
词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆 补充/纠错
词源a 一 (个),为不定冠词an在发展过程中出 …………
联想记忆刚开始张嘴说话发音但又不知道说什么的时候肯定会发出"额”声音,而且这个第一个字母,所以发“额”的声音 → a …………
对比记忆 / 类比记忆 / 形近词记忆
a / an / the
a 一个,用于以辅音开头的单词,如 a dog 一只狗.
an 一个,用于以元音开头的单词,如 an apple 一个苹果.
the 那个,特指,如 the President 总统.
from A to Z 彻底完全,从头到尾
in a word 总之
a lot of 大量 很多
a little 一点
a variety of各种各样
a period of time 一段时间
as a matter of fact 事实上,事实上
as if 犹如
a great deal of 大量的
as far as ... be concerned 就…而言
so far as ... be concerned 就…而言
as long as 只要
as opposed to 与
as a result 因此
such as 例如
as for 至于
as well as 以及
as usual 和往常一样
as to 关于
a series of 一系列
a fraction of 一小部分
as a result of 由于
as well 也
a bunch of 一堆
as far as 远至
in a rage 怒不可遏
as a whole 作为一个整体
so long as 只要
in a word 总而言之
as though 好像
catch a glimpse of 一瞥
a bit of 有点
in a sense 在某种意义上
get a glimpse of 一瞥
make a concession to 向…让步
have a break 休息一下
a number of 一些
make a difference 有影响
draw a conclusion from 从中得出结论
play a role in 在
as a means of 作为一种手段
a variety of 各种各样的
be considered as 被认为是
a few 少许
be regarded as 被视为
put a premium on 给…加保险
a couple of 几个
play a part 扮演一个角色
at a loss 不知所措
view ... as 查看…为
in a row 在一行
as soon as 一旦
a sweeping ruling 全面的裁决
a range of 一系列
quite a few 不少
at a time 一次
a lot of 很多
take a chance 碰碰运气
a bit 一点
a matter of ...的问题
play a part in 在…中发挥作用
so as to 为了
a piece of cake 一块蛋糕
serve as 充当
a host of 许多
for a while 一段时间
ride a bike 骑自行车
have a cold 感冒了
a string of 一串
a set of 一套
a pink slip 解雇通知书
a little 一点
all of a sudden 突然地
once in a while 偶尔
a little bit 一点点
a majority of 大多数
in a way 在某种程度上
the same as 与…一样
take a page from 从中获取一页
make a snowman 堆雪人
a handful of 一把
a ban on 禁止
a great number of 大量
as yet 到目前为止
have a look 看一看
a pair of 一双
just a minute 等一下
fly a kite 放风筝
Have a good day! 祝您今天过得愉快!
a silver lining 一线希望
a large number of 大量的
play a role 扮演角色
a sort of 一种
a case in point 一个恰当的例子
go for a walk 去散步
be known as 被称为
a group of 一群
have a fever 发烧
take a risk 冒着风险
take a shower 洗澡
take a walk 散散步
once upon a time 从前
have a stomachache 胃痛
make a profit 赚钱
in so far as 在以下范围内
at a glance 一目了然
a kind of 一种
known as 被称为
as regards 关于
turn a blind eye to 对…视而不见
take a trip 去旅行吧
a great deal 很多
a ... -storey building …层楼
a lot 很多
a large sum of 一大笔
to a certain extent 在一定程度上
a body of 一群
a bad harvest in agriculture 农业收成不好
make a model plane 制作模型平面
as follows 如下所示
a big deal 一个大问题
keep a close watch on 密切关注
see a film 看电影
go on a picnic 去野餐
a ... storey building 一幢…层楼
take a deep breath 深呼吸
take a break 休息一下
a train of 一连串的
define as 定义为
a great many 很多
take a dancing class 参加舞蹈课
at a stretch 在一段时间内
as good as 和…一样好
a sequence of 一系列
Have a good time! 玩得愉快
take ... as 将…作为
a balanced diet 均衡的饮食
see ... as 参见
a 3-D film 三维电影
return a favor 帮个忙
count as 计数为
as it happens 正如它发生的那样
as often as 经常
a multitude of 大量的
in a hurry 匆忙
a balance of nature 自然的平衡
in a manner 在一定程度上
reach a consensus 达成共识
a good many 很多
a sea of 大量的
a bag of flour 一袋面粉
a 20-minute bicycle ride 骑自行车20分钟
function as 用作
a growing number of 越来越多的
as often as not 尽可能经常
draw a conclusion 得出结论
a gentleman's agreement 绅士协议
take a stand 表明立场
a wide range of 广泛的
be at a standstill 处于静止状态
play a trick on 开玩笑
regard ... as 视为
brand ... as 品牌…作为
regard as 视为
get a bad rap 受到不好的惩罚
differentiate between A and B 区分A和B
a bachelor's degree 学士学位
a good deal 一笔不错的交易
a back number 后面的号码
not so much ... as 还不如呢
catch a cold 感冒了
even as 即使是
tell a lie 说谎
come to a close 接近尾声
take a toll on 对…付出代价
A Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌
can't hold a candle to 拿不住蜡烛
make a deal 达成协议
take a loss 蒙受损失
place a burden on 给…加上负担
run a risk 冒风险
take a message 留言
in a dilemma 进退两难
a box of crayons 一盒蜡笔
reading a book 阅读一本书
by a large margin 大幅度地
act as 充当
take a delight in 尽情享受
in a small way 以小的方式
a barrage of 接二连三的
might as well 也可以
a ... decrease a…减少
turn a deaf ear to 对…充耳不闻
with a view to 以期
take a toll 付出代价
perceive ... as 感知…作为
go on a diet 节食
a ... increase a…增加
a list of 列表
pose a threat to 对…构成威胁
as a matter of 作为一个问题
make a bet 打赌
not have a leg to stand on 没有一条腿可以站立
a collection of 一系列
to a certain degree 在一定程度上
as far as I know 据我所知
in such a case 在这种情况下
a spell of 一阵
draw to a close 接近尾声
take a hand in 参与进来
have a hand in 参与其中
just as 正如
a bag 一个袋子
a bargain 讨价还价
a flash in the pan 昙花一现
take a fancy to 喜欢
turn a deaf ear 充耳不闻
a bachelor degree 学士学位
read a newspaper 看报纸
take a tough line 采取强硬态度
climb a hill 爬山
a bad use 不好的用途
in a form 以某种形式
a big potato 一个大土豆
as a rule 作为一项规则
go to a drawing club 参加绘画俱乐部
make a wish 许个愿
had a cold 感冒了
so far as 只要
a waste of 浪费
a 3 million sponsorship deal 300万赞助协议
do a good job 做好工作
a 10-dollar bill 一张10美元的钞票
view ... as ... 查看…为...
place a premium on 对
a barrel of laughs 一桶笑声
lead a ... life 过着……生活
to a great extent 在很大程度上
quite a lot 相当多
go back a long way 走很远的路
make a complaint 提出投诉
a succession of 一连串的
on a vacation 正在度假
a pile of 一堆
in a position 处于某个位置
take a stand on sth. 对某事采取立场
make a decision 做出决定
have a point 有道理
a period of 一段时间
as the old saying goes 正如老话所说
pay a price for 为…付出代价
have a gift for 有一份礼物
a beach person 海滩上的人
see a doctor 去看医生
on a large scale 大规模地
a bag of potatoes 一袋土豆
on a daily basis 每天
take a nap 小睡一会儿
a bean 豆子
be in a rut 墨守成规
a fat pay rise 大幅加薪
a mass of 大量的
be hailed as ... 被誉为...
a basic human urge 人类的基本欲望
at a rate 以一定的速度
a bear 熊
have a picnic 举行野餐
a lack of 缺乏
a piece of 一块
a bed 一张床
strike sb. as 打击某人
with a vengeance 复仇
quite a lot of ... 很多...
a large quantity of 大量的
keep a hold on 保持冷静
milk a cow 挤牛奶
ride a horse 骑马
a basket of ... 一篮子...
as soon as possible 尽快
row a boat 划船
commit a crime 犯罪
not so ... as 不如
on a diet 节食
a balloon 气球
a bell 铃
a pair of scissors 一把剪刀
a back issue of a magazine 杂志的后刊
get a surprise 得到惊喜
as much as 和……一样多
a banana 香蕉
a part of 的一部分
at a profit 有利可图
a passing fad 一时的流行
a back issue 后事
set a premium on 在…上设置溢价
a back issue of a newspaper 报纸的后刊
reckon ... as 估计……为
prefer A to B 喜欢A而不是B
have a nap 小睡一会儿
get a nap 小睡一会儿
go for a picnic 去野餐
a body of sth. 一堆东西
three times a week 一周三次
be on a diet 节食
He looks like a soldier.
She is a teacher.
My boy knew his subject from A to Z.
A is the first letter of the alphabet." (A是字母表的第一个字母。
She has a beautiful voice.
I have a lot of work to do today.
He is a talented musician.
The apple is a symbol of health.
We need a solution to this problem.
Time is a precious commodity.
A smile can brighten someone's day.
He has a strong sense of responsibility.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Airbus unveiled its first global aircraft recycling project, named Airbus Lifecycle Services Centre (ALSC), in Chengdu, a major aviation hub in Southwest China, on Wednesday.
Spanning over 60 hectares, ALSC is capable of handling a wide array of mainstream aircraft types and providing global distribution channels for the resale of reusable parts from retired aircraft.
Built with a total investment of 6 billion yuan ($844.55 million), the project aims to improve the recycling rate of aircraft components and materials, thereby achieving over 90 percent eco-friendly recycling of aircraft by weight.
"The opening of ALSC will become a new highlight in deepening cooperation between China and Europe," said George Xu, Airbus executive vice president and Airbus China CEO.
空客执行副总裁兼空客中国首席执行官George Xu表示:“ALSC的开业将成为深化中欧合作的新亮点。”。
In 2023, two international airports in the city recorded more than 74.92 million passenger trips and a total cargo and mail throughput of 771,000 tons, according to the Sichuan Province Airport Group Co Ltd. China will become the world's largest aviation services market by 2042, with its market value climbing to $54.1 billion, Airbus China forecast in December 2023.
ai obtained a cross-provincial demonstration application permit on Thursday from three government bodies, including the Tianjin Municipal Transportation Commission, marking the first time a permit of this type has been granted to self-driving heavy-duty trucks.
The company's autonomous trucks will undergo testing on this cross-provincial highway at speeds of up to 90 kilometers per hour, with a safety operator positioned in the driver's seat.
ai and its joint venture companies have accumulated nearly 4 million km of autonomous truck testing distance, with a total freight weight of almost 20 million ton-kilometers.
Tsai bought around $151 million worth of Alibaba's US-traded shares via his Blue Pool family fund in the fourth quarter of last year, according to a regulatory filing from the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
In 2023, the company said, Alibaba repurchased a total of 897.9 million ordinary shares, adding that the shares were bought on both the US and Hong Kong stock markets under its share repurchase program.
This indicates a net reduction of 3.3 percent in its outstanding shares in the last 12 months.
The share repurchase move came after Jiang Fang, a partner and chief talent officer of Alibaba, said on the company's internal network in November that Ma had not sold a single share of the company, and will continue to hold Alibaba shares, adding that the current stock price of Alibaba is far below its real value.
About 78 percent of German companies expect growth to be consistent in China in the next five years, while 54 percent plan to increase investments in the country, a survey published by the German Chamber of Commerce in China showed on Wednesday.
A total of 566 member companies of the chamber responded to the survey.
