
abbr.〈外 (= Anno Domini ) 公元
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
junk ads 垃圾广告
ad hoc 临时的,临时的
reductio ad absurdum 荒谬的还原
illegal ads 非法广告
ad valorem 从价的
ad slot 广告位
ad libitum 随意
the want ads 招聘广告
sexually suggestive ad 性暗示广告
news feed ad 新闻源广告
pre-movie ad 电影前广告
focus of ads 广告的焦点
non-profitable ads 非盈利广告
want ads 招聘广告
ad infinitum 无限的
transit ads 过境广告
AD adapter AD适配器
personal ad 个人广告
want ad 招聘广告
classified ad 分类广告
ad hominem 原始人
illegal ad 非法广告
ad lib 临时的,临时的
pop-up ads 弹出式广告
remove pop-up ads 删除弹出广告
Internet-based ads 基于互联网的广告
pop-under ads 弹出式广告
block pop-up ads 阻止弹出广告
Mary replied to a lonely hearts ad.
Eric found a job through an ad in the paper.
I saw an ad for a new smartphone on TV last night.
The magazine contains several ads promoting luxury cars.
She clicked on an ad and accidentally downloaded a virus.
We need to create an eye-catching ad to attract more customers.
The company decided to increase its ad spending to boost sales.
The ad campaign was so successful that sales doubled within a month.
There's been a lot of controversy over the new ad for the weight-loss product.
He refused to buy the product after seeing the misleading ad.
The ad agency came up with a creative concept for the new campaign.
The radio ad featured a catchy jingle that stuck in everyone's head.
Located in the southwest of Ninghai county, Qiantong ancient town's long history could date back to the Southern Song Dynasty (AD 1233) and is a prime example of ancient Confucian Culture.
As of June 30, the number of active Chinese advertiser accounts on at least one video ad format surged more than 30 percent year-on-year.
"PubMatic, a sell-side advertising platform that runs real-time automatic advertising transactions, allows app developers and publishers to sell ad inventory to advertisers across media, including connected TV and mobile apps.
French pharmaceutical company Sanofi announced on Tuesday that Dupixent, the world's first targeted biological agent for atopic dermatitis (AD) treatment, has been approved by China's National Medical Products Administration to treat moderate to severe AD in infants and children aged between six months old and five years old.
It means that the innovative injection has become so far the first and only targeted biological agent approved for the treatment of moderate to severe AD covering all age groups from infancy to adulthood.
AD is a common immunoinflammatory disease that seriously affects the health and quality of life of millions of sufferers in the country.
Over the past decade, the prevalence of AD in China has been rising, and the incidence rate is higher among the younger group.
The prevalence of AD in children aged between 1 and 7 years old is nearly 13 percent, and its prevalence in infants under 1 year old is more than 30 percent, according to experts.
Ma Lin, director of the dermatology department of Beijing Children's Hospital Affiliated with Capital Medical University, said that AD may affect the young sufferers’ growth and development, sleep and cognitive function, which poses a serious disease burden to the child sufferers and their parents.
Microsoft, however — which is considered to be less of a direct competitor to TikTok — has not witnessed such a notable drop in ad revenue, it said.
GroupM predicts global ad revenue growth will reach 6.5 percent this year, compared with its June forecast of 8.4 percent, given the downward worldwide economic pressure.
The company also expects the ad industry to grow 5.9 percent in 2023.
China's advertising sector is dominated by the internet, the report said, estimating that more policies aimed at boosting the economy are expected going forward and ad revenue growth in China will stand at 6.3 percent next year.
Ad revenue from TikTok is expected to exceed Facebook's parent company Meta and video streaming platform YouTube's combined video ad revenues by 2027, according to Omdia.
A pullback in advertising spending cramped YouTube's revenue in the third quarter, with Google's video platform notching $7.07 billion in ad sales, a decline of 1.9 percent from a year earlier, representing its first year-on-year drop in at least two years.
Nevertheless, ad revenue is likely to grow by almost 7 percent this year to $795 billion, said global media investment and intelligence company Magna.
Magna said global social media ad revenue will likely grow by just 4 percent to $149 billion in 2022 amid multiple headwinds, such as peaking reach and usage alongside brand safety concerns, a far cry from the growth rates of 20 percent to 35 percent observed in the previous two years.
TikTok is the only social media owner to post advertising growth, while incumbent social networks are suffering flat or declining ad sales, especially in Europe and North America.
China is the world's second-largest ad market, accounting for 15 percent of global advertising revenue, and ad revenue from China is expected to rise 7 percent on a yearly basis to $128 billion in 2023, Magna said.
The launch of this inhibitor marks a globally synchronized R&D and regulatory application process and Pfizer's second breakthrough in Atopic dermatitis (AD) treatment.
