
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词根ad(加强)+vance(走)+ment(名 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
advantage / advancement
advancements in science and technology 科学技术进步
technological advancement 技术进步
the advancement of ... …的进步...
advancement in science and technology 科学技术进步
rapid advancements of science and technology 科学技术的快速发展
Mary works for the advancement of the status of women.
Eric cared little for social advancement.
The new software has brought about significant advancements in data processing efficiency.
In recent years, there have been tremendous advancements in the field of artificial intelligence.
The discovery of penicillin was a major advancement in medicine.
The company is committed to technological advancements to stay ahead in the competitive market.
The advent of electric cars marks a significant advancement in sustainable transportation.
With the advancement of technology, remote working has become more feasible than ever before.
Her promotion to the senior management team is a testament to her professional advancements.
The scientific community celebrates every small advancement that brings us closer to finding a cure for cancer.
The advancements in renewable energy technologies are crucial for combating climate change.
The government is investing heavily in education, recognizing it as the key to societal advancement.
Such advancement will provide students with more targeted personalized services, thereby further improving student learning efficiency, Li emphasized.
Experts said the project marks another milestone in the country's advancement of marine power transmission technology and further contributes to China's offshore energy development.
Wang from the Northeast Agricultural University said that exports of genomics technology by Chinese enterprises are beneficial for global scientific and technological advancement and a blessing for humanity.
All the 37 provincial and municipal-level key projects have commenced, leading to a well-organized order of project advancement, said Sun Zhaoxing, director of Changyi's development and reform bureau, emphasizing the city's focus on swiftly advancing key projects and fully utilizing advanced production capacity.
Zhou Jingren, CTO of Alibaba Cloud, said the open-source ecosystem is crucial for promoting the technological advancement and application of LLMs in China, adding they will continue to invest in open-sourced LLM, and aim to offer the most open LLM in the era of AI.
"Technological advancement is a trend that cannot be ignored," he said, noting that almost all industries are currently embracing the application of artificial intelligence.
"Our collaboration with Falcon Aviation Services is a major milestone in the advancement of advanced air mobility in the UAE and the broader region of Middle East and Africa," said Mark Robert Henning, managing director of AutoFlight Europe.
AutoFlight Europe董事总经理Mark Robert Henning表示:“我们与Falcon Aviation Services的合作是阿联酋以及中东和非洲更广泛地区先进空中交通发展的一个重要里程碑。”。
This will provide necessary technical support for the widespread application of robots in various fields and promote the advancement of robot technology.
The industry in China has entered into a stage of high-quality development thanks to the implementation of the country's dual carbon strategy, policy support and technological advancement in recent years," said Lin Jin, chairman of the board of Skyworth Group.
The open-source ecosystem is crucial for promoting the technical advancement and industrial application of LLMs, industry experts said.
"By collaborating with industry leaders like EVE, we can foster an environment of innovation and technological advancement," she said.
The country's rapid technological advancement has led to the emergence of new HR service models.
This mapping was based on TAG's outlook that reskilling and upskilling services will register the most rapid growth within the HR industry in the near future due to digitalization and technological advancement.
Chen said that compared with other domestic companies who provide similar products, ClearTV has made efforts to ensure product quality and technology advancement.
The latest reform of State-owned enterprises is fueling innovation in the country's nuclear energy sector, with digital advancement set to further spur its development, according to a major industry player.
Liu believes that hydrogen energy will play an increasingly important role in achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality in China, and that with the advancement of technology, large-scale promotion and policy support, China's hydrogen energy industry chain has entered a high-speed development track.
Tower cranes work high above the ground, and the advancement of tower cranes reflects the development level of a country's crane industry.
"The next five years will be a golden period for pushing forward digitalization, and governments around the world have attached great significance to digitalization," said Kitty Fok, managing director of IDC China, adding that rapid development of the digital economy will bolster the advancement of digitalization.
Continuous advancement of international footprint and continuous improvement in management capabilitiesIn 2021, China Re Group made great progress in its globalization efforts.
"Our collaboration with Chinese partners had made us further acknowledge China's great potential and advancement in medical research and healthcare services," Qiu said.
The user demand and advancement in technology has become the core driving force in the digital human sector, said Li Shiyan, director of Baidu's Intelligent Cloud AI human-computer interaction laboratory.
It is of vital importance to the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative, Han said.
It is meant to contribute to the advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
They will promote pilot cooperation on innovative anti-tumor drugs, including DS8201, a new HER2-targeting antibody-drug conjugate and many other urgently needed imported drugs, as well as real-world policy advancement research and real-world data application experiments in the pilot zone with the Boao Medical Innovation Institute for breast cancer and other diseases to accelerate the introduction of innovative cancer drugs worldwide into China.