The company plans to invest a total of 100 million euros ($108.74 million), with an annual output value of up to 1.4 billion yuan ($195.5 million) in Taicang, according to information released by the local government.
The first 100 German enterprises came to Taicang in a span of 14 years, but it only took two years for the last 100 German businesses to settle in the city.
To become a manufacturing powerhouse, China needs to not only increase efforts aimed at independent research and development but also collaborate with countries like Germany to identify gaps and learn from each other's strengths, said Bai Ming, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing.
Eager to enhance the country's strength in attracting foreign capital, China will roll out a package of measures this year to boost efforts in soliciting foreign investment.
China has shifted its utilization of foreign investment from being solely focused on scale and speed to a more quality-driven approach.
This reflects a continuous upgrade in China's utilization of foreign investment structures, said Sang Baichuan, dean of the University of International Business and Economics' Institute of International Economy in Beijing.
The system allows the company to release information about power supply issues and remind clients to pay electricity bills in batches via voice or video calls, said Yao Jian, deputy director of the Control Center at State Grid's power supply company in Kunshan, a county-level city of Suzhou.
Thanks to the help of the system, the call volume that can be handled by a customer service agent has increased nearly a hundred times and the probability of issues being solved promptly has increased by 60 percent.
As the world's largest industrial city, Suzhou has 6,587,000 electricity consumers, which has brought a heavy workload, as well as high labor and time costs, to the local power supply company.
"Accelerating the digital transformation of the power grid can greatly empower the construction of a new power system and power production.
The amount of air travel passengers is projected to hit a record high, and about 80 million passenger trips will be handled during the 40-day rush period, or 2 million passenger trips per day, up 9.8 percent from the same period of 2019, according to estimates by the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
Major aviation hubs of China Eastern will see a rise in handling capacity in the 40-day travel rush starting on Jan 26.
As the main force in China's clean energy development, CGN has been vigorously developing nuclear, wind and solar energies in recent years, with the installed capacity of clean energy in operation and under construction exceeding 100 million kilowatts last year, said the country's largest nuclear operator during a press conference held in Beijing on Wednesday.
Narratives calling China "uninvestable" are "purely nonsense," a senior executive of Primavera Capital Group, an Asia Pacific-based investment firm, has said.
瑞士达沃斯——亚太投资公司Primavera Capital Group的一位高管表示,称中国“不可投资”的说法“纯属无稽之谈”。
The CEO said China's economy has shown sound momentum at the beginning of 2024 and will maintain a strong recovery.
In the past year or so, the Chinese government has taken a string of measures to revitalize the economy, and the transparency and clarity of its policies have reassured entrepreneurs and investors, he said.
We also need a peaceful, stable and predictable world order to ensure that China's economy can continue to prosper.
Among this, central SOEs' investment in strategic emerging industries totaled 2.18 trillion yuan in 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 32.1 percent.
A total of 1,078 new foreign-funded manufacturing enterprises were set up in South China's Guangdong province in 2023, marking a year-on-year increase of 29.9 percent, local authorities said on Tuesday.
The actual utilization of foreign capital in Guangdong's manufacturing industry reached 49.22 billion yuan ($6.92 billion) last year, up 11.7 percent year-on-year, said Zhang Jinsong, head of the provincial department of commerce, told a press conference of the second session of the 14th Guangdong Provincial People's Congress.
In 2023, Guangdong's high-tech manufacturing industry attracted 25.09 billion yuan of foreign investment, marking a year-on-year increase of 40.5 percent, Zhang added.
Guangzhou was the first Chinese city where Decathlon deployed a full industrial chain business, with the first smart manufacturing office launched in 1994 and the first store opened in 2005 in the city.
The group is running 13 stores in Guangzhou, covering nine districts and serving more than 15 million people annually, said Penny Pan, general manager of Decathlon Guangzhou, at a round table dialogue on economic and trade cooperation between Guangzhou and the European Union held on Wednesday.
Decathlon continues to take a positive view of the sporting consumption potential of Guangzhou, which has an immense sporting population and warm climate.
"China is already leading the energy transformation in the world, and we anticipate that more high-quality flat steel will be sought, which implies an increasing demand for high-quality iron ore. "Her comment came as the National Bureau of Statistics said that China's GDP grew 5.2 percent year-on-year to a new high of 126.06 trillion yuan ($17.52 trillion) last year.
"It's encouraging, yet unsurprising, to see that China posted a robust GDP growth of 5.2 percent in 2023," said Xie.
"We have already seen a strong leisure travel demand in summer 2023 between China and the UK.
Laming had worked as a flight attendant at the operations center in the early stages of his career, and said he genuinely believes in the value of his employees.
The newly recruited employees in China come from various sectors, such as aviation, hotels and retail, and comprise a mix of experienced as well as inexperienced staff.
The airline operates daily flights connecting London and Shanghai, while the flights that connect London and Beijing operate four times a week.
China's large State-owned energy companies are focusing on wind, solar and hydropower projects overseas at a time when energy forms the largest share of investments under the Belt and Road Initiative, with most of that money going into renewables, a senior official said.
After 10 years of development, these energy enterprises are charting a new course, setting up wind, solar and hydropower projects overseas to ride the wave of a cleaner, greener future, said Lu Ruquan, head of the China National Petroleum Corp Economics and Technology Research Institute.
These enterprises are playing a key role, and coming up with more renewable energy projects in countries and regions participating in the initiative, Lu said.
Lu said new energy will grow by leaps and bounds in the next decade, helping China's technology and manufacturing capabilities to facilitate a faster global energy transition, which will also reshape the domestic and international businesses of traditional oil and gas companies such as CNPC.
China's overseas energy engagement in other Belt and Road countries in the first half of 2023 was the "greenest" in terms of project type since its start, according to a recently released report by the Green Finance and Development Center at Fudan University in Shanghai.
It has also been stepping up the implementation of CO2 injection technology to extract crude from aging oilfields, also known as enhanced oil recovery, using its numerous empty and mature oil and gas reservoirs to transform them into a carbon storage hub.
According to the CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environmental Technology, the number of CCUS projects in the pipeline in China has risen significantly in the past few years, as they are considered a crucial aspect of the decarbonization efforts in the oil and gas sector in China and worldwide.
CCUS has become a focus area for China's oil and gas companies, offering a significant opportunity for the country to achieve a carbon peak before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060, according to global consultancy Accenture.
The company has played a pivotal role in securing national energy resources, with cumulative overseas imports of more than 1.3 billion metric tons of crude oil and over 700 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
This evolution signifies CNPC's transformation from a domestic oil entity to a global multinational powerhouse, solidifying its position in the international energy landscape, said Lu.
The company's proactive engagement in diverse markets underscores its commitment to becoming a key player in the global energy sector, contributing significantly to both domestic and international energy security, he said.
Tsai has bought around $151 million worth of Alibaba's US-traded shares via his Blue Pool family fund, according to a document released by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
In 2023, the company said, Alibaba repurchased a total of 897.9 million ordinary shares, adding that the shares were bought on both the US and Hong Kong stock markets.
The share repurchase move came after Jiang Fang, a partner and chief talent officer of Alibaba, said in the company's internal network in November that Ma did not sell a single share of the company, and will continue to hold Alibaba shares.
"Thanks to opportunities brought about by China's market demand in digitalization and energy transition, 2023 was a year of success for Honeywell in China," he said.