By further enriching the AD portfolio, Pfizer is set to meet the full range of treatment needs for AD patients with mild, moderate and severe atopic dermatitis.
Professor Wang Hua, director of the department of dermatology at Children's Hospital Affiliated with Chongqing Medical University, said that despite much progress in AD treatment in recent years, the lack of patient awareness about the disease often causes illness relapses and delays, while the lack of standardized treatment is increasing the burden of the disease.
The launch of this product can fulfill the urgent needs in rapid itch relief and help more moderate-to-severe AD patients alleviate suffering and return to normal work and life, said Wang.
Ad revenue for the entire year expanded 1.45 times to 4.52 billion yuan.
ByteDance, which operates viral short video platform Douyin, also saw squeezed online ad margins, according to reports by several Chinese media outlets including 36kr and LatePost, citing company insiders.
Felix Liu, an analyst at UBS Securities, predicted that e-commerce platforms and other online businesses would find it hard to advance substantially in online ad revenue, given that no recovery in customer spending is expected on the immediate horizon.
瑞银证券(UBS Securities)分析师费利克斯·刘(Felix Liu)预测,鉴于客户支出预计近期不会复苏,电子商务平台和其他在线业务将很难大幅增加在线广告收入。
With tech companies-both the established and high-flying newcomers-reporting waning ad growth, brand executives are trying to allocate their marketing budgets in a smarter way.
In its latest endeavor, Lululemon is unveiling what it claims to be the largest, fully integrated global ad campaign titled "Feel".
The company said on World AD Day on Tuesday that the drug, which was approved in China on Sept 9, aimed to help young patients relieve physical and psychological burdens.
A report published last year by the China Association of Health Promotion and Education and Sanofi China showed that more than half of AD patients were below 20 when they were first diagnosed.
Epidemiological investigation results showed that the incidence of AD rose from around 3 percent in 2004 to nearly 13 percent in 2014.
流行病学调查结果显示,AD的发病率从2004年的约3%上升到2014年的近13%。这里AD可能指的是阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's Disease)或者某种其他的疾病,具体需要根据上下文来确定。如果AD在上下文中指代的是其他含义,那么这个翻译就需要根据具体情况进行调整。
Baidu said it has been investing in AI since 2010 to improve search and ad monetization and has used its core AI technology engine Baidu Brain to develop new AI businesses.
Baidu said it has been investing in AI since 2010 to improve search and ad monetization, and has used its core AI technology engine Baidu Brain to develop new AI businesses.
"We will further strengthen the oversight of the advertising agencies and review of ad content to take on our (social) responsibility," the company said in the announcement.
"For brands looking to diversify ad placements away from display ads-knowing fully well that branded content is 22 times more engaging than display ads-Bilibili offers an opportunity. "
The deal is the company's big foray into the heated market of video streaming and aims to diversify its revenue source, the bulk of which comes from ad sales on its core search engine platform.
As the country's economy continues to bounce back from the COVID-19 slump, ad spending by businesses have also picked up.
For example, there will be a cooperation memorandum signing regarding the ecosystem for atopic dermatitis (AD), a common immunoinflammatory disease that seriously affects the health and living quality of millions of sufferers in the country.
A product from the company, the world's first targeted biological agent to treat moderate to severe AD in adults that made its China debut during CIIE last year, will be highlighted for a second time this year.
The injection, which has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration to treat moderate to severe AD among teenagers between 12 and 17 and minors between 6 and 11 in November last year and May respectively, will make its Asia debut with the indication for individuals in these age brackets.
Regarding AD, experts said that it is not only a health problem on skin but also triggers difficulty in sleep and the confidence to go to school and work and interact with society.
A report released in August by the China Association of Health Promotion and Education and Sanofi, which surveyed more than 1,300 moderate to severe AD patients in the country, showed that more than 60 percent of them suffered from unbearable itching, and over half of them suffered from interruption in sleep owing to itching almost every night.
The app could be especially helpful in growing and promoting Walmart's high-margin third-party marketplace and generate more ad revenue for the company, he said.
In a wanted ad posted on Tesla's official WeChat account on Sept 2, the company said it has opened eight job vacancies in China, which are all technical positions.
A report by The Washington Post said Google is expected to yield more than $48 billionxa0in digital ad revenue on the US market this year, capturing 75 percent of all spending on US search advertising.
