
词根记忆ac(加强) + compl(complete 完成) + ish(动词后缀) → 完成,达到 …………
词性拓展记忆 / 词形拓展记忆
词根记忆 / 词缀记忆
accomplish v 成就,完成(ac+com+pli+ish=全部弄满=完成)
ple,plen,plet, pli=full, fill,表示”满,填满”
complement n 补足,补全(com全部+ple+ment=全部满=补足)
accomplish one's purpose 达到目的
accomplish nothing 一事无成
accomplish a purpose 达到目的
accomplish a task 完成任务
accomplish a goal 实现目标
accomplish a quantum leap 实现巨大飞跃
You must accomplish the task.
mission accomplished
In many cases, you can accomplish the same thing more effectively with differences in proximity.
In order to accomplish this, we must formally record these expectations.
I am determined to accomplish my goals before the end of the year.
She accomplished her dream of becoming a professional dancer after years of hard work.
The project was accomplished successfully within the given deadline.
He accomplished a remarkable feat by climbing Mount Everest at the age of 60. (他在60岁时登上了珠穆朗玛峰,这是一个了不起的成就。
We must accomplish this task without any external help.
She accomplished the marathon in just under three hours.
The team's main objective is to accomplish customer satisfaction.
His perseverance helped him accomplish his lifelong ambition.
They accomplished their mission by gathering crucial evidence.
The government has set out to accomplish significant improvements in healthcare.
It can help clients accomplish all hiring procedures for a new employee within three days — a 300 percent increase in global employee management efficiency and a 50 percent cut in overall costs, Lin said.
To accomplish this, the company has established strategic pillars to guide its endeavors.
This means there is still huge potential for the country's companies to accomplish their digital upgrade as a whole.
"Furthermore, considering that countries alongside the BRI have abundant scenarios for CCUS, we propose to establish demonstrative cooperation projects to accomplish technological breakthroughs and innovative applications," Zhao said.
Since March, despite challenges brought by the COVID-19 outbreaks and extreme weather, the builders managed to accomplish a construction area of 83,500 square meters in time before the autumn semester began, showcasing their edge in infrastructure construction, said Ma Weihong, vice-mayor of Liaocheng, while addressing the project delivery ceremony in late August.
To accomplish these goals, Carnival has teamed up with CSSC to establish a Shanghai-based cruise joint venture called CSSC Carnival Cruise Shipping Ltd and announced plans to dedicate the first two made-in-China cruise ships to the Chinese market.
The company should submit reports on the improvements in its practices over the next three years and accomplish regulated, innovative, healthy and sustainable development, according to the SAMR.
In your view, what are the main factors that helped China accomplish this goal?
For perspective, manual driving to accomplish similar tasks would need at least three drivers taking turns driving a container truck.
There is more for Eastern Air Logistics to accomplish after the listing.
Thomas Hudson, senior vice-president of R&D and chief scientific officer, AbbVie, said in a statement that his company has been impressed with what I-Mab has been able to accomplish in research and clinical development and looks forward to working together to make a meaningful difference to the lives of millions of patients globally.
The aspiration of the "ecological civilization" advocated by Xi aims to accomplish a balance between economic development and protection of ecosystems, said Dechen Tsering, United Nations Environment Program regional director and representative for Asia and the Pacific.
To accomplish the dual task of epidemic prevention and control work amid continuous construction, CTCE set up an overseas leading group in March committed to the "most stringent preventive measures in construction to forbid any infections".
"Despite the recent curbs on Huawei, Chinese telecom carriers can accomplish the target of having about 1 million 5G base stations by the end of this year," Zhang said in an interview on Wednesday.
"We can accomplish everything that Tesla is now doing.
It is also striving to accomplish its two other goals for 2020.
"We can see it is not our rural students don't have imagination nor creativity – the fact is they don't have sufficient access nor conditions to help them accomplish.
An anonymous courier with JD Logistics said the task of getting more external delivery orders under the new salary system would be hard to accomplish, and the new policy will reduce their salary, the report alleged, though the courier did not indicate an exact amount for the reduction.
This it intends to accomplish by participating in global-scale events like the China International Import Expo that was held in Shanghai from Nov 5 to 10.
"To accomplish this, we are going to make some significant changes to how we work as leaders in all areas of the company.
And it's our goal to accomplish this in the next few months.
"We're very proud to be the first North American carrier to sign a joint venture with this Chinese carrier, and I know that together we'll accomplish remarkable things for our customers, our countries and our respective airlines," Rovinescu added.
We will offer products that will allow the consumer to relax and accomplish tasks with minimal interaction.
"She is well placed to accomplish that challenge, given her more than 25 years of experience in both high-tech and communications sectors, and exposure to thousands of extremely talented professionals.
China must accomplish major tasks, such as achieving high-quality economic development, advancing the building of a modern economic system, and promoting a rebalancing of the global economy.