"His comment came as the National Bureau of Statistics said that China's GDP grew 5.2 percent year-on-year to a new high of 126.06 trillion yuan ($17.52 trillion) last year.
According to Yu, the Honeywell Zhangjiagang factory and Nanjing factory were recognized as provincial-level green factories in 2023, while Honeywell Xi'an factory has been recognized as a national-level green factory.
These honors highlight Honeywell's expertise in energy transition and its commitment to sustainability, he said.2023 was also a year of transition.
South to North water diversion project announced in Henan provinceIn order to promote the smooth operation of the South to North Water Diversion Project and ensure a safe water supply, a State-owned power supplier in Anyang, Henan province, has recently carried out a slew of special inspection activities.
There are 196,000 public charging stations and up to 518,100 households of private charging stations across Shanghai to ensure the daily operation of new energy vehicles, according to the State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Co. A total of 303,000 new energy vehicles were added in Shanghai over the first eleven months of 2023, increasing the city's amount of new energy vehicles to 1.32 million, the company said.
A two-way, interactive system of information flow and energy flow will be built between new energy vehicles and the power supply network," said Wu Dan, an official with the State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Co.
Zhang Peng, CEO of Zhipu AI, said GLM-4 exhibits a significant overall performance boost, approaching the capabilities of GPT-4, a large language model developed by the US company OpenAI.
This comprehensive initiative involves providing a thousand AI chip cards to the large language model open-source community, contributing 10 million yuan ($1.39 million) in cash to support open-source projects related to large language models.
Meanwhile, photos and videos released by people, including Nvidia's employees, on social media platforms show that Huang wore traditional northeastern China clothing to perform a dance for Nvidia's employees during the company' new year party in Shanghai.
Belgian luxury handbags brand Delvaux said it is confident about demand in China, a key market that it entered 10 years ago, and is committed to the country, where consumers are increasingly buying quality products.
The company launched its new flagship store at WF Central, a shopping mall, in Beijing on Thursday, taking the total number of its outlets nationwide to 13.
周四,该公司在北京购物中心WF Central开设了新的旗舰店,使其在全国的门店总数达到13家。
China is on track to become the world's largest luxury market by 2025, and Hainan province is poised to grow as a luxury hub, as it is set to become a completely duty-free island by 2025, according to consultancy Bain & Company.
Driven by a huge consumption market, international luxury brands have debuted limited editions of new products with dragon elements tailored for China ahead of the Lunar New Year, as they aim to attract more buyers with localization strategies.
For instance, high-end jewelry brand Qeelin debuted a style of necklace in the shape of a dragon for the holiday, with 88 pieces available in total globally.
These include bags, watches, clothing, shoes and jewelry, with several designs in red — a color associated with happiness and prosperity in China.
Spring Festival, the most important traditional holiday in China, naturally provides a good opportunity for luxury brands to boost their holiday sales," said Zhang Weilin, an analyst at market research provider LeadLeo Research Institute.
春节是中国最重要的传统节日,自然为奢侈品牌提升节日销售额提供了一个很好的机会,”市场研究提供商LeadLeo research Institute的分析师张伟林表示。
A cloud-native database refers to a database that is built, deployed and delivered through a cloud platform.
During a press release on Thursday, 15 new energy port facilities manufactured by Sany Marine Heavy Industry Co Ltd were showcased.
Fu Weizhong, chairman of Sany Marine Heavy Industry, said: "During the past six years, our overall sales grew at a compound annual growth rate of 35 percent, while the overseas sales had been growing at 85 percent year-on-year for many years.
A series of intelligent applications such as intelligent central control, automatic box alignment, and automatic identification of boxes make the equipment management of ports and logistics enterprises more intelligent.
As part of its move on "immediate action upon receiving a task from a client", the Beijing-headquartered State Grid, a State-owned enterprise and the world's largest utility crucial to China's energy security and economic lifeline, is exploring a trans-regional method to handle power supply applications across provinces.
Peng Yongjie, a project manager helping build a high-speed railway linking Xiong'an New Area in North China's Hebei province with Shangqiu in Central China's Henan province, is working both in Xiong'an as well as Caoxian county in East China's Shandong province, which borders Hebei.
On the same day, Wang Ying, a staffer from Caoxian Central Business Unit of State Grid Heze City Electric Power Co, contacted him and completed all the services needed for his power usage arrangement.
Peng said this convenient service is extremely useful in helping them build the Xiong'an-Shangqiu section, which will extend for 552 kilometers with 16 stations allowing trains to run at a designed speed of 350 km per hour — as part of the Beijing-Xiong'an-Shangqiu HSR running for 639 kilometers with 18 railway stations.
The Xiong'an New Area, dubbed "a strategy crucial for a millennium to come", was established on April 1, 2017, by the central authorities to help advance the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
Wang said her work was based on State Grid's implementation plan for "immediate action upon receiving a task from a client", which requires them to confirm the installation application on the same day, organize immediate on-site inspection and design a follow-up power supply plan, as well as offer timely online responses to a client, in a bid to realize trans-province service for major national projects.
Meanwhile, the Heze Electric Power Co also promoted a mini-program of "Online State Grid" on WeChat, offering innovative services to provide more convenient and efficient services for customers, she said.
Nike China has released a new holiday collection inspired by the approaching the Year of the Dragon.
"Presented through the juxtaposition of Chinese martial arts – in this case Wing Chun – and dance, 'Be Spring' is a celebration of spring, and an invitation to find balance and your own eternal spring.
“通过中国武术(在本例中为咏春拳)和舞蹈的并置,‘Be Spring’是对春天的庆祝,也是寻找平衡和自己永恒春天的邀请。
Germany-based chemicals maker BASF announced the launch of a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) facility on Thursday, its second plant to come on stream at the 10-billion-euro ($10.9 billion) Verbund site being built in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province.
The new plant will better enable BASF to meet growing demand in the Asia-Pacific, especially in the industrial, e-mobility and new energy sectors, said Martin Jung, president, performance materials, BASF, at a ceremony in Zhanjiang on Thursday.
巴斯夫公司性能材料总裁Martin Jung周四在湛江举行的仪式上表示,新工厂将使巴斯夫能够更好地满足亚太地区日益增长的需求,特别是在工业、电子交通和新能源领域。
The TPU market in the Asia-Pacific is expected to grow by an average 7.4 percent annually by 2030, he said, citing a sectoral research report.
The Zhanjiang site will include a steam cracker with an annual capacity of 1 million tons of ethylene, which is targeted to start up late next year, said Haryono Lim, president, mega projects, Asia, BASF.
巴斯夫亚洲大型项目总裁Haryono Lim表示,湛江工厂将包括一个年产能为100万吨乙烯的蒸汽裂解器,计划于明年年底启动。
The Zhanjiang site will be built into a role model for smart manufacturing and sustainable production, Lim said.
BASF formed last year a joint venture with Chinese wind turbine manufacturer Mingyang Smart Energy Group, which is based in Zhongshan, Guangdong, to jointly construct and operate an offshore wind farm in Zhanjiang.
As the largest chemical market in the world, China plays a vital and strategic role for BASF.
Huawei Technologies Co unveiled a new version of its self-developed operating system HarmonyOS on Thursday, as the Chinese tech company speeds up efforts to cut reliance on foreign technologies and build an indigenous software ecosystem amid US government restrictions.
华为技术公司(Huawei Technologies Co)周四发布了其自主开发的操作系统HarmonyOS的新版本,这家中国科技公司在美国政府的限制下加快了对外国技术的依赖,并建立了一个本土软件生态系统。
The move comes as Huawei announced that more than 800 million devices, including its own-brand products and devices from third-party companies, have now been equipped with HarmonyOS, up from 700 million devices five months ago, marking a significant milestone in its rapid expansion.
Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business group, said at a conference in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, that the native HarmonyOS Next operating system, roughly translated as the Star River Edition, is targeted at software developers.
华为消费者事业部首席执行官余承东在广东省深圳市的一次会议上表示,原生HarmonyOS Next操作系统,大致翻译为星河版,是针对软件开发商的。
This version is more user-friendly, smooth, secure, intelligent and interconnected, and HarmonyOS can open up a trillion-dollar industrial new frontier, Yu said.
"A genuine operating system requires a foundation and an ecosystem.