Ad fraud remains one of the biggest challenges for mobile marketers in China.
"Potential pricing pressure from expanding in-feed ad industry supply and cleanup of low-quality SME customers may continue to weigh on 2019 advertising growth," Chan said.
Google said it is committing to a new level of ads transparency with a new open-source browser extension, which will display for users information about different intermediaries involved in targeting a given Google ad, such as those between the advertiser and publisher.
To fulfill its objectives, the BFIC also promotes the organization of numerous high-profile initiatives, alongside official state visits and meetings, on ad hoc topics of bilateral interest, such as the SME Forum in May 2017 on the occasion of the visit of Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni to China's BRI summit.
Shares of the company, which have surged almost 40 percent this year, were up nearly 5 percent in extended trading after it said ad sales jumped 26 percent to $14.91 billion in the first quarter, beating analysts' average estimate of $14.77 billion.
"The ad in question is insensitive and does not reflect our brand values regarding diversity and inclusion.
We have asked our franchisee in New Zealand to remove the ad immediately," Burger King said in an emailed statement.
The commercial, uploaded to the chain's New Zealand social media page, featured actors struggling to eat burgers with large red chopsticks to promote a Vietnamese-flavored product, but social media users said the ad was culturally insensitive and played to stereotypes.
In a similar episode last year, Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana ran an ad in China depicting a Chinese model unsuccessfully trying to eat large portions of Italian food with a pair of chopsticks.
The ad, coupled with a slow apology, sparked outrage among Chinese consumers, and forced the brand to cancel a show in Shanghai.
"Many local providers focus only on the Chinese market, making it tricky for domestic companies who want to run international ad campaigns," he said.
The technologies include SLAM and localization, machine learning, motion planning, perception and sensor fusion, and behavior prediction,” according to a job ad posted on LinkedIn last month.
Weibo's ad and marketing revenue reached $369.9 million in Q2, an increase of 69 percent year-on-year, driven by which Sina's advertising revenue expanded to $454.1 million by 54 percent year-on-year.
The e-commerce giant and its related parties plan to pay a combined 15 billion yuan ($2.22 billion) for a roughly 10.3 percent stake in Shanghai-based Focus Media Information Technology Co Ltd, which has digital ad boards covering streets, office buildings and subways across 300 Chinese cities.
China will see the biggest boost in ad dollars with $835 million spending on advertising in this year's World Cup, which will be held in 11 cities in Russia from June 14 to July 15, Yicai.
Internet and mobile consumption is rising steadily and ad spending in China continues to shift toward digital formats at an unprecedented speed," Yang said.
After the advent of artificial intelligence and big data, he and his team figured that ad metrics alone would not satisfy the firm's clients.
In the past few years, AdMaster has transformed itself from a digital ad analytics firm into a provider of big data- and artificial intelligence-based marketing solutions.
Candidates should be over 60, good with people and have experience in online shopping, according to the ad.
Alibaba said it has received many resumes in response to the ad.
According to a job ad on Tuesday, the internet giant wants to hire investigators to help Taobao collects users’ experiences on its new customized shopping platform that will enhance interactions among family members.
Chinese Ambassador to Montenegro Cui Zhiwei, Montenegro's Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs Osman Nurkovic, and Milan Bankovic, general director of directorate for railway traffic at Montenegro's Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, and representatives from Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro - AD Podgorica, attended the reception.
"Users in the Middle East complained against an ad on our app because the girls on that ad wore off-shoulder tops," Chen said.
BEIJING — Furniture giant IKEA has pulled a Chinese TV commercial after backlash from viewers who said the ad was perpetuating negative images of single women.
It also utilizes limited road space in towns and cities while minimizing disruption to local communities," said AD Huang, general manager of BYD Middle East and Africa Auto Sales Division.
Compared with the original Chinese version, AOV has seen the introduction of some iconic western heroes, including Batman, while retaining some of the most popular Chinese heroes such as Monkey King and the invincible warlord Lyu Bu from the Three Kingdoms period (AD 220-280).
"The collaboration is generating a positive result, both in terms of the user acquisition and the ad profit," said Li.
