolia.
Whereas the country has been mainly a miner and shipper of rare earths in the past, it now seeks to become a top refiner and manufacturer.
According to the association, China's gold output dropped by 5.05 percent year-on-year in the first half this year, reaching 180.68 tons, as a result of miners' production cuts, suspension of production due to environmental and technical issues, and upgrading production lines in regions such as Henan and Inner Mongolia.
"According to the association, China's gold output dropped by 5.54 percent year-on-year in the first quarter, reaching 92.78 tons, as a result of miners' production cuts, suspension of production due to environmental and technical issues, and upgrade of production lines in regions including Henan, Gansu and Inner Mongolia.
Domestic iron ore miners are unlikely to ramp up production to fill the supply gap after the bursting of Vale's dam last month in Brazil, due to strict environmental regulations and high production costs, said industry insiders.
"Therefore, mills may consume more low-quality iron ore to save costs, benefiting Vale's peers, such as lower-grade producer Fortescue, and going forward may also boost sales for other Australian miners.
Vale maintained its guidance for 2018 of about 390 million tons of iron ore and about 400 million tons in 2019, while Goldman Sachs Group Inc estimated Vale's output would contract by between 10 million and 15 million tons this year as the miner would be able to offset some of the losses.
"5G can be used to operate remote-control tools, allowing coal miners to move out of the harsh working environment underground and work from the office.
By using 5G and AI technology, coal miners can work more safely and efficiently, reducing the risks of accidents and injuries.
Electric marque smart, a 4-year-old joint venture between Geely and Mercedes-Benz, secured strategic investment of $150 million last week from China's leading lithium miner, Tianqi.
The deal between the carmaker and the miner of lithium, which is an important ingredient in electric vehicle batteries, are expected to complement each other's advantages in their respective markets, said analysts.
"Jiang Weiping, founder and chairman of the miner, said the investment in smart is the first time that Tianqi has established relations with companies in the downstream end of the industrial chain.
On Wednesday, China's Tianqi Lithium Corp, a lithium miner, signed an agreement with Singapore's smart Mobility Pte Ltd, an NEV maker, to invest $150 million in the latter.
"The tie-ups between lithium miners and NEV makers also help the latter secure raw materials through stable supplies at relatively reasonable prices," said Chen Jianhua, senior program officer of the Transportation Program at the Energy Foundation China.
Chinese electric vehicle maker Nio may invest an estimated 600 million yuan ($83.74 million) in Australia-based miner Greenwing Resources Ltd, which is said to be stepping up its development of lithium project San Jorge in Argentina.
A number of lithium miners are among acquisitions announced in recent months.
Earlier in May, Ganfeng said it will buy out London-listed Mexican miner Bacanora Lithium in a deal valued at up to 190 million pounds ($264 million).
Recalling a case in 2019, when experts of China Mobile showed him the application of 5G on rare earth mining, Stephen Orlins, President of the National Committee on U. S. -China Relations, said it surprised him that even though the control room was more than 1,000 km away, it could still guarantee and monitor the safety of the miners.
A network of tech-savvy users known as miners pour their computing power into maintaining the blockchain and verifying its transactions, ensuring that someone cannot spend the same coin again after paying for something with it.
me riders were miners in Hegang in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province.

四级Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing, New York, according to Marcia Lynch, Public Information Officer at Tompkins County’s Emergency Response Department.

据汤普金斯萨克郡紧急响应部门的公共信息官员玛西娅·林奇(Marcia Lynch)介绍,周四上午,17名矿工被困在纽约兰辛附近的嘉吉岩盐矿地下电梯中,救援工作正在进行。


四级Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at Car gill rock salt mine near Lansing, New York, according to Marcia Lynch, Public Information Officer at Tompkins County's Emergency Response Departm

据汤普金斯县应急部门的公共信息官员玛西娅·林奇(Marcia Lynch)介绍,周四上午,17名矿工被困在纽约兰辛附近的卡吉尔岩盐矿地下的电梯中,救援工作正在进行

2016年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

四级Crews have managed to provide heat packs and blankets to the miners so that they can keep warm during the rescue operation, Verfuss said.



四级It's commonly known that certain diseases are linked with occupations like lung disease in coal miners.



四级Emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a radio.



六级Many doctors and researchers believe that loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of miner and major illnesses.



六级Workers classified as laborers, other than farm hands or miners, peaked at 4% of the labor force in 1920 but were barely 6% by 1950 and less than 4% by 2000.