Another major exhibit by the company is its world‘s first erythroid maturation agent called Luspatercept, which reduces patients' transfusion burden and is the first treatment advancement in myelodysplastic syndromes in more than a decade.
"We are in sync with those types of large-scale developments that have come with the whole tech advancement in China," Van Acker said.
“我们与那些伴随中国整体科技进步而来的大型开发项目是同步的,” 范阿克说道。意思就是,他们公司与中国在科技领域的大型项目和进步是保持一致和同步的。这可能意味着他们的产品、服务或研究方向与中国科技发展趋势相吻合。
"Throughout the second quarter, we continued to focus on the domestic market in terms of supply chain, content capabilities, service quality, and technology advancement, to lay a solid foundation for new growth drivers beyond the pandemic," said Jane Sun, the travel agency's CEO.
“本季度,我们继续深耕供应链、内容能力、服务质量和技术进步,聚焦国内市场。我们坚信,这将为后疫情时代的发展奠定坚实基础,” 该公司首席执行官孙洁表示。
Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Information Consumption Alliance, a tech industry association, said unmanned mowers are expected to become increasingly popular in the future with the advancement of AI.
With the advancement of technology, Chines said there are different intraocular lens options to meet patients' personalized needs.
As a large market with increasing emphasis on the use and advancement of technologies, particularly in medicine, China presents an opportunity for growth and innovation of technology, as well as for innovation-focused companies addressing the challenges of an aging population.
The rapid development of the big data industry in China has promoted the advancement of optical storage technology, and the further improvement of storage systems will help the big data industry to move forward," he said.
Since China is promoting next-generation information technologies for greater advancement, cloud computing will outgrow its current role as a big data storage solution, said Phillip Wu, general manager of VMware solutions at Dell Technologies Greater China.
Wei Dong, CEO of EdiGene, said the company is speeding up portfolio advancement and scaling up its business footprint, and the new round of financing enables the company to continue efforts in translating gene-editing technologies into therapeutics and further grow in terms of scale, global competitiveness and business development.
In 2020, China Re focused on platform-building, technology advancement and globalization as three key pillars, while actively implementing major strategies.
China Re will adhere to the drivers of "platform operation, technology advancement and globalization", enhance the development of its principal business in the strategy of serving the country, strengthen its innovation and development competitiveness in the upgrading of the industry structure, reinforce the driving force of the business transformation in the changing of regulatory policies, build support for technological services in the digital transformation, strengthen the overall management and control of the group in risk prevention and control, and firmly insist on "profitable development, market benchmarks, risk compliance and digital transformation", and the business strategy of "stabilizing growth, optimizing structure, controlling risk and improving profitability" to fully promote high-quality development and generate stable returns for China Re's shareholders.
Michael Yi, co-CIO and partner of Hillhouse Capital, said Clover has had a tremendous year of growth with the rapid advancement of the COVID-19 S-Trimer vaccine candidate through clinical development, and its robust and differentiated pipeline of vaccines and biologic therapeutics hold great promise to make a difference in other areas.
高瓴资本的联席首席投资官及合伙人Michael Yi表示,Clover在COVID-19 S-Trimer疫苗候选产品快速推进临床开发的推动下,度过了一个增长迅猛的年份。该公司丰富且具有差异化的疫苗和生物治疗药物管线显示出巨大的潜力,有望在其他领域产生影响。
When finished, Bulim Square will be home to a manufacturing hub and ecosystem for R&D and technology advancement, and other things.
当项目完成后,Bulim Square 将成为一个制造业中心,汇聚研发和技术创新的生态系统,以及其他相关活动。
We will continue to actively promote the innovation ecology and accelerate the transformation and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, in partnership with our local partners, for the technology and innovation advancement worldwide," Sun said.
Measures mentioned by Xi include the establishment of a sound negative list management system in cross-border services trade, the advancement of constructing open platforms for piloting innovative development of trade in services, the easing of market access in the service sector, and the active expansion of quality services imports.
"They may not be experts in specific detailed technological advancement, yet their background knowledge can help companies find resources and build technology platforms.
With the advancement of the hierarchical medical system and the development of the country's grassroots medical institutions, there are numerous unmet needs at the grassroots level.
"OneConnect is able to make contributions to the advancement of the financial services industry in Asia, and even the world.
Zhang reiterated the group's vision to be a good company for 102 years, and ultimate goal to create value for society, help find solutions for society's challenges, and convert Alibaba's resources into fuel for small and medium-sized businesses, which will in turn support the advancement of the whole society.
We are all committed to the advancement of 5G and beyond 5G technology through technological research and development.
Thanks to technological advancement, the capacity to collect, store and analyze data has revolutionized the centuries-old industry, transforming it from reliance on old-school risk management models to real-time, personalized online solutions powered by data and algorithms.
In 2019, China Re Group focused on the strategies of "platform operation, technology advancement and globalization", and actively implemented a series of major strategic initiatives.