According to De Felip, the company's marketing spending has shifted from traditional ad placements on TV to a variety of digital vehicles.
Al Jaberi emphasized the crucial role of the Tawazun Council in ensuring quality in the aerospace and defense (AD) industry.
While the effects are becoming increasingly apparent in metrics like overall app installs by consumers, the gaming app economy still showed resilience with nearly $27 billion invested in ad spend by gaming marketers and developers worldwide in 2022 to acquire new users.
Abdullah Al Hameli, head of the Industrial Cities and Free Zone Cluster at AD Ports Group, said that the number of Chinese investors in Abu Dhabi have been rapidly increasing in recent years, and pledged that his group will provide full support to Chinese firms with their production and logistics to further cement bilateral ties.
According to the report, Mintegral — Guangzhou, Guangdong province-based mobile ad platform specializing in the gaming sector — ranked third place in both Android and iOS systems' app retention index worldwide, closely following global mobile marketing giants such as Google Ads and Meta Ads.
Last year, Anta launched new running shoes paying tribute to Li Bai, a renowned Chinese poet from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).
"What struck me most were the messages left beneath the ad by my acquaintances.
Apart from ad placements, the 2-year-old company knows how to captivate trend-chasing customers via brand crossovers.
AD100 Young, as a powerful extension of AD100, demonstrates the young architects' and designers' growth to maturity, and displays their vision and achievement of continuous innovation, said Beryl Hsu, AD's content director for China.
《安邸AD》中国区内容总监郝碧尔(Beryl Hsu)表示:“AD100 Young作为AD100的强大延伸,展现了青年建筑师与设计师向成熟成长的过程,并展示了他们在持续创新上的视野与成就。”
Ad investment in the transportation, retail, entertainment and communications service sectors dropped by over 40 percent, it showed.
Over the long term, the ad industry will accelerate its restructuring.
David Liu, chairman of global public relations company Weber Shandwick China, said the ad sector has scaled things down due to absence of offline activities and fears of cross-infection, while online promotional events-such as those related to e-commerce-are still operating, and he expects the situation to return to normal in the second half.
Cheng Yandong, general manager of Beijing-based ad company Sifang China, said this year would be challenging for the sector since it's more difficult to attract attention and win trust from consumers.
With over 10,000 ad companies in China and none really dominating the market, the sector is highly decentralized.
The crisis already appeared back in late 2018 when many ad companies cut jobs or closed down, Cheng said.
Its survey showed 53 percent of consumers remembered watching Mengniu's ad with star soccer player Lionel Messi, far more than other sponsors, though the growth of sales is far less than beer or beverage, due to its weaker linkage to soccer.
According to Ma Wen, vice-president of beauty and personal care at Unilever North Asia, the majority of the firm's ad expenditure in China is placed online, whereas budgets are largely allocated to traditional TV commercials in many mature markets.
The underground economy saw a more lucrative business model and, with evolving fraudulent technology, poses greater economic and technical challenges for combating ad fraud," said Chan.
Despite this, Chan also expressed optimism regarding the future of providing more effective solutions to ad fraud.
One article with an embedded ad published on the app could be worth up to 1 million yuan (about $144,000).
Objectivity remains the lifeline of serious journalism whereas the digital scene is prone to ad frauds.
You can never be sure if the "hit" for an online ad is from a human or a robot/automated software (known as a bot).
That is a huge amount of wasted marketing budgets, and underlines why brands must monitor brand safety and ad fraud levels when using digital marketing in China.
Digital marketing allows for tracking and allows brands to know how many people have seen their ad, clicked on their ad, gone to their website from the ad, engaged with the brand and even purchased. "
Economic Forum notes that the Belt and Road Initiative is crucial to boost cultural, trade tiesHoringer, a small county with a history dating back to 386 AD, is located alongside the ancient Silk Road in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region.
He said the new initiative follows a "Voice of the Farmer" national TV ad campaign in March when the organization placed 30-second slots on cable news channels including Fox, CNN and MSNBC, calling on US President Donald Trump to protect the free trade policies American farmers depend on.
Armed with rare insights, he steered Tencent to big gains, both in terms of the number of users and ad revenues.
The Justice Department asked the court to compel Google to divest its Google Ad manager suite, including its ad exchange AdX.