We hope that the Chinese government will establish a regulatory framework that provides market-driven incentive schemes for companies to accomplish the low-carbon transformation.
I believe that together we will accomplish fruitful outcomes in areas such as free-zones, connectivity, finance, trade and other industrial cooperation," he said.
The province has ramped up its efforts on green development since early this year, aiming to accomplish various preparation works and ensuring a strong start to the construction of a pilot zone for green, low-carbon and high-quality development, which is the first of its kind in the sector in the country.
With the pouring work of the project's basements having been completed last week, the company's construction workers are stepping up efforts to accomplish the completion of the main teaching buildings.
Without financial innovation, traditional finance cannot accomplish these functional changes.
Institutional strengths, such as the mobilization of resources to accomplish major initiatives, enabled the nation to tackle waves of infections quickly nationwide, effectively safeguarding the lives and health of its 1.4 billion population at a minimal cost.
Such research will help address new challenges and accomplish new missions, facilitate the promotion of win-win openness, and contribute to the cultivation of new development momentum for global economy, he said.
At the end of last year, Jiangsu initiated a three-year plan to accomplish the intelligent transformation and digitalization of some 50,000 major industrial enterprises, with about 22,000 enterprises taking action in the first half of this year.
Du said that the annual trade volume was less than $300 million between the two countries 50 years ago, "now it takes just 12 hours on average to accomplish.
Despite few examples to follow in this project, the builder managed to come up with various solutions, including ground consolidation and extra base-supporting measures, to accomplish the station's body.
Last but not least, the government should work to help the real estate market accomplish a "soft landing".
"We should contain the pandemic as quickly as possible and take effective measures to accomplish the full-year growth target," he said.
The meeting stressed the need to coordinate the COVID-19 response and economic and social development, intensify cross-cyclical adjustments, place steady growth in a more prominent position and deepen reform and opening-up, to accomplish the economic and social development goals and tasks for the year.
Noting the new downward pressure on economic activity and rising difficulties and challenges, the meeting stressed the need to coordinate COVID-19 response and economic and social development, intensify cross-cyclical adjustments, place steady growth in a more prominent position and deepen reform and opening-up, to accomplish the economic and social development goals and tasks for the year.
The 500th China-Europe freight train this year passed through the port at 1 pm Monday, a milestone that took 18 fewer days to accomplish than last year.
"The bottom lines are the most fundamental demand on our work regarding agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, which means we must accomplish (these goals) this year," he added.
And that is also a goal China must accomplish to build a high-level open economy, enhance strength and competitiveness, and boost the dual-circulation development pattern, which takes the domestic market as the mainstay while letting foreign and domestic markets reinforce each other, Ren said.
The PBOC vowed to "strive to accomplish the main objectives and tasks of economic development this year".
Liu Qing, vice-dean of the Renmin University of China's National Academy of Development and Strategy, said it is critical for emerging markets to accomplish two tasks to reinforce their foundation for development: reposition themselves in the changing landscape of globalization and promote technological advances.
However, I have always been very confident that China will accomplish its goals, given its strong manufacturing sector and the rapid development of the digital economy.
The plan is part of its efforts to accomplish the mission assigned by the central government to turn Pudong into a pioneering force in the socialist modernization of China and have the area become a key engine in self-reliant innovation.
By 2035, the region should put in place a modern economic system, accomplish socialist modernization and make substantial headway in common prosperity, the guideline document stated.
The goal is to accomplish handling of 30 million TEUs of containers at the automated terminal in the coming five years, and expand its annual capacity to 7 million TEUs," said Zhang.
It took decades of development for those phones to evolve into nifty and versatile super smartphones of today that can accomplish a range of tasks, from buying movie tickets to booking medical appointments to 1 GB movie downloads within seconds.
Now, a freight train on the new route takes only 13 days to accomplish the same task.
At a work conference held at the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences on Tuesday, Han, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressed the importance of implementing proactive fiscal policies to effectively and orderly accomplish various tasks in the sector.
The country aims to accomplish remarkable achievements in the transformation to a greener way of production and lifestyles, and continue to improve the ecological environment and reduce emissions of major pollutants, according to the outline.
He added that the target for this year should be fully aligned with the possibilities and conditions for what the nation can accomplish next year and the year after next.