考研The compan class='redkw'>aan>ny, an class='redkw'>aan> man class='redkw'>aan>jor energy supplier in New Englan class='redkw'>aan>nd, provoked justified outran class='redkw'>aan>ge in Vermont lan class='redkw'>aan>st week when it an class='redkw'>aan>nnounced it wan class='redkw'>aan>s reneging on an class='redkw'>aan> longstan class='redkw'>aan>nding commitment to an class='redkw'>aan>bide by the strict nuclean class='redkw'>aan>r regulan class='redkw'>aan>tions.



高考As their world expan class='redkw'>aan>nded, she san class='redkw'>aan>id, children compan class='redkw'>aan>red themselves to others online in an class='redkw'>aan> wan class='redkw'>aan>y than class='redkw'>aan>t wan class='redkw'>aan>s "hugely dan class='redkw'>aan>man class='redkw'>aan>ging in terms of their self-identity, in terms of their confidence, but an class='redkw'>aan>lso in terms of their an class='redkw'>aan>bility to develop themselves".


2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考Digitan class='redkw'>aan>l technology—eman class='redkw'>aan>il an class='redkw'>aan>nd sman class='redkw'>aan>rt phones especian class='redkw'>aan>lly—han class='redkw'>aan>ve van class='redkw'>aan>stly improved workers' an class='redkw'>aan>bility to be productive outside of an class='redkw'>aan> tran class='redkw'>aan>ditionan class='redkw'>aan>l office.


2016年高考英语浙江卷(10月) 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考From my experience, there an class='redkw'>aan>re three man class='redkw'>aan>in rean class='redkw'>aan>sons why people don't cook more often: an class='redkw'>aan>bility, money an class='redkw'>aan>nd time, money is an class='redkw'>aan> topic i'll san class='redkw'>aan>ve for an class='redkw'>aan>nother dan class='redkw'>aan>y.


2014年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 七选五 原文

高考If there is truly an class='redkw'>aan> concern an class='redkw'>aan>bout an class='redkw'>aan> professor's professionan class='redkw'>aan>lism or an class='redkw'>aan>bility, be sure to use online course evan class='redkw'>aan>luan class='redkw'>aan>tions to can class='redkw'>aan>lmly offer your comments.


2019年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 七选五 原文

高考In an class='redkw'>aan>ddition to their simple bean class='redkw'>aan>uty, whan class='redkw'>aan>t man class='redkw'>aan>kes the an class='redkw'>aan>dobe dwellings an class='redkw'>aan>dmiran class='redkw'>aan>ble is their an class='redkw'>aan>bility to "an class='redkw'>aan>ir condition" an class='redkw'>aan> house without using electric equipment.


2015年高考英语全国卷2 语法填空 原文

高考One tran class='redkw'>aan>ditionan class='redkw'>aan>l belief an class='redkw'>aan>bout television is than class='redkw'>aan>t it reduces an class='redkw'>aan> child's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to think an class='redkw'>aan>nd to understan class='redkw'>aan>nd the world.


2015年高考英语广东卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考She an class='redkw'>aan>lso operan class='redkw'>aan>tes an class='redkw'>aan> website, where she shan class='redkw'>aan>res her tips an class='redkw'>aan>nd recipes, with the goan class='redkw'>aan>l of demonstran class='redkw'>aan>ting than class='redkw'>aan>t everyone han class='redkw'>aan>s the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to control whan class='redkw'>aan>t's on their plan class='redkw'>aan>te.


2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考So, an class='redkw'>aan>lwan class='redkw'>aan>ys try to live an class='redkw'>aan> little bit beyond your an class='redkw'>aan>bilities—an class='redkw'>aan>nd you'll find your an class='redkw'>aan>bilities an class='redkw'>aan>re grean class='redkw'>aan>ter than class='redkw'>aan>n you ever drean class='redkw'>aan>med.


2015年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考Such an class='redkw'>aan> view, however, fan class='redkw'>aan>ils to explan class='redkw'>aan>in the an class='redkw'>aan>bility of some works of an class='redkw'>aan>rt to excite the human class='redkw'>aan>n mind an class='redkw'>aan>cross cultures an class='redkw'>aan>nd through centuries.


2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

四级These pan class='redkw'>aan>tterns suggest than class='redkw'>aan>t some types of mentan class='redkw'>aan>l flexibility decrean class='redkw'>aan>se relan class='redkw'>aan>tively ean class='redkw'>aan>rly in an class='redkw'>aan>dulthood, but than class='redkw'>aan>t the an class='redkw'>aan>mount of knowledge one han class='redkw'>aan>s, an class='redkw'>aan>nd the effectiveness of integran class='redkw'>aan>ting it with one's an class='redkw'>aan>bilities, man class='redkw'>aan>y increan class='redkw'>aan>se throughout an class='redkw'>aan>ll of an class='redkw'>aan>dulthood if there an class='redkw'>aan>re no disean class='redkw'>aan>ses, San class='redkw'>aan>lthouse san class='redkw'>aan>id in an class='redkw'>aan> news relean class='redkw'>aan>se.



四级They han class='redkw'>aan>d negan class='redkw'>aan>tive views of effort, believing than class='redkw'>aan>t han class='redkw'>aan>ving to work han class='redkw'>aan>rd wan class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan> sign of low an class='redkw'>aan>bility.



四级The an class='redkw'>aan>uthor's experiment shows than class='redkw'>aan>t students with an class='redkw'>aan> fixed mind-set believe han class='redkw'>aan>ving to work han class='redkw'>aan>rd is an class='redkw'>aan>n indican class='redkw'>aan>tion of low an class='redkw'>aan>bility.



四级Mistan class='redkw'>aan>kes cran class='redkw'>aan>ck their self-confidence becan class='redkw'>aan>use they an class='redkw'>aan>ttribute errors to an class='redkw'>aan> lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of an class='redkw'>aan>bility, which they feel powerless to chan class='redkw'>aan>nge.



四级In pan class='redkw'>aan>rticulan class='redkw'>aan>r, an class='redkw'>aan>ttributing poor performan class='redkw'>aan>nce to an class='redkw'>aan> lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of an class='redkw'>aan>bility depresses motivan class='redkw'>aan>tion more than class='redkw'>aan>n does the belief than class='redkw'>aan>t lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of effort is to blan class='redkw'>aan>me.



四级Attributing an class='redkw'>aan> ban class='redkw'>aan>d gran class='redkw'>aan>de to their own lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of an class='redkw'>aan>bility, those with an class='redkw'>aan> fixed mindset san class='redkw'>aan>id than class='redkw'>aan>t they would study less in the future, try never to tan class='redkw'>aan>ke than class='redkw'>aan>t subject an class='redkw'>aan>gan class='redkw'>aan>in an class='redkw'>aan>nd consider chean class='redkw'>aan>ting on future tests.



四级They can class='redkw'>aan>n an class='redkw'>aan>ffect an class='redkw'>aan> person's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to get an class='redkw'>aan> job an class='redkw'>aan>nd quan class='redkw'>aan>lifican class='redkw'>aan>tion for benefits.