China Re Group will follow the strategies of "platform operation, technology advancement and globalization", firmly adhere to effective development, meet market benchmarks, keep the bottom-line of risk compliance and continue digital transformation, implement the operation strategy of "stabilizing growth, optimizing structure, controlling risk, and improving profitability", while striving to achieve the "One-Three-Five" Strategy,high-quality development and sound growth in overall value, to deliver more value for China Re Group's customers and shareholders.
With the advancement of urban management and the increasing emphasis on people's living and working styles, smart cities will enter a new stage of development.
The company will develop the functions of risk management, technology advancement and financing in the scope of life reinsurance, as well as the "Belt and Road Initiative", and the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so as to contribute to the prosperity and development of the insurance industry in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
Medtronic is looking to support Chinese physicians' capability enhancement, and help them better adapt to medical technology advancement, so that they can serve more patients with stronger professional abilities, and the goal of a healthy society can be achieved sooner," said Omar Ishrak, chairman and chief executive officer of Medtronic.
Technological advancement and the changing market demand has given rise to green printing, specialty paper, packaging paper, and soluble tissue paper, said Zhu Min of the Printing Technology Association of China.
Supported by technological advancement, Shanxi's major manufacturer is on a fast track, developing high-end production systems and expanding its global markets.
In the coming years, the company will continue to enhance technology advancement to protect the environment and join hands with consumers, he said.
"China is now the strongest in the internet ecosystem, visible almost in every vertical, including hardware manufacturing, technology advancement, user numbers and business environment.
Market insiders said that with technology advancement and consumption upgrade, demand for high-quality headphones is also rising.
It is our mission to build the world into a better-connected community, thanks to the advancement in the digital technological sector," Zhang said.
Huawei believes youth is the main engine of development as well as digital advancement.
He also vowed that the government here would remain committed towards the advancement of information and communications technology to create a knowledge-based economy.
The significant technological innovation and advancement of digital solutions to improve patient access in this market is also creating room for imagination and unprecedented opportunities.
The significant technological innovation and advancement in this market is filling the world with imagination.
I have been coming to China for the last 25 years or more, and you can see here the degree of advancement of science and innovation is miles ahead of what it was 25 years ago.
That presence ensures future development, technological advancement and security.
The company has implemented AI-based content recommendation technology to accurately and efficiently identify and match live streaming content with user preferences, according to Li Xueling, chairman and acting CEO of YY, adding that they will remain committed to continuous product innovation and technology advancement.
China has always actively invested in technological advancement and innovation to bolster macroeconomic growth and improve people's lives.
"The smart home industry is now developing by leaps and bounds, thanks to the advancement of internet of things, big data and other technologies.
What's more, the heavy workload and lack of advancement opportunities at multinationals, factors he has learned from his peers, prompted him to make the final choice.
Domestic companies increasingly competitive in terms of salary and career advancement opportunitiesWhether multinational companies are still as attractive to candidates as they were some 20 years ago is an open question nowadays.
Head of Essilor talks about forthcoming tech advancement, including a smartphone app that can detect eye problemsThe most earth-shattering news in the eyewear market recently is undoubtedly the merger announced in early 2017 between French lens maker Essilor and the Italian eyewear frame maker Luxottica-both the industry No 1 in their respective sectors.
But he is also optimistic about the forthcoming changes brought about by technology advancement.
With the advancement of infrastructure and service level in second-and third-tier cities, the domestic travel market is also booming, An added.
"We understand that 5G is more than technology advancement.
As China leads the world in internet of things development and adoption, companies here encounter greater motivation to adapt and stay competitive in a market characterized by particularly high-paced advancement, according to a report from the global consultancy firm PwC.
With this personnel change, Guo will focus on the advancement of the group's major projects and business opportunities as well as its strategic deployment.
[Photo/Agencies]US networking site LinkedIn is looking to cater to the career advancement needs of individuals and corporate users in China and also form partnerships with mature ecosystems in the local market, a top executive said.
China is definitely a different market from the US, but career advancement is also a similar requirement for Chinese professionals, Awan said.
Their addition to Jonesboro will add 130 highpaying jobs to our local economy," said Mark Young, president of Jonesboro Unlimited, a private partnership organization dedicated to the advancement of economic prosperity in the Jonesboro region.
"Artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, data analytics and robotics will be the five areas where Deloitte will keep an eye on in terms of technology advancement," said Liu, stressing it imperative for Deloitte to invest in innovation and technology as people's ways of doing business have been changed at the rapidly digitalizing age.