Previously, it took shipbuilders, both domestic and foreign, about a year to accomplish the task, he said, adding that the company, which is a subsidiary of Shanghai-based China State Shipbuilding Corp, has taken the lead globally in this regard.
We are confident we will accomplish the completion in time," the manager said.
The policymakers emphasized the need to have a proper understanding of net zero goals like peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and attaining carbon neutrality by 2060, while recognizing that it would be impossible for the nation to accomplish everything in one stroke.
It is the only high value-added vessel type that China has yet to accomplish in construction.
According to the guideline, more than 80 percent of China's steel mills, in terms of capacity, are expected to realize an ultra-low carbon emission upgrade by 2025, and all steel mills in key regions for air quality improvement, including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area and the Yangtze River Delta, must accomplish that goal by 2025.
While China has failed to accomplish its 2020 nuclear target of 58 gigawatts under operation and 30 GW under construction, insiders are optimistic about prospects for the nonpolluting energy resource in China over the next five years as the country has stepped up nuclear approvals and construction since 2020.
An escape room is a game where a team of players cooperatively discover clues, solve puzzles and accomplish tasks to get out of the enclosed space.
"If steel companies' production exceeds market demand, destocking will be difficult to accomplish.
"We have to accomplish the CPEC.
But as patients look for wider selection outside of hospital pharmacies, this goal may be more difficult to accomplish.
Making these dresses is a daunting task that only extremely hardworking and skilled dressmakers can accomplish.
The industry as a whole is determined to fix the driver-shortage issue, and we’re confident that we will accomplish such sooner rather than later.
Now, it's mainly through different platforms and apps that users get access to AI services, but a future where users directly interact with their personal AI assistants to accomplish almost all tasks is waving at us," said Zhou Zhengang, vice-president of IDC China.
"My job is to install 'brain' and 'eyes' for industrial robots, enabling them to see, analyze information, and accomplish more complicated work," said Xiao, a researcher at the School of Electromechanical Engineering under the Guangdong University of Technology.
Deng said it only took two hours for drones to complete the digital scanning of the Huashan rock paintings in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and less than one day to accomplish the modeling, which quickly restored the structure of rock paintings, thus greatly improving the efficiency of surveying and mapping.
While you may be surprised at how one manager could accomplish so much simultaneously, a more surprising fact is that this new "boss" is actually an artificial intelligence-enabled robot.
This means there still lies huge potential for the country's companies to accomplish their digital upgrade as a whole," said Kitty Fok, managing director of IDC China.
Established by China's largest automaker by sales SAIC Motor, IT giant Alibaba and Zhangjiang High-tech in 2020, IM Motors completed in two years what took its competitors nine years to accomplish in self-driving technology, said Liu.
High-quality domestic growth helps fuel advancements in international marketSenior officials are calling for the Chinese automotive industry to achieve higher quality, greater competitiveness and better alignment with global trends by focusing on electrification, intelligence and carbon reduction to accomplish sustainable growth.
NIO manufactured its 100,000th vehicle in April 2021, a milestone event that took the company close to three years to accomplish.
The company is expected to accomplish a sales record in 2020, as it has attracted new customers in the global market, and is seeing strong sales growth in the European and Asian markets.
Volkswagen will cooperate with joint ventures including FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC-Volkswagen to accomplish the goal.
The last three fruitful years have seen it accomplish its mission to reassert its position as the world's leading manufacturer of premium vehicles.
we are talking to them about if and how we can help them to accomplish this," the AP quoted Marchionne as saying.
The auto manufacturing industry won't accomplish it in one stroke.
More efforts should be made to build 10 factories that are fully covered by 5G, cultivate about 10 industrial internet public service platforms in specific regions, and accomplish the construction of regional sub-centers of national industrial internet big data centers in Chongqing, and Shandong, Zhejiang, Liaoning, Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces, according to the plan.
Hui Zhibin, director of the Internet research center of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that the city will take advantage of its digital information infrastructure and the many application scenarios in its service and manufacturing industries to accomplish this digital transformation.
But 5G robots can accomplish the task in about 20 days as they obviate the need to pump out water from the stilling basin, besides doing some basic work like removing silt.
"What the West took hundreds of years to accomplish, China is speeding up at a pace beyond the comprehension of most nations," he said.
Competitions such as Robosub in the US offer games in which AUV operators compete against each other to explore and accomplish marine objectives.
There is no problem for the country to accomplish the target of building 500,000 new base stations this year.