四级Building on an class='redkw'>aan> child's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to feel joy, ran class='redkw'>aan>ther than class='redkw'>aan>n pushing it an class='redkw'>aan>side, wouldn't be than class='redkw'>aan>t han class='redkw'>aan>rd.



四级A child's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to become deeply an class='redkw'>aan>bsorbed in something, an class='redkw'>aan>nd derive intense plean class='redkw'>aan>sure from than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan>bsorption, is something an class='redkw'>aan>dults spend the rest of their lives trying to return to.



四级I don't mean class='redkw'>aan>n to imply than class='redkw'>aan>t overan class='redkw'>aan>ll job growth doesn't han class='redkw'>aan>ve an class='redkw'>aan>n impan class='redkw'>aan>ct on one's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to lan class='redkw'>aan>nd an class='redkw'>aan> job.



四级A study in Sweden indican class='redkw'>aan>ted than class='redkw'>aan>t kindergan class='redkw'>aan>rten children who could plan class='redkw'>aan>y in an class='redkw'>aan> nan class='redkw'>aan>turan class='redkw'>aan>l environment han class='redkw'>aan>d less illness an class='redkw'>aan>nd grean class='redkw'>aan>ter physican class='redkw'>aan>l an class='redkw'>aan>bility than class='redkw'>aan>n children used only to an class='redkw'>aan> norman class='redkw'>aan>l plan class='redkw'>aan>yground.



四级A good plan class='redkw'>aan>yground helps kids develop their physican class='redkw'>aan>l an class='redkw'>aan>bilities.



四级Their an class='redkw'>aan>bility to withstan class='redkw'>aan>nd an class='redkw'>aan>lmost an class='redkw'>aan>ny disan class='redkw'>aan>ster man class='redkw'>aan>kes them seem like something out of an class='redkw'>aan> comic book.



四级As an class='redkw'>aan> result, they will help improve your an class='redkw'>aan>bility to think.


2019年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

四级Attributing an class='redkw'>aan> ban class='redkw'>aan>d gran class='redkw'>aan>de to their own lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of an class='redkw'>aan>bility, those with an class='redkw'>aan> fixed mind-set san class='redkw'>aan>id than class='redkw'>aan>t they would study less in the future, try never to tan class='redkw'>aan>ke than class='redkw'>aan>t subject an class='redkw'>aan>gan class='redkw'>aan>in an class='redkw'>aan>nd consider chean class='redkw'>aan>ting on future tests.


2016年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

四级If you understan class='redkw'>aan>nd the man class='redkw'>aan>terian class='redkw'>aan>l an class='redkw'>aan>nd han class='redkw'>aan>ve the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to an class='redkw'>aan>rticulan class='redkw'>aan>te your thoughts, they should be an class='redkw'>aan> breeze.


2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级The most recent Nan class='redkw'>aan>tionan class='redkw'>aan>l Journan class='redkw'>aan>l poll an class='redkw'>aan>sked respondents an class='redkw'>aan>bout the American class='redkw'>aan>n drean class='redkw'>aan>m, whan class='redkw'>aan>t it tan class='redkw'>aan>kes to an class='redkw'>aan>chieve their goan class='redkw'>aan>ls, an class='redkw'>aan>nd whether or not they felt an class='redkw'>aan> significan class='redkw'>aan>nt an class='redkw'>aan>mount of control over their an class='redkw'>aan>bility to be successful.


2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

四级This, in turn, han class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan> man class='redkw'>aan>jor effect on their diet, lean class='redkw'>aan>ding scientists to speculan class='redkw'>aan>te than class='redkw'>aan>t the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to lean class='redkw'>aan>rn populan class='redkw'>aan>tion-specific hunting methods could be driving the an class='redkw'>aan>niman class='redkw'>aan>ls' genetic development.


2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A

六级More than class='redkw'>aan>n an class='redkw'>aan> decan class='redkw'>aan>de an class='redkw'>aan>go, cognitive scientists John Bran class='redkw'>aan>nsford an class='redkw'>aan>nd Dan class='redkw'>aan>niel Schwan class='redkw'>aan>rtz, both then an class='redkw'>aan>t Van class='redkw'>aan>nderbilt University, found than class='redkw'>aan>t whan class='redkw'>aan>t distinguished young an class='redkw'>aan>dults from children wan class='redkw'>aan>s not the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to retan class='redkw'>aan>in fan class='redkw'>aan>cts or an class='redkw'>aan>pply prior knowledge to an class='redkw'>aan> new situan class='redkw'>aan>tion but an class='redkw'>aan> quan class='redkw'>aan>lity they can class='redkw'>aan>lled prepan class='redkw'>aan>ran class='redkw'>aan>tion for future lean class='redkw'>aan>rning.

十多年前,当时就读于范德比尔特大学的认知科学家约翰·布兰斯福德(John Bransford)和丹尼尔·施瓦茨(Daniel Schwartz)发现,年轻人区别于儿童的不是保留事实或将先前知识应用于新环境的能力,而是他们称之为未来学习准备的素质。


六级Man class='redkw'>aan>ny first-generan class='redkw'>aan>tion college-goers han class='redkw'>aan>ve doubts an class='redkw'>aan>bout their an class='redkw'>aan>bilities to get an class='redkw'>aan> college degree.



六级In the 1930s,when only one in 10 American class='redkw'>aan>ns han class='redkw'>aan>d an class='redkw'>aan> degree from an class='redkw'>aan> four-yean class='redkw'>aan>r college, an class='redkw'>aan>n an class='redkw'>aan>dmissions committee wan class='redkw'>aan>s content to an class='redkw'>aan>sk for an class='redkw'>aan> san class='redkw'>aan>mple of an class='redkw'>aan>pplican class='redkw'>aan>nts'chool pan class='redkw'>aan>pers to an class='redkw'>aan>ssess their writing an class='redkw'>aan>bility



六级In the old dan class='redkw'>aan>ys, an class='redkw'>aan>pplican class='redkw'>aan>nts only han class='redkw'>aan>d to submit an class='redkw'>aan> san class='redkw'>aan>mple of their school pan class='redkw'>aan>pers to show their writing an class='redkw'>aan>bility



六级Migran class='redkw'>aan>nts to cities an class='redkw'>aan>re an class='redkw'>aan>ttran class='redkw'>aan>cted by plentiful jobs, an class='redkw'>aan>ccess to hospitan class='redkw'>aan>ls an class='redkw'>aan>nd educan class='redkw'>aan>tion, an class='redkw'>aan>nd the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to escan class='redkw'>aan>pe the boredom of an class='redkw'>aan> fan class='redkw'>aan>rmer's an class='redkw'>aan>griculturan class='redkw'>aan>l life.



六级Professor Robert Summers an class='redkw'>aan>t Cornell Lan class='redkw'>aan>w School ban class='redkw'>aan>nned lan class='redkw'>aan>ptop computers from his thinks quan class='redkw'>aan>lified lan class='redkw'>aan>wyers need to possess an class='redkw'>aan> broan class='redkw'>aan>d an class='redkw'>aan>rran class='redkw'>aan>y of complex rean class='redkw'>aan>soning an class='redkw'>aan>bilities

康奈尔大学法学院的罗伯特·萨默斯(Robert Summers)教授在他的著作中禁止使用笔记本电脑。他认为,合格的律师需要具备广泛的复杂推理能力


六级The school keeps the money, but the kid lean class='redkw'>aan>ves with loan class='redkw'>aan>ds of debt an class='redkw'>aan>nd no degree an class='redkw'>aan>nd no an class='redkw'>aan>bility to get an class='redkw'>aan> better job



六级At the moment can class='redkw'>aan>ndidan class='redkw'>aan>tes an class='redkw'>aan>re selected on an class='redkw'>aan> fan class='redkw'>aan>irly nan class='redkw'>aan>rrow set of criterian class='redkw'>aan> such an class='redkw'>aan>s prior an class='redkw'>aan>can class='redkw'>aan>demic an class='redkw'>aan>nd can class='redkw'>aan>reer performan class='redkw'>aan>nce, an class='redkw'>aan>nd an class='redkw'>aan>nan class='redkw'>aan>lytican class='redkw'>aan>l an class='redkw'>aan>nd problem solving an class='redkw'>aan>bilities.



六级You believe you han class='redkw'>aan>ve lean class='redkw'>aan>dership an class='redkw'>aan>bilities an class='redkw'>aan>nd your boss put you in chan class='redkw'>aan>rge of an class='redkw'>aan> new work tean class='redkw'>aan>m.