"The advancement of technology, in fact, spurred nascent businesses.
"In addition, with the advancement of treatment methods, the survival rates of the patients will increase and their life spans will be lengthened, therefore, the market will continue to expand.
The two companies' dominance in pesticides, weed killer and several other products will likely increase after the consolidation of their marketing power and R&D division, which will dampen the rise of competitors, negatively impact technological advancement, and hurt downstream dealers.
Yuan Ye, SASAC vice-chairman, said the government's primary focus will be on promoting industrial innovation through technological advancements this year, accelerating the growth of new productive capacities and propelling the advancement of modern industrialization.
China's consumption potential is still huge, said Kang, adding that the super-large market with a population of over 1.4 billion, the steady advancement of urbanization and the upgrading of consumption structure have provided broad space for the growth of consumption.
"The decision to invest in and construct new energy projects here was supported by a series of project advancement services provided by the local government, allowing the project to transition from large-scale construction to grid-connected power generation in just 180 days," said Cao Jinchao, manager of the engineering management department at Three Gorges New Energy Shandong Changyi Power Generation Co Ltd. Cao said the stable offshore wind speed and ample sunlight in the northern part of Changyi also provide unique advantages for developing offshore wind power.
Looking to this year, she said the momentum of China's economic recovery is poised to undergo further consolidation, propelled by robust policy support, the advancement of industrial transformation and upgrading, and the continuous deepening of reforms.
Chen Bin, deputy director of the expert committee at the China Machinery Industry Federation, which is based in Beijing, said that Chinese products have benefited from continued improvements in technological capabilities and the advancement of industrial transformation and upgrading.
"China's steady economic growth and ongoing technological advancement will provide vast opportunities for private sector development, while the sector's constituent businesses will also face pressures from the sluggish global economic recovery, the rise of trade protectionism and intensified market competition.
"She said the decrease in the working population and the aging problem would first pose a shock to the job market and then cause a series of social problems, including hampering economic and technological advancement and increasing the burden on the social security system.
"The decision to invest in and construct new energy projects here was supported by a series of project advancement services provided by the local government, allowing the project to transition from large-scale construction to grid-connected power generation in just 180 days," said Cao Jinchao, manager of the engineering management department at Three Gorges New Energy Shandong Changyi Power Generation Co Ltd. Cao also said that the stable offshore wind speed and ample marine and terrestrial sunlight in the northern part of Changyi have also provided unique advantages for developing offshore wind power.
For example, Africa is plagued with inadequate transportation infrastructure, which has been a major economic hurdle to its advancement of industries and exports.
With continued improvements in China's technological capabilities, and the advancement of industrial transformation and upgrading, some components of final products can also be processed in Europe and the United States.
They have not only contributed to the economic advancement of the recipient countries, but have also fundamentally altered the dynamics of global trade.
As a major city in China and one of the exemplar cities of the global digital economy, Beijing has attracted extensive attention from the international community for its fruitful results in the advancement of the digital economy.
The Central Financial Commission, a top body responsible for top-level planning and overall advancement of China's financial stability and development, has stressed the need to comprehensively strengthen financial regulation and effectively forestall financial risks.
Identifying high-quality development as a top priority for State-owned assets and State-owned enterprises, Wang emphasized the advancement of technological innovation and industrial transformation and upgrading, further implementation of reforms and the path of internationalized development, through adhering to decisions and deployments of the central government's important instructions.
He called for strengthened coordination on macroeconomic policies among all the parties concerned, advancement of trade and investment liberalization, and the building of more integrated regional industrial and supply chains for the open development of the Asia-Pacific as well as the global economy.
Xi said it is hoped that the summit can unite business communities from both sides of the Strait to further contribute to the growth of the economy of the Chinese nation, the improvement of compatriots' well-being and the advancement of national reunification.
Export controls are becoming a key means by which the US inhibits China's technological advancement.
Strong emphasis is placed on technological advancement and innovation, which is a key driver of modernization.
These networks will support the digital transformation of various industries, drive the monetization of 5G investments, fuel the next wave of 5G technology advancement, and contribute to 6G technology research and development.
A well-developed information and communications industry is a key component in the modern services sector and has a significant impact on driving economic development and societal advancement.