China's economic momentum has strengthened recently with rallying production and consumption as well as an improving employment and inflation situation, Pan said, adding that the country is well on track to accomplish this year's GDP growth target of around 5 percent.
Citing that the country is well on track to accomplish this year's GDP growth target of around 5 percent, Pan stressed the importance of striking the right balance between the rate of economic growth and the quality and sustainability of growth.
Before going deeper into discussions about tools needed to accomplish this mission, it is advisable to look at the issue from a broader-vantage point and think about solutions with due consideration paid to China's current economic conditions.
If the retrofitting does help the company accomplish its energy consumption goals, the cost of borrowing will be further reduced.
The bank will utilize some of CIDCA's grants for technical assistance or blended financing to accomplish more and better projects, especially for its lowest-income members, Alexander said, adding that there are already a number of AIIB projects underway that the bank has invited CIDCA to participate in.
Such green loans have made major contributions to helping the country accomplish its carbon-reduction targets and boosting the post-pandemic green economic recovery, Liang said, urging financial institutes to ratchet up support for the green and low-carbon sectors.
"The Shenzhen Stock Exchange should grab this strategic opportunity to accomplish an overhaul and repositioning of the ChiNext," Dong said.
More efforts will be put on improving data quality and enhancing cooperation with different regulators and on legislation, the last of which may take several years or longer to accomplish," said an official with the National Development and Reform Commission who is in charge of drafting the guidelines.
"The current two-way volatility and market expectations on the exchange rate of the yuan have created a window of opportunity for deepening reform," he said, adding that "it is not possible to accomplish all targets in full and the key is to choose a direction and stick to it".
While the VAT reform will help accomplish almost half of the target, policies to cut the remaining 400 billion yuan of taxes will be released soon, said Wang Jianfan, an official with the Ministry of Finance.
The regulator has set a three-year period to accomplish the tasks, including preventing systemic risk, cracking down on illegal businesses and taking more effective measures against foreign insurers that fail to meet solvency requirements and to address long-delayed problems, according to the plan posted by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on its website.
- China's top anti-graft official Li Xi has asked disciplinary inspection and supervisory agencies to accomplish the high-quality development of disciplinary inspection and supervision work.
"We highly appreciate the CPC's scientific and orderly practices in studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and firmly believe that the Chinese people will successfully accomplish the goals set out in the 20th CPC National Congress, achieve the second centenary goal, and (that China will) become a modern socialist country in all respects by the middle of the 21st century," he added.
He called for efforts to pool wisdom and strength to help accomplish the goals and tasks set at the 20th CPC National Congress in October.
"Urbanization not only spurs the expansion of the consumption scale, but also helps accomplish a structural upgrade," he told China City News.

高考If you have somewhere you want to go, something you want to accomplish, someone you want to become...take immediate action.


2014年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 七选五 原文

高考You begin to realize that your boy, in your footsteps, could probably accomplish what you hoped for.


2016年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考Youth sport has the potential to accomplish three important objectives in children's development.


2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读表达 原文

四级They accomplish their tasks one by one.



四级On the other hand, task-timers have a list of things they want to accomplish.



四级I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work,to take care of my home, to give attention to my children," she wrote in a message sent to the group.



四级I see people pursuing higher paying and increasingly demanding careers to accomplish this goal.



六级Understand what she's trying to accomplish and propose a Plan B that will make it happen without destroying what you've done so far.



六级That notion is not concrete enough and it blurs two key components of hope,' Doctor Snyder said, 'Having hope means believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.



考研The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account.



考研Including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.


2013年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研One their own, taking our own bags to the grocery store or quitting plastic straws, for example, will accomplish little and require very little of us.


2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

六级'That notion is not concrete enough and it blurs two key components of hope,’ Doctor Snyder said, 'Having hope means believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.



四级"I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work,to take care of my home, to give attention to my children," she wrote in a message sent to the group.



考研“Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers?



考研The need of training is too evident and the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account.