六级A scientific tean class='redkw'>aan>m is studying the thinking an class='redkw'>aan>bility of eleven an class='redkw'>aan>nd han class='redkw'>aan>lf months old children.



六级A 2016 study found than class='redkw'>aan>t users han class='redkw'>aan>d an class='redkw'>aan> "consistently positive an class='redkw'>aan>ttitude" an class='redkw'>aan>bout the giran class='redkw'>aan>ff robot's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to enhan class='redkw'>aan>nce communican class='redkw'>aan>tion an class='redkw'>aan>nd decrean class='redkw'>aan>se feelings of loneliness.


2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级A robot's an class='redkw'>aan>ppean class='redkw'>aan>ran class='redkw'>aan>nce an class='redkw'>aan>ffects its an class='redkw'>aan>bility to successfully interan class='redkw'>aan>ct with human class='redkw'>aan>ns, which is why the riKEN-Tri Collan class='redkw'>aan>boran class='redkw'>aan>tion Center for Human class='redkw'>aan>n-Interan class='redkw'>aan>ctive Robot Resean class='redkw'>aan>rch decided to develop an class='redkw'>aan> robotic nurse than class='redkw'>aan>t looks like an class='redkw'>aan> huge teddy bean class='redkw'>aan>r.

机器人的外观会影响其与人类成功互动的能力,这就是为什么人类互动机器人研究的riKEN Tri协作中心决定开发一种看起来像巨大泰迪熊的机器人护士的原因。

2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级But, for most people, lying gets limited an class='redkw'>aan>s we develop an class='redkw'>aan> sense of moran class='redkw'>aan>lity an class='redkw'>aan>nd the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to self-regulan class='redkw'>aan>te.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

六级I found than class='redkw'>aan>t this an class='redkw'>aan>bility to instan class='redkw'>aan>ntly shift my an class='redkw'>aan>ttention wan class='redkw'>aan>s often an class='redkw'>aan> good thing, like when pan class='redkw'>aan>ssing time on public tran class='redkw'>aan>nsportan class='redkw'>aan>tion.


2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级More than class='redkw'>aan>n an class='redkw'>aan> decan class='redkw'>aan>de an class='redkw'>aan>go, cognitive scientists John Bran class='redkw'>aan>nsford an class='redkw'>aan>nd Dan class='redkw'>aan>niel Schwan class='redkw'>aan>rtz, both then an class='redkw'>aan>t Van class='redkw'>aan>nderbilt University, found than class='redkw'>aan>t whan class='redkw'>aan>t distinguished young an class='redkw'>aan>dults from children wan class='redkw'>aan>s not the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to retan class='redkw'>aan>in fan class='redkw'>aan>cts or an class='redkw'>aan>pply prior knowledge to an class='redkw'>aan> new situan class='redkw'>aan>tion b

十多年前,范德比尔特大学的认知科学家约翰·布兰斯福德(John Bransford)和丹尼尔·施瓦茨(Daniel Schwartz)发现,年轻人区别于儿童的不是保留事实或将先验知识应用于新情况的能力

2015年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

六级Psychologists can class='redkw'>aan>ll them "man class='redkw'>aan>sters of deception", those ran class='redkw'>aan>re individuan class='redkw'>aan>ls with an class='redkw'>aan> nan class='redkw'>aan>turan class='redkw'>aan>l an class='redkw'>aan>bility to tell, with complete confidence, when someone is telling an class='redkw'>aan> lie.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级Some experts even consider lying an class='redkw'>aan> developmentan class='redkw'>aan>l milestone, like cran class='redkw'>aan>wling an class='redkw'>aan>nd wan class='redkw'>aan>lking, becan class='redkw'>aan>use it requires sophistican class='redkw'>aan>ted plan class='redkw'>aan>nning, an class='redkw'>aan>ttention an class='redkw'>aan>nd the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to see an class='redkw'>aan> situan class='redkw'>aan>tion from someone else5 s perspective to man class='redkw'>aan>nipulan class='redkw'>aan>te them.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

六级Studies han class='redkw'>aan>ve found obesity is an class='redkw'>aan>ssocian class='redkw'>aan>ted with impan class='redkw'>aan>irments in cognitive functioning, an class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan>ssessed by an class='redkw'>aan> ran class='redkw'>aan>nge of lean class='redkw'>aan>rning an class='redkw'>aan>nd memory tests, such an class='redkw'>aan>s the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to remember an class='redkw'>aan> list of words presented some minutes or hours ean class='redkw'>aan>rlier.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

六级The an class='redkw'>aan>bility to work well with others an class='redkw'>aan>nd collan class='redkw'>aan>boran class='redkw'>aan>te on projects is an class='redkw'>aan> sought-an class='redkw'>aan>fter an class='redkw'>aan>bility in nean class='redkw'>aan>rly every position.


2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

六级The very lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of an class='redkw'>aan> recovery period is dran class='redkw'>aan>man class='redkw'>aan>tican class='redkw'>aan>lly holding ban class='redkw'>aan>ck our collective an class='redkw'>aan>bility to be resilient an class='redkw'>aan>nd successful.


2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

六级When Liu, the UCLA sleep resean class='redkw'>aan>rcher an class='redkw'>aan>nd professor of medicine, brought chronican class='redkw'>aan>lly sleep-restricted people into the lan class='redkw'>aan>b for an class='redkw'>aan> weekend of sleep during which they logged an class='redkw'>aan>bout 10 hours per night, they showed improvements in the an class='redkw'>aan>bility of insulin to process


2015年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A

六级Yet like man class='redkw'>aan>ny college tean class='redkw'>aan>chers an class='redkw'>aan>round the U.S., the fan class='redkw'>aan>culty reman class='redkw'>aan>in doubtful than class='redkw'>aan>t their work an class='redkw'>aan>s educan class='redkw'>aan>tors can class='redkw'>aan>n be mean class='redkw'>aan>sured by an class='redkw'>aan> "lean class='redkw'>aan>rning outcome" such an class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan> gran class='redkw'>aan>duan class='redkw'>aan>te's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to investigan class='redkw'>aan>te an class='redkw'>aan>nd rean class='redkw'>aan>son.


2017年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A

考研Since our chief business with them is to enan class='redkw'>aan>ble them to shan class='redkw'>aan>re in an class='redkw'>aan> common life we can class='redkw'>aan>nnot help considering whether or no we an class='redkw'>aan>re forming the powers which will secure this an class='redkw'>aan>bility.



考研A lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of forman class='redkw'>aan>l educan class='redkw'>aan>tion, however, doesn't constran class='redkw'>aan>in the an class='redkw'>aan>bility of the developing world's workforce to substan class='redkw'>aan>ntian class='redkw'>aan>lly improve productivity for the forested future.



考研Building on the ban class='redkw'>aan>sic truth an class='redkw'>aan>bout interpersonan class='redkw'>aan>l influence,the resean class='redkw'>aan>rchers studied the dynan class='redkw'>aan>mics of socian class='redkw'>aan>l influence by conducting thousan class='redkw'>aan>nds of computer simulan class='redkw'>aan>tions of populan class='redkw'>aan>tions man class='redkw'>aan>nipulan class='redkw'>aan>ting an class='redkw'>aan> number of van class='redkw'>aan>rian class='redkw'>aan>bles relan class='redkw'>aan>ting to people’s an class='redkw'>aan>bility to influence others an class='redkw'>aan>nd their tendency to be influenced.



考研A recent an class='redkw'>aan>nnuan class='redkw'>aan>l study of countries an class='redkw'>aan>nd their an class='redkw'>aan>bility to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on than class='redkw'>aan>t question.



考研A lan class='redkw'>aan>ck of forman class='redkw'>aan>l educan class='redkw'>aan>tion, however, doesn't constran class='redkw'>aan>in the an class='redkw'>aan>bility of the developing world's workforce to substan class='redkw'>aan>ntian class='redkw'>aan>lly improve productivity for the foreseean class='redkw'>aan>ble future.


2009年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研A more pran class='redkw'>aan>ctican class='redkw'>aan>l goan class='redkw'>aan>l is to try, to the best of your an class='redkw'>aan>bility, to be an class='redkw'>aan>s toleran class='redkw'>aan>nt an class='redkw'>aan>nd composed an class='redkw'>aan>s you can class='redkw'>aan>n when fan class='redkw'>aan>ced with trying situan class='redkw'>aan>tions involving your children.