四级Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer, sharing sites let individuals act as an ad hoc ( 临时的) taxi service, car-hire firm or boutique hotel (精品酒店) as and when it suits them.

正如eBay等点对点业务允许任何人成为零售商一样,共享网站也允许个人充当一个临时的临时的) 出租车服务、汽车租赁公司或精品酒店(精品酒店) 当它适合他们的时候。


考研After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how.



考研But in some cases, one marketer’s owned media become another marketer’s paid media – for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site.



考研But in some cases, one marketer's owned media become another marketer's paid media – for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site.


2011年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级Hi, I'm calling about the ad for the one bedroom apartment.



考研At its peak around AD 600, this city was one of the largest human settlements in the world.



六级George Grune, a former ad salesman who joined Reader s digest in 1960 has his eye focused on the bottom line.

乔治·格伦(George Grune)是一位前广告推销员,1960年加入《读者文摘》(Reader s digest),他的目光集中在了底线上。

2018年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

高考While the clip might look like part of a new ad campaign, bridges said the only goal was to show generosity and sympathy.


2019年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考In 105 AD, paper was invented in China.


2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

考研And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts, revenue from print is still declining.



六级The ad specifications had not been given in detail.



四级The Empire Builder, which was focused on in one ad, enjoyed a 15 percent increase in profits on its Chicago to Seattle route.



四级The graceless El Al Airlines, which is already at auction (拍卖), has retrained its employees to emphasize service and is boasting about the results in an ad campaign with the slogan, “You can feel the change in the air.

优雅的艾尔航空公司已经在拍卖中(拍卖), 对员工进行了再培训,强调服务,并在一场广告活动中吹嘘结果,广告语是“你可以感受到空气中的变化。


四级After television, the medium attracting the next largest annual ad revenue is newspapers.



四级The New York Times, which reaches a national audience, accounts for $1 billion in ad revenue annually, ii m increased its national circulation (发行量) by 40% and is now available for home delivery in ion ciues.

《纽约时报》面向全国观众,每年广告收入达10亿美元,增加了全国发行量(发行量) 40%,现在可以在离子丘送货上门。


四级“For years, the advice to eh overweight people has been that we simply need to eat less ad exercise more, Tara Parker-Pope wrote.

Tara Parker Pope写道:“多年来,对超重人群的建议一直是,我们只需要少吃多运动。”。


四级Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer , sharing sites let individuals act as all ad hoc (临时的) taxi service,car-hire firm or boutique hotel (精品酒店) as and when it suits them.

就像eBay这样的点对点业务允许任何人成为零售商一样,共享网站也允许个人充当临时用户(临时的) 出租车服务、租车公司或精品酒店(精品酒店) 当它适合他们的时候。


四级So do GM ad Daimler, two carmakers.



四级Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer, sharing sites let individuals act as an ad hoc(临时的) taxi service, car-hire firm or boutique hotel(精品酒店) as and when it suits them.

正如eBay等对等企业允许任何人成为零售商一样,共享网站也允许个人充当临时用户(临时的) 出租车服务、租车公司或精品酒店(精品酒店) 当它适合他们的时候。