四级The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to function well does not change," Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego

一块睡的能力(整块时间) 夜间睡眠随着年龄的增长而减少,但我们需要的睡眠量并没有改变,”Drummond博士在圣地亚哥举行的美国科学进步协会会议上说


四级The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to function well does not change," Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego.

一块睡的能力(整块时间) 随着年龄的增长,夜间睡眠会减少,但我们需要的睡眠量不会改变,”Drummond博士在圣地亚哥举行的美国科学进步协会会议上说。


考研It says that the problem is not merely that people do bad science, but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it.


2020年考研真题(英语一)翻译 Section Ⅲ

六级However, finding a balance between team efforts and individual projects that give you independent recognition is important for making a name for yourself and providing opportunities for advancement.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级Open data sharing is conducive to scientific advancement.



六级simultaneously, technological advancement and global economy has reduced demand for well- paying blue collar jobs here in the United States.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级This leads to building a brand of underconfident, suBMIssive, low-impact non-leaders and hampers their growth and career advancement.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

高考The coming technological advancement presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people, and more affordably.


2018年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

六级The advancement of digital technology.



四级Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks.



四级At Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration, for example, bachelor’s degree graduates get an average of four or five job offers with salaries ranging from the high teens to the low 20s and plenty of chances for rapid advancement.



四级Dale Carnegie suggested as much more than 50 years ago: Hard work alone doesn’t ensure career advancement.

戴尔·卡内基(Dale Carnegie)在50多年前就提出了同样的建议:仅靠努力并不能确保职业发展。


四级Also around that time, regulations, government, and unions came to dictate pay, prevent adjustments, and introduce bureaucratic (官僚的)standard for advancement.



考研And there is also the objection that the city has always been the core from which cultural advancement has radiated.