2020年考研真题(英语二)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

考研According to resean class='redkw'>aan>rch from Princeton University, people an class='redkw'>aan>ssess your competence, trustworthiness, an class='redkw'>aan>nd like an class='redkw'>aan>bility in just an class='redkw'>aan> tenth of an class='redkw'>aan> second, solely ban class='redkw'>aan>sed on the wan class='redkw'>aan>y you look.


2016年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研At first glan class='redkw'>aan>nce this might seem like an class='redkw'>aan> strength than class='redkw'>aan>t gran class='redkw'>aan>nts the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to man class='redkw'>aan>ke judgments which an class='redkw'>aan>re unbian class='redkw'>aan>sed by externan class='redkw'>aan>l fan class='redkw'>aan>ctors.


2013年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

考研Building on this ban class='redkw'>aan>sic truth an class='redkw'>aan>bout interpersonan class='redkw'>aan>l influence, the resean class='redkw'>aan>rchers studied the dynan class='redkw'>aan>mics of socian class='redkw'>aan>l influence by conducting thousan class='redkw'>aan>nds of computer simulan class='redkw'>aan>tions of populan class='redkw'>aan>tions, man class='redkw'>aan>nipulan class='redkw'>aan>ting an class='redkw'>aan> number of van class='redkw'>aan>rian class='redkw'>aan>bles relan class='redkw'>aan>ting to people's an class='redkw'>aan>bility to influen


2010年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研But an class='redkw'>aan> boost in the storan class='redkw'>aan>ge can class='redkw'>aan>pan class='redkw'>aan>city of ban class='redkw'>aan>tteries is man class='redkw'>aan>king their an class='redkw'>aan>bility to keep power flowing an class='redkw'>aan>round the clock more likely.


2018年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研Even an class='redkw'>aan>s we human class='redkw'>aan>ns count on forests to soan class='redkw'>aan>k up an class='redkw'>aan> good shan class='redkw'>aan>re of the can class='redkw'>aan>rbon dioxide we produce, we an class='redkw'>aan>re threan class='redkw'>aan>tening their an class='redkw'>aan>bility to do so.


2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研In an class='redkw'>aan> 2019 survey of University of Georgian class='redkw'>aan> students, mean class='redkw'>aan>nwhile, the can class='redkw'>aan>reer office found the most desiran class='redkw'>aan>ble tran class='redkw'>aan>it in an class='redkw'>aan> future employer wan class='redkw'>aan>s the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to offer secure employment followed by professionan class='redkw'>aan>l development an class='redkw'>aan>nd tran class='redkw'>aan>ining, an class='redkw'>aan>nd then inspiring purpose.


2020年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研ministers should an class='redkw'>aan>lso look an class='redkw'>aan>t crean class='redkw'>aan>ting grean class='redkw'>aan>ter certan class='redkw'>aan>inty in the rentan class='redkw'>aan>l environment, which would han class='redkw'>aan>ve an class='redkw'>aan> significan class='redkw'>aan>nt impan class='redkw'>aan>ct on the an class='redkw'>aan>bility of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.


2014年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研Our an class='redkw'>aan>bility to mute our han class='redkw'>aan>rd-wired rean class='redkw'>aan>ctions by pan class='redkw'>aan>using is whan class='redkw'>aan>t differentian class='redkw'>aan>tes us from an class='redkw'>aan>niman class='redkw'>aan>ls: dogs can class='redkw'>aan>n think an class='redkw'>aan>bout the future only intermittently or for an class='redkw'>aan> few minutes.


2013年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

考研To an class='redkw'>aan> certan class='redkw'>aan>in extent, our an class='redkw'>aan>bility to excel in man class='redkw'>aan>king the connections than class='redkw'>aan>t drive intelligence is inherited.


2014年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

考研To comban class='redkw'>aan>t the tran class='redkw'>aan>p of putting an class='redkw'>aan> premium on being busy, Can class='redkw'>aan>l Newport, an class='redkw'>aan>uthor of Deep work: Rules for Focused Success in an class='redkw'>aan> distran class='redkw'>aan>cted World, recommends building an class='redkw'>aan> han class='redkw'>aan>bit of "deep work"—the an class='redkw'>aan>bility to focus without distran class='redkw'>aan>ction.


2018年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

高考A compan class='redkw'>aan>ny showed an class='redkw'>aan> new voice technology an class='redkw'>aan>ble to produce such an class='redkw'>aan> convincing human class='redkw'>aan>n-sounding voice than class='redkw'>aan>t it wan class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan>ble to spean class='redkw'>aan>k to an class='redkw'>aan> receptionist.


2019年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考And if you han class='redkw'>aan>ve your lecture notes or the an class='redkw'>aan>rticle in han class='redkw'>aan>nd, you an class='redkw'>aan>nd the professor will be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to exan class='redkw'>aan>mine specific points than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan>re confusing to you, ran class='redkw'>aan>ther than class='redkw'>aan>n just tan class='redkw'>aan>lking in an class='redkw'>aan> generan class='redkw'>aan>l wan class='redkw'>aan>y an class='redkw'>aan>bout the contents.


2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 主旨概括 原文

高考And the good morning Britan class='redkw'>aan>in presenter san class='redkw'>aan>ys she's been an class='redkw'>aan>ble to put an class='redkw'>aan> lot of whan class='redkw'>aan>t she's lean class='redkw'>aan>rnt into pran class='redkw'>aan>ctice in her own home, prepan class='redkw'>aan>ring mean class='redkw'>aan>ls for sons, San class='redkw'>aan>m, 14, finn, 13.


2018年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考Being an class='redkw'>aan>ble to communican class='redkw'>aan>te idean class='redkw'>aan>s in an class='redkw'>aan> mean class='redkw'>aan>ningful wan class='redkw'>aan>y is an class='redkw'>aan> van class='redkw'>aan>luan class='redkw'>aan>ble skill.


2014年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 七选五 选项

高考But he is providing an class='redkw'>aan> few yean class='redkw'>aan>rs during which the fan class='redkw'>aan>rmers will, perhan class='redkw'>aan>ps, be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to find other mean class='redkw'>aan>ns of an class='redkw'>aan>dan class='redkw'>aan>pting.


2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考I wan class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan>ble to buy it an class='redkw'>aan> little over an class='redkw'>aan> yean class='redkw'>aan>r an class='redkw'>aan>go becan class='redkw'>aan>use I han class='redkw'>aan>d my relan class='redkw'>aan>tives give me money for my birthdan class='redkw'>aan>y instean class='redkw'>aan>d of clothes than class='redkw'>aan>t wouldn't fit.


2015年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

高考Instean class='redkw'>aan>d, computer users an class='redkw'>aan>re developing stronger tran class='redkw'>aan>nsan class='redkw'>aan>ctive memories; than class='redkw'>aan>t is, people an class='redkw'>aan>re lean class='redkw'>aan>rning how to organ class='redkw'>aan>nize huge quan class='redkw'>aan>ntities of informan class='redkw'>aan>tion so than class='redkw'>aan>t they an class='redkw'>aan>re an class='redkw'>aan>ble to an class='redkw'>aan>ccess it an class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan> lan class='redkw'>aan>ter dan class='redkw'>aan>te.


2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

高考Mean class='redkw'>aan>nwhile, with her pan class='redkw'>aan>rents' help, Moore is generan class='redkw'>aan>lly an class='redkw'>aan>ble to live an class='redkw'>aan> norman class='redkw'>aan>l teenan class='redkw'>aan>ge life.


2019年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考Prinstein han class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan>lso found than class='redkw'>aan>t the quan class='redkw'>aan>lities than class='redkw'>aan>t man class='redkw'>aan>de the neighbors wan class='redkw'>aan>nt you on an class='redkw'>aan> plan class='redkw'>aan>y dan class='redkw'>aan>te-shan class='redkw'>aan>ring, kindness, openness — can class='redkw'>aan>rry over to lan class='redkw'>aan>ter yean class='redkw'>aan>rs an class='redkw'>aan>nd man class='redkw'>aan>ke you better an class='redkw'>aan>ble to relan class='redkw'>aan>te an class='redkw'>aan>nd connect with others.


2019年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

高考Some 60, 000 novels were published during the victorian class='redkw'>aan>n an class='redkw'>aan>ge, from 1837 to 1901; todan class='redkw'>aan>y an class='redkw'>aan> can class='redkw'>aan>suan class='redkw'>aan>l rean class='redkw'>aan>der might be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to nan class='redkw'>aan>me an class='redkw'>aan> han class='redkw'>aan>lf-dozen of them.


2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

高考The crowne plan class='redkw'>aan>zan class='redkw'>aan> hotel in copenhan class='redkw'>aan>gen is offering an class='redkw'>aan> free mean class='redkw'>aan>l to an class='redkw'>aan>ny guest who is an class='redkw'>aan>ble to produce electricity for the hotel on an class='redkw'>aan>n exercise bike linked to an class='redkw'>aan> generan class='redkw'>aan>tor.


2016年高考英语浙江卷(10月) 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

高考The professor doesn't remember the comments he or she wrote on your individuan class='redkw'>aan>l piece of work, though he or she will be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to recan class='redkw'>aan>ll them an class='redkw'>aan>fter just an class='redkw'>aan> brief glan class='redkw'>aan>nce an class='redkw'>aan>t your work.


2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 主旨概括 原文

高考You will be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to tan class='redkw'>aan>ke pan class='redkw'>aan>rt in an class='redkw'>aan> number of an class='redkw'>aan>ctivities from can class='redkw'>aan>noeing to wild can class='redkw'>aan>mping on Dan class='redkw'>aan>rtmoor.


2018年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

四级When you can class='redkw'>aan>n quote an class='redkw'>aan> specific number like an class='redkw'>aan> fifth of the pan class='redkw'>aan>tients were an class='redkw'>aan>ble to quit, than class='redkw'>aan>t's compelling.



四级If you're tran class='redkw'>aan>ining for an class='redkw'>aan> man class='redkw'>aan>ran class='redkw'>aan>thon, you wouldn't expect to turn up an class='redkw'>aan>nd just be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to run it.



四级And I knew it wan class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan> negotian class='redkw'>aan>tion scheme, so I wan class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan>ble to san class='redkw'>aan>y to myself, ‘This is not rean class='redkw'>aan>l.



四级A very sman class='redkw'>aan>ll number of people an class='redkw'>aan>re an class='redkw'>aan>ble to remember an class='redkw'>aan>lmost every detan class='redkw'>aan>il of their life.



四级Some critics san class='redkw'>aan>y it is an class='redkw'>aan> luxury an class='redkw'>aan>nd shouldn't be free to fan class='redkw'>aan>milies an class='redkw'>aan>ble to pan class='redkw'>aan>y.



四级With wired setups, the fean class='redkw'>aan>r is than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan> burglan class='redkw'>aan>r ( ' , 入室盗贼) might be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to shut your system down simply by cutting the right can class='redkw'>aan>ble.

通过有线设置,人们担心的是窃贼(“,入室盗贼) 只需切断正确的电缆,就可以关闭您的系统。


四级It mean class='redkw'>aan>ns than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan> thief likely wouldn't be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to Google how the system works, then figure out an class='redkw'>aan> wan class='redkw'>aan>y an class='redkw'>aan>round it.



四级I'm tan class='redkw'>aan>lking an class='redkw'>aan>bout an class='redkw'>aan> ‘simulan class='redkw'>aan>tion(' 模 拟), I'm tan class='redkw'>aan>lking an class='redkw'>aan>bout ‘being an class='redkw'>aan>ble to solve this problem.

我说的是“模拟”模 拟), 我说的是‘能够解决这个问题’。


四级There an class='redkw'>aan>re two wan class='redkw'>aan>ys to interpret Plutan class='redkw'>aan>rch when he suggests than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan> critic should be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to produce an class='redkw'>aan> better in its plan class='redkw'>aan>ce.



四级He stood out in three wan class='redkw'>aan>ys-an class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan> technologist, an class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan> corporan class='redkw'>aan>te (公司的)lean class='redkw'>aan>der an class='redkw'>aan>nd an class='redkw'>aan>s somebody who wan class='redkw'>aan>s an class='redkw'>aan>ble to man class='redkw'>aan>ke people love whan class='redkw'>aan>t han class='redkw'>aan>d previously been impersonan class='redkw'>aan>l, functionan class='redkw'>aan>l gan class='redkw'>aan>dgets.



四级Whan class='redkw'>aan>t fan class='redkw'>aan>ctors man class='redkw'>aan>ke you more or less bold, intelligent, or an class='redkw'>aan>ble to rean class='redkw'>aan>d an class='redkw'>aan> man class='redkw'>aan>p?



四级"As whan class='redkw'>aan>t han class='redkw'>aan>ppened with toban class='redkw'>aan>cco, this will require an class='redkw'>aan> culturan class='redkw'>aan>l shift, but than class='redkw'>aan>t can class='redkw'>aan>n han class='redkw'>aan>ppen," san class='redkw'>aan>ys Nguyen. "In the san class='redkw'>aan>me wan class='redkw'>aan>y physician class='redkw'>aan>ns used to smoke, an class='redkw'>aan>nd then stopped smoking an class='redkw'>aan>nd were an class='redkw'>aan>ble to tan class='redkw'>aan>lk to pan class='redkw'>aan>tients an class='redkw'>aan>bout it,I think physician class='redkw'>aan>ns can class='redkw'>aan>n han class='redkw'>aan>ve an class='redkw'>aan> bigger voic


2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级According to an class='redkw'>aan> newly published study, can class='redkw'>aan>ts seem to be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to predict the locan class='redkw'>aan>tion of hiding prey (猎物) using both their ean class='redkw'>aan>rs an class='redkw'>aan>nd an class='redkw'>aan>n inborn (天生的) understan class='redkw'>aan>nding of how the physican class='redkw'>aan>l world works.

根据一项新发表的研究,猫似乎能够预测隐藏猎物的位置(猎物) 用他们的耳朵和天生的(天生的) 理解物理世界是如何运作的。

2018年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

四级But even if people an class='redkw'>aan>re an class='redkw'>aan>ble to economican class='redkw'>aan>lly support an class='redkw'>aan> retirement an class='redkw'>aan>t 65, over thirty yean class='redkw'>aan>rs of potentian class='redkw'>aan>l inan class='redkw'>aan>ctivity is han class='redkw'>aan>rmful to cognitive (认知的) an class='redkw'>aan>nd emotionan class='redkw'>aan>l vitan class='redkw'>aan>lity.

但是,即使人们能够在65岁时从经济上支持退休,超过30年的潜在不活动对认知能力是有害的(认知的) 和情感活力。

2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级In the san class='redkw'>aan>me wan class='redkw'>aan>y physician class='redkw'>aan>ns used to smoke, an class='redkw'>aan>nd then stopped smoking an class='redkw'>aan>nd were an class='redkw'>aan>ble to tan class='redkw'>aan>lk to pan class='redkw'>aan>tients an class='redkw'>aan>bout it,I think physician class='redkw'>aan>ns can class='redkw'>aan>n han class='redkw'>aan>ve an class='redkw'>aan> bigger voice in it.


2018年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级It is impossible than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan> single shot of educan class='redkw'>aan>tion, an class='redkw'>aan>dministered in childhood an class='redkw'>aan>nd ean class='redkw'>aan>rly an class='redkw'>aan>dulthood, will be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to support an class='redkw'>aan> sustan class='redkw'>aan>ined, 60-yean class='redkw'>aan>r can class='redkw'>aan>reer.


2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级It is impossible than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan> single shot of educan class='redkw'>aan>tion, an class='redkw'>aan>dministered in childhood an class='redkw'>aan>nd ean class='redkw'>aan>rly an class='redkw'>aan>dulthood,will be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to support an class='redkw'>aan> sustan class='redkw'>aan>ined, 60-yean class='redkw'>aan>r can class='redkw'>aan>reer.


2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

四级Lan class='redkw'>aan>ter, in his cook books, he would often include an class='redkw'>aan> sketch of himself, so than class='redkw'>aan>t people on the street would be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to recognize—an class='redkw'>aan>nd an class='redkw'>aan>dmire—him.


2018年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

四级The E-Kan class='redkw'>aan>ian class='redkw'>aan> is an class='redkw'>aan>ble to fully rechan class='redkw'>aan>rge an class='redkw'>aan> mobile phone in less than class='redkw'>aan>n two hours.



四级The plan class='redkw'>aan>ne stretches an class='redkw'>aan> totan class='redkw'>aan>l length of 54 meters, where experienced scuban class='redkw'>aan> divers will eventuan class='redkw'>aan>lly be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to venture through the can class='redkw'>aan>bin an class='redkw'>aan>nd an class='redkw'>aan>round the plan class='redkw'>aan>ne's exterior.


2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A

四级There an class='redkw'>aan>re two wan class='redkw'>aan>ys to interpret Plutan class='redkw'>aan>rch when he suggests than class='redkw'>aan>t an class='redkw'>aan> critic should be an class='redkw'>aan>ble to produce "an class='redkw'>aan> better in its plan class='redkw'>aan>ce."


2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
